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Hubungan antara Fasilitas Belajar di Sekolah dengan Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Indah Purnama Sari; Maman Surahman; Muhisom Muhisom
Pedagogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pedagogi
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung

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The problem in this reseach is the low learning outcomes of grade V students at SD Negeri 01 Gapura. The purpose of this study was to analyze and know the significant relationship between learning facilities and learning outcomes of class V SD Negeri 01 Gapura. The research method uses is quantitative. The population was 40 students and using saturated samples. The data collection tool using a questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used product moment correlation formula. The results showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between learning facilities and learning outcomes of class V elementary school students 01 Gapura Kotabumi Lampung Utara.Keywords: learning outcomes, learning facilitiesDOI:
Hubungan Gaya Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Peserta Didik Kelas IV SD Negeri Atika Suri; Lilik Sabdaningtyas; Muhisom Muhisom
Pedagogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 9, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pedagogi
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung

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The problem in this research is the low mathematics learning outcomes of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between learning styles and mathematics student learning outcomes. This type of research is quantitative with the ex-post facto correlation research method. The data collection techniques used were questionnaires and documentation. The population in this study were 112 class IV students, with a sample of 53 students. Hypothesis testing uses the Pearson product-moment correlation test. The results of the study of the two variables X and Y show a positive relationship with a correlation of 0.42 on moderate criteria, and it can be concluded that Ha is accepted, that there is a relantionship between learning style with the mathematics learning outcomes of the fourth-grade students of SD Negeri 2 Sumberejo.Keywords: Learning style, learning outcomes, mathematicsDOI:
Pedagogi: Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pedagogi
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.657 KB)


The aim of the study was to improve the students' ability to understand Belief In God And Believing The Apostle Of God phrases through sort-term learning. The method used is class action research. The study population was 72 second graders at SDN 01 Haduyang Natar with the sampling technique using multistage random sampling, so the research sample was 24 students. Data collection techniques using tests and observations. Qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques. The results of the study are that sort card-based learning methods can improve students' ability to understand Belief In God And Believing The Apostle Of God In Islamic Religion.Keywords: student skills, card sort learningDOI:
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah Vol. 7 No. 01 (2022): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Al-Idarah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54892/jmpialidarah.v7i01.170


Implementasi manajemen pendidikan merupakan salah satu bagian integral dari proses pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk menumbuh kembangkan kualitas pendidikan dan pondok pesantren harus berperan sehingga mutu pendidikanpun dapat terwujud dengan sempurna, sementara masih banyak pondok peantren di kabupaten Tanggamus yang belum mengimplementasikan manajemen dengan baik sehingga berimbas pada mutu pesantren itu sendiri dan belum menjadi sorotan pemerintah setempat, dibukti kan dari data pra survei bahwa kabupaten Tangamus memiliki sarana dari 20 PAUD/TK, 434 SD/MI, 58 SMP/MTs, 17 SMA/MA, 5 SMK/MK hingga Perguruan Tinggi dan terdapat 30 pondok pesantren yang terdaftar di Kemenag Kabupaten Tanggamus (Kemenag, 2018). Dengan demikian terdapat 534 sekolah dan hanya 30 pondok pesantren yang diantaranya, ada yang juga bersinergi dengan sekolah dan ada yang hanya pesantren saja. Berdasarkan fakta ini dan menjawab berbagai permasalahan yang ada di pesantren, yaitu diperlukan implementasi manajemen pendidikan. dan peneliti berusaha mengeksplorasi manajemen pendidikan melalui penelitian pada pondok pesantren di Kabupaten Tanggamus. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai melalui penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang Implementasi manajemen pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren Se kabupaten Tanggamus. Serta diharapkan dapat: 1) Menghasilkan informasi terkait dengan pelaksanaan manajemen pendidikan di pondok pesantren se Kabupaten Tanggamus. 2) Untuk memberikan pengetahuan mengenai manajerial yang baik bagi pondok pesantren se kabupaten Tanggamus.
Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Pembelajaran Tematik di SD Negeri 01 Haduyang Muncarno Muncarno; Rahmat Hermawan; muhisom muhisom
TERAMPIL: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 8, No 2 (2021): TERAMPIL
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (323.324 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/terampil.v8i2.10271


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis implementasi pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran  tematik  di  SD  Negeri  01  Haduyang  Kecamatan  Natar  Kabupaten  Lampung Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data penelitian adalah  guru  dan  peserta  didik  di  SD  Negeri  01  Haduyang  Kecamatan  Natar Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket, wawancara, dan observasi, yang hasilnya dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif dan triangulasi data. Hasil temuan penelitian ini adalah dalam mengimplementasikan pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran tematik melalui berbagai macam cara, seperti: mengajak peserta didik terjun langsung ke lapangan, menjelaskan tentang  berbagai  karakter  yang  harus  dimiliki  peserta  didik dengan  contoh  yang  biasa ditemukan peserta didik dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, menggunakan media film, metode pembiasaan, dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sering menggunakan metode tanya jawab dan diskusi kelompok,  dan  melalui  metode  keteladanan  dari  guru.  Melalui  beberapa  upaya  tersebut, membuat peserta didik lebih memahami tentang pentingnya memiliki karakter seperti meliputi: (1) kejujuran, (2) amanah, (3) disiplin, (4) tanggung jawab, (5) kerja keras, (6) toleransi, dan (7) rasa hormat, dan membuat peserta didik menjadi belajar untuk berlatih dan terbiasa menerapkan karakter tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Hubungan Kebiasaan Bermain Game Online dan Motivasi Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Tematik Peserta Didik Kelas V SD Negeri se-Gugus Diponegoro Kecamatan Metro Selatan Muhisom Muhisom; Hariyanto Hariyanto; Nelly Astuti; Siti Nuraini
Jurnal Pedagogik Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pedagogi
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lampung

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This study aims to determine a significant relationship between the habit of playing online games and learning motivation with thematic learning outcomes. Based on the analysis conducted, the research results can be concluded that there is a positive and significant relationship between the habit of playing online games with the thematic learning outcomes of students, indicated by the correlation coefficient being at the "Strong" level, there is a positive and significant relationship between learning motivation with the students' thematic learning outcomes indicated by the correlation coefficient being at the "strong" level, there is a positive and significant relationship between the habit of playing online games with learning motivation with the correlation coefficient being at the "strong enough" level, there is a positive and significant relationship between habits playing online games and learning motivation with thematic learning outcomes of students shown by the correlation coefficient is at the level of "Strong".Keywords: playing online games, motivation Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui hubungan yang signifikan antara kebiasaan bermain game online dan motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar tematik. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kebiasaan bermain game online dengan hasil belajar tematik peserta didik ditunjukkan dengan koefisien korelasi berada pada taraf “Kuat”, terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar tematik peserta didik ditunjukkan dengan koefisien korelasi berada pada taraf “Kuat”, terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kebiasaan bermain game online dengan motivasi belajar dengan koefisien korelasi berada pada taraf “cukup kuat”, terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara kebiasaan bermain game online dan motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar tematik peserta didik ditunjukan dengan koefisien korelasi berada pada taraf “Kuat”.Kata kunci: bermain game online, motivasi
Potensi Etnomatematika Berbasis Budaya Lampung untuk Meningkatkan Karakter Cinta Budaya Mahasiswa Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Frida Destini; Ujang Efendi; Muhisom Muhisom; Dayu Rika Perdana; Deviyanti Pangestu; Nindy Profithasari
Didaktika Vol 2, No 2 (2022): Didaktika
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Serang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/didaktika.v2i2.51207


Mathematics is a subject that has a close relationship with everyday human life. The meaning of the existence of mathematics is still rarely felt directly by students so that mathematics becomes abstract and tends to be full of meaningless numbers. In fact, in fact mathematics has many benefits in everyday life and can be more easily reasoned and understood and memorable if we have the sincerity to understand. Culture-based learning is a strategy for creating learning environments and designing learning experiences that integrate culture as part of the learning process. Through ethnomathematics, learning will be more memorable because it introduces local traditions and cultures that are still recognized and practiced by certain community groups. The type of research used by the author in this study is descriptive qualitative. The study was conducted to explore information about ethnomathematics based on Lampung culture using sticks to increase the cultural love of elementary school teacher education students. Technique The instrument used in this study is a non-test technique. The results showed that ethnomathematical learning can increase student interest by a percentage of 92% and can be used as an alternative to help students learn multiplication material in mathematics and can increase students' sense of cultural love.
Effect of Applying the Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model on Thematic Learning Outcomes of Grade V Elementary School Students Deviyanti Pangestu; Muhisom M; Roy Kembar Habibi; Pricilia Deyalita
TERAMPIL: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 9, No 2 (2022): TERAMPIL
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/terampil.v9i2.12860


The problem in this study is the low thematic learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Marga Agung which are not in accordance with the law which states optimizing the role of educators and improving the quality of educators. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of applying the make a match type cooperative learning model on thematic learning outcomes by mastering concepts and empirical experience in mastering innovative learning strategies for educators. The method used in this study was a quantitative research with an experimental type using the nonequivalent control group design technique using two classes as the sample to be studied, namely class VA and as the experimental class and class VB as the control class with a sample size of 33 students. The results of the study showed that there was a significant effect of applying the make a match cooperative model to the thematic learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Marga Agung for the 2021/2022 academic year.
Jurnal Pengabdian Sosial Indonesia Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Pengabdian Sosial Indonesia (JPSI)
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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Pelatihan pengurusan jenazah sangat dibutuhkan bagi masyarakat, karena faktanya masih banyak masyarakat yang belum faham dalam perawatan jenazah.Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah membantu RISMA di Kecamatan Natar dengan memberi pelatihan kepungurusan jenazah agar dapat bersama ta’mir masjid mengurus jenazah dan menjadi generasinya, serta menciptakan SDM yang unggul, berpengatuan serta bertakwa kepad Allah SWT. Metode pelaksanaan yang akan digunakan meliputi: (1)Memberikan pelatihan dan workshop dengan  menyajikan  materi  melalui  tatap  muka  langsung/daring  mengenai  pentingnya  peran RISMA terhadap masyarakat, (2)Memberikan pelatihan pengurusan jenazah kepada RISMA se Kecamatan Natar. Pendekatan yang akan diterapkan adalah pendekatan praktik dan komunikatif. Pendekatan ini didasari oleh pemikiran bahwa kemampuan pengurusan jenazah merupakan salah satu tujuan yang harus dicapai dalam upaya-upaya penanaman nilai-nilai, akhlaq, intelektualitas, profesionalisme, moralitas dan integritas Islam dalam membantu kebutuhan masyarakat di Kecamatan Natar.Kata Kunci : Pengurusan Jenazah, RISMADoi:
Effect of Applying the Make A Match Type Cooperative Learning Model on Thematic Learning Outcomes of Grade V Elementary School Students Deviyanti Pangestu; Muhisom M; Roy Kembar Habibi; Pricilia Deyalita
TERAMPIL: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Dasar Vol 9, No 2 (2022): TERAMPIL
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24042/terampil.v9i2.12860


The problem in this study is the low thematic learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Marga Agung which are not in accordance with the law which states optimizing the role of educators and improving the quality of educators. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of applying the make a match type cooperative learning model on thematic learning outcomes by mastering concepts and empirical experience in mastering innovative learning strategies for educators. The method used in this study was a quantitative research with an experimental type using the nonequivalent control group design technique using two classes as the sample to be studied, namely class VA and as the experimental class and class VB as the control class with a sample size of 33 students. The results of the study showed that there was a significant effect of applying the make a match cooperative model to the thematic learning outcomes of fifth grade students at SD Negeri 1 Marga Agung for the 2021/2022 academic year.