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Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Matematika Berbasis Kontekstual Ali Mahmudi; Sugiman Sugiman; Kuswari Hernawati; Himmawati Puji Lestari
Pythagoras: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol 17, No 2: December 2022
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/pythagoras.v17i2.26986


Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar matematika berbasis kontekstual yang valid, praktis, dan efektif dengan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri atas lima langkah pengembangan, yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Pengembangan bahan ajar ini penting untuk memfasilitas siswa dalam membangun pemahaman dan kebermaknaan dalam belajar matematika yang terjadi ketika siswa memahami keterkaitan antara suatu pengetahuan dengan pengetahuan lain atau dengan konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran kontekstual dilaksanakan dengan strategi REACT yang terdiri atas lima aktivitas produktif, yaitu relating (mengaitkan materi pembelajaran dengan konteks), experiencing (melakukan eksplorasi untuk menemukan konsep atau pengetahuan), applying (menerapkan pengetahuan yang telah dikonstruksi), cooperating (bekerjasama untuk menyelesaikan masalah), dan transferring (menerapkan pengetahuan pada situasi atau masalah baru). Struktur penyajian bahan ajar ini diawali dengan penyajian konteks atau masalah yang sesuai dengan suatu konsep. Pemahaman dan penyelesaian terhadap masalah tersebut dijadikan dasar untuk membahas konsep-konsep matematis. Bahan ajar juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai soal-soal latihan yang berupa masalah kontekstual untuk memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengaplikasikan konsep. Insrumen penelitian ini adalah lembar kevalidan bahan ajar, angket kepraktisan bahan ajar, angket respon siswa terhadap bahan ajar, dan tes hasil belajar matematika. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahan ajar matematika berbasis kontekstual yang valid, efektif, dan praktis.Development of contextual mathematics teaching material AbstractThis development research aims to develop mathematics contextual teaching materials that are valid, practical, and effective with the ADDIE development model consisting of five development steps, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The development of the teaching materials is important to facilitate students in building meaningfulness in learning mathematics. Meaningfulness can be obtained when students understand the relationship between concepts with other concepts and with the context in everyday life. Contextual learning is implemented with a REACT strategy consisting of five productive activities: relating, experiencing, applying, cooperating and transferring. The structure of contextual-based mathematical teaching materials begins with an exploration of the context or problem as a basis for constructing a mathematical concept. Teaching materials are also equipped with various problems of contextual problem solving as a concept application that has been constructed. The instrument of this research is the validation sheet, the instrument of the practicality of the teaching materials, the questionnaire of the students’ response to the teaching materials and the test of achievement. The results of this study are mathematics contextual materials that are valid, effective and practical.
Penerapan metode cutting plane terhadap optimisasi jumlah produksi Mohamad Fausi; Himmawati Puji Lestari
Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Matematika Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Matematika
Publisher : Jurnal Kajian dan Terapan Matematika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to optimize the amount of bakpia production in Bakpia Madania SMEs in order to obtain maximum profits. The optimization problem for Bakpia Madania UKM is that the number of products produced must be an integer (in packaging) or not in the form of a fraction. The research method used to solve these problems is the cutting plane method. The cutting plane method is a method used to solve linear integer programming, both pure and mixed integers with the addition of a new constraint called gomory. Gomory constraint is given if the value of the decision variable is not unanimous (fractional value). The results showed that the optimum solution using the plane cutting method at UKM Bakpia Madania resulted in the production of original packaged bakpia as many as 364 boxes, original packaged bakpia as many as 175 boxes, chocolate bakpia as many as 21 boxes, and cheese bakpia as much as 40 boxes and the maximum profit obtained was Rp. 2,221,820 with the difference / increase in profit with the company's initial profit of Rp. 47,460.