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WebQual 4.0 dan Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) : Eksplorasi Kualitas Situs Web e-Kuisioner Ismail, Ismail; Al-Bahri, Fauzan Putraga
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 3, No 2 (2019): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.497 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v3i2.87


Aplikasi e-kuisoner yang peneliti bangun menggunakan CodeIgniter dan React-Js yang berfungsi untuk mendukung kegiatan peneliti melakukan survei kepada responden secara daring dan perlu dilakukan berbagai evaluasi kualitas aplikasi tersebut agar dapat sesuai dengan harapan dari pengguna, salah satunya melakukan analisis kualitas website dengan menggunakan metode WebQual 4.0 dengan pendekatan Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode survei dengan menggunakan metode WebQual 4.0 serta Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) untuk mengukur tingkat kinerja dan kepentingan pada website e-Kusioner. Hasil penelitian ini didapati bahwa tingkat kepentingan dan tingkat kinerja pada website e-Kuisioner yang perlu dimaksimalkan pada kemudahan penggunaan, tampilan, serta perbaikan pada halaman informasi serta komuikasi yang harus di perhatikan oleh pihak pengelola website E-Kuisioner.Kata Kunci:WebQual 4.0, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA), Eksplorasi, Kualitas, Situs Web, e-Kuisioner.
Sistem Informasi Akademik Berbasis Cloud pada Akademi Farmasi Mandiri Banda Aceh Ismail, Ismail; Harmisal, Harmisal; Jumaidin, T Faisal
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 2, No 1 (2018): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1066.612 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v2i1.48


Cloud-based academic information system at Academy of Pharmacy Mandiri Banda Aceh is an application system used to do processing of academic data at Academy of Pharmacy Mandiri Banda Aceh with the use of cloud computing services as an academic information system infrastructure. The problem discussed is how to make information system in giving fast and correct report at Mandiri Banda Aceh Pharmacy Academy. The purpose of this study is to analyze the needs of Academic data information at the Academy of Pharmacy Mandiri Banda Aceh, because during this processing of data lectures are still using office applications and not use cloud technology, so the resulting information is ineffective and takes a very long time and cause effects data inaccuracies. During the execution of the last task carried out assessment of the problem and the basic theory of lecture data so that the system needs specifications to solve the problem by the basic theory that has been studied. Furthermore, an information system design is done, including system development method used to build an information system covering the steps of analysis, design, and implementation. From the discussion that the author did, in get the conclusion that the data processing can be developed further by utilizing Lazarus IDE and cloud technology.
Analisis Dampak Technostress terhadap Pembelajaran Praktikum Komputer Mukhtar, Mukhtar; Ismail, Ismail
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 3, No 2 (2019): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.446 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v3i2.93


Penelitian ini berfokus pada pengembangan niat penggunaan komputer secara diskontinu, yaitu niat perilaku dalam fase pengakhiran, dalam konteks pelajaran rekayasa perangkat lunak, dimana Institusi pendidikan AMIK Indonesia menggunakan kurikulum dengan praktik lebih banyak daripada pembelajaran materi dan ini menunjukkan peran yang sangat penting, diharapkan penelitian ini juga menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan peneliti dan dosen praktikum komputer untuk mengontrol perilaku mahasiswa dalam penyerapan materi agar kompetensi selaras dengan tujuan pembelajaran praktikum sehingga menghasilkan lulusan yang bermutu. Penelitian ini dilakukan di AMIK Indonesia Banda Aceh. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa aktif pada Perguruan Tinggi tersebut. Dengan teknik purposive sampling dengan melibatkan 60 responden melalui metode survei, dan data dianalisis dengan SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dampak positif dan negatif yang ditimbulkan pembelajaran praktikum komputer terhadap perilaku mahasiswa di AMIK Indonesia. Secara praktis, penelitian ini berguna dalam mengembangkan desain tata kelola pembelajaran praktikum komputer yang menjadi dasar materi di institusi yang banyak melibatkan praktikum dan penggunaan komputer. Peningkatan kurikulum pembelajaran praktikum komputer khususnya diharapkan akan memiliki dampak besar pada kualitas mahasiswa tersebut tetapi penguatan materi dan pengurangan tugas dengan melibatkan kasus di lapangan akan membuat mahasiswa akan paham dan mudah mempelajari materi praktikum itu sendiri.Kata Kunci:Analisis, Dampak, Technostress, Pembelajaran, Praktikum.
Model Marketplace Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Tarmizi, Tarmizi; Ismail, Ismail
Jurnal EMT KITA Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Journal EMT KITA
Publisher : Lembaga KITA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (304.449 KB) | DOI: 10.35870/emt.v4i1.125


This study aims to create a market model based on local wisdom so that the marketing activities of small businesses can run effectively. To prove the effectiveness of digital marketing media in the form of a marketplace, research subjects are needed, namely small businesses involved directly with online marketing, interview approaches, and their success rate in using digital media (marketplaces). Through this research, it is expected that small businesses can choose wisely and effectively the use of digital media (marketplaces) in their marketing activities so that their sales turnover can increase. The study took the location or object of research in the city of Banda Aceh. Considering that consumer behavior in the city of Banda Aceh is different from one another, of course, it must be measured and tested, whether the market model based on local wisdom can be applied and has a significant relationship to increase marketing activities and product sales of business actors. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research, data analysis in the field of the research model and method is carried out by interviewing several SMEs and local marketplace users in the city of Banda Aceh. The sample in this study is small business practitioners who actively use the marketplace for the past two years in the process of marketing and selling their products in the online market. From the results of the non-random sampling, 173 respondents were generally employed, who were small businesses. Data collection techniques using interview and questionnaire models, and the analysis model used here is the Crosstabs Test. Based on the results of surveys and interviews with several business actors, it was found that there is a marketplace model based on local wisdom that has a very significant relationship in increasing the income of small businesses marketing and selling their products online in Banda Aceh City. Keywords: Marketplace, Small business actors, Local Wisdom
Black-Box Testing : Analisis Kualitas Aplikasi Source Code Bank Programming Ismail, Ismail; Efendi, Jalisal
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 5, No 1 (2021): JTIK
Publisher : KITA Institut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v5i1.148


The Source Code Bank Programming application that the researchers built uses Borland Delphi which functions to support software learning activities and as a reference for software developers, especially the Delphi programming language. In the process of developing Source Code Bank Programming is still in the prototype stage and further development is still being carried out so that it can be competitively competitive in the world. It is necessary to do various evaluations of the quality of the application in order to match the expectations of the user, one of which is to analyze the quality of the application using the Black-Box Testing method. Testing the Black-Box Source Code Bank Programming uses 3 methods, namely; 1) Graph-based testing, 2) Equivalence Partitioning, and 3) Boundary Value Analysis. The research results show that graph testing, equivalence partitioning, and boundary value analysis will be able to help the process of making test cases and make testing simpler, There are errors in testing and are included in the defect-list, the test results also show that the fulfillment of user needs for public users with a value 0.90, user registers/member with a value of 1.00, students with a value of 0.90, lecturers with a value of 0.82 and admin with a value of 0.84 are classified as good because the degree of value in each user module is greater than 0.8.
Bakti Banua : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1, No 1 (2020): BAKTI BANUA : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Indonesia (STIMI) Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.433 KB) | DOI: 10.35130/bbjm.v1i1.103


Upaya yang efektif dan komprehensif membutuhkan partisipasi banyak pihak demi meningkatkan kualitas dan kewirausahaan bagi kalangan pemuda agar terhindarnya perilaku negatif dalam lingkungan seperti narkoba, criminal, dan sebagainya. Pendidikan formal belum cukup untuk membentuk kewirausahaan, kurikulum di lembaga pendidikan belum sepenuhnya dimiliki Perguruan Tinggi dalam menciptakan wirausahawan baru. Perguruan Tinggi memiliki kewajiban dalam melakukan pengembangan pendidikan sebagai bentuk partisipasinya dalam mendukung usahawan muda di daerah sekitar. Salah satu upaya untuk mendorong wirausahawan dalah dengan memberikan pelatihan, pembinaan, dan pendampingan. Kegiatan IbM dilakukan pada kelompok usaha muda di Banda Aceh dilakukan pada bulan juli tahun 2017. Metode pelaksanaan program yang akan dilakukan adalah : (1) pelatihan manajemen usaha, (2) Pelatihan produksi, (3) pelatihan administrasi dan (4) pendampingan. Semua metode ini merupakan satu kesatuan dari program IbM. Hasil dari kegiatan IbM ini telah membentuk kerjasama dan pengetahuan serta keahlian bagi peserta sehingga mampu dalam mengelola usaha bidang kerajinan, souvenir, sablon dan percetakan.
IbM Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Sebagai Upaya Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kewirausahaan dan Menggali Ide Usaha Baru Ismail Ismail; Fauzan Putraga Fauzan Putraga Al-Bahri; Lukman Ahmad; Abdus Salam
Jurnal Pengabdian Nasional (JPN) Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Januari-Juni
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jpni.v1i1.3


Gampong Keubang merupakan sebuah gampong yang terletak tidak jauh dari pusat Kecamatan Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie. Potensi pengembangan dan penumbuhan jiwa keriwausahaan sangat besar di Gampong Keubang tersebut, meskipun demikian pengembangan dan pembinaan jiwa kewirausahaan masih belum optimal karena pembinaan di Gampong Keubang tersebut berfokus pada pembinaan keagamaan bukan pembinaan yang bersifat pembekalan kemandirian ekonomi. Berdasarkan uraian yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya, perlu diadakan pelatihan kewirausahaan bagi masyarakat khususnya genarasi muda untuk menumbuhkan jiwa kewirausahaan dan menggali potensi yang ada. Dengan diadakan pelatihan kewirausahaan diharapkan mampu memunculkan usaha baru dan memberikan efek positif pada pengembangan mental kemandirian generasi muda. Pelatihan ini ditujukan pada Gampong Keubang Kecamatan Indrajaya Kabupaten Pidie. Tujuan kegiatan PPM ini adalah; menumbuhkan spirit, motivasi, dan kreativitas berwirausaha kepada para masyarakat di Gampong Keubang, dan memberikan pengetahuan yang memadai untuk membuat business plan kepada masyarakat di Gampong Keubang. Adapun hasil dari pengabdian Kegiatan Pelatihan Kewirausahaan bagi masyarakat Gampong Keubang secara umum berlangsung dengan baik, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan; tumbuhnya spirit, motivasi, dan kreativitas masyarakat Gampong Keubang untuk menggali ide potensi usaha, dan dapat disusunnya business plan usaha baru yang akan dikembangkan oleh masyarakat di Gampong Keubang.
SOSIALISASI EKONOMI SYARIAH DI GAMPONG ATEUK LAMPHANG, SIMPANG TIGA, KABUPATEN ACEH BESAR Ijal Fahmi; Zakaria Zakaria; Nasir Nasir; Irma Farnita; Ilyas Ilyas; Taufiq Iqbal; Ismail Ismail
E-Amal: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 3: September 2021
Publisher : LP2M STP Mataram

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The purpose of socialization in the form of service is carried out so that partners can; 1) Understanding Islamic economics, 2) Creating an Islamic Economic Community (MES), 3) Being able to answer the challenges of advancing learning technology, and 4) Evaluating the Islamic economic system in partner villages. The implementation of this Community Service activity is carried out using lecture, tutorial, and discussion methods. The usefulness of this community service activity is evaluated through a questionnaire by testing the usefulness of the simulation device which is calculated from the perspective of the community/participant which is translated into three quality dimensions, namely 3 dimensions, namely: (1) Motivation; (2) responsiveness, and (3) usability index. The results of the evaluation concluded that the Tool Benefit Index assessed by SME managers calculated with the utility index resulted in a range of IKP values ​​of 86 which was in the range of b + 4c IKP < a. The existence of the IKP at this interval means that the SME managers state that the Islamic Economic Socialization activity is very useful to be implemented in Gampong Ateuk Lamphang, Simpang Tiga, Aceh Besar District..
Perancangan E-Kuisioner menggunakan CodeIgniter dan React-Js sebagai Tools Pendukung Penelitian Ismail Ismail; Fauzan Putraga AlBahri
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 3, No 2 (2019): EDISI SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1130.664 KB) | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v3i2.152


The development of questionnaires that can capture usability problems in each case is expected to be more effective and efficient. At present, the use of e-questionnaires has evolved with the use of technologies such as the emergence of monkey surveys, type forms, google forms, Zoho surveys, and gizmo surveys that can be used to facilitate the work of creating, distributing and retrieving survey feedback online. This research tries to build an e-questionnaire model using Codeigniter and react-js which can be used as an alternative while prioritizing the appearance of end-users by adopting the Google form service but having features by being able to add questions in the form of multimedia and also being able to disseminate information on survey results with the concept of sharing datasets to various digital online sources. The methodology used in the research to be carried out is the DSRM (Design Science Research Method) method and at the research, the stage consists of; problem identification, defining objects and solutions, design and development, implementation, evaluation, and conclusion. This research resulted in an e-questionnaire application that can be used as an alternative while prioritizing the appearance of end-users by adopting the Google form service but has features that can add questions in the form of multimedia and can also disseminate survey results with the concept of sharing datasets to various digital sources. online with the use of the Codelnigter and React-Js framework can improve effective appearance while maintaining system security. It is hoped that the e-questionnaire can increase the distribution of research data in the form of electronic datasets and can be fully used as a reference for researchers in Indonesia, especially AMIK Indonesia.
Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Indonesia : Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi (JIMIK)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) AMIK Indonesia

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Based on data available at Kesbangpol and Public Relations of Aceh Province, the number of Community Organizations in Aceh Province are mostly Community Organizations that have obtained a Certificate of Registration (SKT) issued by the Unity and Political Office and the rest have not met the requirements to become community organizations as stipulated in the provisions of the Law. Law Number 17 of 2013 concerning Community Organizations. The research objectives were to find out the Information System for Registration of Community Organizations at the Kesbangpol and Public Relations of Aceh Province and to design a Web-based Information System for Registration of Community Organizations at Kesbangpol and Public Relations of Aceh Province. The author collects data with several data collection methods, including the following; Field Studies and Literature Studies with the waterfall method as the method used for system development. Based on the results of observations and the authors can draw a conclusion, among others, this information system for registration of community organizations can make it easy for Kesbangpol and Public Relations of Aceh Province to monitor data and community organizations.