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Perubahan Sifat Kimia Pelet Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Akibat Proses Torefaksi Cahyo Eko Purnomo; Agus Haryanto; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu; Mareli Telaumbanua
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Maret 2022
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1379.764 KB) | DOI: 10.23960/jurnal abe.v1i1.5547


Biomass is organic material produced from the process of photosynthesis. Biomass can be produced directly as a product or waste from processing agricultural or plantation products. One of the most abundant biomass is the waste generated from oil palm processing, including oil palm empty fruit bunches (OPEFB). Basically, OPEFB waste is only used as natural mulch or only disposed of in oil palm plantations. There are very few processing methods that convert into uniform shape and size biomass pellets, biomass pellets require an additional process called torrefaction, this is done to make bioenergy utilization more optimal. The quality of biomass pellets can be improved through torrefaction, which is a heat treatment process at a temperature range of 200°C–300°C under limited oxygen conditions. This study aims to examine the effect of torrefaction on the characteristics of OPEFB pellets. Pellet torrefaction uses a rotary reactor tube, a device that performs torrefaction with a tube that rotates 360º on a support shaft with the help of a transformer. Torrefaction temperatures applied were 220°C, 240°C, and 260°C with 15, 25, and 35 minutes. Pellet testing includes changes in chemical composition. The results showed that the water content of the pellets decreased from 10.57% to 1.64%. The water absorption test also showed that the torrefaction pellets were more resistant to water, so it would be very beneficial when the pellets were stored in humid conditions. Torrefaction causes a decrease in cellulose content, hemicellulose, and an increase in lignin content. Torrefaction with reactor tubes can improve the quality of EPEFB pellets and increase the added value of the product.
Mathematical Model of Drying Edamame (Glycine max (L.) Merill) Using Food Dehydrator Technology Based on Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Rizza Wijaya; Silvia Oktavianur Yudiastuti; Anna Mardhiana Handayani; Elok Kurnia Novita Sari; Tri Wahyu Saputra; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu; Aulia Brilliantina
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 11, No 4 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v11i4.589-600


Edamame is included in perishable products or products that have a fairly short shelf life if post-harvest processing is not carried out. One of the post-harvest processing methods commonly used by the community is drying. The purpose of this study was to analyze the drying process of edamame related to the MLRL and ANN models. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with three variations of air velocity, namely 1 m/s, 3 m/s, and 5 m/s. Data collection was repeated three times every 30 minutes until 330 minutes.  Multiple linear regression (MLR) model training and validation produce accuracy values of 88.03 and 82.23, and the value of R2 of 0.93 and 0.90. While the training and validation of the artificial neural network (ANN) model resulted in accuracy values of 88.34 and 82.15, and R2 values of 0.93 and 0.90. Keywords:    ANN, Drying, Edamame, Food  dehydrator
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 10, No 2 (2021): Juni
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v10i2.252-262


The potential of brown sugar as a substitute for granulated sugar is enormous considering the abundant coconut sap production. However, the quantity of brown sugar production through the traditional method is one of the main obstacles. This study used a vacuum evaporator that emphasizes the hygienic and effective mass production of brown sugar. For this reason, it is necessary to approach changes in the physical properties of sap juice during the cooking process. This knowledge is indispensable in the cooking process, which involves the proper evaporation and crystallization of brown sugar. This research is devoted to determining the viscosity, density, and dissolved solids expressed in Brix and proposes a mathematical model to predict the physical properties during the evaporation process of brown sugar as a function of the initial concentration the solution before proceeding to the crystallization process. Results confirm that the prediction model for Brix is Cθ=(Co–Ce)·exp(0.0067·t)+Ce, the model for viscosity µθ=µo·exp(0.011·t), and ρө=(0.44996·t)+ρ0 for the density prediction model. The resulted mathematical model can accurately predict the rate of change in coconut sap's physical properties, indicated by the high coefficient of determination (R2). Keywords : brix, brown sugar, density, vacuum evaporator, viscosity
Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistem Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Rekayasa Pertanian dan Biosistem
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Pangan & Agroindustri (Fatepa) Universitas Mataram dan Perhimpunan Teknik Pertanian (PERTETA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.071 KB) | DOI: 10.29303/jrpb.v11i1.481


Gula merupakan salah satu komoditas kebutuhan pokok. Proses produksi untuk menghasilkan gula di pabrik terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu penggiingan, pemurnian, penguapan, kristalisasi,  pemisahan dan penyelesaian. Setelah itu, gula yang telah dikemas, disimpan dalam gudang sebelum di kirim ke pasar. Kondisi lingkungan gudang penyimpan gula harus sesuai dengan standar. Faktor lingkungan yang tidak sesuai, mampu merusak gula. Beberapa faktor lingkungan penting dalam gudang penyimpanan yaitu suhu, kelembaban, CO2, dan api. Ketersediaan alat ukur portable berbasis internet of things merupakan salah satu bentuk pengawasan keamanan pabrik gula di dalam gudang, sehingga gula yang disimpan tidak menggumpal, meleleh dan menjadi rusak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuat alat monitoring gudang pabrik gula menggunakan sistem internet of things (IoT). Alat monitoring ruang yang dibuat terdiri dari komponen utama Wemos D1 R2, sensor MQ-135 untuk deteksi CO2, sensor DHT22 untuk deteksi suhu dan kelembaban dan sensor api. Semua komponen disusun di dalam kotak elektronik berwarna hitam dengan ukuran 15 cm x 9,5 cm x 5 cm. Terdapat 5 alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Uji kinerja sistem meliputi, tingkat stabilitas, Reliabilitas, respon sistem, akurasi pengiriman data. perhitungan penggunaan daya listrik dan biaya operasional alat diukur dalam penelitian ini. Uji kinerja dilakukan selama 7 hari dengan jarak antar ruang 50-100 meter. Dari hasil uji kinerja, seluruh sistem telah bekerja stabil. Hasil pengujian dengan menggunakan Cronbach Alpha taraf 5% menunjukan alat 1 sampai 5 menghasilkan nilai reliabilitas tinggi. Rerata respon sistem ke 5 alat yaitu 8,28 detik. Rerata akurasi transmisi data dari 5 alat meliputi data suhu adalah 0,00124, kelembaban 0,00434, dan Nilai CO2 adalah 0,00678. Hasil uji kinerja menunjukkan bahwa alat telah bekerja dengan baik sesuai harapan.
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Bioslurry di Desa Rejomulyo, Kecamatan Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan Mareli Telaumbanua; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu; Siti Suharyatun; Agus Haryanto; Winda Rahmawati; Sri Waluyo
Education Language and Arts (ELA) Vol. 1 No. 1 April (2022): Education, Language, and Arts: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, FKIP Universitas Lampung

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Biogas technology from floating drum-type cow dung made in Rejomulyo village, Jati Agung sub-district, South Lampung, can produce biogas for daily fuel. However, the residual waste or biogas dregs (sludge/bio-slurry) have not been utilized, only disposed of at a waste disposal site. This community service activity aims to increase the added value of biogas waste by utilizing sludge/bio-slurry for organic fertilizer in vegetable cultivation in yards and gardens. The activity was carried out using the extension method for making vegetable cultivation pilot units using sludge/bio-slurry. Furthermore, through Gapoktan and Agricultural Extension as companions, it can be developed in people's homes that have a biogas digester. The conclusion is that cow dung as waste from livestock business has been successfully converted into biogas and slurry. The success of this training is indicated by the high enthusiasm of the participants and the ongoing implementation of liquid fertilizer (bio-slurry).
Pemanfaatan Bonggol Jagung Sebagai Bahan Campuran Pembuatan Paving block Porous Firmansyah Ully Pratama; Winda Rahmawati; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu; Siti Suharyatun
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 3 (2023): September 2023
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jabe.v2i3.7891


The development needs of the population that continues to increase cause a mismatch in land use. This can make it possible to reduce water catchment areas in any areas with dense building growth. The use of cement in both housing and road construction results in reduced water absorption areas because cement has properties that make it difficult to absorb water, so water will become stagnant. Therefore, a cement substitute is needed to cover the shortage of cement. The addition of corn cobs in the paving block mortar is expected to increase its water absorption without reducing the compressive strength of the paving blocks. This is done to reduce corn cob waste and save on staple food costs. as well as being used as a useful product innovation in reducing corn cob waste. After printing is complete, the porous paving blocks are dried in the sun and conditioned for approximately 21 days, then the porous paving blocks are ready to be tested. The experimental design consisted of 4 treatments, namely C1, C2, C3, and C4. For the density test, values were obtained with an average of 1.327 g/cm3 – 1.628 g/cm3. For the infiltration test, a value of 0.274 mm/s was obtained. Whereas the visible test is obtained with the appropriate form of paving texture obtained on factor C4 because the resulting texture is good and there are no gaps or defects when the paving has been printed. The highest value from the water absorption test occurred in the C4 treatment with a value of 23.91%. The effect of corncob waste on Porous Paving Blocks in this study is that the more corncob waste fiber is used, the more porous paving block cavities will be, and vice versa if using less corncob waste fiber, the pore cavities will be larger. produced on porous paving blocks will be less. Keywords: Corn Cogs,  Paving block Porous.
Analisis Ergonomika Pengoperasian Bagian Pencacah pada Mesin Pencacah Pakan Ternak Multiguna Ayu Anggiana; Siti Suharyatun; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu; Warji Warji
Jurnal Agricultural Biosystem Engineering Vol 2, No 3 (2023): September 2023
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jabe.v2i3.8037


The multi-purpose animal feed chopping machine is one of the feed chopping tools that many farmers use to help speed up the chopping of raw materials that will be used as animal feed. The chopping machine can be operated optimally if the machine is ergonomic so that it is safe and comfortable to operate. This study aims to analyze the ergonomics of a multi-purpose animal feed chopper in terms of anthropometry, operating workload and the level of work fatigue specifically for the chopper. This research uses quantitative methods which are supported by literature studies regarding the design of creating machine dimensions. The parameters in this study are: (1) anthropometric data consisting of Standing Finger Tip Height (TJUB), Standing Vertical Reach (JVB), and Standing Horizontal Reach (JHB); (2) the recommended weight limit that can be lifted by the operator (RWL), and (3) cardiovascular load (CVL). The research results stated that the height of the chopper hopper (100 cm) was classified as ergonomic because it was still between TJUB (66.10 cm) and JVB (183.95 cm). The operator's position from the hopper should not exceed JHB (66.00 cm). The recommended load limit (RWL) is 5.38 kg. Operation of the machine chopper section does not cause work fatigue with an average CVL of 10.71% (≤ 30%). Keywords: Anthropometry, CVL,  Pulse Rate, RWL, Work Fatigue.
Pengenalan Konsep 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) dalam Peningkatan Kesadaran Lingkungan di SD Khoiru Ummah Bandar Lampung: Introduction of the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Concept to Increase Environmental Awareness in Khoiru Ummah Elementary School in Bandar Lampung Elhamida Rezkia Amien; Dwi Dian Novita; Mareli Tenaumbanua; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Inovatif Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Inovatif
Publisher : Research and Social Study Institute (RESSI)

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SD Khoiru Ummah merupakan salah satu sekolah dasar yang mengedepankan adab serta ilmu dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Salah satu hal yang paling penting yang perlu ditanamkan sejak dini adalah adab tentang kebersihan. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu dengan pengenalan dan penerapan konsep 3R (Reduce, Reuse, dan Recycle). Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk menanamkan konsep kebersihan lingkungan serta menumbuhkan kebiasaan 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) sejak dini. Pengabdian dilaksanakan pada 9 Agustus 2022. Metode yang digunakan untuk mendukung kegiatan ini ialah dengan memberikan edukasi tentang pengolahan limbah skala rumah tangga. Tahapan kegiatan program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini meliputi: perumusan masalah berupa identifikasi timbulan limbah, sosialisasi penanganan limbah yang tepat untuk anak-anak, pelatihan pengelolaan limbah, pendampingan, dan terakhir adalah evaluasi kegiatan. Materi kegiatan sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan siswa dimana masih banyak siswa yang belum memahami tentang jenis-jenis sampah dan penerapan 3R dalam pengolahan sampah. Seletah mengikuti pemaparan materi dan pelatihan, para siswa jauh lebih memahami jenis sampah dan konsep 3R yang ditunjukkan dari hasil jawaban pada lembar post test. Sebanyak 61% siswa memahami konsep 3R dan 86% siswa memahami jenis-jenis sampah rumah tangga. Selain itu, mitra sangat antusias terhadap kegiatan dan berharap kegiatan serupa dapat dilaksanakan kembali.
The Kinetics of Ethanol Volume Change With Variation of Input Volume and Heating Temperature in The Re-Distillation Process of Glucomannan Extraction Residue Using Batch Distillator Saut Edo Riko Manurung; Rizky Qhasim Pratama; Sri Rahayoe; Joko Nugroho W. K; Febryan Kusuma Wisnu
Jurnal Teknik Pertanian Lampung (Journal of Agricultural Engineering) Vol 11, No 1 (2022): March
Publisher : The University of Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23960/jtep-l.v11i1.161-173


Ethanol is commonly used as a solvent in extracting glucomannan from Porang. However, the extraction process often leaves ethanol. The remaining ethanol can be re-distilled to save the use of it. The remaining ethanol is used in the re-distillation process with input volumes of 50L and 100L with variations in heating temperatures of 80°C, 85°C, and 90°C. This study aimed to analyze the effect of the ethanol input volume and temperature on the output volume of re-distilled ethanol and determine the constant change in volume of re-distilled ethanol using kinetics and Arrhenius equations. The results showed that the input volume and heating temperature variation differed significantly from the ethanol output volume. The k value changes in the ethanol output volume from re-distillation with an input volume of 50L and a temperature variation of 80°C, 85°C, and 90°C respectively were 0.0016, 0.0023, and 0.0027 L/min, while the input volume of 100L was 0.0009, 0.001, and 0.0014 L/min. The results of the k value as a function of temperature using the Arrhenius equation showed that the re-distillation process with an input volume of 50L and 100L produces activation energy (Ea) of 55.83 kJ/mol and 46.94 kJ/mol, while the collision frequency value (A) of 3.03x105/min and 7.7x103/min.Keywords: Distillation, ethanol, glucomannan, arrhenius model, re-distillation