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Universal Humanity as Discourse of Nationalism in Garin Nugroho’s Soegija (2012) Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; M. Andhy Nurmansyah; Rizki Nufiarni; Scarletina Vidyayani Eka
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 11, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.11.1.2021.80-95


This research discusses discourse of nationalism in Garin Nugroho’s Soegija, a biopic which premiered in 2012. The film is chosen because it presents the story of Soegijapranata, an intellectual who is not from dominant nationalist groups, during the era of independence movement; he is neither a prominent military figure nor a figure from the largest religious group in Indonesia. This film is analyzed to investigate its position in ideological contestations emerging after the Reformation, particularly after the 2000s. Seymour Chatman’s postulates regarding story and discourse in narrative structure of fiction and film (1978) is used as a theoretical framework for this research. The results show that discourse of nationalism is presented in the narrative structure of the film in the form of arguing the idea of universal humanity in the context of Indonesia as a nation. This effort is portrayed by the main character’s intellectual struggles against shallow primordialism that influences both Indonesian people’s perspectives during independence movement era and foreign people’s point of views, the colonizers, which are represented by subversive actions of the Dutch and Japanese in Indonesia. The values of universal humanity that have been adopted into the spirit of nationalism are stated through the main characters’ statements and actions. It can be concluded that the concept of nationalism in Indonesia is said to be born from a long struggle against oppression and injustice. This concept has become a dominant ideology which remains relevant, as implied in Soegija.
JENTERA: Jurnal Kajian Sastra Vol 4, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Jentera
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (7052.096 KB) | DOI: 10.26499/jentera.v4i1.384


Narasi fantasi, fiksi ilmiah, dan realisme magis mempunyai satu unsur yang sama yaitu elemen yang tidak rasional atau disebut extraordinary element. Namun demikian unsur ini tidak digunakan dengan cara yang sama dalam ketiga narasi tersebut sehingga membedakan jenis narasinya. Artikel ini akan mengkaji karakteristik narasi fantasi, fiksi ilmiah, dan realisme magis untuk melihat keberadaan extraordinary element di dalamnya serta fungsinya dalam pembentukan plot. Karakteristik ini akan diambil dari studi pustaka sekaligus dari hasil identifikasi beberapa karya sastra yang telah dilegitimasi sebagai teks dengan narasi-narasi tersebut. Artikel ini menunjukkan keberadaan extraordinary element dalam ketiga jenis narasi ditampilkan dengan aturan yang berbeda sehingga sebuah teks bisa dikatakan memakai gaya narasi fantasi, fiksi ilmiah, atau realisme magis. Extraordinary element dalam fantasi merupakan rekaan yang menciptakan dunia sendiri dan aturan yang memakai logikanya sendiri yang berbeda dengan logika dunia non-fiksi. Extraordinary element dalam fiksi ilmiah merupakan rekaan yang tetap harus berbasis aturan logika ilmu pengetahuan dalam dunia non-fiksi. Sedangkan extraordinary element dalam realisme magisberbasis mitos budaya yang diperlakukan sebagai hal biasa dan bukan dirayakan sebagai pusat tontonan. Artikel ini menggunakan metode perbandingan naratologi. Hasil artikel ini diharapkan bisa membantu para akademisi lainnya, terutama mahasiswa, untuk menentukan obyek material yang tepat sesuai teori yang ingin mereka terapkan; misalnya memilih narasi realisme magis untuk studi poskolonial, narasi fantasi dan fiksi ilmiah untuk studi cultural studies.
Pendidikan Interkultural di Sekolah Melalui Pembelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Sebagai Pembentuk Ruang Nasionalisme Dinamis Scarletina Vidyayani Eka; Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; Muhamad Rozin
Studi Budaya Nusantara Vol 2, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Studi Budaya Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.295 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sbn.2018.002.02.03


Masyarakat Indonesia terdiri dari individu-individu yang memiliki latar belakang budaya, agama, suku dan bahasa yang beragam. Dengan semakin banyaknya masalah sosial saat ini, perlu adanya sebuah ruang baru bagi masyarakat dimana nilai-nilai harmoni, toleransi, dan kohesi hadir di dalamnya. Pemerintah melalui sekolah berupaya menanamkan nilai-nilai tersebut. Salah satu upaya yangdapatdilakukan oleh sekolah adalah melalui pendidikan interkultural (intercultural education). Coles & Vincent dalam bukunya The Intercultural City Making The Most of Diversity(2006) mengatakan bahwa pendidikan interkultural pada dasarnya adalah pengembangan dari pendidikan multikultural anti-rasisme yang bermuara pada tercapainya dua agenda, yakni masyarakat yang kohesif dan kesetaraan ras. Pendidikan interkultural dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam berbagai aspek kegiatan sekolah, salah satunya adalah pengajaran mata pelajaran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Disini, penulis ingin memetakan sejauh mana konsep pendidikan interkultural hadir melalui materi ajar dengan mengambil studi kasus di SMAN 3 Malang. Untuk menganalisis konsep pembelajaran pendidikan interkultural di SMAN 3 Malang, penulis menelaah materi ajar sastra yang dipakai oleh guru dan proses Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar-nyadi dalam ruang-ruang kelas. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa materi ajar sastra yang dipakai di SMAN 3 Malang sudah berisi muatan pendidikan interkultural dan konsep tersebut sudah teraplikasikan di proses belajar mengajar. Hasil ini sejalan dengan Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar Bahasa Indonesia yang digariskan oleh Pemerintah dalam usaha membentuk ruang masyarakat Indonesia yang toleran dan harmonis.
Slametan and Tradition in Pengakuan Pariyem: An Expression of Equality in Javanese Culture Scarletina Vidyayani Eka; Rosana Hariyanti; Arcci Tusita
Alphabet: A Biannual Academic Journal on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (620.791 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.alphabet.2018.01.01.09


Pengakuan Pariyem is a controversial novel portraying a confession of Pariyem, a woman living in Javanese culture. Through this novel, we are able to see Javanese culture from the eyes of a Javanese woman. This paper presents an analysis on Javanese tradition, more specifically the practice of slametan in Javanese culture as it is depicted in the novel. There are ideals of life shown in Javanese culture and tradition. Slametan and the use of food in it suggest equal relations among people in Javanese culture. The equality is built to maintain the conformity to achieve harmony among these people.  Even though the equality has contradictory sides, Pariyem is able to actively engage as a subject in her society and live harmoniously in it.
Prabu Brawijaya Spiritual Characteristics in Tari Brawijaya Andika Putra Pradana; Scarletina Vidyayani Eka
Alphabet: A Biannual Academic Journal on Language, Literary, and Cultural Studies Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.alphabet.2020.03.01.05


Dance, in particular, demonstrates a semiotic process. This happens in dance when choreographic signs, such as ritualistic, magical, or religious movement expressions, are encoded. Dance "interprets" the world, and the choreographic sign exposes its object. Dance movement also serves as a point of convergence for various codes that the choreographer wishes to convey. This research focused on Tari Brawijaya, an iconic dance of Universitas Brawijaya, and attempted to examine the meaning of the king’s movements (kiprah) in it. This is a dance created to represent Universitas Brawijaya. Descriptive qualitative was used to provide a detailed explanation of the meaning of the movement. Pierce's triadic model was used to analyse the king’s movements in Tari Brawijaya. The result of the study shows there are eleven movements done by the king in Tari Brawijaya including Adeg Grudha, Lumaksana Njajag, Sabetan, Ulap- ulap, Ogek lambung, Udal Rikma, Laku telu, Besut, Kibar sampur, Penthangan, Adiraga. In addition, the meaning of each movement of the king depicts his spiritual characteristics. Those spiritual characteristics are brave, strong, powerful, wise, authoritative, making decisions wisely, and a leader who can provide help and enlightenment to others. We suggests to the future researcher to conduct a similar study about the semiotic meaning of Tari Brawijaya by analysing the other aspects of the dance, such as costume, music, and make up, or the other characters
Health Protocol Campaign in The City of Malang as a Covid-19 Pandemic Mitigation: A Study of Linguistic Landscape Muhammad Rozin; Scarletina Vidyayani Eka; Fredy Nugroho Setiawan
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Ranah: jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v11i2.5177


This study aims to examine the portrait of linguistic landscape (LL) and its social aspects as reflected in the health protocols (Prokes ‘Protokol Kesehatan') banners and billboards in public spaces in Malang. Thus, it attempts to answer two questions: (1) what are the perceptions and attitudes of the people of Malang city towards the various calls for health protocol? and (2) how effective are the calls in impeding the outbreak of Covid-19 in Malang city? According to Backhaus (2006), several important criteria to consider to ensure valid data collection in LL study are geographic location, characteristics of banners and billboards, and what counts as monolingual and multilingual banners. The research areas were therefore divided into two: (1) some residential areas and shopping centers in Malang city to collect non-official signs and (2) city centers which include major arterial roads, Pasar Besar area, city square, and areas around the city hall to collect official signs. Data in the form of photos of billboards and banners were taken using a mobile phone camera between May and July 2021. The curated 63 photos of Prokes banners and billboards were then qualitatively analyzed following the LL framework (Backhaus, 2006; Spolsky & Cooper, 1991) and triangulated with data from interviews. Adopting random sampling technique, 11 interviewees belonging to the middle class and 10 from the lower class were chosen to determine public perceptions of the effectiveness of the calls. The results show that the non-official banners featured more multilingual banners than did the official ones, and hence amplifying the results of the existing research on LL. As for the respondents’ perception, official banners were more preferable as they used Boso Walikan and were more assertive and illustrative. Although the two respondent groups agreed that the banners were not effective, they had different views about what mediums were more effective. The middle class considered campaigns using social media to be more effective, while the lower class preferred direct counseling. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potret lanskap linguistik (LL) dan aspek sosialnya sebagaimana tercermin dalam spanduk dan baliho Protokol Kesehatan (Prokes) di ruang publik di Kota Malang. Dengan demikian, ada dua pertanyaan yang akan dijawab: (1) bagaimana persepsi dan sikap masyarakat kota Malang terhadap berbagai seruan Protokol Kesehatan tersebut? dan (2) seberapa efektif himbauan tersebut untuk menanggulangi penyebaran Covid-19 di kota Malang? Menurut Backhaus (Backhaus, 2006), beberapa kriteria penting yang perlu diperhatikan untuk memastikan pengumpulan data yang valid dalam studi LL adalah lokasi geografis, karakteristik spanduk dan baliho, dan tolok ukur spanduk monolingual dan multilingual. Oleh karena itu, lokus penelitian dibagi menjadi dua: (1) beberapa kawasan pemukiman dan pusat perbelanjaan di kota Malang untuk mengumpulkan rambu-rambu non-resmi dan (2) pusat kota yang meliputi jalan utama, kawasan Pasar Besar, alun-alun kota, dan kawasan sekitar Balai Kota untuk mengumpulkan rambu-rambu resmi. Data berupa foto baliho dan spanduk diambil menggunakan kamera ponsel antara bulan Mei dan Juli 2021. Sebanyak 63 foto spanduk dan baliho Prokes yang terpilih kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan kerangka LL (Backhaus, 2006; Spolsky & Cooper, 1991) dan ditriangulasi dengan data hasil wawancara. Mengadopsi teknik random sampling, 11 orang dari kelas menengah dan 10 orang dari kelas bawah dipilih untuk diwawancarai guna memahami persepsi mereka tentang efektivitas himbauan Prokes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spanduk tidak resmi menampilkan lebih banyak spanduk multibahasa daripada spanduk resmi, dan dengan demikian memperkuat hasil penelitian terdahulu tentang LL. Adapun terkait persepsi responden, spanduk resmi lebih disukai karena menggunakan Boso Walikan dan lebih tegas serta ilustratif. Meskipun kedua kelompok responden sepakat bahwa spanduk tidak efektif, mereka memiliki pandangan yang berbeda tentang media apa yang lebih efektif. Kelas menengah menganggap kampanye menggunakan media sosial lebih efektif, sedangkan kelas bawah lebih menyukai penyuluhan langsung.
Pelatihan Literasi Digital Marketing melalui Media Facebook dan WhatsApp untuk Penggiat Pariwisata Desa Ranuyoso Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; Mochamad Andhy Nurmansyah; Scarletina Vidyayani Eka
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 6, No 2 (2024): Mei 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.6.2.2024.181-187


Merdeka Various types of processed products from fruit and plants in Ranuyoso Village, Lumajang Regency can be developed into one of the aspects that can support efforts to promote the village as a tourism village. Therefore, this community service was carried out to help realize the development of the tourism sector in the field of marketing processed fruit products from Ranuyoso. The activities were interviews on digital literacy with 3 members of the UPK (Activity Implementation Unit) which was formerly under the PNPM program (National Program for Community Empowerment), who are currently tasked with initiating the manufacture and marketing of processed agricultural products in Ranuyoso village, and continued with digital literacy training related to marketing the products they want to sell via social media. This training was also attended by several villagers who were interested in online marketing. The results of the interviews are used as a basis for formulating training materials. The training activities focus on strengthening and empowering human resources by providing understanding and training on the use of social media, including: a) knowledge about the current role of social media in tourism and economic activities, b) understanding the content of products marketed via social media; c) marketing the products via social media more effectively and efficiently. The training successfully draws enthusiasm from UPK members and community representatives, which is proven by the direct practice done by the participants in marketing processed food and beverage products via Facebook and WhatsApp.