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Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 11, No 2 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lc.v11i2.9586


Idrus was a noteworthy writer in Indonesian in the course of Japanese authority. His fight in being rebellious counter to the regime at that period was noticeable through his writings, which made him familiar as a frank writer. His works were then translated into English. The translated works, nevertheless, do not communicate precisely the analogous implication as they were in the source language. Putting on Zepetnek’s Expressive Mechanisms in analyzing Idrus’ Heihois advantageous in this study in accepting whether the messages in the text to be translated (TT1) are well informed in the translated text (TT2). The results show that the TT2 of Idrus’ Heihois not able to send detailed apathy headed for Japanese propaganda as it was in the TT1. Cultural and period gaps are worth mentioning to be reflected in the interpretation process.
Eugene O‟neill‟s Duality of Structure Reflected on All God’s Chillun Got Wings Nufiarni, RIzki
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 13, No 1 (2018): October 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lc.v13i1.14138


In Gidden‘s Structuration theory, the most important concept is duality of structure, where agent and structure affects each other and have equally important position. This article is written to find out the duality of structure in Eugene O‘Neill drama entitled All God‘s Chillun Got Wings. The analysis is trying to examine the drama as one of O‘Neill‘s power to change the structure that he has. The analysis unit for the structure is taken from the the literature about the social background in American society in the late 19 th century and early 20 th century, while the analysis unit for the agent is taken from O‘Neill‘s drama as a reflection of the action in which O‘Neill implemented his power. Therefore, it is concluded that O‘Neill duality of structure can be observed through his action in the drama to change the structure which shaped him as an agent. Some of his actions has resulted in an unintended consequences which will become an unacknowledged condition of actions for another action.
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature Vol 11, No 2 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/lc.v11i2.9586


Idrus was a noteworthy writer in Indonesian in the course of Japanese authority. His fight in being rebellious counter to the regime at that period was noticeable through his writings, which made him familiar as a frank writer. His works were then translated into English. The translated works, nevertheless, do not communicate precisely the analogous implication as they were in the source language. Putting on Zepetnek’s Expressive Mechanisms in analyzing Idrus’ Heihois advantageous in this study in accepting whether the messages in the text to be translated (TT1) are well informed in the translated text (TT2). The results show that the TT2 of Idrus’ Heihois not able to send detailed apathy headed for Japanese propaganda as it was in the TT1. Cultural and period gaps are worth mentioning to be reflected in the interpretation process.
MANIFESTASI KEARIFAN EKOLOGIS DALAM RITUAL “KARO” DAN “KASADA”: SEBUAH PERSPEKTIF EKOKRITIK Setiawan, Fredy Nugroho; Nurmansyah, M Andhy; Nufiarni, Rizki; Eka, Scarletina Vidyayani
ATAVISME Vol 21, No 2 (2018): ATAVISME
Publisher : Balai Bahasa Jawa Timur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (456.281 KB) | DOI: 10.24257/atavisme.v21i2.455.209-223


?Karo? dan ?Kasada? merupakan tradisi lokal orang Tengger yang berkaitan erat dengan kearifan lingkungan. Keterkaitan tersebut merupakan faktor yang menarik untuk dikaji seiring dengan persoalan ekologis yang telah menjadi isu global. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan bagaimana kearifan ekologis termanifestasi dalam ritual ?Karo? dan ?Kasada?. Data dalam penelitian ini meliputi data pustaka, yaitu  data mengenai ?Karo? dan ?Kasada? diperoleh dari artikel, jurnal dan laporan penelitian, dan data lapangan, yaitu informasi ritual ?Karo? dan ?Kasada? dari Dukun Pandita di Tengger dan laku ritual tersebut, yang kemudian dianalisis dengan menerapkan  pendekatan ekokritik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa alam, pemeliharaan, dan budaya terjalin berkelindan dengan esensi ritual ?Karo? dan ?Kasada? sehingga setiap laku ritual tidak lepas dari simbolisasi hubungan antara manusia dengan  alam, yaitu tentang bagaimana manusia dan segala praktik budayanya harus menghormati dan menjaga hubungan baik dengan lingkungan sekitarnya.
Pemetaan Rute Wisata Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) Kota Malang Setiawan, Fredy Nugroho; Nufiarni, Rizki; Pujiyanti, Fariska
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.2.1.2019.35-44


Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) adalah salah satu kampung wisata di kota Malang. Kampung tersebut belum memiliki konsep kampung wisata yang baik sehingga hanya mengandalkan aspek estetika mural dan cat berwarna biru di setiap rumah tanpa arah pengembangan rute wisata yang jelas. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penyusunan rute wisata berdasarkan potensi wisata yang ada di KBA sehingga pengembangan wisata dapat terarah dan berkesinambungan. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut kami menerapkan metode pengembangan wisata model Community Based Tourism (CBT, yaitu: mengikutsertakan anggota masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan, memastikan masyarakat lokal menerima manfaat dari kegiatan kepariwisataan, dan memberikan pendidikan kepariwisataan bagi masyarakat lokal. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan sebuah rute wisata di KBA yang disusun dengan mengintegrasikan 5 (lima) area wisata secara berurutan, yaitu Area Wisata Sejarah, Area Wisata Dolanan, Area Wisata Mitigasi Bencana, Area Wisata Arema, dan Area Wisata Basa Walikan. Dalam prosesnya, perumusan rute wisata melibatkan peran serta aktif warga dalam memberikan masukan dan keputusan terkait identifikasi dan pemetaan yang dilakukan. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah peta digital berupa rute wisata KBA bagi para wisatawan.Kata kunci: Kampung Biru Arema (KBA), Community Based Tourism (CBT), rute wisata, peta wisata.AbstractKampung Biru Arema (KBA) is one of the tourism villages in Malang. The village does not have a good tourism village concept so that it only relies on the aesthetic aspects of the murals and blue-painted houses without developing a clear direction of tourist route. Therefore, tourist route mapping which is based on tourism potentials in KBA is needed so that tourism development can be directed and sustainable. To do this we employ the premise of Community Based Tourism (CBT) by ensuring the active involvement of local people in the process of tourism development and management. The activities resulted in a tourist route on the basis of 5 (five) tourism areas, namely Historical Tourisn Area,. “Dolanan” Tourism Area, Disaster Mitigation Tourism Area, Arema Tourism Area, and “Basa Walikan” Tourism Area. In the process of determining the route, it involves the active participation of local people in providing input and decisions related to our identification and mapping of the location. The output of this activity is a digital map of KBA containing informative tourist route for visitors.
Universal Humanity as Discourse of Nationalism in Garin Nugroho’s Soegija (2012) Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; M. Andhy Nurmansyah; Rizki Nufiarni; Scarletina Vidyayani Eka
Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 11, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/lensa.11.1.2021.80-95


This research discusses discourse of nationalism in Garin Nugroho’s Soegija, a biopic which premiered in 2012. The film is chosen because it presents the story of Soegijapranata, an intellectual who is not from dominant nationalist groups, during the era of independence movement; he is neither a prominent military figure nor a figure from the largest religious group in Indonesia. This film is analyzed to investigate its position in ideological contestations emerging after the Reformation, particularly after the 2000s. Seymour Chatman’s postulates regarding story and discourse in narrative structure of fiction and film (1978) is used as a theoretical framework for this research. The results show that discourse of nationalism is presented in the narrative structure of the film in the form of arguing the idea of universal humanity in the context of Indonesia as a nation. This effort is portrayed by the main character’s intellectual struggles against shallow primordialism that influences both Indonesian people’s perspectives during independence movement era and foreign people’s point of views, the colonizers, which are represented by subversive actions of the Dutch and Japanese in Indonesia. The values of universal humanity that have been adopted into the spirit of nationalism are stated through the main characters’ statements and actions. It can be concluded that the concept of nationalism in Indonesia is said to be born from a long struggle against oppression and injustice. This concept has become a dominant ideology which remains relevant, as implied in Soegija.
Wisata Dolanan: Pengembangan Wisata Tematik Berbasis Budaya di Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) Kota Malang Hamamah Hamamah; Agus Suman; Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; Rizki Nufiarni
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.3.1.2020.66-70


This article describes efforts to develop one of the tourism areas in Kampung Biru Arema (KBA), namely the “Dolanan” (Traditional Games) Area. The “Dolanan” Area is one of the five tourism areas in KBA which is being developed collaboratively between a team from the Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya and local community. The development of the area is based on local wisdomby introducing a variety of traditional games, namely: “tapak gunung (engklek)”, “congklak (dakon)”, and “gasing” (spinning tops)presented with modern designs so that they are acceptable, especially for the young generation. The “Dolanan”Area is expected to become a distinctive KBA identity as well as a medium for educational tourism that introduces the richness of local culture in the packaging of community-based tourism.
Wisata Dolanan: Pengembangan Wisata Tematik Berbasis Budaya di Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) Kota Malang Hamamah Hamamah; Agus Suman; Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; Rizki Nufiarni
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 3, No 1 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.3.1.2020.66-70


This article describes efforts to develop one of the tourism areas in Kampung Biru Arema (KBA), namely the “Dolanan” (Traditional Games) Area. The “Dolanan” Area is one of the five tourism areas in KBA which is being developed collaboratively between a team from the Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya and local community. The development of the area is based on local wisdomby introducing a variety of traditional games, namely: “tapak gunung (engklek)”, “congklak (dakon)”, and “gasing” (spinning tops)presented with modern designs so that they are acceptable, especially for the young generation. The “Dolanan”Area is expected to become a distinctive KBA identity as well as a medium for educational tourism that introduces the richness of local culture in the packaging of community-based tourism.
Pemetaan Rute Wisata Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) Kota Malang Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; Rizki Nufiarni; Fariska Pujiyanti
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2019): November 2019
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (546.246 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.2.1.2019.35-44


Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) adalah salah satu kampung wisata di kota Malang. Kampung tersebut belum memiliki konsep kampung wisata yang baik sehingga hanya mengandalkan aspek estetika mural dan cat berwarna biru di setiap rumah tanpa arah pengembangan rute wisata yang jelas. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penyusunan rute wisata berdasarkan potensi wisata yang ada di KBA sehingga pengembangan wisata dapat terarah dan berkesinambungan. Untuk melakukan hal tersebut kami menerapkan metode pengembangan wisata model Community Based Tourism (CBT, yaitu: mengikutsertakan anggota masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan, memastikan masyarakat lokal menerima manfaat dari kegiatan kepariwisataan, dan memberikan pendidikan kepariwisataan bagi masyarakat lokal. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan sebuah rute wisata di KBA yang disusun dengan mengintegrasikan 5 (lima) area wisata secara berurutan, yaitu Area Wisata Sejarah, Area Wisata Dolanan, Area Wisata Mitigasi Bencana, Area Wisata Arema, dan Area Wisata Basa Walikan. Dalam prosesnya, perumusan rute wisata melibatkan peran serta aktif warga dalam memberikan masukan dan keputusan terkait identifikasi dan pemetaan yang dilakukan. Luaran dari kegiatan ini adalah peta digital berupa rute wisata KBA bagi para wisatawan.Kata kunci: Kampung Biru Arema (KBA), Community Based Tourism (CBT), rute wisata, peta wisata.AbstractKampung Biru Arema (KBA) is one of the tourism villages in Malang. The village does not have a good tourism village concept so that it only relies on the aesthetic aspects of the murals and blue-painted houses without developing a clear direction of tourist route. Therefore, tourist route mapping which is based on tourism potentials in KBA is needed so that tourism development can be directed and sustainable. To do this we employ the premise of Community Based Tourism (CBT) by ensuring the active involvement of local people in the process of tourism development and management. The activities resulted in a tourist route on the basis of 5 (five) tourism areas, namely Historical Tourisn Area,. “Dolanan” Tourism Area, Disaster Mitigation Tourism Area, Arema Tourism Area, and “Basa Walikan” Tourism Area. In the process of determining the route, it involves the active participation of local people in providing input and decisions related to our identification and mapping of the location. The output of this activity is a digital map of KBA containing informative tourist route for visitors.
Penyusunan Konsep Desa Wisata sebagai Acuan Rencana Pengembangan Desa Wisata Ranuyoso, Kabupaten Lumajang Fredy Nugroho Setiawan; Rizki Nufiarni; Sri Utami Budi; Arcci Tusita
Jurnal Surya Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jsm.5.1.2022.34-42


 Ranuyoso is one of the villages in Lumajang Regency which has the potential to become a tourism village. This potential is supported by the existence of an 8 (eight) hectare unused land owned by Perhutani, whose management rights are handed over to villagers, but its utilization has not been maximized to support the program for establishing a tourism village. Therefore, this community service program is the first step towards realizing the development of Ranuyoso as a tourism village. The activity carried out is in the form of data collection as a reference for mapping the concept of the Ranuyoso tourism village. By applying the principles of Community Based Tourism (CBT), this activity involves the active role of villagers in Focus Group Discussions (FGD), interview, and field observation. The results of this activity show that Ranuyoso village has several potentials in the form of hills, springs, fruits, and distinctive arts and culture that can be developed as assets of a tourism village. These potentials are the basis for formulating the concept of Ranuyoso tourism village, namely a tourism village that presents the integration of water tourism, culture and arts tourism, fruit tourism, and adventure tourism. In addition, this activity also resulted in a draft of cooperation agreement between Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya (FCS UB) and Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) as a legal basis for discussing cooperation related to the development of Ranuyoso..