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Lensa: Kajian Kebahasaan, Kesusastraan, dan Budaya Vol 6, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing (FBBA), Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Telah banyak penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai kearifan lokal, secara umum, telah banyak bergeser dan bahkan cenderung tergerus. Dalam banyak hal, globalisasi menggeser persepsi para agen budaya masa kini atas pentingnya warisan nilai-nilai budaya yang luhur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memetakan posisi kearifan lokal dalam persepsi mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk melacak bagaimana mahasiswa mempersepsi pentingnya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dan sejauh mana mereka meresapi nilai-nilai tersebut sebagai bagian dari konsepsi diri mereka, khususnya dalam konteks menulis kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method), yaitu gabungan antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengambilan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 88 mahasiswa semester 5. Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dengan cara observasi kelas dan mencermati materi ajar dalam kelas creative writing. Meskipun sebagian besar mahasiswa sadar akan pentingnya nilai- nilai kearifan lokal, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada jarak (gap) antara kesadaran mahasiswa akan pentingnya pengetahuan kearifan lokal dalam menulis, dan akses mereka terhadap kearifan lokal itu sendiri. Bagi mereka, nilai-nilai kearifan lokal kurang cukup terjangkau (inaccessible). Oleh karena itu, mereka menganggap bahwa penting kiranya untuk memasukkan materi tentang kearifan lokal ke dalam mata kuliah creative writing.
Penataan Konsep dan Manajemen Pengelolaan Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) Malang Sebagai Kampung Wisata Edukasi Sejarah Muhammad Rozin; Hamamah Hamamah; Ika Nurhayani
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Volume 3 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v3i2.13892


To enliven the spirit and support tourism activities in the city of Malang, in 1962 the City Government of Malang launched the slogan Tri Bina Cita which means Malang as a city of education, industry and tourism. This is a strategic step because the three sectors support each other in the economic growth of the city. The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) notes that the number of tourist visits to Malang from year to year continues to increase significantly. This has increasingly stabilized the city of Malang as one of the favorite tourist destinations in Indonesia, not only for domestic tourists but also foreign tourists, as well as opening up enormous opportunities for the development of creative tourism areas, including Kampung Biru Arema (KBA). Moreover, culinary and heritage tourism destinations are still a mainstay in Malang. However, KBA still faces several obstacles to become an ideal tourist area, including the absence of a clear concept of what will become the flagship icon of Kampung Biru as a thematic tourist village and tourism management that has not yet been established. Therefore, the purpose of this community service is to explore the historical potential around Ledok Brantas in Kiduldalem sub-district and make it a mainstay tourism concept for KBA. In addition, another aim is to help formulate an effective and efficient Tourism Management Team. This community service running from March to September 2019 has produced the concept of community-based tourism that is ready to be further developed, namely the launch of the KBA as Historical Education Tourism Village. Another result is the holding of a community-based tourism management workshop so that management can run effectively and efficiently which in the end creates a tourism destination that continues to develop in a sustainable manner and the community becomes increasingly empowered economically, socially and culturally.
Jurnal Gramatika Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1371.145 KB) | DOI: 10.22202/jg.2021.v7i2.4727


The Covid-19 issue has become an issue highlighted across the world's media in recent months. In this case, the public needs correct and credible information to prevent wider transmission. One way to do this is by using Banners that attract people's attention. This paper aims to describe the role of the Covid -19 Banners in increasing public awareness of the emergence of Covid-19 by using a sociolinguistic perspective. The study found that Banners are an important way to reduce the number of Covid-19 emergencies because it is seen as an emergency social warning that the public believes in. The emergence of the Covid-19 Banners presented in many languages aims to make a closer approach to the target community so that it functions properly. These Banners are made so that we can use them to deliver particular messages to the addressee. The method used is descriptive qualitative, where the researchers used contextual techniques to consider social, situational, and cultural aspects background. After being analyzed, those Banners brought at least five functions, informational, expressive, directive, aesthetic, and phatic functions. Those functions are well discussed here by referring to each social context it is attached. The analysis then goes to its sociolinguistics aspects. The use of Javanese covid-19 Banners here aims to create a bonding between Banners makers and the addressee, for those belonging to a certain speech community will feel that these Banners content are worth noticing
Jurnal Gramatika Vol 7, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22202/jg.2021.v7i2.4727


The Covid-19 issue has become an issue highlighted across the world's media in recent months. In this case, the public needs correct and credible information to prevent wider transmission. One way to do this is by using Banners that attract people's attention. This paper aims to describe the role of the Covid -19 Banners in increasing public awareness of the emergence of Covid-19 by using a sociolinguistic perspective. The study found that Banners are an important way to reduce the number of Covid-19 emergencies because it is seen as an emergency social warning that the public believes in. The emergence of the Covid-19 Banners presented in many languages aims to make a closer approach to the target community so that it functions properly. These Banners are made so that we can use them to deliver particular messages to the addressee. The method used is descriptive qualitative, where the researchers used contextual techniques to consider social, situational, and cultural aspects background. After being analyzed, those Banners brought at least five functions, informational, expressive, directive, aesthetic, and phatic functions. Those functions are well discussed here by referring to each social context it is attached. The analysis then goes to its sociolinguistics aspects. The use of Javanese covid-19 Banners here aims to create a bonding between Banners makers and the addressee, for those belonging to a certain speech community will feel that these Banners content are worth noticing
Health Protocol Campaign in The City of Malang as a Covid-19 Pandemic Mitigation: A Study of Linguistic Landscape Muhammad Rozin; Scarletina Vidyayani Eka; Fredy Nugroho Setiawan
Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa Vol 11, No 2 (2022): Ranah: jurnal Kajian Bahasa
Publisher : Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/rnh.v11i2.5177


This study aims to examine the portrait of linguistic landscape (LL) and its social aspects as reflected in the health protocols (Prokes ‘Protokol Kesehatan') banners and billboards in public spaces in Malang. Thus, it attempts to answer two questions: (1) what are the perceptions and attitudes of the people of Malang city towards the various calls for health protocol? and (2) how effective are the calls in impeding the outbreak of Covid-19 in Malang city? According to Backhaus (2006), several important criteria to consider to ensure valid data collection in LL study are geographic location, characteristics of banners and billboards, and what counts as monolingual and multilingual banners. The research areas were therefore divided into two: (1) some residential areas and shopping centers in Malang city to collect non-official signs and (2) city centers which include major arterial roads, Pasar Besar area, city square, and areas around the city hall to collect official signs. Data in the form of photos of billboards and banners were taken using a mobile phone camera between May and July 2021. The curated 63 photos of Prokes banners and billboards were then qualitatively analyzed following the LL framework (Backhaus, 2006; Spolsky & Cooper, 1991) and triangulated with data from interviews. Adopting random sampling technique, 11 interviewees belonging to the middle class and 10 from the lower class were chosen to determine public perceptions of the effectiveness of the calls. The results show that the non-official banners featured more multilingual banners than did the official ones, and hence amplifying the results of the existing research on LL. As for the respondents’ perception, official banners were more preferable as they used Boso Walikan and were more assertive and illustrative. Although the two respondent groups agreed that the banners were not effective, they had different views about what mediums were more effective. The middle class considered campaigns using social media to be more effective, while the lower class preferred direct counseling. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji potret lanskap linguistik (LL) dan aspek sosialnya sebagaimana tercermin dalam spanduk dan baliho Protokol Kesehatan (Prokes) di ruang publik di Kota Malang. Dengan demikian, ada dua pertanyaan yang akan dijawab: (1) bagaimana persepsi dan sikap masyarakat kota Malang terhadap berbagai seruan Protokol Kesehatan tersebut? dan (2) seberapa efektif himbauan tersebut untuk menanggulangi penyebaran Covid-19 di kota Malang? Menurut Backhaus (Backhaus, 2006), beberapa kriteria penting yang perlu diperhatikan untuk memastikan pengumpulan data yang valid dalam studi LL adalah lokasi geografis, karakteristik spanduk dan baliho, dan tolok ukur spanduk monolingual dan multilingual. Oleh karena itu, lokus penelitian dibagi menjadi dua: (1) beberapa kawasan pemukiman dan pusat perbelanjaan di kota Malang untuk mengumpulkan rambu-rambu non-resmi dan (2) pusat kota yang meliputi jalan utama, kawasan Pasar Besar, alun-alun kota, dan kawasan sekitar Balai Kota untuk mengumpulkan rambu-rambu resmi. Data berupa foto baliho dan spanduk diambil menggunakan kamera ponsel antara bulan Mei dan Juli 2021. Sebanyak 63 foto spanduk dan baliho Prokes yang terpilih kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif menggunakan kerangka LL (Backhaus, 2006; Spolsky & Cooper, 1991) dan ditriangulasi dengan data hasil wawancara. Mengadopsi teknik random sampling, 11 orang dari kelas menengah dan 10 orang dari kelas bawah dipilih untuk diwawancarai guna memahami persepsi mereka tentang efektivitas himbauan Prokes. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa spanduk tidak resmi menampilkan lebih banyak spanduk multibahasa daripada spanduk resmi, dan dengan demikian memperkuat hasil penelitian terdahulu tentang LL. Adapun terkait persepsi responden, spanduk resmi lebih disukai karena menggunakan Boso Walikan dan lebih tegas serta ilustratif. Meskipun kedua kelompok responden sepakat bahwa spanduk tidak efektif, mereka memiliki pandangan yang berbeda tentang media apa yang lebih efektif. Kelas menengah menganggap kampanye menggunakan media sosial lebih efektif, sedangkan kelas bawah lebih menyukai penyuluhan langsung.