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Memberikan Motivasi Kepada Pasangan Yang Mengalami Stroke Disabilitas Fungsional di Rumah Amira Esti; Trimonarita Johan
REAL in Nursing Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2019): REAL in Nursing Journal
Publisher : Universitas Fort De Kock Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (866.964 KB) | DOI: 10.32883/rnj.v2i2.470


Stroke is brain function disorder which can suddenly occur at any time. It can also cause physical defect such as stroke in moving organs, speech disorder, thinking process as the result of brain function disorder. Physical defect caused by stroke does not only affect the patient but also his or her spouse. The patient will be emotionally and physically dependent on his or her spouse. The objective of this research was to explore deeply the meaning of support from a spouse in taking care of a stroke patient who underwent functional disability. The research used descriptive phenomenological study. The data were gathered by conducting in- depth interviews and field-note. There were 12 respondents, taken by using purposive sampling technique give motivation to the participants who have stroke of functional disabilities at home.  It is recommended that nurses,  as  educators  for  stroke  patients  apply their  knowledge  in  doing  their nursing care by involving the patients’ spouses and train them in taking care of stroke patients before discharging from hospitals. The respondents as the patients’ spouses should motivate and continuously lake the patients to the hospitals in order to see the patients’ development and to expedite the process of recovery. Keywords: Motivation, Couple, Disability Stroke
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Jambi Vol 8, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Baiturrahim Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36565/jab.v8i2.167


Tri Dharma of Higher Education is an activity that must be carried out by every Lecturer. In this study an application was designed to apply Fuzzy logic to calculate the quality value of Lecturers on the implementation of Higher Education Tri Dharma. Higher Education has the aim of producing quality qualifications. Therefore we need competent teaching staff needed. The background of this research is to study the results obtained from the application and calculation using Fuzzy logic, also help the lecturer evaluation in the field of quality control. The Mamdani Method is often also known as the Max-Min Method. This method was introduced by Ebrahim Mamdani in 1975. To get results, four stages are needed: 1. The formation of the fuzzy set; 2. Application function implications (rules); 3. Composition of rules; 4. Affirmation (deffuzy). The results obtained in this study the value of the function that has been optimized where lecturers will get the best in performance. Data collection methods in the fuzzy inference system function meeting, the author requires input data consisting of three variables and one output variable. Input variables consist of: 1. Research Variables 2. Dedication Variables 3. Teaching Variables. 4. Functional Position Variables After calculations and experiments, the results obtained using the Fuzzy Mamdani method with Matlab
Jurnal Teknoif Teknik Informatika Institut Teknologi Padang Vol 9 No 1 (2021): JURNAL TEKNOIF ITP
Publisher : ITP Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (274.41 KB) | DOI: 10.21063/jtif.2021.V9.1.17-19


Rambu-rambu lalulintas merupakan bagian dariperlengkapan jalan yang memuat lambang, huruf, angka, kalimat atau gabungan diantaranya, yang berfungsi untukperingatan atau pemberitahuan bagi pemakai jalan. Banyak kecelakaan yang terjadi dijalan karenapelanggaran lalulintas, ini di karenakan banyak masyarakatyang belum mengetahui arti atau maksud dari rambu-rambu yang ada di jalan, dan masyarakat kurang pahamarti dari rambu-rambu lalulintas yang terdapat dijalan,juga di karenakan sosialisasi yang kurang terhadap masyarakat mengenai pentingnya mematuhi rambu-rambu lalulintas.Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana membuat suatu aplikasi tentang rambu lalu lintas untuk meminimalisir pelanggaran lalu lintas dan sebagai sarana investasi jangka panjang dengan memperkenalkan rambu lalu lintas di pendidikan usia dini. Traffic signs are part of road equipment containing symbols, letters, numbers, sentences or a combination thereof, which functions as a warning or notification for road users. Many accidents that occur on the road are due to traffic violations, this is because many people do not know the meaning or purpose of the signs on the road, and people do not understand the meaning of traffic signs on the road, also because of the lack of socialization to the public regarding the importance of obey traffic signs. The formulation of the problem in this study is how to make an application about traffic signs to minimize traffic violations and as a means of long-term investment by introducing traffic signs in early childhood education.
Development of Children's Interest and Talent Test Using the Fuzzy Logic Method: Pengembangan Test Minat Dan Bakat Anak-Anak Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Logic Tri Monarita Johan; Febriyanno Suryana; Jeprimansyah Jeprimansyah; Raimon Efendi
Journal of Vocational Education and Information Technology (JVEIT) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): JVEIT : Vol 3 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan dan Inovasi Universitas Dharmas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (392.858 KB) | DOI: 10.56667/jveit.v3i1.672


Interest means a high tendency of the heart towards something, also interpreted as passion or desire. Interest in children will begin to appear at pre-school age (3-5 years) to school age (6-12 years). And talent is defined as intelligence, traits and traits that are brought from birth, talents possessed by a person are believed to come from genetic patterns or DNA sequences that they carry. The role of parents is very important to detect how the interests and talents of children from an early age, to determine the interests and talents of children can be with the help of experts, namely child psychologists. But at this time there is still reluctance from parents to discuss their child's matter with a psychologist, starting from economic factors with the high cost of consulting and the lack of a number of psychologists which is not proportional to the growth of Indonesia's population. The goal to be achieved in this research is that by building a test of children's interests and talents, it is hoped that it can help parents to find out how their children's interests and talents are from an early age to prepare a quality successor of the nation without the help of experts, in this case child psychologists, whose numbers are still very small. minimal and high consulting fees.
Relationship Between Laptop Use Behavior and Health in Midwifery Students at the University of West Sumatra: Hubungan Antara Perilaku Penggunaan Laptop Dengan Kesehatan Pada Mahasiswa Kebidanan Universitas Sumatera Barat Puthi Dwi Unthari; Ranne Balqis; Weddy Martin; Tri Monarita Johan
Journal of Vocational Education and Information Technology (JVEIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): JVEIT : Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan dan Inovasi Universitas Dharmas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56667/jveit.v3i2.832


The use of laptops is generally to meet the needs of wireless communication and internet access. The use of laptops has increased very high in the world of education, both among school and college students. The majority of today's school children always bring laptops to school because of the demands of an increasingly sophisticated era. In the world of education, Australia is a pioneer country for the use of laptops in the school environment, laptops are in great demand because they can be used anywhere and also the use of laptops has a positive impact on the learning and teaching process. The data collection method was carried out by interviews using a research instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that there was no significant relationship between laptop size and health complaints that were felt due to laptop use (Pvalue = 0.961), there was no significant relationship between the duration of laptop use and health complaints that were felt due to laptop use (Pvalue = 0.782), no there is a significant relationship between the frequency of laptop use and health complaints that are felt due to laptop use (Pvalue = 0.065), there is a significant relationship between body position when using a laptop and health complaints that are felt due to laptop use (Pvalue = 0.002).
Development of Learning Media in Subjects Introduction to Computers: Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Pada Matakuliah Pengantar Komputer tri monarita johan; Febriyanno Suryana; Jeprimansyah jeprimansyah; Raimon Efendi
Journal of Vocational Education and Information Technology (JVEIT) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): JVEIT : Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Lembaga Pengembangan dan Inovasi Universitas Dharmas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56667/jveit.v3i2.833


Education has a role to improve the quality of its Human Resources (HR). The purpose of this research is to develop interactive multimedia-based learning media in the Introduction to Computer course. The method used in this development is the Research and Development (R&D) method. Research and development methods are methods used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness of these products. The research and development itself is carried out based on an industry-based development model, the findings of which are used to design products and procedures, which are then systematically carried out by field tests, evaluated, refined to meet certain criteria for effectiveness, quality and standards. Interactive multimedia-based learning media in the Introduction to Computer course is proven to be able to increase conceptual understanding in Level III students. This can be seen from the results of the average student understanding of the pre-test control group 62.31 and the experimental group 69.81. From several validation experts, it means that this learning media does not need to be revised. However, this learning tool will still be improved based on suggestions and comments from each validation subject.
Simtika Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL SIMTIKA, Mei 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Dharmas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Minat berarti kecenderungan hati yang tinggi terhadap sesuatu, diartikan pula sebagai gairah atau keinginan. Minat pada anak akan mulai terlihat pada usia pra sekolah (3– 5tahun) sampai dengan usia sekolah (6-12 tahun). Dan bakat diartikan sebagai kepandaian, sifat dan pembawaan yang dibawa sejak lahir, bakat yang dimiliki oleh seseorang dipercaya berasal dari pola genetik atau rangkaian DNA yang dibawanya. Peran orang tua sangat penting untuk mendeteksi bagaimana minat dan bakat dari anak sejak dini, untuk menentukan minat dan bakat anak bisa dengan bantuan tenaga ahli yaitu psikolog anak. Tapi saat ini masih ada keengganan dari orang tua untuk mendiskusikan perihal anak mereka ke psikolog mulai dari faktor ekonomi dengan mahalnya biaya konsultasi dan kurangnya jumlah psikolog yang tidak sebanding dengan pertumbuhan penduduk Indonesia. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan dibangunnya test minat dan bakat anak-anak diharapkan dapat membantu orang tua untuk mengetahui bagaimana minat dan bakat anak sejak dini untuk mempersiapkan penerus bangsa yang berkualitas tanpa bantuan tenaga ahli dalam hal ini psikolog anak yang jumlahnya masih sangat minim dan mahalnya biaya konsultasi.
Development of Learning Media in Nursing Information Systems Course: Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran pada Matakuliah Sistem Informasi Keperawatan Mona Yolanda; Tri Monarita Johan; Dini Qurrata Ayuni
International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): IJTVET Vol.2 No.2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Doktor Indonesia Maju (PDIM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46643/ijtvet.v2i2.128


The purpose of this research is to develop interactive multimedia-based learning media in the Nursing Information System course for STIKes Nan Tongga Nursing S1 students. The method used in this development is the Research and Development (R&D) method. Research and development methods are methods used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness of these products. Research and development itself is carried out based on an industry-based development model, the findings of which are used to design products and procedures, which are then systematically field tested, evaluated, refined to meet certain criteria of effectiveness, quality, and standards. The development of interactive multimedia-based teaching materials produces products in the form of learning media using the Macromedia Flash Professional 8 program which is accompanied by a Borg and Gall development design. Interactive multimedia-based learning media in the Nursing Information System course is proven to be able to increase understanding of concepts in Level II students. This can be seen from the results of students' understanding of the average pre-test of the control group 62.31 and the experimental group 69.81.
Designing a Population Information System at the Siaro-Aro Walinagari Office Using the Java Netbeans 8.0.2 Programming Language: Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kependudukan Pada Kantor Walinagari Siaro-Aro Menggunakan Bahasa Pemograman Java Netbeans 8.0.2 Jeprimansyah Jeprimansyah; Tri Monarita Johan; Yulhan Yulhan; Edwin Anwar; Febriyanno Suryana
International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): IJTVET Vol.2 No.2 (2021)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Doktor Indonesia Maju (PDIM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46643/ijtvet.v2i2.129


The recording and processing of population data is the responsibility of the Regency/City government, where the implementation starts from the kelurahan/nagari as the spearhead of government. The nagari / kelurahan government is responsible for the process of data collection and population administration, for further recapitulation of population data to be reported to the level II regional government, in this case the City / Regency civil registry office. These services need to be done quickly and accurately to get information. In recording and processing population data which is currently running, the Nagari Siaro – Aro government has used computer aids. However, the computer applications used in these agencies have not been fully able to support the performance of the mayor's office equipment in providing excellent public services and in accordance with the principles, principles and standards of public services that are simple, fast, responsive and accurate as well as effective and efficient to the community. This is because the application used for processing population data in the mayor's office is still classified as a simple application such as Microsoft Office.
Web Based E-Commerce Information System: Sistem Informasi E-Commerce Berbasis Web Sophan Sophian; Tri Monarita Johan; Raimon Efendi
International Journal of Technology Vocational Education and Training Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): IJTVET Vol 4 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Doktor Indonesia Maju (PDIM)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46643/ijtvet.v4i2.160


The characteristic of modern education today is the emphasis on students' active and creative participation, which includes intellectual and emotional aspects in the learning process. In the context of learning graphic printing skills, the focus is on developing students' operational capacity, both mentally and physically. However, observations and interviews at SMK Negeri 7 Sijunjung show that learning needs to be more varied. Some teachers teach using conventional methods, such as games, demonstrations, and videos, while students follow the teacher's instructions without being actively and creatively involved. This makes learning less attractive for students as an alternative to increasing student engagement. This research was conducted through two cycles, each involving planning, implementing actions, observing, and reflecting. The action was carried out by utilizing internet media and other information technology and giving students project assignments. The research results showed an increase in students' average activity and creativity from one meeting to the next at the end of the second cycle. This indicates that the use of the project-based learning model can increase student involvement, and this model can be applied to help students develop their respective competencies.