Diana Farid
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Darul Arqam Muhammadiyah Garut

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PERAN KANAL ONLINE DALAM EDUKASI PRANIKAH Diana Farid; Muhammad Husni Abdulah Pakarti; Usep Saepullah; Hendriana Hendriana
FASTABIQ: JURNAL STUDI ISLAM Vol 3, No 2 (2022): FASTABIQ: Jurnal Studi Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47281/fas.v3i2.119


Today's phenomenon is very concerning, because a lot of young people seem to be hasty in making the decision to rise. It is undeniable that deciding to get married today is just a trend, or a mere worry/fear, without being based on self-debriefing, material and insight into how to live a life after marriage. In addition, these concerns plus the lack of premarital education, whether it is from the government or media channels, there are very few media lizards that provide educational content related to premarital. This article intends to describe the role of online media as a virtual channel of premarital information and guidance. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach and data collection techniques obtained by interviews and documentation. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on the function of social media channels in premarital education, there are three roles, namely first, social media channels act as premarital education media to become a message of proselytizing. Second, social media channels as a medium that transmits premarital education into proselytizing messages and insights and the third serves as a reference or source of premarital education for people who need references related to this matter. The result is that today's social media channels are very effective in educating the public through online media channels to provide premarital education, because these contents are very much needed for netizens today to at least provide an overview of the world after deciding on a marriage.Keywords: online pre-wedding education, pre-wedding content, social media channels
KHULU' SEBUAH UPAYA MEMUTUSKAN IKATAN PERKAWINAN (STUDI KASUS DI PENGADILAN AGAMA GARUT) Qisthy Fajriyanti; Diana Farid; Muhammad Husni Adulah Pakarti; Aceng Hobir; Moh Imron Taufik
Al-Adl : Jurnal Hukum Vol 15, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/al-adl.v15i2.9570


This research aims to find out (1) why the husband's violation of taklik talaq becomes one of the divorces decided as a matter of khulu. (2) What considerations form the basis of the judge in accepting and deciding on the khulu' case and (3) The legal consequences arising from divorce by way of khulu. The research method used is qualitative by conducting interviews to obtain the necessary information. The data sources used were obtained from the Garut Religious Court in the form of documents and data related to this research. Based on the study's results, it was found that the reason for taklik talak being part of khulu' cannot be separated from the history of taklik talak being enforced as part of an effort to prevent the husband's arbitrariness. Next, in accepting and breaking up the divorce by way khulu cannot be separated from the suitability of the lawsuit filed, and in a divorce by way of the khulu', the opinion of the judge in his decision will be influenced by the willingness of the wife in the amount of iwadh to be paid. Implementation of divorce khulu also has inherent consequences, namely the enactment of the iddah period and there is no reconciliation except with a new contract, the obligation to pay iwadh by the wife, and the loss of the husband's obligation to provide iddah and mutʼah.
Praktik Pernikahan dan Perceraian di Bawah Tangan Diana Farid; Muhammad Husni Abdulah Pakarti; Hendriana Hendriana; Iffah Fathiah; Moh. Imron Taufik
Mutawasith: Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Prodi Hukum Ekonomi Syariah (Muamalah)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47971/mjhi.v6i1.612


Pencatatan perkawinan dan perceraian masih menjadi polemik di kalangan masyarakat. Pemisahan antara agama dan peraturan hukum negara menjadi sebab awal terjadinya ketidaktertiban administrasi perkawinan dan perceraian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akibat hukum yang disebabkan oleh perkawinan dan perceraian tidak dicatat, faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakanginya juga upaya hukum apa yang dapat dilakukan terutama di lingkungan masyarakat kecamatan Sukajadi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah normatif empiris dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Adapun jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi lapangan (field research) terkait dengan kehidupan masyarakat kecamatan Sukajadi ditinjau dari kasus perkawinan dan perceraian yang tidak dicatat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa penyebab dari maraknya praktik perkawinan dan perceraian tidak tercatat adalah pemahaman masyarakat terkait dikotomi hukum agama dan negara serta keterbatasan ekonomi, ketidak sadaran akan pentingnya tercatatkan perkawinan maupun perceraian resmi di pengadilan, malas untuk mengurus-ngurus pendaftaran ke KUA maupun ke pengadilan untuk cerai, dan terakhir faktor orang tua memilih menikahkan anak-anaknya dibawah umur tanpa dispensasi nikah.
Interfaith Marriage: Subjectivity of the Judge in Determination of No. 454/pdt.p/2018 Surakarta District Court Diana Farid; Muhammad Husni Abdulah Pakarti; Hendriana Hendriana; Iffah Fathiah
AL-ISTINBATH : Jurnal Hukum Islam Vol 7, No 2 November (2022)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Curup

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (728.312 KB) | DOI: 10.29240/jhi.v7i2.4574


This research discusses mixed marriage which is very controversial in society, even though most religions have prohibited the practice of mixed marriage. In Decree No. 454/Pdt.P/2018/PNSKt. The judge allowed the marriage of someone of a different religion, even though the Marriage Law clearly does not regulate and returns to the laws of each religion. HKI (Compilation of Islamic Law) prohibits the practice of interfaith marriage as stated in Article 40 letter c. This study aims to analyze the judge's considerations in granting or rejecting interfaith marriages with the applicable laws in the marriage law and KHI (Compilation of Islamic Law). The research method used is qualitative (library research) with a normative legal approach as an analytical tool to describe existing problems and gain insight. The results of this study indicate that the determination of interfaith marriages in Decision No. 454/pdt.p/2018, it is only the subjectivity of judges in interpreting Article 2 (1) of the Marriage Law and legalizing interfaith marriages which are in stark contrast to the Compilation of Islamic Law which has been in force in the Religious Courts in Indonesia.