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Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Ekonomi Dengan Penggunaan Strategi Tutor Sebaya Dan Snowball Throwing Pada Peserta Didik SMA N 15 Batam Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018 Utami, Wiji
Jurnal Kiprah Vol 7 No 1 (2019): Jurnal Kiprah Volume 7 Nomor 1, Juni 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.241 KB) | DOI: 10.31629/kiprah.v7i1.1007


Abstrak Dari pengamatan awal bahwa nilai peserta didik masih rendah yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor; baik faktor dari dalam maupun faktor dari luar, Dari faktor murid, ketersediaan sarana prasarana pendukung pembelajaran, faktor ekonomi siswa dll, diperoleh rata-rata awal baru mencapai nilai 68,41 dengan ketuntasan belajar 33,33%, peneliti berupaya mengganti metode konvensional menjadi metode yang konstruktivis menggunakan strategi tutor sebaya dan Snowball Throwing. Penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di kelas XI IPS 1 SMA N 15 Batam dilakukan dalam dua siklus dengan tahapan masing-masing mulai perencanaan, dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan, observasi dan refleksi. Setelah data dikumpulkan menggunakan tes dan dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, diperoleh peningkatan prestasi belajar pada siklus I menjadi 72,10 dengan ketuntasan belajar 48,72% dan pada siklus II sudah meningkat sesuai harapan yaitu rata-rata kelas yang dicapai 83,20 sudah melebihi KKM mata pelajaran 75 di sekolah ini dengan ketuntasan belajar 89,74% yang melebihi tuntutan indikator keberhasilan penelitian yaitu 85%. Kesimpulan yang bisa disampaikan adalah penggunaan strategi tutor sebaya dan Snowball Throwing dalam proses pembelajaran dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Kata kunci : strategi tutor sebaya; snowball throwing; prestasi belajar Abstract This study is a classroom action research aiming to improve student achievement in the XI IPS 1 class of SMA N 15 Batam. The research was conducted in two cycles with each stage startingwith planning, followed by implementation, observation and reflection. Based on initial observation, students gained lower everage 68,41with 33,33% completeness. It caused by several factors; student, the availability of learning infrastructure, and also student economic condition etc,.Regarding that situation, Researcher attempt to replace the conventional method to Constructivist methods by using peer tutoring strategies and Snowball Throwing. Data was collected using tests and analyzed by descriptive analysis, the first cycle, the everage increasing to 72.10 with 48.72% learning completeness and in the second cycle had increased as expected, the class average achieved 83.20 had exceeded the KKM 75 subjects in this school with learning completeness 89.74% which exceeds the demands of the indicator of research success which is 85%. The conclusion that can be conveyed is the use of peer tutoring strategies and Snowball Throwing in the learning process can improve student learning achievement. Keywords : peer tutorial strategy ;snowball throwing ;student achievement
PENGARUH SALINITAS TERHADAP EFEK INFEKSI Vibrio harveyi PADA UDANG VANAME (Litopenaeus vannamei) Utami, Wiji; Sarjito, -; Desrina, -
Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology Volume 5, Nomor 1, Tahun 2016
Publisher : Journal of Aquaculture Management and Technology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (625.482 KB)


Penerapan manajemen kualitas lingkungan merupakan langkah yang dapat ditempuh untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit. Salah satu faktor lingkungan yang berperan penting adalah salinitas media budidaya. Pengaturan salinitas diharapkan mampu menjadi alternatif untuk meminimalisir infeksi Vibrio harveyi pada udang vaname. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh salinitas terhadap infeksi udang vaname (L. vannamei) yang diinfeksi V. harveyi serta mengetahui salinitas optimum yang dapat meminimalisir  infeksi V. harveyi pada udang vaname (L. vannamei). Uji pengaruh salinitas dilakukan dengan menginjeksikan bakteri V. harveyi sebanyak 0,1 mL dengan dosis 2 × 106 CFU/mL secara intramuscular dibagian abdominal kedua. Udang kontrol disuntik Phosphat Buffer Saline (PBS) pH 7.4 dengan volume sama. Udang  dipelihara selama 2 minggu didalam akuarium (vol air 24 L) yang dilengkapi dengan aerator menggunakan 5 perlakuan salinitas yaitu salinitas 15 ppt, 20 ppt, 25 ppt dan 30 ppt. dan 30 ppt (kontrol). Parameter utama yang diamati adalah jumlah ikan yang mati, gejala klinis total bakteri, histopatologi serta kualitas air.  Berdasarkan data parameter pengamatan  salinitas berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0.05) dan (P<0.01) terhadap efek infeksi bakteri V. harveyi pada udang vaname (L. vannamei). Gejala klinis udang sakit yaitu nafsu makan berkurang, berenang miring dan lemah, mendekati gelembung udara, kaki renang, telson dan uropod kemerahan, nekrosis serta melanisasi pada segmen tubuh. Nilai kelulushidupan udang vaname yang diinfeksi V. harveyi tertinggi yaitu 70.83 % (Perlakuan D). Kelimpahan bakteri udang vaname pasca infeksi perlakuan D (1.86 × 104 CFU/mL), C (2.03 × 105 CFU/mL), B (2.55 × 107 CFU/mL) dan A (3.2 × 109 CFU/mL). Pengamatan histopatologi pada jaringan hepatopankreas udang yang diinfeksi V. harveyi terdapat nekrosis pada sel epitel tubula dan perbedaan jumlah sel B.  Implementation of environmental quality management is a step that can be taken to prevent the spread of disease. One environmental factor that is important is the cultivation medium salinity . Setting the salinity is expected to be an alternative to minimize infection of Vibrio harveyi in whiteleg shrimp. This study aims to determine the effect of salinity on infection whiteleg shrimp ( L. vannamei ) were infected with V. harveyi and determine the optimum salinity which can minimize infection V. harveyi in whiteleg shrimp ( L. vannamei ) . Test the effect of salinity is done by injecting the bacterium V. harveyi as much as a 0.1 mL dose of 2 × 106 CFU / mL intramuscularly second abdominal section . Injected control shrimp Phosphate Buffer Saline ( PBS ) pH 7.4 with the same volume . Shrimp maintained for 2 weeks in the aquarium (water vol 24 L) equipped with an aerator using 5 treatments salinity is 15 ppt salinity, 20 ppt, 25 ppt and 30 ppt. and 30 ppt (control). The main parameters measured were the number of dead fish, total clinical symptoms of bacterial, histopathological and water quality. Based on observations of salinity parameter data was highly significant (P <0.05) and (P <0.01) in the effects of bacterial infection V. harveyi in whiteleg shrimp (L. vannamei). Clinical symptoms are pain shrimp decreased appetite, swim tilt and weak, approaching air bubbles, swimming legs, telson and uropod redness, necrosis and melanisasi the body segments. Value whiteleg shrimp infected shrimp survival V. harveyi high of 70.83% (treatment D). whiteleg shrimp bacterial abundance of shrimp post-infection treatment D (1,86 × 104 CFU / mL), C (2,03 × 105 CFU / mL), B (2,55 × 107 CFU / mL) and A (3,2 × 109 CFU / mL). Histopathological observation on the network infected shrimp hepatopancreas V. harveyi are necrosis of tubule epithelial cells and differences in the number of B cells.
Jurnal Istiqro Vol 6 No 01 (2020): Januari 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30739/istiqro.v6i01.529


This study aims to determine emotional dissonance, emotional intelligence as well as organizational commitment and their influences on job satisfaction of employees of Bank BUMN (state-owned banks) in Indonesia. The approach used in this research is a quantitative approach. The research population is 283 front office employees from 7 state-owned banks in Indonesia consisting of tellers, customer services staff, and marketing staff. All the 283 populations studied entirely. The methods of data analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The results of test and analysis show that emotional dissonance has a negative and significant effect on job satisfaction of employees of Bank BUMN in Indonesia, emotional intelligence has a significant effect on employee job satisfaction and commitment have a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction of employees of Bank BUMN in Indonesia.
Kumawula: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Kumawula: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/kumawula.v7i1.47531


Selai tergolong sebagai makanan olahan siap saji yang memiliki warna mencolok serta tambahan pemanis dengan konsentrasi tinggi. Oleh karena itu, Selai Bunga Telang (Sebatang) diciptakan untuk menghasilkan selai yang tidak hanya memiliki nilai estetika dan enak, tetapi memperhatikan faktor nutrisi dan kehalalan produk. Kegiatan pendampingan ini berguna untuk memperoleh SH produk Sebatang melalui LP3H dan menghasilkan produk sehat, bernutrisi, dan menarik. Selai diciptakan menggunakan metode eksperimental dan diuji menggunakana metode kualitatif (derajat keasaman) dan kuantitatif (uji organoleptik). Selanjutnya, pendaftaran SH produk Sebatang dilakukan pada aplikasi SIHALAL. Kriteria pada uji organoleptik adalah rasa, aroma, tekstur, dan warna. Produk Sebatang memperoleh hasil pH 3 yang menyebabkan perubahan warna selai, meningkatkan aroma, kesegaran, dan dapat menjadi pengawet alami. Sedangkan hasil uji organoleptik produk sebatang diperoleh rasa (sangat enak), aroma (cukup harum), tekstur (kental), dan warna (sangat terang). Secara teoritik, hasil studi ini  sebagai sumber literatur, referensi pelaku UMKM, dan pembuat kebijakan (pemerintah) tentang BTP yang aman bagi tubuh. Selain itu secara praktek rumusan ini sebagai inovasi produk dan ketahanan pangan yang menjadi rujukan dalam produksi selai yang halal, estetik, enak, sehat, dan bergizi. Jam is classified as a ready-to-eat processed food that has a bright color and a high concentration of additional sweeteners. Therefore, Telang Flower Jam (Sebatang) was created to produce jam that not only has aesthetic value and tastes good, but also pays attention to nutritional factors and the product is halal. This mentoring activity is useful for obtaining SH of Sebatang products through LP3H and producing healthy, nutritious, and attractive products. Jam was created using experimental methods and tested using qualitative (acidity) and quantitative (organoleptic test) methods. Furthermore, the SH registration of the Sebar product is carried out on the SIHALAL application. The criteria for the organoleptic test are taste, aroma, texture, and color. The Sebatang product produces a pH of 3 which causes a change in the color of the jam, improves aroma, and freshness, and can be used as a natural preservative. The organoleptic test results for a stick product obtained taste (very good), aroma (quite fragrant), texture (thick), and color (very bright). Theoretically, the results of this study serve as a source of literature, references for MSME actors, and policymakers (government) regarding food additives that are safe for the body. Apart from that, practically this formula is a product innovation and food security which is a reference in the production of halal, aesthetic, delicious, healthy, and nutritious jam.
Nature : National Academic Journal of Architecture Vol 1 No 1 (2014): Nature
Publisher : Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Alauddin State Islamic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/nature.v1i1a8


The change system of Daya Modern Wholesale market Mechanism is necessary because the system in place does not run propertly in accordance with. Associated with the existing system, the less the saller Latituted in marketing various kinds of merchandise, numer of trade sale price competation, the high prince of rent stalls/ kiosk, so in need of more serious treatment. That’s what limits the interes of traders in traditional markets to modern reluctant to sell in the market that had been prepared. In this study, discussion or research methods used there are 3 ways to market directly to the site observation, the survey by interviewing the traders and buyers in the market as well as distributing questionarto the merchant in order to confirm the results of research. From the research that have has been done the result is permanent traders selling in the market traditional and modern markets that have been built are not working prorely. So that the conclutions and recommendations that can be given is to change the system of Daya Modern Wholesale Market mechanisms to attract market participants.
Effect of Calcination Temperature on Green Powder From Ensis sp. Shell Waste Utami, Wiji
JSSIT: Jurnal Sains dan Sains Terapan Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JSSIT: Jurnal Sains dan Sains Terapan
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/jssit.v2i2.52


Ensis sp. is a primary source of protein from the Nyumbun Tradition in Jambi Province, and it is becoming solid waste after tradition. This study explored the effect of calcination temperature on green powder derived from Ensis sp. shell waste. Before characterization, the powder was treated at room temperature, 800 °C, and 900 °C. After that, the powder material was studied using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) instruments. The material was shifted using a 200 mesh sieve. Temperature of 800 and 900 °C showed similar Ca content of 443 and 447,6 mg/g, respectively. The morphology of the two samples was different due to the other temperature conditions used. Higher temperatures induce decomposition, leading to a decrease in particle size. The product of this process could be used as a promising heterogeneous catalyst, so it reduced the existence of shell waste. Keywords: shells waste, Ensis sp, heterogeneous catalyst
A Pengolahan Limbah Zat Warna Batik di Perairan : SLR: Pengolahan Limbah Zat Warna Utami, Wiji; Indah, Mutiara
JSSIT: Jurnal Sains dan Sains Terapan Vol 2 No 2 (2024): JSSIT: Jurnal Sains dan Sains Terapan
Publisher : Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/jssit.v2i2.61


Limbah cair industri batik menjadi permasalahan utama pada lingkungan perairan. Limbah tersebut mengandung kontaminan zat warna yang dapat memperburuk dampak pencemaran lingkungan. Penelitian SLR ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pengolahan zat warna dan jenis zat warna yang digunakan pada industri batik. Penelitian SLR ini menggunakan metode PRISMA 2020 dengan sumber yang berasal  dari Google Schoolar dengan memanfaatkan aplikasi Publish or Perish (PoP). Hasil penelusuran artikel ditemukan sebanyak 22 artikel memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Data penelitian menyatakan bahwa jenis metode yang umum digunakan untuk mengolah limbah zat warna batik adalah adsorpsi karena efisien, ekonomis, dan daya penyerapan yang baik, fleksibel, ramah terhadap lingkungan, dapat diaplikasikan dalam skala besar, dan tetap efektif pada konsentrasi rendah Selanjutnya, zat warna yang sering diteliti yaitu metilen biru. Hal ini disebabkan zat warna ini sangat mudah diserap oleh adsorben, dapat diadsorpsi dengan berbagai material, serta kemampuan MB yang dapat terserap secara merata di seluruh permukaan adaorben. Penelitian SLR ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan akan pentingnya proses adsorpsi sebagai solusi yang ramah lingkungan dalam mengatasi masalah cemaran zat warna pada limbah, terutama di industri batik. Kata kunci: Adsorpsi, Limbah Cair Batik, SLR, Zat Warna