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Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jpis.v22i1.2199


Memasuki era saat ini (globalisasi), mau tidak mau bangsa kita harus mampu berkompetisi di dunia yang cenderung tanpa batas. Era saat ini (globalisasi) sendiri identik dengan konsep banyaknya kemiskinan, merajalelanya pengangguran, menjamurnya korupsi, serta kurangnya kepekaan diri dan kepedulian sosial untuk kemaslahatan bersama, dan berbagai gejala lain yang menimpa bangsa Indonesia ini. Apabila kita secara jujur mengkaji terjadinya keterpurukan bangsa, khususnya dalam bidang politik dan ekonomi, maka semua itu bermuara pada suatu sebab, yakni keruntuhan moral dan jati diri bangsa. Oleh karena itu, satu-satunya jalan untuk mengatasi segala keterpurukan bangsa ini tiada lain adalah dengan mengadakan pembinaan kembali karakter dan jati diri bangsa (baca: Karakter Bangsa Indonesia menuju bangsa berkarakter unggul dan cerdas) dalam ini salah satu upaya tercepat yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan cara meningkatkan kepekaan diri dan kepedulian sosial untuk kemaslahatan bersama. Dalam mencari solusi terhadap situasi yang memprihatinkan ini tidak perlu kita mencari siapa yang salah, tidak perlu kita mencari kambing hitam, tetapi yang perlu kita cari adalah bagaimana sikap kita menghadapi situasi tersebut dan bagaimana langkah arif bijaksana segera diambil dalam mengantisipasi situasi tersebut agar kita dan bangsa kita serta pendidikan serta alumni-alumni perguruan tinggi di Indonesia menjadi lebih maju dan unggul serta memiliki karakter, kepekaan diri, dan kepedulian yang tinggi terhadap bangsanya. Dengan demikian, maka permasalahan pokok yang akan dibahas adalah “Bagaimana membangun lulusan yang memiliki kepekaan diri dan kepedulian sosial untuk kemaslahatan bersama?” Melihat cakupan masalah yang akan dibahas cukup luas, maka untuk mempermudah pembahasan, permasalahan dibatasi pada kepekaan diri dan kepedulian sosial yang dimiliki alumni perguruan tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis “lulusan yang memiliki kepekaan diri dan kepedulian sosial untuk kemaslahatan bersama”. Kajian dalam bahasan ini adalah ternyata kepedulian itu di dalamnya tertanam kesetiaan, kemanusiaan, empaty, dan  pengorbanan. Kepedulian  yang dibangun atas dasar nilai-nilai tersebut sedikit / banyak akan melahirkan kebermanfaatan. Kepedulian yang dibangun oleh nilai-nilai kesetiaan, kemanusiaan, empaty, dan pengorbanan yang dilakukan atas dasar iman dan keikhlasan untuk memperoleh ridho Allah adalah aset besar yang tak ternilai harganya. Harga kepedulian itu nilainya akan tersimpan secara abadi dan kelak nilai tersebut akan berubah menjadi penolong di Hari Kiamat. Ujung kepedulian adalah kemaslahatan dan kebermanfaatan. Manusia yang terbaik menurut Rasulullah saw bukanlah manusia yang pintar atau manusia yang berkuasa atau manusia yang kaya. Manusia yang terbaik menurut Allah swt dan Rasul-Nya adalah manusia yang mampu memberikan manfaat bagi sesama. Kata Kunci: Manusia Berkarakter, Kepekaan Diri, dan Kepedulian Sosial.
Konsep Etika Belajar dalam Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam Klasik Mulyasana, Dedi
TAJDID Vol 26 No 1 (2019): Islamic Studies
Publisher : Research and Development Institution, Darussalam Institute for Islamic Studies

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.272 KB) | DOI: 10.36667/tajdid.v26i1.319


The concept of learning etics of Al-Zarnuji is an educational ethics reference which has widely employed in Islamic boarding school, Pesantren up to now. However, the concept has not been known and implemented yet in formal education. Exploring Al-Zarnuji's consept by using content analysis method, this study reveals some main findings regarding the learning ethics for learners. They are (1) advice of learning, (2) obligation of learning good and bad behavior, (3) prohibition of learning magic, (4) learning intention, (5) tawadlu, (6) the way of choosing teacher, (7) the way of choosing subject, and (8) the advice for learners.
Pemilu dan Kontroversi Kebijakan Mulyasana, Dedi
Jurnal Civicus Vol 3, No 1 (2003): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNI 2003
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v3i1.26018


Pemilu dan Kontroversi Kebijakan
Dilema Kekuasaan dan Demokrasi Mulyasana, Dedi
Jurnal Civicus Vol 2, No 1 (2002): JURNAL CIVICUS, JUNI 2002
Publisher : Department of Civic Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/civicus.v2i1.26013


Dilema Kekuasaan dan Demokrasi
Management Of Character Education Strengthening Program In Building The National Soul Of Vocational School Students In Bandung City (Case Study at SMKN 9 and SMKN 13 Bandung) Dedy Dharmawan; Sutaryat Trisnamansyah; Dedi Mulyasana; Hana fiah
International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijersc.v3i1.271


In the Law on the National Education System, Government Regulations, and the Strategic Plan of the Directorate General of Secondary Education (Renstra Dirjen Dikmen) 2010-2014, it is explained that education does not only form intelligent Indonesian people, but also has personality/character (cognitive aspects, affective, and psychomotor) must be met. Strengthening the character of students from an early age will make students not only smart, but also tough and have a good attitude as the capital of life. The good and strong character of students will form a strong character and national identity so that they can compete on the global stage. Demoralization problems such as the tradition of Punk children who are far from religious norms, promiscuity, free sex and acts that deviate from religious morals are part of the lives of today's teenagers. With some of these problems, there needs to be a rescue effort in order to save the morality of teenagers, especially students who are still studying in high school / vocational school. This study aims to determine: 1) the concept of character education development, 2) character values developed, and 3) the implementation of character education development in learning activities at SMKN Bandung. The philosophical foundation used is the philosophy of constructivism education. The theoretical basis used is the management theory of George R. Terry. This study uses a qualitative research method with a case study design. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. After the data is obtained then it is organized, interpreted, analyzed and then concluded. The findings in this study are: 1) the concept of national spirit character education is carried out by involving at least three main elements of education, namely: a) the existence of educational support devices which include policies, guidelines, resources, environment, facilities and infrastructure, togetherness and commitment of stakeholders. b) the intervention of the values of the character of the national spirit into the three components of education in schools which include the learning process, management, and extracurricular activities. c) there is a culture of character education in schools. 2) The values of the character of the national spirit developed at SMKN Bandung include nationalist values and respect for diversity. 3) The implementation of national character education is carried out by incorporating the values of national character into the syllabus and learning device plans. Then the syllabus and lesson plans based on Islamic and national character are implemented in the classroom learning process using the CTL (Contectual Teaching ang Learning) principle, and through extracurricular activities.
The Effect of Performance Accountability and Internal Control on Good Governance, Supply Chain Governance and its Impact on Government Performance E Mulyasa; Dedi Mulyasana; Harry Anwar; Budi Kurniadi
International Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol 9, No 5 (2020): International Journal of Supply Chain Management (IJSCM)
Publisher : International Journal of Supply Chain Management

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The government's performance in carrying out good governance is a prerequisite for realizing the aspirations of society and achieving the ideals of the nation and state. This study analyzes the effect of Accountability and Internal Control on Good Governance, and supply chain governance, and its impact on government performance. This study uses an ex post facto quantitative approach, with survey methods and correlational designs. The data collected is quantitative primary data in associative form supported by secondary data. Data instruments for this study were questionnaires which were evaluated for their validity and reliability prior to further analysis. Data evaluation was performed using SPSS 22 for Windows. The results showed that the variables of performance accountability and internal control had a positive and significant effect on good governance and supply chain governace and had a positive and significant impact on government performance, either directly or indirectly, either separately or simultaneously. Therefore it is recommended to the government to build good performance through the implementation of good governance, by paying attention to accountability and internal control in an integrated and sustainable manner. 
Development Model at Children Correctional Institution in Improving Religious Living Awareness Imam Asrofi; Dedi Mulyasana; Hendi S Muchtar
Ijtimā`iyya: Journal of Muslim Society Research Vol 6 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Postgraduate Program, State Institute on Islamic Studies Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.25 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/ijtimaiyya.v6i1.4167


Forms of education conducted by children correctional institution need to get a positive appreciation. However, evaluation should also be done consistently, so the correctional institution, as a place of education to prepare a human being ready to return to society, does not become a place to obtain new lesson to commit crimes. The purpose of this research is to find out education management; analyze problems and find out solutions and efforts to improve the implementation of coaching programs for children of correctional institution. The conclusion of this research is that Sukamiskin Children Correctional institution, Bandung, have done education through giving guidance to children of correctional facility to become better human beings, through both general and specific development programs through Open Junior High School (SMP) education. The problems found is the lack of feedback from correctional students in the learning process, the level of attendance of teachers, and the availability of supporting facilities and infrastructure. The solution offered are: (1) giving motivation for students of correctional facility to follow the development program that is done, especially in education; (2) cooperation with various parties; (3) motivation and support for all teachers to maintain the quality of learning; and (4) maximizing available facilities and infrastructures. The recommendations given for correctional students are expected to have a high awareness to change themselves from negative traits and behaviors as well as following the existing development program while in correctional facility. Moreover, correctional facilities are expected to improve the form of education services both from the elements of infrastructure and in its development programs that are carried out effectively, creatively, and efficiently. In addition, the community is expected to refrain from giving a negative judgment to ex-convicts, especially children of correctional facility, because they have received education while in doing their time.
Media Nusantara Vol 16, No 1 (2019): September 2019
Publisher : Media Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (642.713 KB) | DOI: 10.30999/medinus.v16i1.629


Memasuki masa depan yang sarat dengan persaingan, sedikitnya enam kekuatan pendorong yang dapat mengubah arus pendidikan, yaitu perkembangan ipteks, modernisasi, industrialisasi, kompleksitas peradaban dan arus globalisasi, serta ide-ide kreatif, aspirasi kritis dan gagasan inovasi. Kekuatan pendorong tersebut berubah setiap saat dan setiap detik, sementara kebijakan dan standar nasional pendidikan bersifat stagnan dan tidak banyak berubah sejak tahun 2005. Bahkan sistem pendidikan di Indonesia belum didesain sebagai sistem profesional, akibatnya pendidikan selain selalu tertinggal oleh perkembangan ipteks, peradaban dan modernisasi, juga produknya belum mampu menjawab tantangan jaman. Untuk itu, saatnya pendidikan tidak hanya bermain di tataran administrasi dan birokrasi, tapi harus sudah dikembangkan menjadi sistem profesionali yang orientasi pada mutu, kepercayaan dan daya saing. Apa sebab? Karena masa depan tidak bisa dilewati hanya dengan berbekal ilmu, wawasan dan keterampilan saja, tapi membutuhkan budaya mutu, karakter unggul, ide-ide kreatif, gagasan inovasi, serta spirit untuk menjadi yang terbaik dalam berbagai hal.
QUALITY OF EDUCATION SERVICES WITH THEIR IMPACT ON STUDENT SATISFACTION (Survey at the Vocational Academy in Bandung City) Fathur Darajat Surahman; Dedi Mulyasana; Ani Yunaningsih
Holistik Manajemen: Jurnal Manajemen Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Vol. 3, No. 1, Juli 2022
Publisher : Magister Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Langlangbuana

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Referring to the importance of the role of tertiary institutions in producing competent graduates who are able to compete in the global era, it is important to provide quality education services. Feeling dissatisfied, satisfied or very satisfied will affect the next action. Students who are satisfied will convey positively about the educational services received. The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence the quality of education services and professional competence had on student satisfaction. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with verification analysis. This study tested the hypotheses to make decisions inductively or generalized, so this research is confirmatory. This study uses a data collection technique that is a questionnaire. Determination of the number of samples used by the author in the study based on the Slovin method because the known population is more than 100 respondents. and analysis using SPSS version 25.The quality of education services partially has a significant effect on student satisfaction. This indicates that if the Quality of Education Services has been prepared and cared for properly, the students at the Vocational Academy in Bandung City will feel satisfied and give a positive response to the campus.
INFLUENCE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE ON EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION (Survey on the Departement of warehouse transport at PT. Xiong mao garment indonesia) Rini Anggraeni; Dedi Mulyasana
Holistik Manajemen: Jurnal Manajemen Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Vol. 3, No. 1, Juli 2022
Publisher : Magister Manajemen Pascasarjana Universitas Langlangbuana

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Problems related to job satisfaction of employees in the warehouse department at PT. Xiong Mao Garment Indonesia includes 1) Tasks are not in accordance with responsibilities, 2) The work given is sometimes not in accordance with the skills possessed by employees 3) The work group does not support each other. each other 4) Sometimes the promotion of positions is not in accordance with the field under their control.The method used in this study is a quantitative method with a verification approach. The population used is the total number of Warehouse Angkut employees a total of 78 people. Using path analysis and SPSS ver.26.The results showed Transformational Leadership Style through the calculation of correlation coefficient analysis has a close and significant relationship with job satisfaction. Through the calculation of the coefficient of determination analysis, transformational leadership style, have a significant effect on employee job satisfaction.