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Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Pencegahan Stunting pada Saat Ibu Hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kabupaten Bondowoso Niswa Salamung; Joni Haryanto; Florentina Sustini
Jurnal Penelitian Kesehatan SUARA FORIKES Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : FORIKES

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33846/sf10404


Stunting is the height according to age below -2 the median standard of the child's growth curve due to chronic malnutrition problems since the first 1,000 days of a child's life. One of the risks of stunting in children is the lack of nutritional intake during pregnancy. This study aims to identify factors related to the preventive behavior of stunting children during pregnancy. This study used a cross-sectional design. Samples in the study were 74 first-trimester pregnant women in the work area of Grujugan, Tenggarang, and Maesan health centers in Bondowoso Regency obtained using simple random sampling. The results of the analysis had a family support relationship (p-value 0.057), environmental support (p-value 0.010) but there is no relationship between stunting prevention behavior with age (p-value 0.361), education (p-value 0.230) and income (p-value 0.240). Recommendations from this study for health workers provide health education to pregnant women and families to provide an understanding of the prevention of stunting from early pregnancy. Keywords: Behavior; Prevention; stunting; pregnant women ABSTRAK Stunting merupakan tinggi badan menurut usia di bawah -2 standar median kurva pertumbuhan anak disebabkan masalah kurang gizi kronis sejak 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan anak. Salah satu resiko terjadinya stunting pada anak adalah kurang asupan gizi pada masa ibu hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku pencegahan anak stunting pada saat ibu hamil. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan cross sectional. Sampel pada penelitian sebanyak 74 ibu hamil trimester 1 diwilayah kerja puskesmas Grujugan, Tenggarang, dan Maesan Kabupaten Bondowoso yang diperoleh menggunakan simple random sampling. Hasil analisis ada hubungan dukungan keluarga (p-value 0,057), dukungan lingkungan (p-value 0,010) namun tidak ada hubungan antara perilaku pencegahan stunting dengan usia (p-value 0,361), pendidikan (p-value 0,230) dan pendapatan (p-value 0,240). Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini bagi tenaga kesehatan memberikan pendidikan kesehatan pada ibu hamil dan keluarga untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang pencegahan stunting sejak usia kehamilan dini Kata kunci: Perilaku, Pencegahan, stunting, ibu hamil
Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Penderita Diabetes Melitus melalui Edukasi dan Simulasi Senam Kaki Diabetik Alfrida Semuel Ra’bung; Gustini; Niswa Salamung
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Lentora Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): September
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.294 KB) | DOI: 10.33860/jpml.v1i1.541


Diabetes melitus merupakan penyakit kronik berupa gangguan metabolisme yang dipengaruhi oleh gaya hidup dan pola makan. Salah satu komplikasi yang paling umum terjadi pada pasien DM yaitu kaki diabetik yang diakibatkan oleh aliran darah pada bagian ekstremitas bawah tidak lancar. Komplikasi ulkus diabetik dapat meningkatkan rawat inap pasien diabetes, meningkatkan beban ekonomi keluarga dan menyebabkan peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah terjadinya komplikasi bisa dilakukan dengan latihan jasmani berupa senam kaki diabetik. Berdasarakan data yang diperoleh di Posyandu Aster belum pernah dilakukam penyuluhan dan senam kaki diabetik. Adapun tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu untuk menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan kesadaran penderita DM dalam mencegah terjadinya komplikasi neuropati. PkM ini dilaksanakan di Posyandu Aster Puskesmas Sangurara pada tanggal 15 Januari 2020. Khalayak sasaran dalam kegiatan ini yaitu penderita diabetes yang berjumlah 20 orang. Metode PkM ini yaitu pemberian edukasi dan simulasi senam kaki diabetik. Hasil PkM ini diperoleh sebagian besar peserta dapat menyebutkan pengertian, tujuan, dan manfaat senam kaki diabetik dan semua peserta dapat mempraktekkan senam diabetk dengan baik. Kegiatan senam kaki ini dapat dijadikan salah satu program diwilayah tersebut dalam rangka meningkatkan kesehatan dan mencegah terjadinya komplikasi DM sehingga kesejahteraan pasien DM meningkat.
Parenting Patterns with Sibling Rivalry Incidents in Preschooler: A Systematic Review Nessy Anggun Primasari; Siti Riskika; Niswa Salamung; Melinda Restu Pertiwi
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): The Effectiveness of Family Communication Strategies
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (207.305 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v1i2.42


Introduction: Parenting style is a comprehensive unity between parent-child interactions. Different parenting styles in children have an impact on the incidence of sibling rivalry in preschool children. According to WHO (World Health Organization) the incidence of sibling rivalry in parenting, the known data from research on 52 respondents: democratic parenting (32.7%), authoritarian (3.8%), permissive (46.2%), abandonment (17.3%), there was Sibling Rivalry (65.4%) and there was no Sibling Rivalry (34.6%). This paper aims to assess the effect of parenting style on the incidence of sibling rivalry in preschool children. Method: This writing uses a systematic review design. The data is taken from the Science Direct, Poquest and Google Cendikia databases, with a period of 2016-2020. Search for journals and articles using the keywords parenting (parenting), sibling rivalry, prescooler (pre-school children). Result: There were ten selected journal articles from 2508 journal articles found from three databases. All journal articles say that there is a relationship between the type of parenting style of parents and the incidence of sibling rivalry in preschool children. Discussion: The results of the analysis in this systematic review show that modern parents, who have a level of knowledge that continues to develop, are more proactive in seeking information about parenting styles and sibling rivalry. Conclusion: The majority of parenting styles adopted by parents are democratic parenting so that parents become more pro-active in seeking information about the best parenting styles and the incidence of sibling rivalry.
Complementary Feeding with Genesis Stunting in Children: A Systematic Review Niswa Salamung; Nessy Anggun Primasari; Melinda Restu Pertiwi; Siti Riskika
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): The Effectiveness of Family Communication Strategies
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.81 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v1i2.43


Introduction: Stunting is a problem of chronic malnutrition caused by insufficient nutrition in a long time due to feeding that is not in accordance with nutritional needs. One of the problems in feeding infants is the cessation of breastfeeding breastmilk and insufficient complementary feeding. The purpose study literature review is to identify thecomplementary feeding with the incidence of stunting in children. Method: The authors conducted a relevant literature review in various data using the keywords “complementary feeding, stunting, child”. Data based on SCOPUS, Science Direct, Proquest, Pubmed and Scholar.The criteria consisted of full text published in criteria were five years limit journal (2013-2018) use article using English. Result:The Results as much as 2.090 articles found, and selected 15 article that suitable with criteria. On the process of the analysis of the articles showed that timely complementary foods, frequency of food and drinks, diversity of foods and drinks associated with the incidence of stunting. in the study of the dietary patterns of all children using the 24-hour recall food questionnaire. Interventions focusing on optimal nutrition during the complementary feeding stage, exclusive breastfeeding, and the use of deworming tablets. Good complementary feeding potential to improve children's nutritional status and can prevent stunting in children after 0-59 month. Conclusion: stunting is influenced by the accuracy of complementary feeding, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, frequency of eating and drinking, diversity of iron and vitamin A-rich foods and regular administration of worm medicine.
Diet of Gastritis Patients in Beka Village Andi Nur Indah Sari; Fanny Metungku; Niswa Salamung; Chely Veronica Mauruh
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): The Relationship Between Lifestyle and The Onset of Nursing Problems
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.239 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v2i1.114


Introduction: Globally, Indonesia ranks fourth with the highest number of gastritis sufferers. The most common cause is an infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes inflammation of the stomach. One of the causes of this ganstritis is a poor diet. The aim of this research is to know the diet of gastritis patients in Beka village. Method: This type of research is descriptive research. The population in this study were all 35 gastritis sufferers in Beka Village. The sample in this study was the entire population used as a sample in Beka Village, amounting to 35 people. The sampling method was non-probability sampling with a total sampling approach model. Result:The results showed that of the 35 respondents, 60% of the food patterns were good and 40% less good. It is hoped that gastritis patients can improve their diet so that they can reduce the recurrence of the disease. Conclusion: more gastritis patients have a bad diet. It is hoped that gastritis patients can improve their diet for the better so that it can reduce disease recurrence and complaints experienced by patients.
Knowledge and Attitudes of Families About Covid-19 Prevention in Sipi Village, Sirenja District Donggala Chely Veronika Mauruh; Resky Anjeli; Alfrida Semuel Ra’bung; Niswa Salamung; Fanny Metungku; Andi Nur Indah Sari
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): The Relationship Between Lifestyle and The Onset of Nursing Problems
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (337.135 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v2i1.123


Introduction: Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) is one of the cases of mysterious pneumonia. The source of the transmission of this case is still not known for sure, but the first case was linked to a fish market in Wuhan. The results of a preliminary survey conducted by researchers on May 16, 2020 in Sipi village, Sirenja District, Donggala, that there was one Sipi village community who was confirmed as Covid-19 due to close contact with one of the people in Tompe village, Sirenja District, Donggala Regency, who was found to be positive Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of the public about the prevention of Covid-19. Method: This research method used descriptive methods with a population of 201 and a sample of 67. The samples were determined using the Nonprobability Sampling technique with a purposive sampling approach. Result: The results of this study indicate that the public's knowledge of prevention Covid-19 is quite good with a presentation number of 61.8% and the public's attitude regarding the prevention of Covid-19 is still not good with a percentage of 70.1%. It is hoped that families who already have good knowledge and attitudes in preventing Covid-19 will maintain and optimize their knowledge and attitudes to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Conclusion: Family knowledge regarding the prevention of COVID-19 is in a fairly good category and family attitudes in preventing COVID-19 are in the category of not good enough.
Family Support for Lepers in Olu Village Lindu District Sigi Regency Niswa Salamung; Chely Veronica Mauruh; Andi Nur Indah Sari; Fanny Metungku; Muliasi Muliasi
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): The Relationship Between Lifestyle and The Onset of Nursing Problems
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.994 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v2i1.133


Introduction: Leprosy is a type of infectious disease that can cause very complex problems. From the results of interviews with health workers at the Pustu that people with leprosy take medicine at the Pustu every month. The results of observations at the Pustu on 2 leprosy sufferers, one of the patients accompanied by their family to go for treatment and take medicine at the Pustu and 1 patient came alone. The purpose of this study was to know the family support for leprosy sufferers in Olu Village, Lindu District, Sigi Regency. Method: This type of research is descriptive research. The population in this study were 30 people affected by leprosy in Olu Village. The sample in this study was that the entire population was used as a sample in Olu Village, amounting to 30 people. The sampling method was non-probability sampling with a total sampling approach model. Result: It shows that out of 30 respondents stated about family support for respondents, more families are supportive (53.3%) than those who are less supportive (46.7%), appreciation and information so that sufferers feel accepted in the midst of family and society and have a great desire for healing. Conclusion: More supportive than those who are less supportive. appreciation and information so that sufferers feel accepted in the midst of family and society and have a great desire for healing.
Relationship between Lifestyle and Stress with Hypertension among of Communities in Sigi Regency Fanny Metungku; Chely Veronica Mauruh; Andi Nur Indah Sari; Niswa Salamung; Uswatun Uswatun
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): The Relationship Between Lifestyle and The Onset of Nursing Problems
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.122 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v2i1.134


Introduction : Hypertension is a condition where a person has increased blood pressure above normal or chronic. Peoplecan feels the serious impact of hypertension when complications have occurred. From the results of interviews with 3 respondents with hypertension, said that in everyday life, the diet that is applied is 3 times a day. As for the food they often consume eggs, salted fish, and coconut milk foods. As for the problem of stress, they don't fully understand about stress, it's just that they say they always have a lot of thoughts, irritability, headaches are caused by economic factors. Method: This type of research is analytic research with a cross sectional approach . The sample in this study amounted to 37 people. Meanwhile, the sampling technique was purposive sampling. Results: The results showed that there was a relationship between the style of living with hypertension with a value of p value = 0.041 (> 0.05). There is a relationship between stress and hypertension value p value = 0.045 (> 0.05). From these results, it is suggested that the health center be more active in educating the public about the factors that can trigger hypertension. Conclusion: local health workers always provide education to the public about the factors that can trigger hypertension
Application of a Patient Safety Culture in Undata Palu Hospital Freny Ravika Mbaloto; Niswa Salamung; Ni Ketut Elmiyanti
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Correlation Knowledge and Attitude of Nurse
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (467.157 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v2i2.193


Introduction: The Word Health Organization suggests that developed countries focus more on knowledge of standardized mechanisms and organizational factors that cause unsafe care for patients, such as those related to miscommunication, eg coordination, human error and the need to improve patient safety culture. Patient safety culture is a major and fundamental factor because building a patient safety culture is a way to build an overall patient safety program. This study aims to determine the applicationof patients safety culture at  Undata Hospital, Palu, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.  Method: Using a survey questionnaire, this study explores differences in the application of of patient safety cultures in patient, critical and emergency rooms. The research samples of 157 people obtained through the use of probability sampling techniques. Data were analyzed using Fisher's exact test. The statistic show that there are differences in the application of safety culture in patient, critical and emergency rooms. Because there are differences in the application of safety culture between rooms, the statistical analysis was continued with the Post Hoc Mann-Whitney test. Results: The results showed that statistically there was no difference in the application of patient safety culture between inpatient and critical rooms because p = 0.643 (p> 0,05 ), a difference in the application of patient safety culture between in patient and emergency rooms because p = 0.011 (p <0,05), a difference in the application of patient safety culture between critical rooms and emergency rooms because p = 0.049 (p<0.05).
Knowledge and Attitude of Nurses about Nursing Ethical Principles at the Trikora Salakan Regional General Hospital Banggai Regency Central Sulawesi Province Ni Ketut Elmiyanti; Retsiola Kinait; Chely Veronica Mauruh; Niswa Salamung; Freny Ravika Mbaloto
D'Nursing and Health Journal (DNHJ) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Correlation Knowledge and Attitude of Nurse
Publisher : Universitas Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (376.296 KB) | DOI: 10.36835/dnursing.v2i2.194


Introduction: The ethical principles of nursing consist of autonomy, beneficial, justice, non maleficience, veracity, fidelity, confidentiality and accountability. Based on observations made by researchers at the hospital, that there were 6 nurses who leaked the patient's identity, then the researcher asked 6 nurses whether it was necessary to explain to the patient when taking action the nurse said it was not necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses about the principles of nursing ethics at the Trikora Salakan General Hospital, Banggai Islands Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. Method: This type of research is descriptive which aims to determine the knowledge and attitudes of nurses about the ethical principles of nursing. This type of data uses primary data and secondary data. Collecting data using a questionnaire with 25 assessment items with knowledge and attitudes. Data analysis used univariate analysis. The population in this study were nurses in the inpatient room of the Trikora General Hospital, Salakan. The sample in this study were all implementing nurses in the inpatient room at Trikora General Hospital Salakan with a total sample of 52 respondents. Result: Showed that the knowledge of good by 82 , 7 %, enough knowledge as much as 17.3%, while as much as 76.9% good attitude, the attitude of quite as much as 23.1%. It is hoped that nurses can maintain the application of ethical principles to patients so that they feel comfortable in the hospital.