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Wheeled Robot Control with a Bluetooth-Based Smartphone Iswanto Suwarno; Nia Maharani Raharja
Journal of Telecommunication Control and Intelligent System Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Monograph Book of Telecommunications
Publisher : PTTI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jtcis.v1i1.68


A wheeled robot is a robot that can walk on a flat surface with the help of wheels as its driving medium, this wheeled robot is made using Arduino as a programming brain, where this robot can move forward, backward, turn right and turn left with a smartphone via a bluetooth module, This wheeled robot is controlled via a smartphone as the remote control and the Bluetooth HC-05 as a connecting medium between the smartphone and the robot. In addition to using Arduino, this robot uses an l298n motor driver as an output regulator for DC motors. From the results of testing on this design it can be concluded that the speed of the experimental robot I was 0.58 m/s for a distance of 3 meters can be completed in 5.1 seconds, in experiment II with 0.56 m/s with the same distance and for 5.3 seconds, and in experiment III it can be completed in 5.5 seconds with a speed of 5.4 m/s, the difference in speed and duration between experiments is influenced by factors such as reduced robot battery voltage and the process of sending data and pairing can be done as far as 13 meters.
Empowerment of MSMEs during the covid-19 pandemic with information technology Iswanto Suwarno; Nia Maharani Raharja; Ipin Prasojo; Omar Tanane
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i1.1


Onion rambak (onion crackers) and rice karak (rice crackers) “Acha” is a home industry in Boyolali, specifically in Gumukrejo, Teras District, Boyolali Regency. Hazardous materials such as borax are not used in the ingredients that composed the karak and rambak sold by this home industry. Mrs. Sunarni, the owner, is assisted by her family in running the rambak and karak businesses. This business was started about ten years ago, but the business license had not been obtained. This company's NPWP business license was in the form of village’s group NPWP. The output was substantial, with 75-100 kg of onion rambak and 50 kg of rice karak produced. Businesses dropped in sales as people's purchasing power declined due to decreased income caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Production could be increased by changing the packaging logo to one that was more eye-catching and easier for the public to remember. In addition to serving sales through the Whatsapp application, sales were also made through e-commerce applications such as Shopee. Using online sales through e-commerce applications, the production results and sales revenue for Mrs. Sunarni's rambak and karak businesses increased.
Artaka fish farm community empowerment in karang kepanjen village, trimulyo, sleman, sleman regency Iswanto Suwarno; Adhianty Nurjanah; Barbara Gunawan; Nia Maharani Raharja; Alfian Ma’arif; Dhiya Uddin Rijalusalam; Rachmad Andri Atmoko; Sashikala Mishra
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i2.10


Kampung Karang is geographically located at an altitude of 280 meters above sea level. Designated as a green belt area or supporting food needs, the hamlet area has the potential for excellence in the agricultural sector. Kampung Karang has an SME of catfish farming farmers, namely Artaka Fish Farm. Artaka Fish Farm "Fish Farming SMEs" is located in an agricultural area in Sleman Regency, precisely in Karang Kepanjen Hamlet, Trimulyo Village, Sleman District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta has been carrying out fish farming activities since 2012. Actually these SMEs have quite a market opportunity. great for aquaculture. However, this opportunity brings consequences and problems, namely the lack of a touch of innovation from the fish feeding system. The service team tries to offer solutions to these problems with a touch of science and technology, namely through the main activity of designing fish feeders. This fish feeder is controlled using an Arduino Uno type microcontroller. The DS1307 type real time clock module is used for scheduling fish feeders. This system can be arranged for scheduling fish feeders. Fish feed is given to fish by means of a fish feeder according to a specified schedule.
Empowerment of mosque community with ultraviolet light sterilisator robot Iswanto Suwarno; Nia Maharani Raharja; Alfian Ma’arif; Arya Adiningrat; Adhianty Nurjanah; Dhiya Uddin Rijalusalam; Carlos Sánchez-López
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i3.12


The first case of the COVID-19 disease was reported in Wuhan. Indonesia is also one of the countries affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This case was first detected in two patients in Jakarta. The spread of the COVID-19 virus is so fast and spreads to all regions in Indonesia. Due to the rapid spread of the virus, efforts are needed to prevent it from spreading. Several local governments in Indonesia have implemented a lock down system to cut the spread of the COVID virus. Entering a new era, the government urges the public to adopt a new way of life to prevent wider transmission while preventing infection, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, maintaining cleanliness, especially hands. The government's call to enter a new era was also followed by the mosque. However, this appeal is very difficult to implement for the new era because the mosque does not yet have a sterilizer to kill bacteria and germs. The sterilizer is used to sterilize the floor of the mosque. The service team tries to offer solutions to these problems with a touch of science and technology through community empowerment programs. The solution is offered with an ultraviolet lamp mounted on a sterilizing robot that can be remotely controlled. Ultraviolet lamp sterilizer robot is able to sterilize the floor of the mosque and the walls of the mosque.
Empowerment of mushroom farming communities with iot based monitoring in Karang Kepanjen, Sleman Iswanto Suwarno; Nia Maharani Raharja; Alfian Maarif; Muhammad Abdus Shomad; Adhianty Nurjanah; Dhiya Uddin Rijalusalam; Rachmad Andri Atmoko; Irfan Ahmad; Israa Al_barazanchi; Sashikala Mishra
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 5 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i5.25


Mugi Barokah “Mushroom Farmer UKM” is located in an agricultural area in Sleman Regency, precisely in Karang Kepanjen Hamlet, Trimulyo Village, Sleman District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region has been conducting mushroom cultivation activities since 2009. Mugi Barokah mushroom cultivation is led by Mr. Agus Arif Effendi. Actually, these SMEs have a large enough market opportunity for mushroom cultivation. However, this opportunity brings consequences and problems, namely the lack of a touch of innovation from the mushroom temperature and humidity monitoring system. The mushroom cultivation treatments they do include adjusting the intensity of the light by installing mosquito nets, adjusting the humidity of the mushroom room by spraying with water and to determine the temperature and humidity in the mushroom room by visual checking. Information about some of the problems faced by mushroom cultivation must of course be addressed as soon as possible as a solution for developing mushroom cultivation businesses. The team that proposes service as part of the community who happens to be involved in the world of education, feels compelled to help provide solutions to the problems faced by the mushroom farmer's business. Through this proposed science and technology activity program and based on the needs analysis that has been carried out, the service team tries to offer solutions to these problems with a touch of science and technology, namely through the main activity of designing remote mushroom monitoring with IoT technology. Temperature monitoring and control tool for mushroom fungus using an Arduino microcontroller, a DH11 sensor for temperature and humidity sensors and using IOT technology for remote monitoring. By using this tool the mushroom fungus can be monitored and controlled remotely using the Android application.
Empowerment of energy communities in minggir II village yogyakarta with iot-based biodigeser Iswanto Iswanto; Andino Maseleno; Nia Maharani Raharja; Alfian Maarif; Muhammad Heri Zulfiar; Dhiya Uddin Rijalusalam; Reza Alayi; Rachmad Andri Atmoko; Irfan Ahmad
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 6 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i6.30


In the Minggir Village, there is a Biogas School called Mitra Sarana Energi which is a biogas school UKM located in Minggir Village, Sendangagung Village, Minggir District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The biogas school UKM has been conducting training activities on the manufacture and use of the biogas since 2012. Actually, the UKM has a large enough market opportunity to manage and sell the biogas. However, this opportunity brings consequences and problems, namely the lack of a touch of innovation from the biodigeser remote monitoring system. The implementation team tried to offer solutions to these problems with a touch of science and technology, namely through designing remote monitoring of gas levels and pressures with IoT technology. This monitoring tool system aims to monitor (monitoring) the process of making biogas production from organic waste by detecting gas levels produced from the biodigester, namely methane gas (CH4), carbon dioxide gas (CO2), hydrogen gas (H2), and gas pressure. The system is designed with an ESP32 controller board and MQ4, MQ8, MQ135 gas sensors and MPX10DP gas pressure sensors combined with the Internet of Things (IoT) feature which is then connected to the Blynk app on the cellphone, so that it can be monitored from anywhere and anywhere with the help of a connection. stable internet. The test results obtained that this tool is capable of measuring and monitoring data on monitoring levels of methane gas, CO2 gas, hydrogen gas and gas pressure.
Technology Dissemination of Smart Tani Fish Farmers in Karang Kepanjen Hamlet, Trimulyo Village, Sleman District, Sleman Regency Iswanto Suwarno; Nia Maharani Raharja; Dhiya Uddin Rijalusalam; Rachmad Andri Atmoko; Irfan Ahmad; Israa Al_barazanchi; Sashikala Mishra
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 7 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i7.35


Smartani "Fish Farming SMEs" is located in an agricultural area in Sleman Regency, precisely in Karang Kepanjen Hamlet, Trimulyo Village, Sleman District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region has been conducting tilapia cultivation activities since 2012. Smartani fishery cultivation is led by Mr. Bondan Widoropexy. In fact, Mr. Bondan Widoropeksi has a large enough market opportunity for aquaculture. However, this opportunity brings consequences and problems, namely the lack of a touch of innovation from the fish feeding system. Information about some of the problems faced by fish farming must be addressed as soon as possible as a solution for developing aquaculture business. Through this proposed science and technology activity program and based on the needs analysis that has been carried out, the service team tries to offer solutions to these problems with a touch of science and technology, namely through the main activity of designing remote fish feeders with IoT technology. This remote fish feed technology uses Arduino type microcontroller technology which is equipped with remote communication technology using GSM modules. The schedule of fish feeders and the dose of the amount of feed needed by the fish can be set automatically and remotely using IoT technology.
Dissemination of disaster communication technology through aslidslide early detection tools in Sonyo Hamlet, Jatimulyo Village, Kulon progo District Adhianty Nurjanah; Iswanto Suwarno; Muhammad Ahmad Baballe; Nia Maharani Raharja; Dhiya Uddin Rijalusalam; Reza Alayi; Rachmad Andri Atmoko; Irfan Ahmad
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 8 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i8.40


When a natural disaster occurs, effective disaster communication involving communication and information technology is an important thing that must be done to the community in the disaster-affected area. When the landslide disaster occurred in Soyono Jatimulyo Hamlet, Kulon Progo, in 2016 the community the role of community leaders such as the Hamlet Head was very vital, especially in terms of disaster communication to the hamlet community. However, based on the observation that the head of the hamlet as a disaster communicator, he still has limitations when carrying out the function of a disaster communicator, especially in terms of the use of communication and information technology and still needs to improve disaster mitigation capabilities. Priority problems are 1. Limited disaster communication technology, 2. Lack of disaster mitigation capabilities. Community empowerment methods as solutions to the proposed problems are: 1. Making disaster communication tools in the form of landslide early detection tools that can assist in disaster communication, 2. Community-based disaster mitigation training. The result of this service is the empowerment of the people of Dusun Sonyo Jatimulyo Kulon Progo in carrying out their vital duties as disaster communicators through landslide detection tools and an 80% increase in disaster mitigation capabilities of the Dusun Soyo Jatimulyo Kulon Progo community.
Community empowerment in landslide management in Sonyo hamlet Iswanto Suwarno; Muhammad Ahmad Baballe; Irfan Ahmad; Erwin L. Rimban; Mohammad Aljanabi; Robbi Rahim; Anggia Arif; Nia Maharani Raharja; Nurhayati Nurhayati
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 1 No. 12 (2021)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v1i12.60


Soyo Hamlet is led by Mr. Suranto as the head of the hamlet. The hamlet itself consists of eight RTs with 173 family heads. The hamlet is located in a mountainous area in the Kulon Progo district. Soyono Hamlet is bordered by Sidomulyo Hamlet and Mount Kelir Hamlet. Soyo Hamlet, which is located in a mountainous area, has many problems. One of the problems that have come to our attention is the problem of vulnerability to natural disasters. Natural disasters that often occur in the village are landslides. It is feared that in the rainy season like today, heavy rains can cause landslides. Based on the above problems, this community service designs and implements a landslide early warning tool. This tool is made using the main component is a microcontroller which is used as a data processor, a sensor uses a potentiometer to detect ground movement, and a siren. In addition to installing landslide equipment, this community service also provides lessons on landslide recovery
Application of blender speed control technology in the processing of salak pondoh into coffee in Sibolong Hamlet Iswanto Suwarno; Muhammad Ahmad Baballe; Irfan Ahmad; Erwin L. Rimban; Mohammad Aljanabi; Nia Maharani Raharja
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022)
Publisher : Peneliti Teknologi Teknik Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59247/jppmi.v2i3.74


Dukuh Sibolong consists of nine RTs with a total population of 672. Based on the information our team got from Mr. Suharno as the head of the hamlet. The hamlet has several groups of informal community organizations such as youth organizations, PKK women. The majority of the population of Sonyo Hamlet are Muslim and have a livelihood as laborers, but there are also those who work as entrepreneurs because the geographical location of Sibolong Hamlet is located in the highlands. Actually, the hamlet of Sibolong has natural potential in the form of Salak Pondoh. One of these has just been processed into salak syrup. The potential of salak is managed by Mr. Suharno. Mr. Suharno has a market opportunity of up to 600 products per month. However, this opportunity brings consequences and problems, namely the wrong seed grinding machine is not owned. Information about some of the problems faced by the zalacca processors must of course be addressed as soon as possible as a solution for developing the zalacca processing business. The team that proposes service as part of the community who happens to be involved in the world of education, feels compelled to help provide solutions to the problems faced by Mr. Suharno's salak processing business. Through this proposed program of science and technology activities and based on the needs analysis that has been carried out, the service team tries to offer solutions to these problems with a touch of science and technology, namely through the main activity of designing a salak seed grinder to make salak coffee. The solosi is used to improve the processing of salak coffee.