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Algoritma Quadtree Untuk Pendeteksian Tubrukan Pada Permainan Adventure Of Upik Rahim, Robbi
Jurnal TIMES Vol 3, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (815.963 KB)


Many games in this life. The gameplay is outstanding and well known today simply highlight the benefits and as a medium for entertainment purposes only. And most children, teenagers and even adults make the game as the release of fatigue, as a busy entertainment center. Aside from being a means of entertainment, the Gamers usually also makes the game for commercial purposes. Usually this applies to the world of online gaming. adventure of upik a  game about little girl who got lost in the woods and away from home and parents, upik had to walk through the forest and had to fight the forces of evil mushrooms, snail and snakes that come attacked. This game uses a system of history is an adventure from start to finish beginning adventure complete the mission that has been designed. From the background of the above problems are obtained formulation of the problem is how to make the game called "adventure of upik" using adobe flash cs6 and implementing collision detection method in the process of hitting and destroy objects.
Jurnal TIMES Vol 5, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (430.101 KB)


Steganografi merupakan salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengamankan informasi. Steganografi yaitu menyembunyikan informasi atau pesan kedalam media lain seperti citra digital, teks, suara atau video sehingga tidak menimbulkan kecurigaan orang lain. Metode steganografi yang banyak digunakan saat ini masih mempunyai kekurangan dalam hal kualitas, kapasitas, dan ketahanan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan metode steganografi lain yang lebih baik lagi, dan untuk menambah keamanan pada informasi, steganografi dapat dikombinasikan dengan kriptografi. Metode steganografi yang digunakan yaitu metode pixel value differencing (PVD). Metode ini dapat menyisipkan pesan lebih banyak pada pixel yang memilik nilai kekontrasan tinggi. Untuk menambah tingkat keamanan dari informasi yang akan disisipkan kedalam citra, digunakan kriptografi. Teknik kriptografi yang digunakan yaitu algoritma caesar cipher. Caesar cipher merupakan algoritma yang digunakan sebagai standar kriptografi. Penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu mengkombinasikan steganografi dengan kriptografi pada citra digital. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap metode steganografi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui kapasitas citra, performansi dari metode pixel value differencing (PVD), kualitas citra yang dihasilkan, dan ketahanan pesan terhadap manipulasi citra dan steganalysis. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian didapat kesimpulan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode pixel value differencing (PVD), kapasitas citra untuk menyisipkan pesan, lebih kecil dari ukuran citranya, waktu proses pada metode ini cukup cepat, kualitas citra setelah disisipi pesan mempunyai kualitas yang baik, namun metode ini juga masih mempunyai kekurangan, karena tidak tahan terhadap manipulasi dan pada beberapa citra masih terdeteksi oleh aplikasi steganalysis.
Jurnal TIMES Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : STMIK TIME

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.192 KB)


Protokol Secret Sharing adalah metode yang digunakan untuk membagi atau memecah sebuah pesan rahasia (secret) kepada 2 (dua) atau lebih penerima, sehingga hasil dari pecahan pesan (shares) tersebut tidak dapat diketahui oleh para penerima secret, kecuali setiap penerima melakukan pertukaran shares untuk merekonstruksi secret. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah ketika proses pertukaran shares, ada pihak lain yang mengetahui shares dari para penerima, maka pihak tersebut juga dapat merekonstruksi secret. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut, diperlukan pendekatan keamanan tambahan, seperti melakukan enkripsi pesan. Untuk itu digunakan Protokol Three-Pass, protokol ini akan mengamankan proses pertukaran shares antar penerima. Protokol Three-Pass juga memberikan kemudahan pada penerima untuk mengamankan share tanpa harus melakukan distribusi kunci enkripsi, dan share tersandi tersebut tetap terjamin keamanannya. Penelitian ini menganalisa keamanan pada pengiriman secret dengan mengkombinasikan Protokol Secret Sharing dan Protokol Three-Pass. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan Protokol Three-Pass dapat mengamankan pertukaran shares, walaupun pihak penyerang mendapatkan shares tersandi pada saat pertukaran share, pihak tersebut harus melakukan brute-force terhadap shares tersandi tersebut sebanyak pn bilangan acak  (dimana p adalah modulo pada secret sharing, dan n adalah panjang share), dimana hal ini akan mustahil bagi pihak penyerang untuk mengetahui share yang benar, walaupun dia memiliki sumber daya komputer yang memadai.
The Design of Digital Liquid Density Meter Based on Arduino Megantoro, Prisma; Widjanarko, Andrei; Rahim, Robbi; Kunal, Kunal; Zuhri Arfianto, Afif
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1101


A measure of liquid thickness is needed to make a dough or formula for medicinal syrup. The tools to measure the thickness available in the market are analog that is less accurate and precision. To overcome these problems, digital density measuring devices are needed. The limitation of the digital density meter, especially liquid, urges the author to carry out further research on the digitization of this measuring instrument. This research aims to make a digital density meter for liquid matter with a high level of measurement accuracy, as the reference measurement study for liquid density in digital form. The instrument was designed using the load cell method as the main sensor. It was also equipped with a DS18B20 water-resistant temperature sensor to measure the temperature of the liquid. The data were analyzed to obtain the accuracy and error of the liquid density measurement from the density meter. The liquid samples used for research were Pertamax, solar, and water. Sample accuracy and error measurement results were 99.83 percent and 0.17 percent respectively for Pertamax, 99.63 percent and 0.37 percent for solar and 99.46 percent and 0.54 percent for water. The measured density value was finally shown on the 16x2 LCD.
Implementation of Line Follower Robot based Microcontroller ATMega32A Latif, Abdul; Agus Widodo, Hendro; Rahim, Robbi; Kunal, Kunal
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 3 (2020): May
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1316


The development of technology in the field of robotics is very fast, but in the eastern regions of Indonesia, namely the development of the development has not yet felt the impact. Especially in the university's electrical laboratory Musamus Merauke learning media devices for microcontrollers are also not yet available, therefore the author wants to pioneer by implementing the simplest robot design, the line follower robot, where the robot only goes along the lines. This study uses an experimental method, by conducting a research process based on sequences, namely: needs analysis, mechanical chart design, electronic part design and control program design, manufacturing, and testing. The line follower robot based on ATmega32A microcontroller has been tested and the results show that the line follower robot can walk following the black line on the white floor and can display the situation on the LCD. But this line follower robot still has shortcomings in the line sensor sensitivity process depending on a certain speed. At speeds of 90-150 rpm the line follower robot can follow the path, while more than 150 rpm the robot is not able to follow the path.
Motor DC PID System Regulator for Mini Conveyor Drive Based-on Matlab Latif, Abdul; Zuhri Arfianto, Afif; Agus Widodo, Hendro; Rahim, Robbi; T.Helmy, Elsayed
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 6 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1636


The goal of the research was to develop a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control DC motor system as a Matlab-based driver mini conveyor to discover how to regulate speed on an actual mini conveyor where certain factors that impact the research are not considered 0. The hardware configuration of the mini conveyor used hollow steel as a frame and two copies of the roller belt for the stretch belt conveyor. The PID control system used an empirical approach to get the DC motor's response system to determine the best fit of proportional gain, integral gain and derivative gain, and then implement those PID control systems using Matlab and Arduino as the tools for data acquisition. The speed sensor (Rotary Encoder) was mounted on the roller belt to accurately gain read speed. This sensor will submit data on every increasing in PWM to accurately measure the speed and control speed at the same time, based on the set points. The consequence of this work was the proportional gain values = 0.94624747, the Integral gain = 51.4023958 and the derivative gain = 0.01941504. The PID control, designed to monitor the response of motor DC speed on this research, had successfully reached set point value and decreased steady state error from 47.16 percent to 1.015188 percent (unloaded) and 2.2020751 percent (loaded) on the real response device.
The Design of Digital Liquid Density Meter Based on Arduino Prisma Megantoro; Andrei Widjanarko; Robbi Rahim; Kunal Kunal; Afif Zuhri Arfianto
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1101


A measure of liquid thickness is needed to make a dough or formula for medicinal syrup. The tools to measure the thickness available in the market are analog that is less accurate and precision. To overcome these problems, digital density measuring devices are needed. The limitation of the digital density meter, especially liquid, urges the author to carry out further research on the digitization of this measuring instrument. This research aims to make a digital density meter for liquid matter with a high level of measurement accuracy, as the reference measurement study for liquid density in digital form. The instrument was designed using the load cell method as the main sensor. It was also equipped with a DS18B20 water-resistant temperature sensor to measure the temperature of the liquid. The data were analyzed to obtain the accuracy and error of the liquid density measurement from the density meter. The liquid samples used for research were Pertamax, solar, and water. Sample accuracy and error measurement results were 99.83 percent and 0.17 percent respectively for Pertamax, 99.63 percent and 0.37 percent for solar and 99.46 percent and 0.54 percent for water. The measured density value was finally shown on the 16x2 LCD.
Implementation of Line Follower Robot based Microcontroller ATMega32A Abdul Latif; Hendro Agus Widodo; Robbi Rahim; Kunal Kunal
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 3 (2020): May
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1316


The development of technology in the field of robotics is very fast, but in the eastern regions of Indonesia, namely the development of the development has not yet felt the impact. Especially in the university's electrical laboratory Musamus Merauke learning media devices for microcontrollers are also not yet available, therefore the author wants to pioneer by implementing the simplest robot design, the line follower robot, where the robot only goes along the lines. This study uses an experimental method, by conducting a research process based on sequences, namely: needs analysis, mechanical chart design, electronic part design and control program design, manufacturing, and testing. The line follower robot based on ATmega32A microcontroller has been tested and the results show that the line follower robot can walk following the black line on the white floor and can display the situation on the LCD. But this line follower robot still has shortcomings in the line sensor sensitivity process depending on a certain speed. At speeds of 90-150 rpm the line follower robot can follow the path, while more than 150 rpm the robot is not able to follow the path.
Motor DC PID System Regulator for Mini Conveyor Drive Based-on Matlab Abdul Latif; Afif Zuhri Arfianto; Hendro Agus Widodo; Robbi Rahim; Elsayed T.Helmy
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 6 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1636


The goal of the research was to develop a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) control DC motor system as a Matlab-based driver mini conveyor to discover how to regulate speed on an actual mini conveyor where certain factors that impact the research are not considered 0. The hardware configuration of the mini conveyor used hollow steel as a frame and two copies of the roller belt for the stretch belt conveyor. The PID control system used an empirical approach to get the DC motor's response system to determine the best fit of proportional gain, integral gain and derivative gain, and then implement those PID control systems using Matlab and Arduino as the tools for data acquisition. The speed sensor (Rotary Encoder) was mounted on the roller belt to accurately gain read speed. This sensor will submit data on every increasing in PWM to accurately measure the speed and control speed at the same time, based on the set points. The consequence of this work was the proportional gain values = 0.94624747, the Integral gain = 51.4023958 and the derivative gain = 0.01941504. The PID control, designed to monitor the response of motor DC speed on this research, had successfully reached set point value and decreased steady state error from 47.16 percent to 1.015188 percent (unloaded) and 2.2020751 percent (loaded) on the real response device.
The Effectiveness of Google Classroom on Hybrid Learning in Junior High School Robbi Rahim; Adri Lundeto; Elihami Elihami; Agus Riyanto
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14, No 2 (2022): AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : STAI Hubbulwathan Duri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (436.095 KB) | DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v14i2.2060


Teachers use Google Classroom for online learning so that learning continues despite the policy of learning from home and the existence of distance restrictions. This study aims to analyze the use of Google Classroom in online learning. This study uses a quantitative survey method involving 84 students and 5 teachers. Research data collection through surveys containing several questions assisted through Google Forms. Likert scale questionnaire (1-5) was used to collect data on student perceptions of teacher teaching skills, implementation, barriers to learning, and student satisfaction. Qualitative data were analyzed by descriptive technique. The results of this study indicate that Hybrid Learning by utilizing Google Classroom, especially online learning is able to effectively support the learning process based on teacher teaching skills data by 85%, learning implementation by 85%, and student satisfaction by 97.6%. Thus, Google Classroom is the right application for teachers to use in online learning and distance learning. The obstacles in online learning can be optimized through classroom learning. Suggestions for further research is to develop teaching materials both printed and electronic using Google Classroom.
Co-Authors Abdul Latif Abdul Latif Ada Adoley Allotey Adri Lundeto Agus Riyanto Agus Widodo, Hendro Ahmar, Ansari Saleh Ahmed Ramadhan Al-Obaidi Ahyuna Ahyuna Akbar Iskandar Andrei Widjanarko Anggia Arif Arfianto, Afif Zuhri Belinda Lai Berman Hutahaean Claudia Ann Rutland Desi Eka Nuryanti Dwi Yuny Sylfania ELIHAMI, ELIHAMI Ellisa Agustina Elsayed T.Helmy Enos Lolang Ernie C Avila Ernie C. Avila Erwin L. Rimban Ester Rajagukguk Fajriana Fajriana Fransiskus Panca Juniawan Hafsah, Hafni Hardisal Hardisal Harfawan Matturungan Hendro Agus Widodo Herry Rachmat Widjaja I Gede Iwan Sudipa Ike Yuni Wulandari Indriyani Indriyani Ira Modifa Tarigan Irfan Ahmad Iswanto Suwarno Iswanto Suwarno Iwan Adhicandra Iwan Adicandra Jacomina Vonny Litamahuputty Jassim Alhamid Jimmy H Moedjahedy Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana Kunal Kunal Kunal Kunal Kunal, Kunal Laksono Trisnantoro Lase, Delipiter Lela Khartishvili Leon Andretti Abdillah Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani M. Aldi Hidayat Lamdho Mansyur Manvender Kaur Sarjit Singh Manvender Kaur Sarjit Singh Maret Sitanggang Mary Puthern Meithiana Indrasari Mohammad Aljanabi Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap Muhammad Ade Kurnia Harahap Muhammad Ahmad Baballe Muqarranah Sulaiman Kurdi Musyarrafah Sulaiman Kurdi Mutmainnah, Muthia N Nofirman Nabila Turahma Niah Butarbutar Nia Maharani Raharja Nia Maharani Raharja Nur Mistari Nurhayati Nurhayati Omar Tanane Omar Tanane Prisma Megantoro Raditya Argananta Churyanto Rahmad Hidayat Rahmat Hidayat Ramadhani Prayoga Raudatul Innayah Restu Diyah Pramesti restu Rispa Ngindana Rosmawita Ningrum Rushendra Rushendra S Sahyunu S Suwarni Sanco Simanullang Santri W Pasaribu Satria Prayudi Siewe Pougoue E.B. Susatyo Adhi Pramono, Susatyo Adhi T.Helmy, Elsayed Tasya Noorhaliza Toha Ardi Nugraha Trinugi Wira Harjanti Ursula Hadimeri Usanto S Usanto S Victor Jiménez-Díaz-Benito Virro I. Widjanarko, Andrei Widyatmike Gede Mulawarman Wim Winowatan Yaya Finayani Yoga Ihsan Rianto Yoga Ihsan Rianto Yogasetya Suhanda