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Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v11i1.53521


Plant identification means revealing or establishing the identity of a plant. There are trees that produce consumption fruit that can be consumed directly without having to be processed first and those that must be processed first before they can be consumed by humans. Sambas Botanical Gardens is a garden that was built with the aim of completing a number of ex-situ conservation areas of Botanical Gardens in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to identify, and describe morphological characteristics and obtain architectural models of fruit-producing tree species in the Sambas Botanical Gardens, Subah District, Sambas Regency. The method used is exploration and flora collection by making 6 paths where each lane is 500 meters long and 20 meters wide. The results of this study found 30 types of consumption fruit trees consisting of 20 genera and 14 families. Three of them are endemic to Kalimantan, namely Bacaurea angulata (Belimbing Darah), Durio testudinarius (Durian Kura) and Shorea macrophylla (Tengkawang Tungkul).Keywords: Consumption Fruit-Producing Trees, Identification, Sambas Botanical GardenAbstrak Identifikasi tumbuhan berarti mengungkapkan atau menetapkan identitas suatu tumbuhan. Pohon penghasil buah konsumsi ada yang dapat dikonsumsi secara langsung tanpa harus diolah terlebih dahulu dan yang harus diolah terlebih dahulu baru dapat dikonsumsi oleh manusia. Kebun Raya Sambas merupakan kebun yang dibangun dengan tujuan untuk melengkapi jumlah kawasan konservasi ex-situ Kebun Raya di Indonesia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi, mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri morfologi dan mendapatkan model arsitektur jenis-jenis pohon penghasil buah konsumsi pada kawasan Kebun Raya Sambas Kecamatan Subah Kabupaten Sambas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu eksplorasi dan koleksi flora dengan membuat 6 jalur dimana masing-masing jalur berukuran panjang 500 meter dan lebar 20 meter. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan 30 jenis pohon buah konsumsi yang terdiri dari 20 genus dan 14 famili. Tiga jenis diantaranya merupakan endemik Kalimantan, yaitu Bacaurea angulata (Belimbing Darah), Durio testudinarius (Durian Kura) dan Shorea macrophylla (Tengkawang Tungkul).Kata Kunci: Pohon penghasil buah konsumsi, identifikasi, kebun raya sambas 
Kajian Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Suku Dayak Belangin di Desa Dange Aji Kecamatan Air Besar Kabupaten Landak Lusiana Lusiana; Gusti Eva Tavita; Yeni Mariani; Fathul Yusro
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i2.5958


The Dayak tribe has a close relationship with nature. They are used to using natural resources such as plants for various needs, including as an ingredient in traditional medication. The Dayak Belangin, one of the Kanayatn Dayak sub-tribes in Dange Aji Village, Landak District, is still using medicinal plants to treat illnesses in their community. This research was conducted to document the knowledge of the dayak Belangin people in Dange Aji Village in utilizing plants as traditional medicine. A total of 163 households of the dayak Belangin community in Dange Aji Village were selected by purposive sampling and in-depth interviews to obtain information about the community's knowledge of using plants as medicine. The data obtained were then analyzed using ethnobotanical indices such as use value (UV), family importance value (FIV), informant consensus factor (ICF), and fidelity level (FL). All respondents interviewed used medicinal plants, with in total there are 53 species belonging to 34 plant families. Asteraceae is a plant family with the highest FIV (11.76). Jambu tokal or guava (P. guajava), mabo (Blumea balsamifera), and engkodok (Melastoma candidum) had the highest UV values (0.76; 0.71, and 0.71, respectively). The highest ICF score (1) includes cancer, wounds, urinary stones, rheumatism, gout, allergies, malaria, hypertension, bloody bowel movements, colds, sore eyes, colds, cholesterol, and broken bones. There are 43 plants with the highest FL value (100%). The local knowledge of the dayak Belangin tribe is prized and must be maintained, especially for the benefit of science and the development of new modern medicines.
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jhl.v11i3.71156


Tengkawang seeds are one of the non-timber forest products that can be processed into Borneo tengkawang fat. Tengkawang fat contains myristic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. The acid content in tengkawang fat has properties that can moisturize the skin for a long time so tengkawang fat can be used as an ingredient in handbody lotion formulas. This study aimed to formulate and evaluate a handbody lotion from tengkawang fat during a 28 day storage period. The benefits of this research are obtaining formulations and providing information regarding the potential use of tengkawang fat as a hand lotion. This research was made with variations in the concentration of tengkawang fat 1%, 3%, 6% and 9%. The results of the study showed that all concentrations of tengkawang fat in handbody lotion had good properties during the storage period.Keywords : Handbody Lotion, Tengkawang Fat, Tengkawang SeedsAbstrakBiji tengkawang merupakan salah satu Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu yang bisa diolah menjadi lemak tengkawang. Lemak tengkawang mengandung asam miristat, asam palmitat, asam stearat, asam oleat dan asam linoleat. Kandungan asam pada lemak tengkawang memiliki sifat yang dapat melembabkan kulit dalam waktu lama sehingga lemak tengkawang bisa dijadikan bahan pada formula handbody lotion. Tujuan dari penelitian ini memformulasikan dan mengevaluasi handbody lotion dari lemak tengkawang selama masa penyimpanan 28 hari. Manfaat dari penelitian ini memperoleh formulasi dan memberikan informasi mengenai potensi pemanfaatan lemak tengkawang sebagai handbody lotion. Penelitian ini dibuat dengan variasi konsentrasi lemak tengkawang 1%, 3%, 6% dan 9%. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa semua konsentrasi lemak tengkawang pada handbody lotion memiliki sifat yang baik selama masa penyimpanan. Kata kunci : Handbody Lotion, Lemak Tengkawang, Biji Tengkawang
PENGAMATAN KEBERADAAN BADAK SUMATERA (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) DI KUTAI BARAT DAN MAHAKAM ULU KALIMANTAN TIMUR Gusti Hardiansyah; Ahmad Muslim; Gusti Eva Tavita; Yuyun Kurniawan; Arif Data Kusuma
Tengkawang : Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan Vol 3, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Tengkawang
Publisher : Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/jt.v3i2.21610


Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is the smallest rhinoceros and the most primitive types of the five species of rhinoceros that still alive. In the 1990s the status of the Sumatran rhino population in East Kalimantan never again recorded scientifically (Meijaard, 1996). In 2013 WWF Indonesia - Kutai Barat find signs of rhino are supported by the findings of the trail and a video camera recording automatically. The study aims to determine the status of the rhino habitat conditions and population. The experiment was conducted in Kutai Barat and Mahakam Ulu , East Kalimantan. In this study used a grid of 4x4 km ² ² divided into 2x2 cells with an area of 240 km² observations which represent 15 % of Zone 1 ( 1,600 km² ). The results showed high levels of habitat suitability with a population of 7-15 individuals.Key words : Habitat, population Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis)
Kajian Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Suku Dayak Belangin di Desa Dange Aji Kecamatan Air Besar Kabupaten Landak Lusiana Lusiana; Gusti Eva Tavita; Yeni Mariani; Fathul Yusro
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 2 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i2.5958


The Dayak tribe has a close relationship with nature. They are used to using natural resources such as plants for various needs, including as an ingredient in traditional medication. The Dayak Belangin, one of the Kanayatn Dayak sub-tribes in Dange Aji Village, Landak District, is still using medicinal plants to treat illnesses in their community. This research was conducted to document the knowledge of the dayak Belangin people in Dange Aji Village in utilizing plants as traditional medicine. A total of 163 households of the dayak Belangin community in Dange Aji Village were selected by purposive sampling and in-depth interviews to obtain information about the community's knowledge of using plants as medicine. The data obtained were then analyzed using ethnobotanical indices such as use value (UV), family importance value (FIV), informant consensus factor (ICF), and fidelity level (FL). All respondents interviewed used medicinal plants, with in total there are 53 species belonging to 34 plant families. Asteraceae is a plant family with the highest FIV (11.76). Jambu tokal or guava (P. guajava), mabo (Blumea balsamifera), and engkodok (Melastoma candidum) had the highest UV values (0.76; 0.71, and 0.71, respectively). The highest ICF score (1) includes cancer, wounds, urinary stones, rheumatism, gout, allergies, malaria, hypertension, bloody bowel movements, colds, sore eyes, colds, cholesterol, and broken bones. There are 43 plants with the highest FL value (100%). The local knowledge of the dayak Belangin tribe is prized and must be maintained, especially for the benefit of science and the development of new modern medicines.