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IMPLEMENTASI WAKAF PRODUKTIF (Studi di Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia Cabang Bandar Lampung) Gatot Bintoro Putro Aji; Darania Anisa
JURNAL ASAS Vol 12, No 01 (2020): Asas, Vol. 12, No. 01 Juli 2020
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (604.99 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/asas.v12i01.6928


Waqf paradigm in Indonesia before the enactment of Law No. 41 of 2004 on waqf, only limited to dead and unproductive objects.One form of institution that developed in the Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia Council is productive waqf institutions.This institution was founded in 1967 and was only developed in 2006.In addition to endowments in the form of productive land, the Qur'an endowment service also developed.This paper describes the implementation of productive endowments carried out by the Council of Da'wah Islamiyah Indonesia Bandar Lampung. The funds collected as a result of the management of waqf land which are fully productive are allocated for the benefit of the people,and to finance the preachers who were sent to the regions on the task of religious symbols, and also allocated to nadzir. Paradigma wakaf di Indonesia sebelum berlakunya UU No. 41 Tahun 2004 tentang wakaf, hanya dipahami sebatas pada benda mati dan tidak produktif. Salah satu bentuk lembaga yang berkembang di Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia adalah lembaga wakaf produktif.Lembaga ini sudah berdiri dari tahun 1967 dan baru dikembangkan pada tahun 2006.Selain wakaf berupa tanah yang diproduktifkan, maka berkembang juga layanan wakaf Qur’an.Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan implementasi wakaf produktif yang dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia Cabang Bandar Lampung.Dana yang terkumpul sebagai hasil dari pengelolaan tanah wakaf yang di produktifkan sepenuhnya dialokasikan untuk kepentingan umat, dan untuk membiayai para da’I yang dikirim ke daerah-daerah dengan tugas Syiar Agama, dan juga dialokasikan untuk Nadzir.Kata Kunci : Implementasi wakaf produktif, Dewan Da’wah Islamiyah Indonesia 
The Role of Islamic Bonds (Sukuk) toward Indonesia Economy Darania Anisa; Rudi Santoso
Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review Vol 3, No 1 (2020): January, 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung

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The development of Islamic bonds (sukuk) has a great potential. Islamic bonds (sukuk) is an investment instrument which can be utilized by the government to build nation economy and create public welfare. In 2019, the total value of sukuk emissions amounted IDR 48,240.40 billion with an sukuk outstanding value of IDR 30,203.50 billion from a total of 145 corporate sukuk circulating on the Islamic capital market. The role of Islamic bonds (sukuk) for the government in increasingly important, especially as an alternative source of funding for the state budget. Of course, if national development in Indonesia uses sukuk, it will be better direct debt. At least, the orientation of the issuance of state Islamic bonds (sukuk) is based on three things: 1) infrastructure development, 2) labor-intensive sectors, 3) and, optimization of potential.
Implementation of Endowment as Arising of People's Economy Darania Anisa; Adib Fachri
Journal of Islamic Business and Economic Review Vol 2, No 1 (2019): January, 2019
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (340.684 KB)


The appearance of poverty is caused by discrepancy or gap regarding to land and asset ownership in Indonesia. Rich people in Indonesia dominate almost 70 percent of land, whereas 99 percent of people acquire only 30 percents of and. In this case, the utilization of waqf/endowment land can become a solution to develop economy and poverty alleviation. The existence of the law Number 41 Year 2004 about endowment/waqf gives the juridical foundation for endowment implementation, either endowment of fixed asset and building, or form of money. Endowment implementation should encompass productivity factor ad consumptive factor in society, so it can give positive impact for public welfare.
Syi`ar Iqtishadi : Journal of Islamic Economics, Finance and Banking Vol 3, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : FEB Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35448/jiec.v3i2.6593


The growth of various business sectors in Indonesia has shown quite rapid development, both in the industrial and service sectors, so that in turn competition will emerge that should be seen as positive, where with the competition itself, business actors will compete to continue to improve their products or services generated so that businesses continue to innovate and strive to provide the best products or services for consumers. According to the results of research that business competition according to Islamic economic law is permissible competition, as long as business competition is carried out in a healthy manner, but if the business competition is monopolistic in order to take advantage, then the Islamic economy prohibits it. This is because Islamic economics provides a line that business competition must be conducted fairly (fair play) with the principles of honesty (honesty), openness (transparentcy), and justice (justice). Meanwhile according to Law No. 5 of 1999, business competition is permissible competition, however if competition between business actors in carrying out production and or marketing activities of goods and or services carried out in a manner that is dishonest or against the law or inhibits business competition, according to the provisions of Article 17 paragraph (1) Law No. 5 of 1999, such business competition is prohibited.
Pengaruh Dinamika Ekonomi Terhadap Proses Penegakan Hukum Darania Anisa; Anggun Septiani
Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Budaya Vol 4 No 4 (2018): Ideas: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya (November)
Publisher : Ideas Publishing

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Perkembangan kehidupan manusia cenderung memiliki perubahan yang dinamis, hal ini bukanlah tanpa alasan karena kehidupan manusia akan berubah sesuai dengan zamannya, apalagi manusia diberikan kodrat sebagai makhluk yang memiliki akal pikiran cenderung menjadi salah aktor perubahan zaman. Proses yang demikian membentuk sistem yang diamplikasikan tersebut tertinggal dengan sendirinya seiring perkembangan zaman. Permasalahan perkembangan zaman yang muncul salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh ekonomi. Perkembangan ekonomi sangat mempengaruhi proses penegakan hukum yang berjalan.Banyaknya kepentingan yang muncul untuk mencari keuntungan ekonomi, sehingga proses penegakan hukum dapat dipengaruhi oleh banyak pihak. Dengan demikian hukum dapat dibeli dan dipakai kapan saja tanpa melihat kehidupan masyarakat secara umum. Karena bagi kapilatis hukum adalah alat yang bisa dijadikan untuk melanggengkan kekayaan serta kekuasaan dalam menduduki kelas sosial yang paling mulia dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Penelitian ini untuk melihat Bagaimana Pengaruh Ekonomi terhadap hukum di Indonesia serta Bagaimana menghilangkan pengaruh kelas dalam penegakan hukum di Indonesia.
Ujaran Kebencian Di Media Sosial Berbasis Gender: Tinjauan Sosiologi Hukum Darania Anisa; Erna Ikawati
Jurnal Kajian Gender dan Anak Vol 4, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/gender.v4i2.3342


Sosiologi hukum memfokuskan perhatian sekaligus menganalisis hubungan interaksi antarmanusia dalam suatu masyarakat dan konteks hukum, yaitu bagaimana mereka berkomunikasi, bekerja sama, dan berupaya mengatasi berbagai masalah sosial. Ketika struktur sosial dan budaya masyarakat masih sederhana, maka tata cara mereka berinteraksi satu sama lain juga masih sederhana, dalam kondisi itu tidak terjadi kendala yang ditemukan dalam hubungan sosial. Ketika terjadi perkembangan yang pesat dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi terutama di bidang komunikasi dan informasi, maka tata cara dalam interaksi juga mengalami perubahan. Didukung hal tersebut, dewasa ini banyak sekali pemberitaan mengenai ujaran kebencian yang dilakukan di media sosial. Hal ini salah satu bentuk dari percepatan kemajuan teknologi sehingga penyebarluasan informasi dan hal lainnya tidak dapat dibendung dan terkontrol. Penelitian ini bentuk analisa bagaimana sosiologi hukum dalam teori konflik terhadap ujaran kebencian, serta pengaruh masyarakat yang menimbulkan ujaran kebencian, dan bagaimana keterkaitan media sosial terhadap ujaran kebencian serta penanggulangan/mengatasi penyebaran ujaran kebencian.AbstractSociology of law focuses attention as well as analyzes the relationship of interactions between people in a society and the legal context, namely how they communicate, cooperate, and try to overcome various social problems. When the social and cultural structure of society is still simple, the way they interact with each other is still simple, in that condition there are no obstacles to be found in social relations. When there is rapid development in science and technology, especially in the field of communication and information, the procedures for interaction also change. Supported by this, nowadays a lot of news about hate speech is carried out on social media. This is a form of accelerated technological progress so that the dissemination of information and other matters cannot be restrained and controlled. This research is a form of analysis of how the sociology of law in conflict theory on hate speech, as well as the influence of society that causes hate speech, and how social media is connected to hate speech and how to overcome / overcome the spread of hate speech.
POSISI PEREMPUAN DALAM HUKUM KELUARGA ISLAM DI INDONESIA (Analisis Kompilasi Hukum Islam Kajian Gender dan Feminisme) Darania Anisa; Erna Ikawati
Jurnal Kajian Gender dan Anak Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/gender.v5i1.3730


The rise of gender discourse and feminism lately is a reaction to the reality of gender inequality that has created injustice against women in the form of marginalization, subordination, discrimination and even violence that has been happening in the family so far. This discourse is directly proportional to the attitude of voicing the importance of reforming various legal rules that are considered gender biased.This study aims to see the position of women in family law through a review of the rules contained in the Islamic Law Compilation as applied law for the Religious Courts within the framework of a gender equality perspective. Studying the articles related to gender relations in the rules of family life, it appears that there are certain parts that appear to be gender biased, but in general it can be concluded that KHI is sufficient to show equality between men and women in family life. Gender equality is contained in the rules regarding equality in the position of husband and wife, restrictions on polygamy, joint property, divorce, due to divorce, child control and inheritance.Keywords : Women, KHI, Gender EqualityAbstrakMaraknya wacana gender dan feminisme akhir-akhir ini sebagai reaksi atas realitas ketimpangan gender yang telah melahirkan ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan berupa marginalisasi, subordinasi, diskriminasi bahkan kekerasan yang selama ini juga terjadi dalam keluarga. Wacana tersebut berbanding lurus dengan sikap menyuarakan pentingnya pembaruan terhadap berbagai aturan hukum yang dinilai bias gender.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat posisi perempuan dalam hukum keluarga melalui telaah terhadap aturan-aturan yang terdapat dalam Kompilasi Hukum Islam sebagi hukum terapan bagi Pengadilan Agama dalam kerangka perspektif kesetaraan gender. Telaah pasal-pasal yang terkait dengan relasi gender dalam aturan-aturan hidup berkeluarga, tampak aturan-aturan tersebut masih ada bagian tertentu yang terkesan bias gender, namun secara umum bisa disimpulkan bahwa KHI cukup menampakkan kesetaraan antara laki-laki dan perempuan dalam kehidupan keluarga. Kesetararaan gender terdapat pada aturan mengenai persamaan posisi suami istri, pembatasan poligami, harta bersama, perceraian, akibat perceraian, penguasaan anak dan kewarisan.
Jurnal Kajian Gender dan Anak Vol 5, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/gender.v5i2.4553


Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga (KDRT) merupakan suatu tindak kejahatan dan merupakan perilaku antisosial yang merugikan seorang anggota atau sejumlah anggota dalam rumah tangga. Baik dari segi fisik, kejiwaan maupun ekonomi. Berbagai macam aspek yang berkaitan dengan KDRT sudah tentu menjadi perhatian yang serius, terlebih kebanyakan yang menjadi korbannya adalah perempuan (istri). Ditetapkannya undang-undang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga merupakan salah satu tindakan perlindungan masyarakat untuk pencegahan tindak pidana KDRT, memperbaiki perbuatan pelaku serta menjaga keamanan dan keharmonisan hubungan keluarga. Namun, dengan adanya undang-undang tidak semata-mata dapat sepenuhnya melindungi korban. Sebab pada situasinya korban enggan melapor pada pihak yang berwajib (polisi), maka dari itu hukum belum sepenuhnya berhasil melindungi korban dari tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengenal problematika tindak pidana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga di Indonesia perspektif sosiologi hukum.AbstractDomestic violence as a crime and is an antisocial behavior that harms a member or a number of members in the household in terms of physical, psychological and economic. Various aspects related to domestic violence are of course a serious concern, especially most of the victims are women (wife). The enactment of the law on domestic violence as a community protection for the prevention of domestic violence, improve the perpetrators' acts and maintain security and harmony. However, the existence of a law cannot merely protect victims. Because in the situation the victims are reluctant to report to the authorities (police), therefore the law has not been fully successful in protecting victims from criminal acts of domestic violence. This paper aims to recognize the problematics of domestic violence in Indonesia from the perspective of legal sociology.
Jurnal el-Qanuniy: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Kesyariahan dan Pranata Sosial Vol 8, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Padangsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/el-qanuniy.v8i2.6186


Marriage data in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic shows an increase in both the marriages of couples who are old enough and those who are still underage. Especially for underage couples who are Muslim and want to get married, they must apply for a marriage dispensation to the Religious Court. Data on applications for marriage dispensation from the Superme Court in 2019 were 23,126 applications, increasing to 64,211 applications in 2020. The increase in applications for marriage dispensation during the COVID-19 pnademic was motivated by the change in the marriage age limit for prospective brides to 19 (Nineteen) years, and the existence of PERMA Number 5 of 2019 which specifically regulates related to adjudicating applications for marriage dispensation. Several other factors, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, were seen from the reasons the applicants applied for a marriage dispensatoin due to local cultural customs (marlojong) and because they had had sex and even got pregnant out of wedlock. The granting of a marriage dispensation at the Panyabungan Religiuos Court prioritizes the readiness and benefit of the applicant.
Analisis Meningkatnya Permohonan Dispensasi Kawin Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di Pengadilan Agama Padangsidimpuan dan Pengadilan Agama Panyabungan Erna Ikawati; Darania Anisa
Palita: Journal of Social Religion Research Vol 8, No 1 (2023): Palita: Journal of Social Religion Research
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/pal.v8i1.3198


Marriage Dispensation is an attempt by the prospective bride and groom to obtain a decision from the court to enter into a marriage for underage couples. Applications for marriage dispensation have increased since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia. This research focuses on analysing the factors behind the increase in requests for marriage dispensation and seeking efforts to overcome the increase in requests for dispensation. The research method used is field research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques were collected through observation and interviews with judges from the Padangsidimpuan Religious Court and the Pengabungan Religious Court. Interviews were also conducted with the Padangsidimpuan and Mandailing Natal Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Services and the people of Padangsidimpuan and Mandailing Natal, who submitted requests for dispensation from marriage. The results of this study indicate that the reasons for the prospective bride and groom applying for dispensation include juvenile delinquency (free sex), pregnancy out of wedlock, arranged marriages, low economy, and encouragement of traditional traditions (marlojong). Efforts were made to address the increase in requests for marital dispensation by strengthening the role and cooperation between the Religious Courts, the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (DP3A), and the community (family)..