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Perhitungan Intensitas Radiasi Matahari Berdasarkan Pola Sebaran Awan Menggunakan Metode Support Vector Regression (svr) Ventiano Ventiano; Ery Djunaedy; Amaliyah Rohsari Indah Utami
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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Abstrak Intensitas radiasi matahari yang diterima oleh permukaan bumi dapat diketahui melalui lintasanmatahari. Tingkat intensitas radiasi matahari dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, yang terpenting adalahposisi, pola, serta sebaran awan. Penelitian ini menganalisis hubungan antara awan dengan intensitasradiasi matahari menggunakan metode Support Vector Regression (SVR). Data awan diperoleh dariMETARs dan data intesitas radiasi matahari dari PySolar dan University of Oregon. Hasil perhitunganmodel menunjukan nilai koefisien determinasi (R²) yang dihasilkan oleh model perhitungan adalahsebesar 0,80022, dimana model mampu menghitung nilai global solar pada kondisi clear sky dan cloudysky dengan nilai persentase error dinyatakan dalam NMBE sebesar 10,38 %, serta CVRMSE sebesar21,03%. Data hasil penelitian ini dapat diperlukan untuk membuat desain bangunan agar didapat kondisitermal yang baik.Kata kunci: machine learning, intensitas radiasi matahari, awan, support vector regression (SVR)AbstractThe intensity of solar radiation received by the surface of the earth can be known through the path of thesun. The level of radiation intensity is influenced by many factors, the most important is the potition,pattern, and distributon of clouds. This research analyzes the relationship between clouds and theintensity of solar radiation using the Support Vector Regression (SVR) method. Cloud data were obtainedfrom METARs and solar radiation intensity data from PySolar and the University of Oregon. The modelcalculation results show the coefficient of determination (R²) generated by the calculation model is0.80022, where the model is able to calculate the global solar value in clear sky and cloudy sky conditionswith the percentage error value expressed in NMBE of 10.38%, and CVRMSE of 21.03%. The data fromthe results of this study are needed to create a building design to obtain good thermal conditions.Keywords: machine learning, radiation intensity, cloud, support vector regression (SVR)
lisis Pengaruh Ottv Terhadap Intensitas Konsumsi Energi Pada Berbagai Tipe Bangunan Alvin Hizra Muhammad; Ery Djunaedy; Wahyu Sujatmiko; Amaliyah Rohsari Indah Utami
eProceedings of Engineering Vol 6, No 2 (2019): Agustus 2019
Publisher : eProceedings of Engineering

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AbstrakPada Permen PUPR Nomor 02/PRT/M/2015, disebutkan bahwa persyaratan efisiensi energi (konsumsi energi)pada bangunan gedung hijau adalah selubung bangunan dan nilai OTTV (Overall Thermal Tranfer Value).OTTV adalah nilai kriteria selubung bangunan gedung yang dikondisikan. IKE (Intensitas Konsumsi Energi)adalah istilah yang menyatakan jumlah konsumsi energi. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan simulasi pada berbagaitipe bangunan yang terdiri dari kombinasi enam macam bentuk bangunan, tiga parameter OTTV, yaitu WWR(Window to Wall Ratio), jenis dinding, dan jenis kaca, dan enam parameter IKE, yaitu kondisi ventilasi,kondisi infiltrasi, nilai COP (Coefficient of Performance) AC, setpoin temperatur AC, okupansi bangunan,dan iklim. Data hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa OTTV dan IKE memiliki hubungan yang linear naik.Parameter-parameter yang paling mempengaruhi adalah WWR, jenis kaca, COP AC, dan iklim. Penelitian inijuga menganalisis pengaruh beban internal dengan OTTV dengan membandingkan skin factor denganperbedaan nilai slope. Skin factor merupakan perbandingan IKE bangunan tanpa beban internal terhadap IKEbangunan dengan beban internal. Semakin kecil luas selubung/luas lantai bangunan, semakin besar nilai skinfactor-nya. Bangunan-bangunan dengan nilai skin factor yang kecil memiliki perbedaan slope yang jauhberbeda. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa beban internal sangat mempengaruhi nilai OTTV pada bangunanbangunantersebut.Sedangkan,bangunan-bangunandengannilaiskinfactoryangbesarmemilikiperbedaanslopeyangtidakjauhberbeda.HalinimenunjukkanbahwabebaninternaltidakterlalumempengaruhinilaiOTTVpadabangunan-bangunantersebut. Katakunci:OTTV,IKE,bangunan,simulasi,EnergyPlus,efisiensienergi AbstractInPUPR Regulation No. 02/PRT/M/2015, it is stated that the requirements for energy efficiency (energyconsumption) in green buildings are the building envelope and the value of OTTV (Overall Thermal TransferValue). OTTV is the value of the enclosed building condition criteria. EUI (Energy Use Intensity) is a termthat states the amount of energy consumption. In this study, simulations were carried out on various buildingtypes consisting of a combination of six types of building shapes, three OTTV’s parameters, namely WWR(Window to Wall Ratio), wall type, and glass type, and six EUI’s parameters, namely ventilation conditions,conditions infiltration, COP (Coefficient of Performance) AC value, AC temperature setpoint, buildingoccupancy, and climate. Datas of the results of the study shows that OTTV and IKE had a linear upwardrelationship. The parameters that most influence are WWR, type of glass, COP AC, and climate. This studyalso analyzed the effect of internal load with OTTV by comparing skin factor with slope values’s different.Skin factor is a comparison of EUI’s buildings without internal loads to EUI’s buildings with internal loads.The smaller the sheath area/floor area of the building, the greater the value of the skin factor. Buildings withsmall skin factor values have very different slope differences. This shows that internal load greatly influencesthe value of OTTV in these buildings. Meanwhile, buildings with large skin factor values have slope differencesthat are not much different. This shows that the internal load does not greatly affect the value of OTTV inthese buildings.Keywords: OTTV, EUI, buildings, simulation, EnergyPlus, energy efficiency