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Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Modul Ajar Berbasis Model POE2WE bagi Guru Sekolah Penggerak sebagai Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Vepi Apiati; Nana; Iis Lisnawati; Siska Ryane Muslim
Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Catimore: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : LSM Catimore dan Sahabat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56921/cpkm.v2i1.44


Training is a programmed activity that can help teachers learn knowledge or skills. By learning new knowledge and skills, the work of teachers in their respective roles in the workplace will increase. One of the trainings that can be done is training and mentoring to develop teaching modules. The preparation of teaching modules must be able to answer and solve problems or difficulties in learning. There are a number of learning materials that are often difficult for students to understand or teachers find it difficult to convey. These difficulties can occur because the material is abstract, complicated, foreign, and so on. To overcome this difficulty, it is necessary to develop appropriate teaching modules. The driving school program is an effort to realize the vision of Indonesian education in realizing an advanced Indonesia that is sovereign, independent, and has personality through the creation of Pancasila Students. To realize this, it must be supported by human resources, in this case the teacher as an educator. Through training and mentoring of the POE2WE Model-Based Teaching Module for Motivating School Teachers, it is hoped that teacher competence will increase and the vision of Indonesian education can be realized.
Jurnal Kumparan Fisika Vol. 6 No. 2: Agustus 2023
Publisher : Unib Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33369/jkf.6.2.107-118


ABSTRAK   Implementasi teknologi dalam pendidikan telah banyak direalisasikan sesuai dengan PermendikbudRistek No.16 Tahun 2022 tentang standar proses yaitu penggunaan perangkat teknologi untuk memberi pengalaman belajar yang berkualitas demi tercapainya tujuan belajar. Namun, pada kenyataannya penerapan teknologi belum dimanfaatkan dengan optimal. Oleh karena itu, peneliti berupaya untuk memberikan solusi dengan mengembangkan e-modul interaktif berbasis model pembelajaran POE2WE menggunakan flipbook maker pada materi gelombang bunyi dan cahaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate). Namun, dalam penelitian ini hanya dilakukan sampai dengan tahap Develop karena penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat validitas dan kepraktisan e-modul saja. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru mata pelajaran fisika dan peserta didik kelas XI MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Manonjaya. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk e-modul dalam bentuk link dengan nilai validasi 0,89 pada aspek materi dan 0,84 pada aspek media sehingga memenuhi kategori sangat valid. Hasil uji kepraktisan oleh guru memperoleh nilai 88,89% dengan kategori sangat praktis dan hasil uji kepraktisan oleh peserta didik memperoleh nilai 83,33% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Dengan demikian, e-modul yang dikembangkan memenuhi kriteria sangat valid dan praktis untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.   Kata  kunci: E-Modul Interaktif, Flipbook Maker, Gelombang Bunyi dan Cahaya, Model Pembelajaran POE2WE.   ABSTRACT   The implementation of technology in education has been realized following PermendikbudRistek No. 16 of 2022 concerning process standards, namely the use of technological devices to provide quality learning experiences to achieve learning goals. However, in reality, the application of technology has not been utilized optimally. Therefore, researchers are trying to provide a solution by developing an interactive e-module based on the POE2WE learning model using a flipbook maker on sound and light waves. The research method used is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4-D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). However, this study was only carried out up to the development stage because this study aimed to describe the level of validity and practicality of the e-module only. The subjects of this study were physics teachers and students of class XI MIPA at SMA Negeri 1 Manonjaya. This research produces an e-module product in the form of a link with a validation value of 0.89 on the material aspect and 0.84 on the media aspect so that it meets the very valid category. The results of the practicality test by the teacher obtained a score of 88.89% in the very practical category and the results of the practicality test by students obtained a value of 83.33% in the very practical category. Thus, the developed e-module meets the criteria of being very valid and practical for use in learning.   Keywords: Flipbook Maker, Interactive E-Module, POE2WE Learning Model, Sound and Light Waves