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Desain Kerja, Kolaborasi Interprofesional, dan Beban Kerja dengan Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien La Ode Hidayat; Achmad Mawardi Shabir; Novirianti Ahmad
Jurnal Keperawatan Profesional (KEPO) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Volume 3 Nomor 2 November 2022
Publisher : Sarana Ilmu Indonesia (salnesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (442.925 KB) | DOI: 10.36590/kepo.v3i2.452


Keselamatan pasien ialah sebuah sistem yang meliputi, asesmen risiko, identifikasi dan pengelolaan risiko pasien, pelaporan dan analisis insiden, kemampuan belajar dari insiden dan tindak lanjutnya. Penerapan keselamatan pasien menjadi solusi untuk meminimalisir timbulnya risiko dan mencegah terjadinya cedera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara variabel Desain Kerja, Kolaborasi Interprofesional, dan Beban Kerja dengan Penerapan Keselamatan Pasien di RSUD Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan analitik korelasi yang menggunakan desain cross sectional study. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 73 perawat di instalasi rawat inap RSUD Kota Makassar. Analisis data dengan menggunakan uji Chi-square dan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa variabel desain kerja berhubungan signifikan terhadap penerapan keselamatan pasien (p=0,002<0,05), kolaborasi interprofessional (p=0,000<0,05), dan beban kerja (p=0,004<0,05). Pada analisis multivariat menggunakan uji regresi logistik didapatkan variabel yang paling dominan adalah kolaborasi interprofesional (sign 0,000<0,05). Diharapkan kepada RSUD Kota Makassar untuk mempertahankan desain kerja, beban kerja, dan secara khusus kolaborasi interprofesional pada perawat, sehingga dapat mengimplementasikan keselamatan pasien yang optimal.
Ketidakpatuhan Masyarakat terhadap Peraturan Daerah Tentang Kawasan Tanpa Rokok Di Rumah Sakit Universitas Hasanuddin Achmad Mawardi Shabir; Rusda Ananda; Rizky Maharja; Andi Mifta Farid Panggeleng
KOLONI Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): JUNI 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/koloni.v2i2.133


The policy to implement the smoke-free area (KTR) in hospitals has long been an intervention strategy to control non-communicable diseases. Regulations in the form of regional regulations on smoke-free area (KTR) are also agreed in various countries as an embodiment of tobacco regulations in the world. Implementation of regional policies issued must be carried out by all Local Governments in Indonesia. This study discusses influential factors related to the community in the smoke-free area at Hasanuddin University Hospital. This research is a type of quantitative research using cross-sectional study. The population in this study was 100 people. Sampling was carried out using a non-probability sampling method with convenience sampling technique so that a total sample of 100 people was obtained. Processing and analysis of data using the SPSS program. Data analysis was based on the Chi-Square Test statistic. The results showed there was a relationship between understanding of instructions (p = 0.023), there was a relationship between beliefs (p = 0.006), there was a relationship between attitudes (p = 0,000) and self-control (p = 0,000) with community non-compliance with regional regulations on the area without cigarettes at Hasanuddin University Hospital. The results of multiple logistic regression tests were simultaneously obtained that attitudes (Exp. B = 10.670) and self-control (Exp. B = 5.394) were the most influential variables on community non-compliance at Hasanuddin University Hospital. 023), there is a relationship between belief (p = 0.006), there is a relationship between attitude (p = 0,000) and self-control (p = 0,000) with community non-compliance with local regulations on smoke-free area in Hasanuddin University Hospital. The results of multiple logistic regression tests were simultaneously obtained that attitudes (Exp. B = 10.670) and self-control (Exp. B = 5.394) were the most influential variables on community disobedience at Hasanuddin University Hospital. 023), there is a relationship between belief (p = 0.006), there is a relationship between attitude (p = 0,000) and self-control (p = 0,000) with community non-compliance with local regulations on smoke-free area in Hasanuddin University Hospital. The results of multiple logistic regression tests were simultaneously obtained that attitudes (Exp. B = 10.670) and self-control (Exp. B = 5.394) were the most influential variables on community non-compliance at Hasanuddin University Hospital. Keywords: Non-compliance, KTR, hospitals, policies, regional regulations
Kebutuhan Kalori Pekerja di Perusahaan Kontraktor Alat Berat Rizky Maharja; Fira Ananda; Ade Wira Lisrianti Latief; Rusda Ananda; Achmad Mawardi Shabir; La Ode Hidayat
Nutrition Science and Health Research Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Nutrition Science and Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31605/nutrition.v1i2.2295


Background: The increase in work productivity is one of the goals of the implementation of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) in the workplace which can be done through occupational nutrition. l: This study aimed to calculate the employees’ calorie needs. Method: This was categorized as a descriptive study. The sampling was done using the total sampling, totaling 41 people. The calorie needs were obtained from the daily nutritional requirement by age, gender, and physical workload. The physical workload was observed and aligned with the Indonesian National Standard No. 7269: 2009 concerning the Assessment of Workload based on the Level of Calorie Needs according to Energy Expenditure. The data were analyzed descriptively. Result: The findings showed that all male employees and the majority of employees aged around 18-19 years old (young adults) had a normal BMI and heavy workload. The respondents mostly had calorie needs of 1,221 Kcal. Conclusion: The employees’ calorie needs in this heavy construction equipment company are varied. The average calorie need of the employees working in this company is 1,221 Kcal with the lowest calorie of 940 Kcal, while the highest is 1,767 Kcal