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Relasi Budaya dan Agama dalam Perkembangan Agama Islam di Huta Sijungkang, Humbang Hasundutan Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan
Jurnal Teologi Cultivation Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Juli
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jtc.v4i1.218


AbstractThe space for interaction in society is always influenced by religion and culture as binding aspects, both individually and in groups. This study aims to reveal how the relationship between culture and religion in the development of Toba Islam in Huta Sijungkang, Parlilitan sub-district, Humbang Hasundutan district. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach through interviews and literature studies. Based on research conducted in the development of Islamic religion in Huta Sijungkang, culture and religion are not two contradictory entities, but an inherent unity to regulate relations in society. This has made the people not patterned based on religion, so that cultural and religious dualism is not a conflict, but rather a cultural identity and values that continue to be lived by the Huta Sijungkang community. For society, religious differences are not a barrier in family ties, so there is an awareness to maintain the principles of togetherness and unity.Keyword: Relation; Culture; Religion; Huta Sijungkang.
Kecaman Tuhan Terhadap Dosa Yehuda Berdasarkan Penafsiran Yesaya 1:10-20 Dan Relevansinya Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Januari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5457.649 KB) | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v4i1.199


God’s Censure of the Sins of Judah (The Interpretation of Isaiah 1:10-20) and  its relevance for Churches. The writing of this article will eksplore the social problems that happened in the South of Israel (Judah). With using qualitative method hermeneutical approach, this writing will excavate the meaning of the God’s censure of the sins of the Judah in Isaiah 1:10-20, in order to get it’s relevance for the current churches. Based on the research, the meaning of God's censure the sins of Judah in Isaiah 1: 10-20 is that the people of Judah assume that the LORD will deal with their official and lively worship, while they forget and oppress their fellow humans. For God, all of that is a form of evil and showing self-deceitful piety. Their crime is proven by the rise of social injustice, namely the oppression of the weak such as the poor, widows and orphans. So through the prophet Isaiah, the Lord firmly censure them and said that the worship they performed, the offering of the sacrifice they gave and the prayers they offered were something that was burdensome and disgusting to God. Judah was found guilty before God and had to turn to God's law and will. God censure the sins of Judah because all of them both leaders and people had insulted the holy God.  Kecaman Tuhan terhadap Dosa Yehuda (Penafsiran Yesaya 1:10-20) dan Relevansinya bagi Gereja. Penulisan artikel ini akan menelisik masalah sosial yang terjadi di Israel Selatan (Yehuda) pada masa pelayanan nabi Yesaya. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif pendekatan hermeneutik, tulisan ini akan menggali lebih mendalam makna kecaman Tuhan atas dosa kaum Yehuda dalam Yesaya 1:10-20, sehingga dapat menemukan relevansinya bagi gereja masa kini. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, maka kecaman Tuhan terhadap dosa Yehuda dalam Yesaya 1:10-20 adalah kaum Yehuda beranggapan bahwa TUHAN akan berkenan dengan ibadah-ibadah mereka yang resmi dan meriah, sementara mereka melupakan dan menindas sesamanya manusia. Bagi Tuhan, semuanya itu adalah bentuk kejahatan dan pamer kesalehan diri yang menipu. Kejahatan mereka terbukti dengan maraknya ketidakadilan sosial, yaitu penindasan terhadap kaum lemah seperti orang miskin, para janda dan anak yatim. Maka melalui nabi Yesaya, dengan tegas Tuhan mengecam mereka dan mengatakan bahwa ibadah-ibadah yang mereka lakukan, persembahan korban yang mereka berikan dan doa-doa yang mereka sampaikan adalah sesuatu yang membebani dan menjijikkan bagi TUHAN. Yehuda dinyatakan bersalah di hadapan Tuhan dan harus berbalik kepada hukum dan kehendak TUHAN. Tuhan mengecam dosa Yehuda karena mereka semua baik pemimpin maupun umat telah menghina Allah yang kudus.
The Effect of Media Video Practicum Based on Scientific on Ability Students' Critical Thinking in Class VII Junior High School Syahfitriani Br Ginting; Sri HANIPAH; Herrio Tekdi NAINGGOLAN; Rival HANIP; Yani AMENDA
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 5 (2022): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56778/jdlde.v1i5.41


This study seeks to determine how a media video practicum based on science affects students' capacity for critical thought in class VII Junior High School 4 Satu Atap Barusjahe. Quasi-experimental research using a research design is the method used. the non-equivalent control group design for the pretest and posttest. This research’s subject is Junior High-class VII-A (Control Class/ 32 students), and class VII-B (Eksperimen Class/ 32 students). The data collection technique used a pretest and posttest. The data analysis used inferential statistics and parametric descriptive and used IBM SPSS Statistic 26. Results of posttest ability students’ critical thinking are (2,659) > (1,677), showing that there are differences in the ability of students' critical thinking. When comparing the ability of students’ critical thinking in the experiment class to the control class, it can be said that the media video practicum's impact on the ability of students’ critical thinking was much greater.
Sosialisasi Terhadap Orang Tua Pentingnya Pendidikan Bagi Anak di Lingkungan RT 08 Kelurahan Mandala Merauke Sri Hanipah; Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan; Syahfitriani Br Ginting
Cakrawala: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus : Cakrawala: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Global
Publisher : Universitas 45 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1097.054 KB) | DOI: 10.30640/cakrawala.v1i3.440


The best approach to addressing this issue is necessary due to parents' lack of understanding about children's education and current needs. Therefore, it is imperative to provide services that seek to improve parents' understanding through socialization. This service was held to better inform parents of RT 08 Kelurahan Mandala Merauke about educational efforts. The participants in this service totaled 20 people, all of whom were parents of children in the school age range. The method of service carried out was mentoring with a lecture, discussion, and question and answer approach. The results of the service showed a positive influence on parents' perceptions of education for children. After the material was delivered, it was clear that parents' understanding increased. To increase parents' awareness of education for children, it is recommended that the activities carried out be continued and made into routine activities.
KONTRIBUSI GENERASI Z DALAM MEMBANGUN MODERASI BERAGAMA MELALUI LITERASI DIGITAL DI ABAD KE-21 Jimmi Pindan Pute; Nasib Tua Lumban Gaol; Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan; Melina Agustina Sipahutar; Andrianus Nababan; Josua Angret Panggabean
DHARMASMRTI: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan Vol 23 No 1 (2023): Dharmasmrti: Jurnal Ilmu Agama dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Hindu Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32795/ds.v23i1.4073


Moderasi beragama merupakan kunci utama dalam membangun keseimbangan dan kesamarataan di antara umat beragama. Abad kedua puluh satu diidentikan dengan proses digitalisasi, sehingga generasi z memiliki peran signifikan untuk membangun moderasi beragama. Berdasarkan konsep tersebut, menjadi sebuah hal urgen untuk mengkaji tentang kontribusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh generasi z dalam membangun moderasi beragama melalui literasi digital. Oleh karena itu, tujuan studi ini adalah menyajikan berbagai kontribusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh generasi z dalam membangun moderasi beragama melalui literasi digital. Metode kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, secara khusus dengan melakukan kajian literatur yang relevan, misalnya dari artikel jurnal dan buku-buku. Pengumpulan data dilakukan berdasarkan pada persoalan tentang agama dan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam memanfaatkan media digital untuk membangun kepedulian dan sikap toleransi sesama beragama. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa generasi z berperan penting sebagai generasi penerus bangsa Indonesia dalam membangun moderasi beragama. Adapun kontribusi generasi z dalam membangun moderasi beragama melalui literasi digital, yakni (1) membentuk komunitas literasi digital; (2) menyebarluaskan konten-konten dan informasi seputar agama yang membangun moderasi beragama; (3) melakukan pembinaan online; dan (4) menyelenggarakan lomba online.
Developing Environmental Care Attitudes and Scientific Literacy through Sasi Local Wisdom-Based E-Modules Ni Nyoman Rediani; Bernadetha Rizki Kaize; Sri Hanifah; Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan; Pande Made Dharma Sanjaya; Trinovianto G.R Hallatu
Jurnal Pedagogi dan Pembelajaran Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): July
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

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The lack of scientific literacy skills and environmental care attitudes possessed by students, which will later have an impact on environmental preservation, is the reason this research aims to examine the impact of local wisdom-based E-module "Sasi" on students' scientific literacy and environmental care attitudes. The research method used was quasi-experimental with a nonequivalent posttest-only control group design. The concentration of this research was PGSD students taking basic science concepts courses, with 120 students divided into 4 classes. Data collection is done through tests and questionnaires. Data analysis includes descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The analysis results show that learning with e-modules based on local wisdom sasi is effective in developing scientific literacy and an attitude of caring for the environment, both as a whole and separately, with a value of Sig. <0.05. It shows that e-modules based on local wisdom sasi are effectively used in learning basic science concepts. This research supports holistic and sustainable learning in developing scientific literacy and environmental awarenes.
Overcoming the Challenge: Assessing Reading and Writing Literacy in Fourth-Grade Students Ni Nyoman Rediani; Bernadetha Risky Kaize; Herrio Tekdi Nainggolan
Journal Evaluation in Education (JEE) Vol 4 No 4 (2023): October
Publisher : Cahaya Ilmu Cendekia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37251/jee.v4i4.798


Purpose of the study: The research aims to assess fourth-grade students' reading and writing literacy. Understanding the literacy level in this age group is crucial for identifying areas requiring improvement and enhancing their skills. This study provides insights for educational enhancements. Methodology: The research utilized a quantitative descriptive research design involving 85 fourth-grade students as participants. Data collection methods included interviews, observations, and tests. The interactive data analysis model was applied, consisting of three essential stages: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding (verification). Main Findings: The findings from this study highlight a prevailing issue concerning the reading and writing literacy skills of students, indicating that the majority of students, over 55%, are categorized as having "Low" literacy skills, while 22.35% fall into the "Moderate" category. This concerning situation can impede the holistic development of students' abilities, necessitating prompt and effective intervention. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study is unique for its focus on evaluating the reading and writing literacy skills of fourth-grade students at Elementary School 2 Merauke. It provides valuable insights into literacy education challenges and opportunities within this context. Using an interactive data analysis model, the research comprehensively assesses the factors affecting students' literacy skills. The findings highlight the importance of addressing print awareness and vocabulary, fundamental aspects of early literacy development, and the need to enhance teaching methods, including practical media usage and using the immediate environment for improved learning.