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Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Ilmu Komputer dan Manajemen Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Teknikom Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Widya Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.7 KB)


Inventories are current assets, and in trading companies inventory performance will greatly affect business profitability and sustainability. In this research, the design process of Inventory Control Information System at Sejati Bengkel Purwokerto , the topic and object was chosen because Sejati Bengkel is not only engaged in car service both engines and accessories, but also operates as a distributor of spare parts, where spare parts sales are carried out in addition to external parties internal sales are also carried out to the workshop unit and the workshop is followed by selling packages (bundles) of spare parts, oil and services into one package. This Inventory Control System is compiled using PHP, Javascriptt, CSS bootstrap and for the DBMS using mySQL. The focus of the system is on managing inventory, starting with data collection, Purchase Oder (PO) to suppliers, Receiving invoices, internal sales and sales to customers. A series of modules that have been compiled, in testing conducted using the blackbox method, obtained valid results, in the sense that all modules can run well and provide information as expected in the system design carried out. In the implementation, it is recommended that the Application not only be run at the local network, but it is better if it is hosted, so that management can monitor and control inventory activity and performance optimally. In further recovery, it is recommended that the system be extended to the mobile platform and utilize the API rest for the integration of data and information with the existing system.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Ilmu Komputer dan Manajemen Vol 3 No 2 (2019): Teknikom Vol. 3 No. 2 Tahun 2019
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Widya Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (578.085 KB)


Building a quality software is not easy. Many things must be considered in making a quality software. The more quality a software or application will be, the more expensive the price will be sold. YPT 2 Vocational School currently has an Integrated Financial Information System, but it is still running on a webbased platform. Foundations and school management have agreed to increase the reach of the system by utilizing the Android platform. In connection with the foregoing, a feasibility test for the School Financial Information System that is currently operational. Based on the literature review, it was found that the validation of the test could use the Rapid Application Development (RAD) model. The RAD testing involved competent parties in the system, including foundations, management, teachers and students. Testing was carried out by 20 respondents, and based on test results obtained information that value obtained from testing for completeness of the features obtained by the smallest standard error value of 0.008 and the highest error of 0.058. The ease of use variable with the smallest standard error is 0.013 and the highest is 0.063. The last variable tested was flexibility with the smallest error value of 0.015 and the highest 0.035. Based on research that has been done, it can be concluded that the YPT Financial Information System is declared suitable for use by users. The results of this study recommend that in creating a new platform, the Android platform, later to continue to base on the DBMS model that is currently tested. Developers can create a fire rest by utilizing a model of the system that is already running, so that the addition of service coverage will not at all interact with the controller and the model related to the presentation of information.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Ilmu Komputer dan Manajemen Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Teknikom Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Widya Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (418.908 KB)


Manajemen keuangan merupakan salah satu substansi manajamen sekolah yang akan turut menentukan berjalannya kegiatan pendidikan di sekolah. Sebagaimana yang terjadi di substansi manajemen pendidikan pada umumnya, kegiatan manajemen keuangan dilakukan melalui proses perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, pengkoordinasian, pengawasan atau pengendalian. Beberapa kegiatan manajemen keuangan yaitu memperoleh dan menetapkan sumber-sumber pendanaan, pemanfaatan dana, pelaporan, pemeriksaan dan pertanggung jawaban. Tujuan dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam mengelola administrasi keuangan SMK Paguyangan menjadi lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat yang berbasis WEB Dengan adanya Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Administrasi Keuangan SMK Paguyangan ini, diharapkan dapat mempermudah dalam mengelola administrasi keuangan sekolah menjadi lebih cepat, tepat dan akurat.
Laporan Pengabdian Masyarakat Seminar "INDUSTRI GAME DAN REVOLUSI INDUSTRI DI ERA MILENIAL" Muh Sofii; Novita Setianti; Wika Purbasari; Joko Purnomo
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, Ilmu Komputer dan Manajemen Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Teknikom Vol. 4 No. 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : LPPM STMIK Widya Utama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1525.192 KB)


Saat ini dunia sedang menghadapi putaran baru revolusi industri yang disebut Revolusi Industri 4.0, dan disebut juga Industri 4.0 atau I4.0. Era ini dimulai oleh Jerman yang awalnya mempromosikan manufaktur terkomputerisasi. Kemudian terjadinya 14.0 dapat ditandai dengan penggunaan internet yang masif dan teknologi digital di perusahaan-perusahaan besar. I4.0 menyajikan kita cara dimana kita “bekerja lebih cerdas, bukan lebih keras”. Industri kreatif khususnya industri game seharusnya memiliki kontribusi untuk mendorong pencapaian I4.0. Industri game di Indonesia baru saja dimulai beberapa tahun terakhir, tetapi telah berkembang secara pesat hingga saat ini dengan ditandai maraknya startup-startup game produksi anak negeri. Hal ini juga diikuti oleh peningkatan jumlah pemain game di seluruh negeri. Bahkan, e- sports sebagai bentuk kompetisi yang menggunakan video game telah diakui dan dipertandingkan di Asian Games 2018. Industri game sebagai salah satu industri kreatif telah membantu meningkatkan pendapatan ekonomi kreatif di Indonesia. Hal demikian mengindikasikan bahwa industri tersebut mempunyai potensi yang bagus untuk menghadapi era I4.0 guna masa depan milenial, tidak hanya di negera ini tapi juga di dunia.
Smart Comp :Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer Vol 12, No 2 (2023): Smart Comp: Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/smartcomp.v12i2.5173


STMIK Widya Utama's new students in 2021 reached 482 out of a total of 789 registrants. New student admission activities include the registration process, file collection, and reporting process. In paying the registration fee, most of the prospective new students in making payment transactions still use conventional or manual methods. In addition, the process of collecting personal data and file requirements is still not systemized. The process is still offline using Google Forms, so many find data constraints such as duplicate, invalid, or unfilled data. Stacked physical files take a long time to look up data. Web-Based New Student Admission Information System Using Waterfall Method with the stages of Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Testing. Testing using the ISO 9126 standard. The instrument used is a questionnaire for testing aspects of functionality and usability and an instrument is a tool for testing reliability and efficiency. The result of this research is web-based new student admission information system using the Payment Gateway. Testing on the functionality aspect resulted in a value of 100% (satisfactory) and on the usability aspect resulted in a vlue of 91,4% (satisfactory), besides that, testing on the reliability aspect resulted in a value of 100% (satisfactory) and the efficiency test resulted in a value of 83% for performance and 78% for structure and time for page request is 0,9 second (satisfactory). With the result of this tests, it can be concluded that the web-based new student admission information system using the payment gateway can be a solution to backup an activity of new student admission in STMIK Widya Utama.Key Words − Information System; New College Student Admission; Payment Gateway;STMIK Widya Utama's new students in 2021 reached 482 out of a total of 789 registrants. New student admission activities include the registration process, file collection, and reporting process. In paying the registration fee, most of the prospective new students in making payment transactions still use conventional or manual methods. In addition, the process of collecting personal data and file requirements is still not systemized. The process is still offline using Google Forms, so many find data constraints such as duplicate, invalid, or unfilled data. Stacked physical files take a long time to look up data. Web-Based New Student Admission Information System Using Waterfall Method with the stages of Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Testing. Testing using the ISO 9126 standard. The instrument used is a questionnaire for testing aspects of functionality and usability and an instrument is a tool for testing reliability and efficiency. The result of this research is web-based new student admission information system using the Payment Gateway. Testing on the functionality aspect resulted in a value of 100% (satisfactory) and on the usability aspect resulted in a vlue of 91,4% (satisfactory), besides that, testing on the reliability aspect resulted in a value of 100% (satisfactory) and the efficiency test resulted in a value of 83% for performance and 78% for structure and time for page request is 0,9 second (satisfactory). With the result of this tests, it can be concluded that the web-based new student admission information system using the payment gateway can be a solution to backup an activity of new student admission in STMIK Widya Utama.Key Words − Information System; New College Student Admission; Payment Gateway;
Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Berbasis Web Menggunakan Framework Codeigniter pada Gereja GKII Purbalingga Novita Setianti; Wika Purbasari; Joko Purnomo
Smart Comp :Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer Vol 13, No 2 (2024): Smart Comp: Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30591/smartcomp.v13i2.5672


Sistem informasi keuangan dirancang untuk memberi pengguna informasi tentang aliran uang di seluruh organisasi yang digunakan untuk memecahkan masalah keuangan. Saat ini pengelolaan keuangan Gereja GKII Purbalingga belum menerapkan sistem informasi yang mapan sehingga sering mengalami kesulitan dalam pengelolaan data keuangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu bendahara gereja dalam mengelola data keuangan agar lebih tertata dan detail sehingga pelaporannya menjadi lebih akurat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode prototype. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tersedianya sistem informasi keuangan yang dapat memudahkan bendahara dalam mengelola data keuangan. Dari rekapitulasi nilai uji produk dan uji manfaat diperoleh persentase tertinggi pada aspek Learnability yaitu sebesar 96,25% yang artinya aplikasi website ini mudah dipelajari oleh semua pengguna layanan.