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Overhanging approximal restoration: Clinical and radiography features at Tarogong Public Health Service Indonesia Muryani, Anna; A., Amaliya; Garna, Devy Firena; Oscandar, Fahmi; Sukartini, Endang
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 28, No 2 (2016): July
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.741 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol28no2.13715


Introduction: Overhanging approximal restoration may causes gingival inflammation, periodontal tissue destruction, decreases alveolar bone height, and caries reccurence. Overhanging restoration can be detected clinically and by radiography image. Overhang restorations can occur due to the poor filling procedures, one of which is the limitation of supporting tools. Restoration of teeth done in Puskesmas often found unavailability constraints supporting tools so that in cases of approximal caries often experience overhang. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of overhanging proximal restoration at Tarogong Public Health Centre in Garut Regency West Java Indonesia. Methods: This study was a descriptive cross sectional for the incidence on patient with overhanging approximal restoration who visited at Dental Unit Tarogong Public Health Center in Garut Regency. Intraoral clinical examination was conducted to examine visually and by tactile for the overhang restoration. Periapical radiography examination was taken and became supporting examination. Results: Collected data were 43 cases of overhanging approximal restoration from total 57 patients. The incidence of overhanging approximal restoration were 75,4. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study by radiography was the incidence of overhanging restoration was 75.4 which showed that overhanging restoration approksimal more than good restoration aproksimal at Tarogong Public Health Centre in Garut Regency West Java Indonesia.
Comparison of the removal of calcium hydroxide medicaments on the root canal treatment irrigated with manual and sonic agitation technique Muryani, Anna; Hayati, Ayu Trisna; Adang, Rahmi Alma Farah
Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Vol 29, No 3 (2017): November
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (227.291 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/pjd.vol29no3.14479


Introduction: Irrigation of the root canal is an important part of the endodontic treatment. Root irrigation technique can be done with the manual and sonic system by using 2.5% NaOCI solution. Calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2 ] is used as a medicament for root canal sterilization. Root canal treatment will fail due to the imperfect removal of Ca(OH)2 residue. The objective of this research was to analyze the comparison of the removal of Ca(OH)2 medicaments on the root canal treatment irrigated with manual and sonic agitation technique using 2.5% NaOCI. Methods: The methods used in this study was experimental laboratory. The sample used was 30 maxillary incisors. The teeth were then divided into two groups randomly, then the root canal preparation was done by the crown down technique with irrigation using 2.5% NaOCI. The radicular part of the teeth was then split longitudinally, given a standardized groove in the one-third of the apical part, then applied with water-solved calcium hydroxide. The teeth were unified afterwards by using flowable composites, then soaked in the artificial saliva. The sample of the 1st group was irrigated by manual agitation technique, and the 2nd group by sonic agitation technique. The data results were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The results of Ca(OH)2 removal were different between manual agitation technique compared to the sonic agitation technique. Conclusion: The irrigation using 2.5% NaOCl with the sonic agitation technique were proven to be more effective in removing Ca(OH)2 from root canals than the manual agitation technique.
Perbedaan kebersihan sepertiga saluran akar dari debris setelah diirigasi menggunakan jarum bevel dan jarum side-ventDifferences of the one third of the root canal cleanliness after irrigation using bevel needles and side-vent needles Tapiza, Niza; Irmaleny, Irmaleny; Muryani, Anna
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 30, No 1 (2018): April
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (446.561 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v30i1.17932


Pendahuluan: Pembersihan saluran akar merupakan tahapan penting yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan perawatan saluran akar. Irigasi saluran akar menggunakan irigan yang dihantarkan melalui spuit dan jarum irigasi. Desain ujung jarum yang digunakan dapat mempengaruhi kebersihan saluran akar yang diirigasi. Bagian sepertiga apikal saluran akar merupakan bagian yang paling sulit untuk dibersihkan, terutama jika irigasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan spuit dan jarum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kebersihan sepertiga apikal saluran akar dari debris setelah diirigasi menggunakan jarum bevel dan jarum side-vent. Metode: Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 30 gigi insisif sentral rahang atas yang telah diekstraksi. Gigi dibagi dua kelompok untuk diinstrumentasi dengan jarum protaper dan diirigasi menggunakan NaOCl 2,5%. Kelompok pertama diirigasi menggunakan jarum bevel dan kelompok kedua diirigasi menggunakan jarum side-vent. Skor debris yang dihasilkan masing-masing kelompok kemudian diuji dengan uji t tidak berpasangan. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kelompok yang diirigasi jarum side-vent dapat menghasilkan rata-rata skor debris lebih rendah (0,091) dibandingkan kelompok yang diirigasi jarum bevel (0,117). Uji statistik terhadap rata-rata skor debris menghasilkan nilai p>0,05 (p=0,095). Simpulan: Simpulan penelitian ini adalah tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada kebersihan sepertiga apikal saluran akar dari debris setelah diirigasi menggunakan jarum bevel dan jarum side-vent. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Cleaning of the root canal is an important part which will determined the success of root canal treatment. Cleaning is done by irrigating root canal with irrigant delivered by syringe and irrigation needle. Needle’s tip design can affect the result of root canal cleanliness after irrigation. Apical third of root canal is the most difficult part to be cleaned, especially if the irrigation was done by syringe and needle. The aim of this study was to find out the difference of apical third of root canal cleanliness from debris after irrigation using a beveled needle and a side-vented needle. Method: This study used 30 extracted upper central incisives as samples. The teeth were divided into two groups, each group of teeth was instrumented and irrigated with 2.5% NaOCl. The first group was irrigated using a beveled needle and the second group was irrigated using a side-vented needle. Debris score from both groups were analyzed using independent t test. Results: Result of this study showed that the group that was irrigated using a side-vented needle had a lower debris score (0.091) than the group that was irrigated using a beveled needle (0.117). Statistic test toward the mean of debris score resulted in p>0,05 (p=0,095). Conclusion: In conclusion there was no significant difference of apical third of root canal cleanliness from debris after irrigation using a beveled needle and a side-vented needle.Keywords: Beveled needle, debris, root canal irrigation, side-vented needle.
Perbedaan Kebersihan Sepertiga Apikal Saluran Akar yang Diirigasi Sodium Hipoklorit 2.5% antara Teknik Non Agitasi dan Agitasi Manual Dinamik Nurisawati, Irene Mariani; Muryani, Anna; Nurdin, Denny
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 3 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.852 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i3.15948


Pendahuluan: Teknik agitasi manual dinamik adalah sebuah metode agitasi menggunakan gutta percha yang dapat membantu irigan untuk mengalir lebih jauh ke bagian apikal saluran akar sehingga pembersihan saluran akar lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kebersihan sepertiga apikal saluran akar yang diirigasi sodium hipoklorit 2.5% antara teknik non agitasi dan teknik agitasi manual dinamik. Metode: metode penelitian pada kelompok non agitasi (A) yaitu sampel diirigasi menggunakan sodium hipoklorit 2.5% sebanyak 18 ml. Pada kelompok agitasi manual dinamik (B), gutta percha digerakkan dengan gerakan dorong dan tarik sedalam panjang kerja sebanyak 200 kali dengan total irigasi menggunakan sodium hipoklorit 2.5% sebanyak 18 ml. Sampel adalah 30 gigi insisif sentral rahang atas. Sampel difoto menggunakan mikroskop stereo dengan pembesaran x16. Foto sampel dinilai dengan teknik skor Wu & Wesselink lalu diuji menggunakan uji t dua sampel bebas. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai signifikansi 0.002 ( α = 0.05). Rata-rata nilai debris kelompok non agitasi adalah 0.121 dan agitasi manual dinamik 0.055. Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara kelompok A dan kelompok B, dimana teknik agitasi manual dinamik membersihkan sepertiga apikal saluran akar lebih baik dibandingkan teknik non agitasi.Introduction: Dynamic manual agitation techniques are agitation method using a gutta-percha that able to help irrigants to flow further into the apical part of the radicular canal thus makes the root canal cleansing better. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference of the one-third apical radicular canal hygiene irrigated with non-agitation and dynamic manual agitation techniques using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. Methods: The group with non-agitation treatment (Group A) was irrigated using as much as 18 ml of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. Whilst in the group with dynamic manual agitation treatment (Group B), the gutta-percha was driven with a push and pull motion for as long as 200 hours of total working, with total irrigation using as much as 18 ml of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. The sample was 30 maxillary central incisors. Samples were photographed using a stereomicroscope with 16 times magnification. The sample images were assessed with the Wu & Wesselink score technique, then tested using the two-sample t-test. Results: The result of the research showed a significance value of 0.002 (α = 0.05). The average debris value of the non-agitation group was 0.121, and 0.055 for the dynamic manual agitation group. Conclusion: There was a significant difference between group A and group B, where manual dynamic agitation technique cleansed the radicular one-third apical better than non-agitation technique.
Perbedaan nilai kekasaran permukaan hasil finishing dengan menggunakan batu Arkansas dan fine diamond bur pada komposit Nanofiller Sheilla Fauzia Maretta; Diani Prisinda; Anna Muryani
Padjadjaran Journal of Dental Researchers and Students Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/pjdrs.v2i2.21435


Pendahuluan: Tahap akhir prosedur restorasi yaitu finishing dan polishing. Prosedur finishing perlu dilakukan dengan baik untuk menghasilkan kontur dan hasil restorasi yang optimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai kekasaran permukaan dari restorasi resin komposit nanofiller yang dilakukan finishing dengan batu Arkansas dan fine diamond bur. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental semu. Sampel penelitian yaitu komposit nanofiller berbentuk silinder dengan ukuran diameter 6 mm dan tinggi 3 mm.  Jumlah sampel adalah 32 buah yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama terdiri dari 16 sampel yang dilakukan finishing dengan batu Arkansas dan kelompok kedua dengan fine diamond bur. Kekasaran permukaan sampel diukur dengan alat uji Surface Roughness Tester. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik T-Test Independent. Hasil: Rata-rata nilai kekasaran permukaan finishing batu Arkansas 0.59 μm dan fine diamond bur 0.77 μm. Kelompok resin komposit nanofiller yang dilakukan finishing dengan fine diamond bur lebih kasar dibandingkan dengan batu Arkansas. Simpulan: terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai kekasaran permukaan komposit nanofiller hasil finishing antara batu Arkansas dengan fine diamond bur. Kata kunci: Kekasaran permukaan, finishing, batu Arkansas, fine diamond bur, nanofiller
Streamline characteristics using the computational fluid dynamic analysis in the flow of 18% EDTA irrigation solution to remove Ca(OH)2 Anna Muryani; Hendra Dian Adhita Dharsono; Z. Zuleika; Ing. Mochammad Agoes Moelyadi; Diani Prisinda
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 4, No 2 (2018): August
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.30886


The remaining calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) medicaments in the root canal wall can block the penetration of filling medicaments to the dentine tubule and cause the failure in the root canal treatment. One of the ways in cleaning the root canal wall from the remains of (Ca(OH)2) is by using 18% Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) irrigation solution. The cleanliness of the root canal can be examined using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. The aim of this research was to see the description of the cleanliness of the root canal wall from the (Ca(OH)2) medicament with 18% EDTA irrigation by means of CFD analysis. This is a descriptive-explorative research. Having been validated with the experimental research using test specimen in the form of block resin made in accordance with the characteristics of root canal, the description of the cleanliness of the root canal wall from the (Ca(OH)2) medicament with the 18% EDTA irrigation was analyzed using CFD method. The irrigation needle used was the side-vented type with the position of 3 mm from the tooth apical. The results of the research showed the conformity between the result of experimental research and CFD research. One of the results of this research was the characteristics of streamline of 18% EDTA in the root canal showing a unique behavior due to the characteristics of the form of side vent irrigation needle. The irrigation flow in the coronal area of the inlet (side vent irrigation needle) showed a low velocity causing the more fluid flowing out from the inlet went to apical rather to the outlet (root canal orifice). In conclusion, this research showed that 18% EDTA solution indicated the conformity of validation results between experimental research and CFD research in the frames of 5, 10, 15, and 20 secs observed from experimental research with the of frame 0,010, 0,099, 0,150 and 0,410 secs as observed from CFD research.
Perawatan saluran akar (PSA) satu kali kunjungan pada gigi molar pertama bawah kanan dengan restorasi endocrown resin kompositOne-time root canal treatment (PSA) of the right lower first molar with composite resin endocrown restoration Ovilya Septy Hutami; Anna Muryani
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 32, No 2 (2020): November 2020 (Suplemen 1)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v32i2.18040


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Perawatan saluran akar (PSA) satu kali kunjungan harus memenuhi prinsip triad endodontic (preparasi biomekanis, medikasi dan obturasi saluran akar) yang diselesaikan dalam satu kali kunjungan. Keuntungan PSA satu kali kunjungan adalah risiko kontaminasi mikroorganisme diperkecil, menghemat waktu tanpa mengurangi kualitas hasil perawatan. Tindakan PSA pada gigi akar jamak (molar) merupakan tantangan yang sulit karena menuntut keahlian yang lebih. Tujuan laporan kasus ini untuk membahas PSA satu kali kunjungan pada gigi molar pertama bawah kanan dengan restorasi akhir endocrown resin komposit. Laporan kasus: Pasien perempuan berusia 38 tahun dengan diagnosis pulpitis ireversibel dan dilakukan PSA pada gigi molar pertama kanan bawah. Hasil pemeriksaan objektif menunjukan vitalitas positif dan perkusi negatif. Hasil pemeriksaan radiologis terlihat radiolusen sampai kamar pulpa, ligament periodontal dalam batas normal. Diagnosa gigi 25 adalah pulpitis irreversibel. Gigi dilakukan Perawatan saluran akar satu kali kunjungan dengan isolasi daerah kerja, kemudian preparasi akses kavitas. Negosiasi saluran akar menggunakan K-files #10 dan mengukur panjang kerja dengan apex locator. Saluran akar diirigasi dengan menggunakan NaOCl 5,25% lalu diikuti oleh EDTA 17%. dan klorheksidin 2% Preparasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrumen rotari hingga #25.06. Pengisian saluran akar dengan resin epoksi dan dilanjutkan dengan pembuatan restorasi endocrown komposit pada kunjungan berikutnya. Simpulan: Perawatan saluran akar satu kali kunjungan pada kasus gigi molar pertama bawah kanan dengan restorasi endocrown resin komposit yang dilakukan pada kasus ini memperlihatkan keberhasilan secara  klinis dan radiologis.Kata kunci: Perawatan saluran akar satu kali kunjungan, gigi molar kanan bawah, pulpitis ireversibel, restorasi endocrown. ABSTRACTIntroduction: One-visit root canal treatment (PSA) should comply with the endodontic triad principles (biomechanical preparation, medication, and root canal obturation) in one visit. The advantage of a one-time PSA is the minimum microorganism contamination risk, time-saving, without compromising the treatment outcome quality. The PSA on multiple roots (molars) is a difficult challenge because it requires more expertise. This case report was aimed to discuss a one-time visit PSA of the lower right first molar with a composite endocrown resin final restoration. Case report: A 38-years-old female patient diagnosed with irreversible pulpitis and the PSA was performed on the lower right first molar. The objective examination results showed positive vitality and negative percussion. The radiological examination results showed radiolucency to the pulp chamber, and the periodontal ligament was within normal limits. The diagnosis of tooth 25 was irreversible pulpitis. The root canal treatment was performed in a one-time visit with isolation of the working area; then the access cavity was prepared. Root canal negotiation was performed using K-files #10, and the working length measurement was carried out using the apex locator. The root canal was irrigated using the NaOCl 5.25%, followed by EDTA 17% and chlorhexidine 2%. Preparation was conducted using the rotary instruments to #25.06. The root canal filling with epoxy resin will be followed by composite endocrown restoration at the next visit. Conclusion: One visit root canal treatment in the lower right first molar with composite resin endocrown restoration performed in this case showed the clinical and radiological success.Keywords: One-time root canal treatment, lower right first molar, irreversible pulpitis, endocrown restoration.
Perbedaan kebersihan sepertiga apikal saluran akar yang diirigasi sodium hipoklorit 2,5% dengan teknik non agitasi dan agitasi manual dinamikDifferences of one-third radicular apical cleanliness irrigated with non-agitation and manual dynamic agitation technique using 2,5% sodium hypochlorite Irene Mariani Nurisawati; Anna Muryani; Denny Nurdin
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 29, No 3 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.852 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v29i3.15948


Pendahuluan: Teknik agitasi manual dinamik adalah sebuah metode agitasi menggunakan gutta percha yang dapat membantu irigan untuk mengalir lebih jauh ke bagian apikal saluran akar sehingga pembersihan saluran akar lebih baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan kebersihan sepertiga apikal saluran akar yang diirigasi sodium hipoklorit 2,5% antara teknik non agitasi dan teknik agitasi manual dinamik. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan uji eksperimental semu. Sampel terdiri 30 gigi insisif sentral rahang atas terbagi 2 kelompok yaitu kelompok non agitasi (A) dan agitasi manual dinamik (B). Pada kelompok (B), gutta percha digerakkan dengan gerakan dorong dan tarik sedalam panjang kerja sebanyak 200 kali dengan total irigasi. Semua sampel diirigasi menggunakan sodium hipoklorit 2,5% sebanyak 18 ml. Sampel difoto menggunakan mikroskop stereo dengan pembesaran 16 kali. Foto sampel dinilai dengan teknik skor Wu & Wesselink lalu diuji menggunakan uji t dua sampel bebas. Hasil: Rata-rata nilai debris kelompok non agitasi adalah 0,121 dan agitasi manual dinamik 0,055, nilai signifikansi 0,002 (α=0,05). Simpulan: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan antara irigasi dengan menggunakan teknik non agitasi dan agitasi manual dinamik.Kata kunci: Agitasi manual dinamik, teknik non-agitasi, sodium hipoklorit 2,5%. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Dynamic manual agitation technique is an agitation method using the gutta-percha that able to help irrigants to flow further into the apical part of the radicular canal thus makes the root canal cleansing better. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference of radicular one-third apical hygiene irrigated with non-agitation and manual dynamic agitation technique using 2,5% sodium hypochlorite. Methods: The research type was quasi-experimental. The sample consisted of 30 maxillary central incisors divided into two groups, namely the non-agitation group (A) and dynamic manual agitation (B). In group (B), gutta-percha was delivered with a total of 200 push-pull strokes. All samples were irrigated using 18 ml of 18% sodium hypochlorite. Samples were photographed using a stereo microscope with a magnification of 16 times. Photographs of samples were assessed with Wu & Wesselink score techniques then tested using the two free samples t-test. Result: The average debris value of the non-agitation group was 0.121, and dynamic manual agitation was 0.055, with the significance value of 0.002 (α = 0.05). Conclusion: There was a significant difference between non-agitation and manual dynamic agitation irrigation technique.Keywords: Manual dynamic agitation technique, non-agitation technique, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite.
Perawatan endodontik non bedah pada gigi molar pertama rahang bawah kiri nekrosis pulpa dengan lesi periapikalNon-surgical endodontic treatment of left mandibular first molar pulp necrosis with periapical lesions Widy Widy; Anna Muryani
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 32, No 2 (2020): November 2020 (Suplemen 1)
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v32i2.18035


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Perjalanan infeksi penyakit pulpa bisa menjalar terus ke saluran akar dan jaringan periapikal sehingga membuat lesi periapikal. Lesi periapikal terutama pada gigi molar menjadi tantangan bagi dokter gigi karena lebih disarankan perawatan endodontik bedah dibandingkan dengan non bedah. Tujuan laporan kasus ini membahas keberhasilan perawatan endodontik non bedah pada gigi nekrosis pulpa dengan lesi periapikal. Laporan kasus: Kasus ini merupakan gigi molar pertama rahang bawah kiri dengan lesi periapikal pada pasien laki-laki berusia 25 tahun. Saluran akar dipreparasi saluran akar dan diirigasi dengan NaOCL 5,25% dan EDTA 18% disertai agitasi dan menghasilkan saluran akar yang bersih, Saluran akar setelah bersih dan kering diberi medikamen kalsium hidroksida. Evaluasi klinis dilakukan setiap 2 minggu sampai tidak adanya keluhan dari pasien. Pengisian saluran akar dilakukan secara hermetis. Pemeriksaan klinis dan radiografi setelah 1 bulan memperlihatkan perbaikan dari lesi periapikal. Tahapan preparasi biomekanis pada perawatan endodontik non bedah pada gigi yang mengalami nekrosis pulpa dengan lesi periapikal apabila dilakukan dengan optimal dapat membantu medikamen kalsium hidroksida berpenetrasi baik pada jaringan periapikal dan membuat proses perbaikan pada lesi periapikal. Pengisian yang hermetis membantu sterilisasi saluran akar tetap terjaga dengan penutupan yang rapat. Radiografi merupakan metode yang paling banyak digunakan untuk mendeteksi lesi periapikal. Gambaran radiografi seperti perubahan densitas sekitar lesi, pembentukan kembali trabekula dan lamina dura menandakan adanya penyembuhan, terutama ketika dikaitkan dengan hasil klinis bahwa gigi tersebut tidak memiliki gejala dengan jaringan lunak yang sehat. Simpulan: Perawatan endodontik non bedah pada gigi molar pertama rahang bawah kiri nekrosis pulpa dengan lesi periapikal menunjukan keberhasilan dengan terjadinya penyembuhan jaringan kerasKata kunci: Perawatan endodontik non bedah, lesi periapikal, molar pertama, nekrosis pulpa ABSTRACTIntroduction: The pulp disease infection course can spread to the root canals and periapical tissues, which creates periapical lesions. Periapical lesions, especially molar teeth, are a challenge for dentists because surgical endodontic treatment is more recommended than non-surgical treatment. This case report was aimed to discuss the successful non-surgical endodontic treatment of pulp necrotic teeth with periapical lesions. Case report: This case was discussing the left mandibular first molar with a periapical lesion in a 25-years-old male patient. Root canals was prepared and irrigated with 5.25% NaOCL and 18% EDTA, followed by agitation, which resulted in clean root canals. After being cleaned and dried, the calcium hydroxide medicament was given. Clinical evaluation was carried out every two weeks until there were no complaints from the patient. Root canal filling was performed hermetically. After one month, clinical and radiographic examination showed improvement of the periapical lesions. Optimal biomechanical preparation stage in non-surgical endodontic treatment of teeth with pulp necrosis with periapical lesions can help the calcium hydroxide medicament penetrate well in the periapical tissue, thus makes the process of repairing the periapical lesions. A hermetic filling helps to maintain the root canal sterilisation by keeping it tightly closed. Radiography is the most widely used method for detecting periapical lesions. Radiographs such as changes in density around the lesion, trabecular reconstitution and lamina dura, indicate healing, especially when associated with clinical results since the tooth is asymptomatic with healthy soft tissue. Conclusion: Non-surgical endodontic treatment of left mandibular first molar with pulp necrosis with periapical lesions showed success result with hard tissue healing.Keywords: Non-surgical endodontic treatment, periapical lesions, first molar, pulp necrosis.
Penatalaksanaan white spot lesion setelah perawatan ortodontik dengan teknik resin infiltrationManagement of white spot lesion after orthodontic treatment with resin infiltration technique Desneli Desneli; Anna Muryani
Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran Vol 31, No 1 (2019): April 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (732.157 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jkg.v31i1.16901


Pendahuluan: White spot lesion merupakan porositas-porositas di bawah permukaan email yang disebabkan oleh proses demineralisasi. Proses ini dapat terjadi karena adanya efek samping iatrogenik dari perawatan ortodontik melalui akumulai plak dalam jangka waktu yang lama disertai kebersihan mulut yang buruk. Tujuan penulisan laporan kasus ini adalah menerangkan penatalaksanaan white spot lesion setelah perawatan ortodontik dengan teknik resin infiltration. Laporan kasus: Seorang pasien perempuan usia 23 tahun datang ke RSGM UNPAD dengan keluhan terdapat bercak-bercak putih pada permukaan labial seluruh gigi rahang atas setelah pelepasan alat ortodontik cekat selama 2 tahun perawatan. Pasien merasa terganggu secara estetik. Berdasarkan pemeriksaan objektif dan radiologi gigi-gigi normal dengan pulpa vital, sehingga didiagnosis white spot lesions. Perawatan yang dilakukan adalah resin infiltration. Sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi dilakukan evaluasi. Resin infiltration digambarkan sebagai teknik minimal invasive yang mengisi, memperkuat, dan menstabilkan email yang terdemineralisasi tanpa membuang struktur jaringan gigi yang sehat dan menghindari dilakukan restorasi. Prinsipnya menutupi poros email dengan membuat mikroporositas melalui difusi asam klorida 15% selanjutnya dikeringkan dan diaplikasikan resin type TEGDMA (Tri-Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate) dengan viskositas rendah. Simpulan: Perawatan minimal invasive dengan teknik resin infiltration memperlihatkan hasil yang estetik untuk mengatasi white spot lesion setelah perawatan ortodontik.Kata kunci: White spot lesions, perawatan ortodontik, resin infiltration. ABSTRACTIntroduction: White spot lesion is porosity below the enamel surface caused by demineralisation process. This process can occur due to iatrogenic side effects after orthodontic treatment through plaque formation for a long time along with poor oral hygiene. The purpose of this case report was to explain the management of white spot lesion after orthodontic treatment with resin infiltration technique. Case report: A 23-years-old female patient came to the Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital with complaints of white spots on the labial surface of all maxillary teeth after the release of the fixed orthodontic appliance after 2 years of treatment. The patient feels aesthetically disturbed. Based on objective examination and radiology found normal teeth with vital pulp, white spot lesions were diagnosed. The treatment was resin infiltration. Before and after application, the evaluation was performed. Resin infiltration is described as a minimally invasive technique that fills, strengthens, and stabilises demineralised enamel without removing healthy tooth tissue structures and avoids restoration. The principle was to cover the enamel shaft by making microporosity through diffusion of 15% hydrochloric acid and then dried and applied TEGDMA (Tri-Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate) resin with low viscosity. Conclusion: Minimal invasive treatment with resin infiltration technique showed an aesthetic result to overcome white spot lesions after orthodontic treatment.Keywords: White spot lesions, orthodontic treatment, resin infiltration.