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Gambaran Pelaksanaan Surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur Tahun 2017 Eva Flourentina Kusumawardani; Meutia Paradhiba; Mardi Fadillah; Onetusfifsi Putra; Firman Firdauz Saputra; Perry Boy Chandra Siahaan; Rubi Rimonda; Laila Apriani Hasanah Harahap; Nasrianti Syam
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33143/jhtm.v9i1.2977


Kasus HIV/AIDS terdapat hampir di semua negara di dunia tak terkecuali Indonesia. Penyakit ini telah menulari seluruh lapisan masyarakat termasuk bayi dan anak-anak. Perlu adanya kegiatan surveilans rutin untuk melakukan pencatatan dan pelaporan sehingga dapat memonitoring jumlah kasus pada periode waktu tertentu. Kegiatan surveilans  HIV merupakan salah satu cara efektif untuk mengontrol penyebaran kasus HIV/AIDS. Tujuan penelitian: untuk memberikan gambaran evaluasi sistem surveilans HIV berdasarkan komponen sistem dan atribut surveilans di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur. Metode penelitian: jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan studi evaluasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode wawancara kepada petugas surveilans HIV di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur sejumlah 3 orang menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian: berdasarkan komponen sistem surveilans 66,7% petugas surveilans HIV memiliki tingkat Pendidikan S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat peminatan epidemiologi dan 33,3% adalah S2 Kesehatan Masyarakat. Pengumpulan, pengisian formulir hingga alur pelaporan dianggap mudah, dan tidak mengalami keterlambatan dalam proses input data ke aplikasi SIHA. Proses analisis hanya dilakukan ditingkat Dinas Kesehatan, sedangkan ditingkat Puskesmas tidak. Sistem surveilans HIV di Kabupaten/Kota di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Jawa Timur masih memerlukan perbaikan dalam analisis, ketersediaan pedoman surveilans HIV, dan perlunya peningkatan pengetahuan petugas terkait surveilans HIV.Kata Kunci: Surveilans, HIV/AIDS, Komponen, SistemHIV/AIDS cases exist in almost every country worldwide, including Indonesia. This disease has affected all segments of society, including infants and children. Regular surveillance activities are needed to record and report cases, enabling the monitoring of the number of cases over specific periods of time. HIV surveillance is an effective method to control the spread of HIV/AIDS cases. The aim of this study was to provide an evaluation of the HIV surveillance system based on its components and surveillance attributes in the East Java Provincial Health Office. This qualitative study employed an evaluation study design. Data collection involved interviews with three HIV surveillance officers in the East Java Provincial Health Office, using a questionnaire. The results of the study revealed that 66.7% of the HIV surveillance officers possessed a bachelor's degree in Public Health with a specialization in epidemiology, while 33.3% held a master's degree in Public Health. The data collection, form completion, and reporting processes were considered easy, with no delays in inputting data into the SIHA application. The analysis process was only conducted at the Provincial Health Office level and not at the Primary Health Center level. The HIV surveillance system in the districts and cities within the jurisdiction of the East Java Provincial Health Office still requires improvement in terms of analysis, availability of HIV surveillance guidelines, and the need for increased knowledge among surveillance officers regarding HIV surveillance..Keywords: Surveillance, HIV/AIDS, Components, Systems
Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Kualitas Hidup Lansia di Posyandu Desa Tegal Sari Kecamatan Pante Ceureumen Laila Apriani Hasanah Harahap; Safrida Safrida; Khairunnas Khairunnas; Adico Notareza Aulia
Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner Vol 4 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner
Publisher : Program Studi Gizi UNSIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/giziku.v4i2.10901


People over the age of 60 are considered elderly. Aging is not a sickness, but rather a process that causes the body's resilience to internal and external stimuli to gradually deteriorate. Physical difficulties, such as weakening, are a common occurrence in the aged. Anatomically and functionally, your nutritional status can deteriorate if your physical condition and function deteriorate. The elderly's quality of life is harmed by inadequate or high nutritional status. The purpose of this study is to discover the link between nutritional status and the quality of life of the elderly at the Pante Ceureumen Community Health Center. A correlational quantitative design with a cross-sectional method is used in this study. According to the research inclusion criteria, 70 respondents were identified using the sequence nonprobability sampling approach. Anthropometric measures and questionnaires were utilized to collect data. Kendall's tau test was utilized in bivariate data analysis. According to the findings, the nutritional status was 61.5% poor, 38.5% normal, 64.2% poor, and 35.8% good. This study finds that nutritional status and the quality of life of the elderly in Poshandu Tegal Sari have a substantial relationship. Keywords: elderly, nutritional status, quality of life