Bertin Ayu Wandira
Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Tadulako

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Preventif: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 8, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Tadulako University

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Cakupan Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) di Puskesmas Mabelopura tahun 2015 ada beberapa kegiatan yang tidak mencapai target, seperti cakupan pemberian MP-ASI pada anak 6-24 bulan dari keluarga miskin hanya mencapai 19,4%, Cakupan peserta KB aktif hanya mencapai 34,1 %, penemuan pasien baru TB BTA positif 10,3%, penemuan penderita diare 44,6% dan cakupan pemeriksaan IVA 18,6%. Kinerja pegawai dipengaruhi oleh faktor Kepemimpinan dan Lingkungan Kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kepemimpinan dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai di Puskesmas Mabelopura Kecamatan Palu Selatan. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah populasi yaitu 48 pegawai PNS yang semuanya dijadikan responden (total sampling). Data dianalisis secara deskriptif yaitu analisis univariat dan bivariat, pada taraf kepercayaan 95% (ρ<0,05). Hasil uji Chi Square, menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan kepemimpinan (ρ=0,013) dan lingkungan kerja  (ρ=0,032) dengan kinerja pegawai di Puskesmas Mabelopura. Disarankan kepada kepala puskesmas agar lebih meningkatkan pengawasan dan selalu mengontrol tugas-tugas yang diberikan dengan melakukan pengarahan (breafing) secara rutin serta memperhatikan lingkungan kerja agar pegawai merasa nyaman dalam melaksanakan tugas sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerja pegawai.Kata Kunci : Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan  Kerja, Kinerja
Medika Tadulako: Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Medika Tadulako: Jurnal Ilmiah Kedokteran Fakultas Kedokteran dan Ilmu Kesehatan

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Persaingan di semua sektor usaha dewasa ini semakin semarak. Demikian pula pada industri jasa kesehatan, apakah itu Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas, Klinik Kesehatan, serta usaha privat lainnya dibidang kesehatan yang berusaha meningkatkan mutu layanannya agar bisa berkompetisi. Faktanya, masih banyak Rumah Sakit (khususnya RS pemerintah) yang belum mampu memberikan pelayanan yang benar-benar diharapkan pengguna jasa. Mutu layanan masih rendah dan belum benar-benar berorientasi kepentingan pelanggan (pasar). Konsumen (pasien) masih menjadi pihak yang lebih membutuhkan layanan kesehatan, disisi lain Rumah Sakit (khususnya staf medis dan tenaga kesehatan lainnya) masih menjadi pihak yang “memberikan bantuan”. Olehnya itu, mutu layanan yang baik serta kepuasan pelanggan hanya bisa tercapai ketika ada kerjasama yang baik antar seluruh petugas kesehatan yang ada dalam rumah sakit tersebut.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui persepsi pelanggan terhadap kualitas layanan di unit rawat inap RS Anuta Pura Palu dengan pendekatan bauran  pemasaran (marketing mix), meliputi : unsur Product (produk), Price (harga), place (tempat), promotion (promosi), dan people (orang/SDM). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah  penelitian deskriptiv untuk mengetahui persepsi pelanggan terhadap kualitas pelayanan di unit rawat inap RS Anuta Pura Palu dengan pendekatan bauran pemasaran (marketing mix). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) sebanyak 95 orang (97,9%) responden berpendapat bahwa produknya memuaskan; (2) sebanyak 91 orang (93,8%) responden berpendapat bahwa harganya terjangkau; (3)  sebanyak 95 orang (97,9%) responden berpendapat place (tempat) nya tepat (4) sebanyak 50 orang (51,5%) responden berpendapat promotion (promosi) sudah cukup; (5) sebanyak 85 orang (87,6%) responden berpendapat people (orang/SDM)  bahwa orang (SDM) di RS Anuta Pura sudah baik. Kata Kunci : mutu layananan, bauran pemasaran
Healthy Tadulako Journal (Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (155.911 KB) | DOI: 10.22487/htj.v5i1.110


Latar belakang: Sistem rujukan diselenggarakan dengan tujuan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan secara bermutu, efektif dan efisien sehingga tujuan pelayanan kesehatan tercapai tanpa menggunakan biaya yang mahal. Namun, jika sistem rujukan tidak berjalan sesuai dengan peraturan yang ada akan memberikan dampak negatif kepada Puskesmas seperti pada dana kapitasi yang diterima. Puskesmas Singgani memiliki rata-rata rasio rujukan per bulan terbanyak dari 13 Puskesmas di Kota Palu dengan persentase 34,52% sementara rasio ini tidak sesuai rasio yang ditetapkan oleh BPJS FKTP ke FKTL tidak lebih dari 15%. Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui Implementasi Rujukan Pasien JKN BPJS di Puskesmas Singgani Kecamatan Palu Timur Kota Palu dengan menggunakan teori Edward III. Metode: Penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data Indepth Interview. Informan penelitian sebanyak 11 orang yang ditentukan dengan teknik Purposive Sampling. Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa variabel komunikasi meliputi transmisi, konsistensi dan kejelasan sudah baik. Variabel sumber daya manusia yaitu dokter sudah memadai, sarana prasarana masih kurang untuk menunjang pelayanan kesehatan serta kewenangan dalam pemberian rujukan sudah sesuai. Variabel disposisi dimana komitmen dokter dalam melaksanakan rujukan sudah baik. Variabel struktur birokrasi Puskesmas Singgani sudah memiliki dokumen tertulis terkait SOP rujukan. Saran: Saran untuk Dinas Kesehatan Kota agar dapat menindaklanjuti hasil rekredensialing Puskesmas.
PENDERITA JANTUNG KORONER (PJK) DENGAN GANGGUAN KEBUTUHAN OKSIGENASI Alamsyah, Alamsyah; Sulasri, Sulasri; Hasbullah, Hasbullah; Fahira Nur, A.; Vidyanto, Vidyanto; Hermiyanti, Hermiyanti; Ayu Wandira, Bertin
Healthy Tadulako Journal (Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako) Vol. 5 No. 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (152.792 KB) | DOI: 10.22487/htj.v5i3.129


Penyakit jantung koroner adalah suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya suplai darah ke otot jantung sebagai akibat tersumbatnya (obstruksi) pembuluh darah arteri koronaria. Data world Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2012 menunjukkan 17,5% juta orang di dunia meninggal akibat penyakit kardiovaskular atau 31% dari 56,5 juta kematian di seluruh dunia. Di seluruh kematian akibat penyakit kardiovaskuler 7,4 juta (42,3%) diantaranya disebabkan oleh Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran pada pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) dengan gangguan kebutuhan oksigenasi di Ruang Instalasi Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Tk.II Pelamonia. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan deskriptif observasional untuk mengetahui gambaran yang terjadi pada kedua pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) dengan gangguan kebutuhan oksigenasi setelah dilakukan asuhan keperawatan yang sama. Hasil studi kasus menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilakukan proses asuhan keperawatan terhadap pasien dengan gangguan kebutuhan oksigenasi pada pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner, kedua pasien mengalami perubahan pada pola napas dengan nilai respirasi dari 28x/menit menjadi 20 x/menit. Ketidakefektifan pola napas dapat diatasi dengan pemberian terapi oksigen nasal kanul 3 liter/menit.
Antenatal Care Description and Pregnancy Risk of Pregnancy in Pregnant Mother in Palu City 2019: Study of Co-Ass Assistance for IKM-KK Faculty of Medicine, Tadulako University Ketut Suarayasa; Bertin Ayu Wandira
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v1i2.86


The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of pregnancy risk factors in pregnant women accompanied by young doctor from the IKM-KK department of the Faculty of Medicine at Tadulako University during a stase at the Primary Health Care in the city of Palu. The design of this study was descriptive in order to obtain an overview of pregnancy risk factors obtained from the checklist for assisting pregnant women. The population in this study were all pregnant women who received young doctor from the IKM-KK department in the last 2 (two) years, totaling 147 pregnant women. While the sample in this study was 3rd trimester pregnant women whose notes in the accompanying book are complete. The results showed that: 1) Compliance with the lowest Antenatal Care standard in laboratory tests (70%); 2) Pregnant Women with Low Risk Pregnancy (KRR) of 58.2%, High Risk Pregnancy (KRT) of 32.2% and Very High Risk Pregnancy (KRST) of 9.6%; 3) The three highest risk factors for pregnancy are getting pregnant too soon again <2 years (31.3%), had cesarean section (22.9%) and pre-eclampsia (16.7%); and 4) Pregnant women with very high risk pregnancies (KRST) at most (72.7%) were found in urban health centers, including: kamonji (36.3%), Singgani (18.2%) and Talise (18.2%).
Management of Post-Disaster Medicine Logistics at the Pharmacy Installation of Regional Public Hospital Undata of Central Sulawesi Province Bertin Ayu Wandira; Ketut Suarayasa; Kadek Viyan Kristiawan
Journal La Medihealtico Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal La Medihealtico
Publisher : Newinera Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37899/journallamedihealtico.v1i2.116


The purpose of this research is to fine out how the management of post-disaster medicine logistics at the Pharmacy Installation of Regional Public Hospital Undata the research. Method used was qualitative with in-depth interview data cullcolection techniques. Research informants were 6 informants who were determined by purposive sampling technique. The results show that the planning of pharmaceutical supplies at Regional Public Hospital Undata used consumtion methods epidemiology. The obstacles to logistical planning for type medicine, a disease tread is changing. Medicine logistics budget in pharmaceutical installations comes from the state budget and BLUD. Procurement of pharmaceutical supplies using the method of direct purchases and E-purchasing, obstacles in the procurement of medicine logistic are still arrears of payment of medicine to distributors. Slow distribution of medicine from distributors and the emtiness of medicine stocks acceptance of pharmaceutical supplies is carried out by the pharmaceutical installation warehouse staff and reception team, there are still obstacles in receiving the time for quality inspection and quantity of logistical goods wich quite long. Medicine logistics storage is carried out with the FIFO and FEFO systems with alphabetical storage arrangements, constraints in logistics storage, narrow IFRS repositories. Medicine logistics control was done by taking inventory to find out the quality and quantity of medicine as well as the medicine expired date, the obstacles in controlling medicine logistics time to take stock of hospitalization takes a long time.
The Relationship of Environmental Factors and Nutritional Status and The Incidence of ARI of Toddler in the Working Area of Donggala Public Health Center Sendhy Krisnasari; Tresia Aulia; Dilla Srikandi Syahadat; Marsellina Marsellina; Bertin Ayu Wandira
Journal of Health and Nutrition Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Media Publikasi Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.374 KB) | DOI: 10.56303/jhnresearch.v1i1.19


Acute Respiratory Tract Infection (ARI) is one of the contributors to the high morbidity and mortality rates of a toddler. ARIs are mostly suffered by the toddler in developing countries such as Indonesia, where the incidence is always high every year. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between environmental factors and nutritional status with the incidence of ARI in children under five in the Donggala Community Health Center working area. This type of research is quantitative with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this research was 32,694 toddlers using the Slovin formula and obtained a sample of 100 toddlers. The sampling used was the Probability Sampling technique. The analysis used was Chi-Square. The variables that are significantly related to the incidence of ARI are nutritional status, smoking behavior, house ventilation, and residential density with a p-value < 0.05. Most of the respondents were malnourished, namely, 58%, had a high risk of exposure to cigarette smoke, which was 64%, and the house ventilation area which was included in the not good category was 57% and the residential density was included in the not eligible category at 59%. Prevention efforts to reduce the incidence of ARI in toddlers are by consuming nutritious food, education about house ventilation, and residential density, and increasing awareness of smoking behavior among parents.
Relationship Between Characteristics of Class 3 Inspired Patients With Service Satisfaction at Mokopido General Hospital, Tolitoli Regency Novi Inriyanny Suwendro; Bertin Ayu Wandira; Putri Maharani
Journal of Health and Nutrition Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Media Publikasi Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56303/jhnresearch.v1i2.27


Patient satisfaction is a measure of service quality in hospitals. Satisfaction can be influenced by various aspects, one of which is patient characteristics. The purpose of the study was to analyze the relationship between the Characteristics of Class 3 Inpatients and Service Satisfaction at Mokopido General Hospital, Baolan, Tolitoli Regency. This type of quantitative research with a Cross-Sectional approach. The population in this study amounted to 1,178 patients; a sample of 93 patients was obtained using the slovin formula, while sampling was using the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The analysis used was the Contingency Correlation with a value of =10%. The results of this study indicated a strong relationship between patient characteristics in the form of last education (p = 0.000) and age (p = 0.000) with service satisfaction. There is a strong relationship between age group, education and service satisfaction at Mokopido General Hospital, Baolan, Tolitoli Regency. Older respondents are more satisfied with their services. Respondents who are not educated are more satisfied with the services received. Suggestions for the empathy dimension are expected that the doctor or nurse will be able to be polite, and friendly, listen to complaints about the patient's illness, and provide a way out in the consultation so that the patient is satisfied with the service
Implementation of Drug Logistics Management in Pharmaceutical Installations in Sigi Regency Health Office Bertin Ayu Wandira; Hermiyanty; Marsanda Chikita
Journal of Health and Nutrition Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022)
Publisher : Media Publikasi Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56303/jhnresearch.v1i2.33


Drug logistics management at the health office is one of the important aspects of the Public Health Center. The purpose of the study was to determine the planning, budgeting of procurement, storage, distribution, and elimination in drug logistics management at the Pharmacy Installation of the Sigi Regency Health Office. This type of research was qualitative with a case study approach. The informants in this study consisted of key informants (the Head of the Pharmacy Installation of the Sigi Regency Health Office), the usual informants (the Pharmacy Installation Staff of the Sigi Regency Health Office), and ordinary informants (the person in charge of managing the pharmacy installation at the Public Health Center). Data collection through triangulation techniques, including in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation using interview guidelines. The results showed that the implementation of drug logistics management at the Pharmacy Installation of the Sigi Regency Health Office in terms of planning, budgeting, procurement, storage, distribution, and elimination, was appropriate as it should be but still had some obstacles. So it is still necessary to improve the implementation of logistics management that is more effective and efficient. It is recommended that the coordination of the Sigi Regency Health Office and the Public Health Center is more optimal in the implementation of drug management.
Factors Associated with the Incidence of Post-Disaster Stunting in Toddlers Aged 25-59 Months in Posyandu Biromaru Health Centre Working Area Bertin Ayu Wandira; Hermiyanty; Novi Inriyanny Suwendro; Aulia Rakhman
Journal of Health and Nutrition Research Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Media Publikasi Cendekia Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56303/jhnresearch.v2i1.96


Stunting is a major problem in Central Sulawesi Province, with Sigi District having the highest prevalence at 40.7%. Stunting is a condition where children under five years of age fail to thrive due to chronic malnutrition, resulting in stunted growth. This condition hinders human development and has a negative impact on the future. The study aimed to identify the factors related to post-disaster stunting in toddlers aged 25-59 months in the Biromaru Health Centre working area. The research design used a quantitative approach with a case-control design, with a sample size of 150 mothers who had babies aged 25-59 months. The results showed that the mother's education level was significantly associated with the incidence of stunting, with mothers who have a low level of education being 2.82 times more likely to have stunted children than mothers with a high level of education. Other factors, such as maternal height, family income, exclusive breastfeeding history, birth weight, gender, and access to health services, did not show a significant relationship with stunting. The study suggests that improving maternal education levels may help reduce the incidence of stunting in toddlers, highlighting the importance of education in preventing child malnutrition.