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Jurnal Analisis Vol 12, No 2 (2012)

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RESOLUSI KONFLIK KELUARGABERBASIS KEARIFAN LOKALISLAM NUSANTARAAlamsyahInstitut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Raden Intan conflict or conflict within a family is a dispute between two or more parties that disrupt daily activities in various aspects of family life, from preparations, processes to family life endings. This conflict may result in a small scale of danger to to the large one. In this paper, the author proposes a formula of local wisdom as a model for an appropriate solution in the conflicts resolution of family life on the grounds that local wisdome is the values living in the community and attended by its people, and this local wisdome is actually an evolution of the revelation precepts or old values that have undergone Islamisation. The practice of local wisdome as the basis of conflict resolution has been excercised in the history of Islamic civilization. The Qur’an also ordered the peaceful resolution of such conflict through a negotiator (h}akam), which had been the tradition of pre-Islamic Arab society. Thus, Islam greatly appreciates local values and makes it as one way of resolving the conflict. In this context, the author is trying to stock list a variety of indigenous wisdome Muslim communities in the archipelago relevant to an approach in the resolution of family conflict on the grounds that the core contained can strengthen the system of kinship, brotherhood and avoid divisions. The thing important to have done is reconstruction and reactualization of the wisdom values in the local culture of Muslim archipelago to keep them relevant to any values development of the current.
Asas Vol 6, No 1 (2014): Januari 2014

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Nabi Muhammad saw adalah rasul yang membawa misi untuk mengangkat harkat manusia dari sistem penindasan pada zamannya. Beliau tidak pernah memberikan ajaran yang membenci perempuan atau bertujuan merendahkan perempuan, yang populer disebut misoginis. Jika ada informasi hadis yang cenderung misoginis maka sangat mungkin hadis itu tidak sahih atau palsu. Jika ternyata sahih, maka pemahaman terhadap ajaran hadis tersebut yang mungkin salah karena tidak sesuai dengan latar belakang kemunculannya atau penerapannya yang tidak sejalan dengan substansi ajarannya. Oleh karena itu pemahaman terhadap hadis yang bernuansa misoginis harus direkonstruksi dan ajarannya direinterpretasi dengan pendekatan yang luas seperti sosial budaya agar dapat lebih mengangkat nilai-nilai kemanusiaan di dunia moderen ini.
Pemalsuan Hadis Dan Upaya Mengatasinya Alamsyah, Alamsyah
Al-Hikmah Journal for Religious Studies Vol 14, No 2 (2013): Al-Hikmah Journal for Religious Studies
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Alauddin

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The existence of the false hadis is a real fact in Islamic history. There are some motives why one made the false hadis addressing to Prophet Muhammad. Thus, it is hard to differenciate between the false hadis and the true one.  Therefore, ulamas have made the basic rules in determining the true hadis, hasan and weak hadis. To know the quality of hadis can be identified from its sanad and matan.
DINAMIKA HUKUM ISLAM: dari Tren Evolusi ke Revolusi Alamsyah, Alamsyah
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 5, No 1 (2012): Dinamika Hukum Islam: dari Trend Evolusi ke Revolusi
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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AbstrakIslamic law has evolved and changed in aspects of theory (usul al-fiqh) and matter (fiqh) for several centuries. These changes are quite significant, but is slow or evolution in the long term. In the last century, Islamic law changes rapidly and fundamentally, known as the revolution of Islamic law. The new methodology and theory of Islamic law has been emerging and developing to respond and answer the needs of the Islamic law that carries the spirit of the modern world. Several theories of Islamic law are questioned and criticized and then introduced the new legal theory. The qathi legal concepts that contain a definite meaning and can not be changed, now criticized and considered as zhanni that speculative and may accept the changes. The theocentric fiqh, authoritarian and feudalistic, replaced with that anthropocentric fiqh, democratic, and humanist. Various reforms were essentially ends at the same goal, which is to realize the beneficiaries, justice, equality, legal equality, rights and obligations, and prosperity for all.Kata Kunci: Evolusi, Revolusi, Qath’i, Zhanni, dan Maslahat 
Jurnal Ijtimaiyya Vol 7, No 1 (2014): (Februari 2014) Jurnal Ijtimaiyya : Eksekusi dalam Pembagian Harta Bersama di P
Publisher : Jurnal Ijtimaiyya

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Abstrak Female circumcision is a present muslim societies’ tradition since ancient to modern times. Some moslem scholars say women do not need to be circumcised, but many other scholars argue for female circumcision law is mandatory. They argue with hadith narrated by Abu Dawood from Umu Athiyah and narrated by Ahmad from Osama. Scientifically studied these hadits is dha’if can not be used as a basis in determining the proposition or obligation circumcision for girls. If at the time of the Prophet Muhammad ever set of female circumcision, it should be understood only as his ijtihad itself, not as a permanent Sunnah, and just because people not be continue it. This is the wisdom of the Prophet who want to make changes to the tradition but performed by gradual and without causing chaos.
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 23, No 1 (2013): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v23i1.2495


The research shows that in the period of 1830-1900 the inhabitants of Jepara Residency were quite dynamic even though the economic principle had moved from maritime to agrarian. The inhabitants’ creativity which was based on soft skill raised the economic autonomy. They did not rely on the maritime and plantation economy so much. However, the plantation economy gave an opportunity for the creative economy to be born. Then, the inhabitants’ economic creativity created industry and indigenous handicraft. The introduction of export plants which was supported by capitalism did not raise the inhabitants’ dependence towards the colonial economic system. What happened precisely was the interdependence between government, capitalist and inhabitants. When the colonial economic penetration was more intensive, the people were able to adapt to the economic change without being dependent upon the colonial economic structure. It was shown by the inhabitants’ alternative economy. Key words: economic creativity, local society, Jepara residency  Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada periode 1830-1900 penduduk Keresidenan Jepara cukup dinamis meskipun prinsip ekonomi telah berpindah dari maritim ke agraris. Kreativitas penduduk yang didasarkan pada soft skill mengangkat otonomi ekonomi. Mereka tidak begitu banyak bergantung pada ekonomi maritim dan ekonomi perkebunan. Namun, ekonomi perkebunan memberikan kesempatan bagi ekonomi kreatif untuk berkembang. Kemudian, kreativitas ekonomi penduduk menciptakan industri dan kerajinan asli. Pengenalan tanaman ekspor yang didukung oleh kapitalisme tidak meningkatkan ketergantungan penduduk terhadap sistem ekonomi kolonial. Apa yang terjadi justru adalah saling bergantungnya antara pemerintah, kapitalis dan penduduk. Ketika penetrasi ekonomi kolonial lebih intensif, orang-orang mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan ekonomi tanpa bergantung kepada struktur ekonomi kolonial. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya ekonomi alternatif penduduk. Kata kunci: kreativitas ekonomi, masyarakat lokal, karesidenan Jepara
Penerapan Algoritma Greedy Pada Mesin Penjual Otomatis (Vending Machine) -, Alamsyah; Putri, Indriani Tiara
Scientific Journal of Informatics Vol 1, No 2 (2014): November 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sji.v1i2.4608


Dalam memasarkan produk minuman dan makanan ringan, Indonesia masih banyak menggunakan tenaga manusia untuk menyalurkan produk tersebut dari pabrik sampai ke konsumen akhir. Jika setiap toko membeli produk dalam jumlah banyak, maka didapatkan keuntungan yang besar dalam penjualan produk tersebut. Hal ini menyebabkan harga penjualan produk yang sampai ke konsumen akhir lebih mahal daripada harga asli yang diberikan oleh pabrik. Dengan permasalahan tersebut, penulis mencoba membuat aplikasi mesin penjual otomatis (vending machine). Pada umumnya vending machine tidak memberikan uang kembalian. Disini penulis mencoba membuat vending machine dengan menerapkan algoritma Greedy agar dapat memberikan uang kembalian sehingga harga penjualan produk sesuai dengan harga asli pabrik. Algoritma Greedy diterapkan untuk menentukan pecahan berapa saja yang muncul dalam proses pengembalian uang dengan meminimalkan jumlah uang logamnya. Penulis menggunakan aplikasi Visual Basic untuk menerapkan program vending machine. 
Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2014): Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam
Publisher : Ijtimaiyya: Jurnal Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam

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Female circumcision is a present muslim societies‟tradition since ancient to modern times. Some moslemscholars say women do not need to be circumcised,but many other scholars argue for female circumcisionlaw is mandatory. They argue with hadith narrated byAbu Dawood from Umu Athiyah and narrated byAhmad from Osama. Scientifically studied these haditsis dha‟if can not be used as a basis in determining theproposition or obligation circumcision for girls. If atthe time of the Prophet Muhammad ever set of femalecircumcision, it should be understood only as hisijtihad itself, not as a permanent Sunnah, and justbecause people not be continue it. This is the wisdomof the Prophet who want to make changes to thetradition but performed by gradual and withoutcausing chaos.
The Existence of Culinary at Lomban Festival in Jepara: Comparative Study of the Dutch East Indies and Reformation Period Indrahti, Sri; Prasetyawan, Yanuar Yoga; Alamsyah, Alamsyah; Maziyah, Siti
KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture Vol 10, No 1 (2018): Komunitas, March 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/komunitas.v10i1.10971


In Jepara, various cultural activities are conducted regularly every year. This cultural activity is always accompanied by a culinary presentation in accordance with the activities, needs, and interests. One of the cultural activities in Jepara is the lomban festival. In this local tradition, a variety of culinary is presented as complement to the cultural activities. The culinary consists of various types, such as market snacks and complete food with rice, vegetables, and side dishes. The culinary in this lomban activity is described in sequence and detail. The culinary depicts the belief, symbolic and spiritual meaning of the supporters of that culture. Through this study, various types of culinary in cultural activities are well described including the symbolic and spiritual meaning behind the culinary presentation.
Paramita: Historical Studies Journal Vol 23, No 1 (2013): PARAMITA
Publisher : History Department, Semarang State University and Historian Society of Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/paramita.v23i1.2495


The research shows that in the period of 1830-1900 the inhabitants of Jepara Residency were quite dynamic even though the economic principle had moved from maritime to agrarian. The inhabitants’ creativity which was based on soft skill raised the economic autonomy. They did not rely on the maritime and plantation economy so much. However, the plantation economy gave an opportunity for the creative economy to be born. Then, the inhabitants’ economic creativity created industry and indigenous handicraft. The introduction of export plants which was supported by capitalism did not raise the inhabitants’ dependence towards the colonial economic system. What happened precisely was the interdependence between government, capitalist and inhabitants. When the colonial economic penetration was more intensive, the people were able to adapt to the economic change without being dependent upon the colonial economic structure. It was shown by the inhabitants’ alternative economy. Key words: economic creativity, local society, Jepara residency  Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada periode 1830-1900 penduduk Keresidenan Jepara cukup dinamis meskipun prinsip ekonomi telah berpindah dari maritim ke agraris. Kreativitas penduduk yang didasarkan pada soft skill mengangkat otonomi ekonomi. Mereka tidak begitu banyak bergantung pada ekonomi maritim dan ekonomi perkebunan. Namun, ekonomi perkebunan memberikan kesempatan bagi ekonomi kreatif untuk berkembang. Kemudian, kreativitas ekonomi penduduk menciptakan industri dan kerajinan asli. Pengenalan tanaman ekspor yang didukung oleh kapitalisme tidak meningkatkan ketergantungan penduduk terhadap sistem ekonomi kolonial. Apa yang terjadi justru adalah saling bergantungnya antara pemerintah, kapitalis dan penduduk. Ketika penetrasi ekonomi kolonial lebih intensif, orang-orang mampu beradaptasi dengan perubahan ekonomi tanpa bergantung kepada struktur ekonomi kolonial. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya ekonomi alternatif penduduk. Kata kunci: kreativitas ekonomi, masyarakat lokal, karesidenan Jepara
Co-Authors A Fahira Nur A.Paturusi, Idrus Achmad Syarifudin, Achmad Afifah, Eka Nur Afrilian Ardi Arus, Afrilian Ardi Amiruddin Kade Ana, Ninda Ade Anggyi Trisnawan Putra Arina Faila Saufa, Arina Faila Asriati Asriati, Asriati Bertin Ayu Wandira Bia Dwiripa Burhamzah, Muftihaturrahmah Dwi Ridho Aulianto Dwijanto Dwijanto, Dwijanto Endang Sugiharti, Endang Fahmi, Yuniar Krinanda Florentina Yuni Arini, Florentina Yuni Halim, Bravura Candra Hamida Umil Khoiriyah Handarko, Jefry Latu Handayani, Tut Hardi Suyitno Hasbullah Hasbullah Hermiyanti Hermiyanti, Hermiyanti Hidayat, Kukuh Triyuliarno I Ketut Eddy Purnama Ilham Insani, Muhammad Imam Ahmad Ashari, Imam Ahmad Indriani Tiara Putri, Indriani Tiara Jusman Mansyur Kumalasari, Putri Laksita Larasati, Ukhti Ikhsani Listiyani, Melia Marhaen Hardjo Marsiana, Siwi Mauridhi Hery Purnomo Much Aziz Muslim Muhammad, Afrizal Prasetyo Nur Nana Mulyana Ngesti Lestari Nur Halimah P. Eko Prasetyo Permadi, Dimas Bayu Satria Prasetya, Agesta Citrasena Pratama, Rizka Nur Purwandito, Rizky Ranindya Puspaning Mellaty, Ranindya Puspaning Rifan, Slamet Riza Arifudin Rochmad - Rohman, Shohihatur Rosalia, Hotmah Nur Saiful Amin Sam’an, Muhammad Sampurno, Global Ilham Samsir Samsir, Samsir Sebastian, Ligal Sekarningsih, Cindra Fajar Setijadi, Eko Simon Sumanjoyo Hutagalung Siti Harnina Bintari Siti Maziyah Sri Indrahti suardi suardi Sugiarto S Sugiman Sugiman Sulasri, Sulasri Sunyoto Sunyoto Suryani, Atik Susiloputro, Agus Vannia, Adji Mayumi Vidyanto, Vidyanto Walid Walid, Walid Wicaksana, Dinar Anggit Yanuar Yoga Prasetyawan Yuli Rohmiyati Yundari, Yundari Zaenal Abidin Zakariyati, Zakariyati Zulkarnaen, Zen