Muhammad Jamaluddin
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

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ISLAM AND ECOTHEOLOGY (A Study of the Message of the Qur'an to Preserve Environmental Wisdom) Ali Mursyid Azisi; Andi Rafida; Muhammad Jamaluddin; Denu Rahmad; Siti Miftakuz Zaqiyah
al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies Vol. 6 No. 3 (2023)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Fakultas Agama Islam Indramayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/afkarjournal.v6i3.542


A single This research article examines the role of religious values ​​in preventing environmental damage on earth. Religion and the environment are inseparable. Such an understanding is not correct. So far, religion is considered not to have an important role in protecting the environment and making people aware of protecting nature. Whereas in Islam, it has been stated in the Qur'an and Hadith that humans must care about the environment. The purpose of human life is not only to worship God but also to maintain the relationship between humans and nature. As has been applied in Islam which teaches about Rahmatan Lil 'Alamin, from there humans are ordered to not only have mercy or do good to humans, but also to nature, be it plants, rocks, the environment, and so on. The research method used in this article uses a qualitative approach with literature study, which collects data in the form of journals, books, and supporting references that are relevant and accountable. It is very important to protect the environment from inefficient plastic processing for the sake of a clean and healthy life. In Islam, it is also required to live a healthy life. The results of this study are about the importance of humans in protecting the environment and the role of religion in Him, as well as the efforts of religious communities in dealing with plastic pollution to preserve the environment.
Living Islam: Journal of Islamic Discourses Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/lijid.v6i1.4338


Abstrak: Pola konflik keagamaan memiliki jenis yang meliputi isu penyebab konflik, pelaku, dan dampak dari konflik. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan jawaban dari rumusan masalah yang diajukan,yaitu: 1). Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang melatarbelakangi konflik keagamaan antara tarekat wahidiyah dengan masyarakat Desa Golokan. 2). Untuk memahami terkait pola konflik keagamaan antara tarekat wahidiyah dengan masyarakat Desa Golokan. 3). Untuk memahami implikasi konflik keagamaan terkait tarekat wahidiyah dengan masyarakat Desa Golokan. Munculnya konflik agama di bantu dengan adanya pendekatan sosiologis. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pola-pola konflik agama dan sosial adalah teori Louis Coser dan teori konflik etnis dari Jaques Jacques Bertrand. Masyarakat Desa Golokan memiliki kapasitas untuk merespon isu-isu penyebab konflik keagamaan dalam bentuk aksi-aksi damai.  Dengan adanya aksi tersebut mendorong masyarakat untuk mencegah timbulnya konflik yang sangat besar. Isu-isu yang mendorong terjadinya konflik diberbagai daerah bervariasi sehingga langkah-langkah penangananya juga perlu didesain sesuai dengan variasi isu konflik keagamaan masing-masing daerah tersebut. Masyarakat  Desa Golokan mempunyai beragam kepercayaan tarekat, di antaranya tarekat wahidiyah. Tarekat merupakan jalan. Tarekat yaitu suatu jalan menuju tingkatan untuk mencapai makrifat Allah (Mengenal Allah). Tarekat wahidiyah mempunyai  kegiatan yang sering dilakukan sehari-hari seperti memperbanyak membaca selawat-selawat seperti selawat badawiyah, selawat nariyah, selawat munjiyat, selawat masisiyah, dan sebagainya yang mana Jemaah pada masyarakat Desa Golokan melakukannya pada malam hari selepas salat isya hingga tengah malam. Adanya konflik muncul di sebabkan dari aktivitas yang dilakukan masyarakat golokan, aktivitas tersebut mengganggu ketenangan masyarakat Desa Golokan yang berada di sekitar tempat tersebut Kata Kunci: Konflik, Sosial, Agama, dan Tarekat Wahidiyah Abstract: The pattern of religious conflict has several types which include the issues of the causes of the conflict, the actors, and the impact of the conflict. This study uses a sociological approach to determine the social impact of the emergence of religious conflicts. The theory used to identify patterns of religious and social conflict is the theory of Louis Coser and the theory of ethnic conflict from Jacques Bertrand. The people of Golokan Village, has the capacity to respond to issues that cause religious conflicts in the form of peaceful actions. People to make peaceful action as the main option in order to prevent a bigger conflict from happening. The issues that lead to conflict in various regions vary widely so that the steps to deal with it also need to be designed according to the variety of religious conflict issues in each region. The residents of Golokan Village, have a community with various tarekat, including the tarekat wahidiyah. Tarekat is linguistically a way. In terms, tarekat is a way to get to the level to reach the makrifat of Allah (Knowing Allah). Tarekat Wahidiyah has the usual activity of doing activities to multiply reading salawat such as badawiyah salawat, nariyah salawat, munjiyat salawat, masisiyah salawat, and so on which the congregation in the Golokan village community of does at night after the evening prayer until midnight. The activities carried out by the tarekat wahidiyah in Golokan Village received a poor response. The problems that arise are due to the activities of the tarekat wahidiyah carrying out their teaching activities so that it disturbs the peace of the people of Golokan who are around the place. Keywords: Conflict, Social, Religion, and the Tarekat Wahidiyah