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THE ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TRAINING IN BANDUNG ORPHANAGES Ridma Meltareza; Detya Wiryany; Ira Aryanti Rasyi Lubis; Rizki Surya Tawaqal; Ahmad Taufiq Maulana Ramdan
Inaba of Community Services Journal ( Inacos-J) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Vol. 1 No. 1 (1): Volume 1 No. 1 June 2022
Publisher : Universitas INABA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56956/inacos.v1i1.30


Indonesian people are increasingly aware of the importance of English language skills. Not only in communicating academically but also in communication that occurs daily as a result of the increasing flow of information through various media. For people who have access to a place to learn and practice English skills, of course, they will be able to master their skills more effectively. But not with school students who have to study online where not all students have sufficient facilities and access to learn and practice English. For less fortunate students, such as residents of orphanages, mentoring and training activities, both academic and non-academic, they need. So this Community Service activity was carried out. English language training for orphans and poor people was held at the Mutiara Bani Sholihin Orphanage. This activity uses the Quantum teaching method where this method fosters an atmosphere of togetherness, comfort and calmness in learning. Then at the end of this activity session, an evaluation of the material that has been implemented is carried out to measure learning achievement.
SOCIALIZATION OF GADGET MONITORING IN CHILDREN Detya Wiryany; Muhammad Arfan Humaedi; Niko Nur Maulana; Riyan Candra Muliawan; Shafira Aurenevia; Khansa Sabila
Inaba of Community Services Journal ( Inacos-J) Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): Volume 1 Number 2 December 2022
Publisher : Universitas INABA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56956/inacos.v1i02.133


Parent-child communication with a "child-friendly" parenting style is empathetic and full of love. This is important because from an early age children already feel that they are accepted, loved, and valued for their existence. With positive parenting, children will form "basic trust" which will make them a strong foundation of self-confidence. Self-confidence is very important for the development of a steady body and soul, full of confidence, and full of love during its development. The basic principle of applying positive parenting is trying to make parents actively listen to every child's conversation, respect the child's opinion, give appreciation to children's behavior that is considered good, and gradually. Applying discipline according to the stages of the child's mental development. Talking about today's technology which is increasingly sophisticated, namely the use of devices that are easily practiced by children today, therefore parents must also provide supervision when giving devices to their children, so that their children can control the use of devices in a good way and effective. This activity was carried out to increase parental awareness in supervising the use of devices by children.
Strategi Komunikasi Bisnis dalam Sistem Perekrutan Prospek Multi-Level Marketing Tiens di Kota Cimahi Fadila Fujiyanti; Detya Wiryany; Wawan Darmawan

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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37278/artcomm.v7i1.825


Penelitian ini berfokus pada bisnis penjualan Multi-level Marketing (MLM) Tiens Syariah di Cimahi, yang mendapatkan sertifikasi halal dari BPOM di 100 negara dan dipertahankan oleh Dewan Syariah Majelis Ulama Indonesia (DSN-MUI). Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi pelaksanaan, masalah perekrutan, dan strategi komunikasi dalam bisnis MLM ini, serta mempertimbangkan perspektif etika bisnis Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif karena informasi yang diperoleh dari wawancara ditulis dan digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu fenomena atau masalah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pemasaran MLM Tiens Syariah berfokus pada merekrut anggota baru untuk menjual produk. Distributor baru membeli paket keanggotaan dan starter kit untuk memulai. Pelaksanaan MLM ini dilakukan melalui pertemuan rutin, seminar, dan acara pengenalan produk. Namun, terdapat perdebatan di masyarakat mengenai kehalalan dan keabsahan bisnis ini. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang pelaksanaan bisnis MLM Tiens Syariah, isu-etika yang muncul, serta perdebatan di masyarakat seputar bisnis ini. Kesadaran akan keberlanjutan dan transparansi dalam operasi MLM menjadi kunci dalam membangun hubungan yang berkelanjutan dengan anggota dan masyarakat.

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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (158.763 KB) | DOI: 10.37278/artcomm.v1i1.63


Bogor Botanical Garden (BBG) is the center of the plants conservation that is under the auspices of scientific institution Indonesia LIPI. In improving service quality to the society BBG, was creating a sub section that oversees the information and services by a personal selling. To optimized personal selling activities, can't be separated from the role of personal selling division. Their roles are to present the personal selling and to promote products to prospective society. Personal selling activities as a direct interaction with the potential customers ere making presentations, promoting and takeing orders. Personal selling have barriers that non technical and technical barriers. A succesful buisness has always been marked by high sales. Marketing is the only reason why business can generate very high sale while competitor lower. Only by recognizing the core of marketiing activities we can get the optimal sales for our business. Persuasive communication is, communication that aims to alter or affect the beliefs, attitudes and behaviour of a person acting in accordance with what is expection by communicator. In presenting information, messages or information to customers which required a personal selling in influencing coustomers servic user. They are traying to made the consumen give a positive responses to personal selling. Therefore communication for information is must do by comunicatif so it can be understood by the consumen. Keywords: bogor botanical garden, persuasive communication, marketing, personal selling
Perubahan Struktur Sosial Akibat Perkembangan Teknologi Komunikasi Detya Wiryany; Wawan Darmawan

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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (248.519 KB) | DOI: 10.37278/artcomm.v1i2.113


Teknologi saat ini memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Kemajuannya yang pesatmembuat banyak perubahan dalam keberhidupan dan kebersosialan. Teknologi menjadi suatu yangtidak bisa lepas dari pola kehidupan manusia. Hal ini menjadi pemicu berubahnya struktur sosialyang sudah ada di masyarakat terkhusus cara berkomunikasi. Teori Determinisme Teknologi yangdikembangkan Mc Luhan sudah memaparkan bagaimana perubahan pada cara berkomunikasi akanmembentuk cara berpikir, berperilaku, dan bergerak ke abad teknologi selanjutnya di dalamkehidupan manusia. Pada dasarnya Teori Determinisme Teknologi menjelaskan bahwa teknologikomunikasi dapat mengubah kebudayaan manusia. Dampak paling nyata yang dapat dilihat saat iniadalah struktur sosial dalam komunikasi pejabat kenegaraan dan masyarakat. Dimulai dari budayabirokrasi untuk menyampaikan pendapat ataupun masukan kepada pemerintahan dari masyarakatyang harus melalui mekanisme dan prosedural tertentu hingga akhirnya akibat dari perkembanganteknologi komunikasi membentuk budaya baru dimana masyarakat dapat berinteraksi langsungdengan pimpinan daerah bahkan pimpinan suatu Negara melalui bantuan media sosial. Munculnyamedia-media sosial yang emmungkinkan interaksi tanpa batas wilayah membentuk budaya barudimana pejabat pemerintahan dapat secara langsung menerima masukan, pujian dan kritik tanpabatasan birokrasi lagi.
Peran Komunikasi Media Dan Ekonomi Terhadap Politik Di Indonesia Detya Wiryany; Wawan Darmawan

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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.17 KB) | DOI: 10.37278/artcomm.v2i1.160


Indonesia merupakan Negara yang mengusung pemahaman politik demokrasi dimana masyarakatsebagai penentu keseluruhan kebijakan. Indonesia melewati berbagai jenis demokrasi diawalidemokrasi terpimpin hingga demokrasi Pancasila sampai saat ini. Dalam perkembangan politiknyatidak terlepas dari peran Komunikasi Media dan Ekonomi yang menggeser tipe-tipe demokrasi yangdiusung. Komunikasi Media yang terus berkembang berperan penting dalam arah kebijakan politikdi Indonesia. Selain itu keadaan Ekonomi Negara menjadi faktor utama lain yang juga dapatmenggeser sistem demokrasi yang digunakan di Indonesia. Penulis melihat peranan komunikasimedia yang cukup signifikan dalam perubahan sistem Politik sehingga akhirnya Indonesia bertahanpada sistem demokrasi Pancasila.
Kekuatan Media Baru Youtube Dalam Membentuk Budaya Populer Detya Wiryany; Tiarani Vidia Pratami

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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (350.274 KB) | DOI: 10.37278/artcomm.v2i02.199


Technology has never ceased to grow through time. The development itself giving a chance to new media such as Youtube to grow rapidly. Youtube is one of the largest social media that we had now. Popular culture was born from YouTube, and it’s so quickly spread by anyone who does. The Innovation Diffusion Theory developed by Everett Rogers describes how new ideas and technologies spread in culture. Basically, the Innovation Diffusion Theory explains the process of how innovation is delivered through certain channels all the time to the people from the social system. The most obvious impact that we can see today was the number of famous people that came from YouTube