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PETRA : Jurnal Teknologi Pendingin dan Tata Udara Vol 7 No 1 (2020): jurnal PETRA
Publisher : Politeknik Sekayu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Di era globalisasi ini perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang secara pesat, terutama di bidangelektronika. Asap Cair merupakan suatu hasil kondensasi atau pengembunan dari uap hasil pembakaran secaralangsung maupun tidak langsung dari bahan-bahan yang banyak mengandung lignin, selulosa, hemiselulosa sertasenyawa karbon lainnya. Akan tetapi hasilnya masi kurang maksimal, Oleh karena itu tujuan penilitian ini adalahuntuk mematikan dan menghidupkan sistem serta memonitoring suhu secara otomatis menggunakan arduino uno.Penelitian ini menggunakan perangkat keras (Microcontroller Arduino Uno), Sensor suhu DS18D20, Relaybluethooth. Prangkat Lunak SoftWare Arduino. Pada penelitian kali ini ada dua tahapan yang harus dilakukan yangpertama perakitan perangkat keras, dan yang kedua pemograman perangkat lunak. Kesimpulan dari penelitian iniadalah mematikan dan menghidupkan serta memonitoring temperature secara otomatis menggunakanMicrorocontroller Aerduino Uno Atmega328.
ANALISIS PENGARUH TOTAL DRY SOLID BLACK LIQUOR TERHADAP EFISIENSI RECOVERY BOILER Herlin Sumarna; Baiti Hidayati; Tri Satya Ramadhoni; Toni Okviyanto; Zainuri Anwar; Ahmad Imam Rifa’i
MACHINERY: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Machinery: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8085820


In the pulp and paper industry, a large amount of biomass (wood) has been used and produces by-products or residues resulting from the industry including wood bark, remaining logging and black liquor which is one of the main biomass resources that can be used for energy purposes. Aside from being a fuel, the recovery boiler process can convert black liquor into green liquor, where green liquor will be needed in the pulp production process. Writing this journal aims to determine the effect of total dry solids in black liquor on the efficiency of recovery boilers. The analysis was carried out using energy calculations in the recovery boiler for five days. From the calculation results it is known that there is a decrease and increase in boiler recovery efficiency, this is caused by several factors, including the heat absorption process experienced by the boiler feed water, the mass of black liquor, and the percentage of total dry solids. The total dry solid will affect the water content that will enter the combustion chamber, the higher the % TDS the more water content will enter the combustion chamber and this will affect the recovery efficiency of the boiler. The highest boiler recovery efficiency calculation results occurred on the first day, namely 65.24% and the lowest boiler recovery efficiency calculation results occurred on the fourth day, namely 62.96%.
PENGARUH UKURAN BIJI JARAK PAGAR TERHADAP LAMANYA NYALA API DAN TEMPERATUR YANG DIHASILKAN PADA KOMPOR Andika Nopriansyah Mila; Ahmad Junaidi; Dwi Arnoldi; Soegeng Witjahjo; Baiti Hidayati; Syamsul Rizal; Ali Medi
MACHINERY: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Machinery: Jurnal Teknologi Terapan
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10122361


The availability of fuels, especially fossil fuels, is increasingly scarce, concerns about meeting energy needs in the future are increasing. In urban areas, fuel gas (LPG) is generally used for daily cooking, while in rural areas, kerosene is more commonly used. This significant oil content opens up the possibility to use castor beans as fuel directly. Therefore, in this study the author conducted an experiment entitled "The Effect of Jatropha Bean Size on Fire Intensity and Temperature produced on the Stove". The variable used is jatropha beans weighing 350 grams in each form of castor bean roughness, namely: whole, peeled, coarse and fine. Where the results obtained from the research that has been carried out are whole castor beans with a flame for 93 minutes and a temperature of 314.7 °C, peeled to produce a flame for 85 minutes and a temperature of 433.3 °C, coarsely crushed to produce a flame for 73 minutes and a temperature of 498.8 °C, and finely crushed to produce a flame of 65 minutes and a temperature of 519 °C. So it can be concluded from the data produced, the larger the size of the castor bean, the more time the fire is and the finer the roughness of the castor bean fence, the higher the resulting temperature.