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H, Hubungan Hubungan Persepsi, Sumber Informasi Dan Sikap Ibu Hamil Terhadap Pemeriksaan Triple Eliminasi Di Puskesmas Margasari Sari, Ria Puspita Eka; Suhartati, Susanti; Yuliantie, Putri; Lestari, Yayuk Puji
An Idea Health Journal Vol 4 No 03 (2024): NOVEMBER (in Press)
Publisher : PT.Mantaya Idea Batara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53690/ihj.v4i03.324


The triple elimination program is the government's effort to break the chain of transmission of infection from mother to child. The initial risk location of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B infections can be resolved through blood tests at least once during pregnancy. The achievement of pregnant women who underwent triple elimination check-ups at the Margasari Community Health Center in January-September 2023 was 58.5%. to determine the relationship between perceptions, sources of information and attitudes of pregnant women towards triple elimination examinations at the Margasari Community Health Center. The type of research used is an analytical survey using quantitative data with a cross sectional approach. Samples were taken using accidental sampling technique as many as 40 respondents. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire. Bivariate data analysis using chi-square. 21 pregnant women who had undergone triple elimination examination (52.5%), 21 pregnant women with positive perceptions (52.5%), 22 pregnant women with bad information sources (55%), pregnant women with positive attitude 34 people (85%). The results of the analysis show that there is a relationship between perception (p value = 0.000), source of information (p value = 0.000) and attitude (p value = 0.007) towards the triple elimination examination. There is a relationship between perceptions, sources of information and attitudes of pregnant women towards triple elimination examinations at the Margasari Community Health Center.
Penanganan Stunting Dengan Program Kantong Stunting Oleh Kader Di Puskesmas Sungai Jingah Noor Anisa, Fadhiyah; Suhartati, Susanti; Yunita, Laurensia; Ulfa, Ika Mardiatul; Hidayat, Ahmad
Majalah Cendekia Mengabdi Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Majalah Cendekia Mengabdi
Publisher : CV. Wadah Publikasi Cendekia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.879 KB) | DOI: 10.63004/mcm.v1i1.106


Pendahuluan. Stunting adalah tidak tercukupinya kebutuhan gizi anak akibat infeksi yang terus-menerus selama 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) anak, dikatakan stunting apabila tinggi seorang anak tidak sama dengan tinggi standar anak pada populasi normal di usia dan jenis kelamin yang sama. Pencegahan stunting menjadi tanggung jawab bersama. Kader posyandu sebagai perwakilan masyarakat memiliki peran yang besar demi terlaksananya intervensi yang efektif untuk menurunkan angka stunting balita. Rendahnya kemampuan kader dan kurangnya pemberdayaan menjadi penyebab berkurangnya fungsi Posyandu, sehingga minat masyarakat menjadi lebih rendah untuk menggunakan Posyandu sebagai pelayanan Kesehatan.Tujuan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah melakukan penanganan stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sungai Jingah Banjarmasin menggunakan program kantong stunting.Metode. Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berupa monitoring stunting untuk dapat dilaksanakan sebagai program penanganan stunting di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sungai Jingah. Sasaran dalam PkM ini adalah kader kesehatan Posyandu.Hasil. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah kader memberikan respon yang cukup baik dan saling melakukan diskusi, hal apa saja yang dapat membantu sehingga program ini dapat  dilaksanakan dengan baik benar, serta dapat menjalankan program monitoring stunting.Simpulan. Program kantong stunting yang dilaksanakan oleh kader dapat memberikan  kontribusi sebagai salah satu upaya penanganan stunting yang terjadi di wilayah kerja puskesmas Sungai Jingah.
Optimalisasi Kelas Ibu Hamil Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Stunting di Kelurahan Sungai Andai Banjarmasin Suhartati, Susanti; M.G, Eirene Eunike; Iswandari, Novita Dewi
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): April
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i3.244


Written in English with a distance between sentences of 1 space and the number of words between 150-250. The abstract should contain introductions, methods, results and discussions and conclusions (without citation). Avoid using citations in t The problem of stunting is one part of double burden malnutrition (DBM) which has a very detrimental impact both in terms of health and in terms of economic productivity, both in the short and long term for Indonesia. Data from the Sungai Andai Health Center in 2022 as many as 29 pregnant women or 14.5% of pregnant women experienced CED and as many as 31 people or 15.5% of pregnant women experienced Anemia. The implementation of classes for pregnant women is only carried out once every three to four months and the implementation of classes for pregnant women is only in the form of health education without nutritional management for pregnant women, this shows that maximum efforts are still needed to prevent stunting where CED and anemia in pregnant women are one of the risk factors causing the occurrence of stunting in children. PKM is carried out by providing materials and processing healthy food as well as training on screening nutritional problems for pregnant women to cadres in the Sungai Andai. In evaluating the pretest results, the lowest average score was 65 and in the posttest results the average score was 93. There was an increase in the previous score. and after delivering the training, the average score increased by 28. The increase in knowledge was demonstrated by the cadres' ability to explain healthy food menus to pregnant women in the Pregnant Women's Class Activities and data collection carried out by cadres in screening pregnant women with nutritional problems.
Jurnal Anestesi Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Januari : Jurnal Anestesi
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/anestesi.v2i1.771


Every day there are 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. The preliminary study found 21 pregnant women with complications, there were 10 pregnant women who did not know how to overcome pregnancy complications and there were 11 pregnant women who did not understand what to do in the event of an obstetric emergency, even though it was all in the MCH book they had. The purpose of the study was to determine the use of maternal and child health books (MCH) by pregnant women in an effort to prevent pregnancy complications at the Murung Pudak Health Center in 2022. This research method is with descriptive-analytical methods. The design or design used in this study is a cross-sectional study research design. The results of the research in the category of Maternal Knowledge About the Utilization of MCH Books were obtained from 37 respondents, 34 respondents (91.9%) with the Good Category, 3 respondents (8.1%) with the Sufficient Category while the less category did not exist in terms of knowledge of the use of MCH books in efforts to prevent pregnancy complications.
Analysis of birth outcomes with incidence of hepatitis B in pregnant women: Analisis outcome kelahiran dengan kejadian hepatitis B pada ibu hamil Handayani, Lisda; Anisa, Fadhiyah Noor; Palimbo, Adriana; Suhartati, Susanti; Raudah, Normila; Ibrahim
Health Sciences International Journal Vol. 2 No. 1: February 2024
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Background: Hepatitis B in Indonesia is highest endemic, second mostly in the South East Asian Region. Hepatitis is generally rare in pregnant women. However, the most common sign is gestational jaundice, which is the cause of viral hepatitis. A total of 50,744 pregnant women will be positive for hepatitis B in 2022. Of this number, there will be 35,757 babies born to women who are positive for hepatitis B. The magnitude of this problem will certainly have a huge impact on public health problems and productivity. Objective: to know birth outcomes with incidence of hepatitis B in pregnant women. Method: Type of analytical quantitative research, case-control design. The total data sample was 60 pregnant women, including 30 hepatitis B cases and 30 non-hepatitis B controls. Secondary data collection came from birth report. Data were analyzed using the chi-square test. Results: Based on results, it was shown that highest type of vaginal delivery was [85%], non-hepatitis B group, p-value 0.718. The highest condition of newborn is in normal category [95%], non-hepatitis B group, with a p-value of 0.553. The largest birth weight of babies was in the normal category, non-hepatitis B group [86.7%], p-value 0.129. In terms of indicators of postpartum haemorrhagia complications, the highest results were in the non-postpartum haemorrhagia category [91.6%], hepatitis B group, p-value 0.640. Conclusion: From the four indicators of birth outcomes, it was concluded that not has been significant correlation with the incidence of hepatitis B in pregnant women.  
Health monitoring before and after independent learning during the pandemic: Pemantauan kesehatan sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran mandiri selama pandemi Handayani, Lisda; Suhartati, Susanti; Irawan, Angga; Zulfadhilah, Muhammad
Health Sciences International Journal Vol. 2 No. 2: August 2024
Publisher : Ananda - Health & Education Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted educational practices globally, including Indonesia's Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, which emphasizes real-world learning experiences. Health monitoring became a crucial aspect of student safety during MBKM activities, particularly in community settings. This report examines the health protocols implemented by Universitas Sari Mulia during a humanitarian mission in response to the South Kalimantan floods amidst the pandemic. Case presentation: Sari Mulia University deployed 327 students to assist in four sub-districts affected by floods. To prevent the spread of COVID-19, pre-deployment health protocols included rapid antigen testing, which identified five asymptomatic positive cases requiring isolation. After completing the two-month MBKM program, students were tested again, revealing seven additional cases, including one with moderate symptoms, while others were either mild or asymptomatic. Discussion: The university's health monitoring protocols, including pre- and post-deployment testing, isolation, and symptom-based treatments, significantly minimized virus transmission. The importance of early detection and close monitoring of asymptomatic individuals  is emphasized, as undetected cases could contribute to community transmission. Additionally, the program highlights the necessity of integrating health education into MBKM activities to ensure students understand preventive health measures. Conclusion: Universitas Sari Mulia successfully implemented comprehensive health monitoring during its MBKM program, protecting both students and the communities they served. This case underscores the need for ongoing health vigilance, education, and institutional collaboration to safely conduct off-campus learning during the pandemic. These practices serve as a model for future MBKM programs across Indonesia.
Alat Perlindungan Diri Bidan Di Puskesmas Selama Pandemi Covid-19 Handayani, Lisda; Suhartati, Susanti
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 13, No 1 (2022): Dinamika Kesehatan: jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v13i1.832


Latar Belakang: : Fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan merupakan garda terdepan dalam upaya penanggulangan kasus di masa pandemi COVID-19. Puskesmas sebagai fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan primer selama ini merupakan ujung tombak pelayanan kesehatan di Indonesia. upaya pencegahan penyebaran dan penularan COVID-19 harus bisa diatasi  dengan segera, salah satunya dengan penyediaan APD yang efektif dan efisien bagi tenaga kesehatan. Tujuan peneliotian ini adalah mengetahui APD yang diguanakan bidan selama  memberiksan asuhan kebidanan di Puskesmas  .Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif ,  mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian dengan populasi Bidan di 26 puskesmas dengan menggunakan kuesioner.Hasil:  pada awal pandemic kebanyakan (53,8%) bidan dipuskesmas melakukan pelayanan kebidanan dengan menggunakan hazmat/cover all dimana penggunaannya diperuntukkan pada APD level 3, sedangkan pada saat PPKM berlangsung sudah ada panduan untuk menggunakan APD yang sesuai yaitu APD level 2, kebanyakan puskesmas menggunakan APD level 2 (46,2%), namun masih ada puskesmas yang bertahan pada APD Level 3 bahkan ada yang hanya menggunakan APD Level 1 (7,7%). sedangkan pada situasi pasca PPKM kebanyakan puskesmas masih bertahan pada APD level 2 (69,2%) walaupun sisanya  sudah diturunkan menjadi level 1Kesimpulan: APD yang digunakan bidan dipuskesmas diawal pandemi antara level 3 dan level 2, sedangkan pada saat PPKM hingga sekarang sudah ada puskesmas yang menurunkan menjadi APD level 1 walaupun angka kejadian COVID-19 masih ada.Personal Protection Equipment for Midwives at the Health Center during the Covid-19 PandemicBackground: Health service facilities are the front line in efforts to resolve the COVID-19 pandemic. Public Health Center as primary health care facilities have been the spearhead of health services in Indonesia. Efforts to prevent the spread and transmission of COVID-19 must be addressed immediately, one of which is the provision of effective and efficient PPE for health workers. The purpose of this study was to determine the PPE used by midwives while providing midwifery care at the Public Health Center.Methods: This study is a quantitative study by describing the results  of the study with a population of midwives in 26 Public Health Center used a questionnaire.Results: at the beginning of the pandemic, most (53.8%) midwives at health centers performed midwifery services using hazmat/cover all where the use was intended for level 3 PPE, while at the time of PPKM there were already guidelines for using the appropriate PPE, namely level 2 PPE, mostly Public Health Center use PPE level 2 (46.2%), but there are still puskesmas that survive on PPE Level 3 and some even only use PPE Level 1 (7.7%). whereas in the post-PPKM situation, most of the puskesmas still maintain PPE level 2 (69.2%) even though the rest has been reduced to level 1Conclusion: The PPE used by midwives in Public Health Center at the beginning of the pandemic was between level 3 and level 2, while during PPKM until now there were already puskesmas that had reduced it to level 1 PPE even though the number of COVID-19 cases was still there. 
Alat Perlindungan Diri Bidan Selama Praktik Mandiri Ditengah Pandemi COVID-19 Handayani, Lisda; Suhartati, Susanti
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Dinamika Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v12i2.753


Latar Belakang: : COVID-19 telah menjadi tantangan bagi layanan kesehatan sistem kesehatan  dan petugas kesehatan adalah yang paling berisiko tinggi terpapar.  Setiap hari, para ibu bisa datang berkonsultasi soal kandungan atau alat KB ke rumah bidan pagi, siang, malam. Kepatuhan bidan dalam menggunakan APD selama melakukan praktik kebidanan menjadi perisai utama agar bidan dapat terhindar dari penularan COVID-19.Tujuan: penelitian ini adalah mengetahui APD yang digunakan bidan selama  memberikan asuhan kebidanan.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan mendeskripsikan hasil penelitian dengan populasi Bidan yang melaksanakan praktik mandiri selama pandemi COVID-19 dengan sampel sebanyak 48 orang dengan menggunakan kuesioner.Hasil:  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa hanya ada 10 bidan (20,1%)  yang menggunakan APD secara lengkap saat melakukan asuhan saat rawat jalan seperti pemeriksaan kehamilan, nifas maupun pelayanan kontrasepsi. Sedangkan pada Asuhan persalinan hanya 2 bidan (4,2%) yang menggunakan APD secara lengkap. Penggunaan APD yang tidak lengkap baik pada asuhan rawat jalan maupun asuhan persalinan adalah pada penggunaan penutup kepala, faceshield dan goggles.Simpulan: APD yang digunakan bidan selama pemberian asuhan masih banyak yang belum sesuai dengan panduan yang dikeluarkan oleh kementerian kesehatan selama Pandemi COVID-19 ini sehingga perlu disosialisasikan kembali penggunaan APD yang tepat baik saat pemberian asuhan kehamilan, nifas, keluarga berencana maupun asuhan persalinan. Kata Kunci : APD, Bidan, COVID-19 Midwives Self Protection Equipment During Independent Practice Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic Background: COVID-19 has become a challenge for health care systems and health workers are most at high risk of exposure. Every day, mothers can come to the midwife's house to consult about pregnancy or family planning equipment in the morning, afternoon and evening. Midwives' compliance in using PPE during midwifery practice is the main shield so that midwives can avoid transmission of COVID-19.Purpose: this study was to find out the PPE used by midwives while providing midwifery care.Methods: This research is a quantitative study by describing the results of research with a population of midwives who carried out independent practices during the COVID-19 pandemic with a sample of 48 people using a questionnaire.Results: Based on the results of the study it was found that only 10 midwives (20.1%) used complete PPE when providing outpatient care such as pregnancy, postpartum and contraceptive services. Whereas in delivery care only 2 midwives (4.2%) used complete PPE. Incomplete use of PPE both in outpatient care and delivery care is in the use of head coverings, faceshields and goggles.Conclusion: Many PPE used by midwives while providing care are still not in accordance with the guidelines issued by the ministry of health during the COVID-19 Pandemic, so it is necessary to re-socialize the use of proper PPE both when providing care for pregnancy, childbirth, family planning and delivery care. Keywords: PPE, Midwives, COVID-19Keyword: PPE, midwife, COVID-19
Implementation of the Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination (MNTE) Program at the Banjarmasin Health Center Suhartati, Susanti; Handayani, Lisda
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 12, No 2 (2021): Dinamika Kesehatan Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v12i2.749


Background In an effort to reduce the incidence of neonatal tetanus, Indonesia has carried out various strategies, namely by implementing safe and clean assistance, high and even coverage of TT techniques, and administering neonatal tetanus surveillance. One of the scopes of routine TT training is the implementation of the Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination (MNTE) program. The Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination Program (MNTE) is implemented by all Puskesmas as the first service for the use of Tetanus Toxoid. Objective Describe the causes of low TT coverage at the Banjarmasin City Health Center and describe the obstacles faced in the process of implementing the Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination (MNTE) program in Banjarmasin. Method This research is a quantitative descriptive study using Cross Sectional. With Acidental Sampling with a total of 150 respondents consisting of pregnant women and 25 midwives at the Banjarmasin Health Center. Results From 150 pregnant women respondents, there are still 28 people or 18.7% of pregnant women who have never been able to use TT, there are only 6 pregnant women or 4% of pregnant women with TT 4 status and there are 54 pregnant women or 36% of women. pregnant with TT 1 status. A total of 78 people or 52% have less knowledge of TT techniques. As many as 88 people or 58.6% have a negative attitude towards TT, as much as 59.4% of pregnant women stated that the role of officers is still lacking in explaining the TT technique. Service documentation is only centered on service providers, documentation is not clearly accessible or readable by service recipients. low parity need more effort in utilizing TT. Lack of information and knowledge causes there are still pregnant women with negative attitudes towards exercise. Conclusion MNTE services at the Banjarmasin Health Center require increased promotion efforts, and media documentation that can be owned by women of childbearing age to find out TT and can fulfill TT status up to TT 5. Keywords Immunization TT, Tetanus, MNTE
Implementasi Program Antisipasi Defisiensi Gizi Dalam Kehamilan (ANDIKA) Pada ANC Terintergrasi Di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin Suhartati, Susanti; Handayani, Lisda
DINAMIKA KESEHATAN: JURNAL KEBIDANAN DAN KEPERAWATAN Vol 13, No 2 (2022): Dinamika Kesehatan: Jurnal Kebidanan dan Keperawatan
Publisher : Universitas Sari Mulia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33859/dksm.v13i2.880


Latar Belakang:Masalah gizi pada ibu hamil masih merupakan masalah Kesehatan yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus. Berbagai dampak dapat terjadi akibat dari masalah gizi pada ibu hamil seperti anemia dalam kehamilan, masalah dan proses pertumbuhan janin yang akan dilahirkan. Komplikasi yang dapat terjadi adalah keguguran, bayi lahir mati, kematian neonatal, cacat bawaan, anemia ibu dan pada bayi, dan bayi lahir dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR).Tujuan : Mengetahu bagaimana pelaksanaan program Antisipasi Defisiensi Gizi dalam Kehamilan (ANDIKA) di Puskesmas Kota Banjarmasin.Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan di Puskesmas Banjarmasin dari bulan Agustus-November 2022. Sebanyak 150 ibu hamil dipilih secara accidental sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner dan dianalisis secara deskriptif.Hasil: dari 130 responden sebesar 11,5% ibu hamil mengalami KEK dan 22,3% ibu hamil mengalami anemia. 100% ibu hamil dengan KEK telah mendapatkan PMT dan telah mendapatkan penjelasan tentang cara mengkomsi. Sebesar 95,4% ibu hamil di puskemas telah mendapatkan tablet Fe namun kurang dalam penjelaskan tentang cara meminum tablet Fe sebesar 23%, tidak menjelaskan efek samping tablet Fe sebesar 19%.Kesimpulan: Perlu peningkatan KIE dan Pemantauan pemberian PMT dan Fe pada ibu hamil dalam mengoptimalkan pencegahan defisiensi Gizi pada ibu hamil di Puskesmas Banjarmasin.Implementation of the Anticipation of Nutritional Deficiencies in Pregnancy (ANDIKA) Program at Integrated ANC at the Banjarmasin City Health CenterBackground:Nutritional problems in pregnant women are still a health problem that needs special attention. Various impacts can occur as a result of nutritional problems in pregnant women such as anemia in pregnancy, problems and the growth process of the fetus to be born. Complications that can occur are miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, birth defects, maternal and infant anemia, and babies born with low birth weight (LBW).Objective: To find out how the Anticipation of Nutrition Deficiency in Pregnancy (ANDIKA) program is implemented at the Banjarmasin City Health Center.Method: A descriptive study with a cross-sectional design conducted at the Banjarmasin Health Center from August to November 2022. A total of 150 pregnant women were selected by accidental sampling. Data were collected by questionnaire and analyzed descriptively.Results: out of 130 respondents, 11.5% of pregnant women had CED and 22.3% of pregnant women had anemia. 100% of pregnant women with CED have received PMT and have received an explanation on how to consume. 95.4% of pregnant women at the health center received Fe tablets but lacked explanation on how to take Fe tablets by 23%, did not explain the side effects of Fe tablets by 19%.Conclusion: It is necessary to increase KIE and monitoring the provision of PMT and Fe to pregnant women in optimizing the prevention of nutritional deficiencies in pregnant women at the Banjarmasin Health Center.