Nela Eska Putri, Nela Eska
Program Studi Teknologi Rekayasa Pangan, Jurusan Teknologi Pertanian, Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

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Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 27 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (384.329 KB) | DOI: 10.6066/jtip.2016.27.2.123


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a non-insulin dependent diabetes, because insulin is not secreted by beta cell pancreas or dysfunction of insulin reseptors. The purposes of this research were to evaluate the effect of dietary fiber rich- tofu from black soybean on the antioxidant plasma status, malonaldehide (MDA) and hepatic marker in T2DM patients. One group (n=11) of patients was given 80 g of tofu for 30 days while the control group (n=11) was not. No significant differences was observed pertaining the characteristics of both groups before interventions (age, body mass index, body weight, body high, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and fasting blood glucose). The antioxidant activity, MDA and AST/ALT of both groups were analyzed from plasma at day-0 and day-30. Antioxidant activity was analyzed by DPPH method, MDA level with TBARS method, and AST/ALT by International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) method. The result showed that the plasma antioxidant increased (4.77±9.49%), but the MDA (2.11±1.73 nmol/mL) and AST (7.73±16.72 U/L)/ ALT (3.55±12.79 U/L) level decreased. Rich dietary fiber tofu from black soybean may have potential use for improving the health status of T2DM patients.
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 27 No. 2 (2016): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.603 KB) | DOI: 10.6066/jtip.2016.27.2.131


Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) subjects have a hyperglycemia condition. Hyperglycemia can cause oxidative stress that trigger glucose autooxidation and reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS also triggers the inflammation and induces the cytokine signalling from cells and body tissues, such as interleukin and prostaglandin enzyme (COX-2). The purpose of this research was to analyze the effect of dietary fiber rich-tofu from black soybean (DFT) on bloods glucose and inflammations of T2DM patients. Intervention group (n=9) was given 80 grams DFT during 30 days and control group (n=9) was not. Blood collections were conducted before and after intervention by certified nurses for all groups for analysis in the laboratory. Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) was measured by glucometer, while the plasma was analyzed with ELISA to measure the optical density value of IL-6 and COX-2 enzyme. Consumption of DFT resulted in the decline of the optical density of IL-6 value (p=0.00), but DFT could not reduce the FBG and optical density of COX-2 enzyme (p=0.22 and p=0.51). Therefore DFT can be considered as an effective food for reduction of T2DM inflammatory.
ALIH TEKNOLOGI PENGOLAHAN PANGAN LOKAL DI KENAGARIAN ANDALEH, LIMAPULUH KOTA Prima Yaumil Fajri; Nela Eska Putri; Rilma Novita; Gusmalini Gusmalini; Yenni Muchrida
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/logista.5.1.81-86.2021


Jagung banyak dibudidayakan di Kenagarian Andaleh di Kecamatan Luak, Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota. Jenis jagung yang dibudidayakan adalah jagung gigi kuda yang sering dijadikan sebagai pakan ternak terutama pakan unggas. Jagung gigi kuda memiliki biji berbentuk gigi, mengandung karbohidrat (pati) yang tinggi, dan bertekstur keras. Ciri khas jagung ini adalah memiliki biji yang melekuk di bagian tengah atau bagian atas biji. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan masayarakat Nagari Andaleh Kecamatan Luak, tentang pemanfaatan bahan pangan lokal, khususnya komoditi jagung ini melalui alih teknologi pengolahan menjadi nugget jagung. Kegiatan diawali dengan memberikan penyuluhan tentang praktik sanitasi, meliputi sanitasi pekerja, sanitasi peralatan, dan sanitasi pengolahan, serta cara pengolahan pangan yang baik. Nugget jagung dibuat dari campuran daging ayam dan jagung dengan perbandingan 1:0.2. Melalui kegiatan ini, masyarakat mampu menerapkan higieni dan sanitasi dalam pengolahan pangan, serta memiliki keahlian dalam pengolahan jagung menjadi produk pangan baru, yaitu nugget jagung, sehingga meningkatkan pemanfaatan bahan pangan lokal dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan alih teknologi pemanfaatan bahan pangan lokal jagung diharapkan tumbuh motivasi untuk mengembangkan usaha skala rumah tangga yang berpengaruh pada peningkatan perekonomian masyarakat di Kenagarian Andaleh. Kata kunci: Jagung Gigi Kuda, Nagari Andaleh, Nugget Jagung, Alih Teknologi, Pangan Lokal ABSTRACT Corn is widely cultivated in Andaleh Village, Luak Sub-district, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The type of corn that cultivated in this village is dent corn (Zea mays var. indentata), which often used as animal feed, especially poultry feed. Dent corn has a tooth-shaped seed, contains high carbohydrates (starch), and has a hard texture. The characteristic of this corn form is that the seeds have an indentation in the middle or top of the seed. The purpose of this programs was to increased the knowledge Andaleh Village community, Luak District, about the utilization of local food, especially dent corn through the transition technology of corn processing to be corn nuggets. The activity began with provided counseling on sanitation practices, including personal sanitation, equipment sanitation, and processing sanitation, as well as good manufacturing practice. Corn nuggets were made from a mixture of chicken and corn in a ratio of 1: 0.2. Through this programs, the community will be able to apply hygiene and sanitation in food processing, and have expertise in processing corn into new products like nuggets, thereby can increase the utilization of local foodstuffs and improve the community's economy. Transition technology to use local dent corn was expected to grow the motivation of community to develop household-scale businesses that have an effect to increase the economy of the Andaleh Village community. Keywords: Dent Corn, Andaleh Village, Corn Nugget, Transition of Technology, Local Foods
LOGISTA - Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol 5 No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Andalas Kampus Limau Manis - Padang, Sumatera Barat Indonesia-25163

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/logista.5.2.230-235.2021


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan pengamalan tridharma perguruan tinggi dan sebagai bentuk transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kepada masyarakat, sehingga memberikan nilai tambah bagi masyarakat. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai pendekatan sesuai dengan bidang ilmu yang dikembangkan perguruan tinggi melalui kegiatan penyuluhan ataupun pendampingan kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Program Studi Teknologi Pangan mengarahkan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pengembangan dan penganekaragaman produk pangan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan nilai serta diversifikasi bahan pangan. Pengolahan pangan lokal diharapkan mampu memberikan nilai tambah bagi masyarakat, baik secara ekonomi maupun dari segi kesehatan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan oleh kelompok dosen. Pada kegiatan ini dipilih kelompok wanita tani (KWT) di Kanagarian Andaleh, Kecamatan Luak, Kabupaten Limapuluhkota. Berdasarkan observasi di lapangan, masyarakat Andaleh sering memanfaatkan jagung manis sebagai bahan makanan, sehingga mereka tertarik untuk mengetahui dan mempraktikkan berbagai olahan jagung yang terjangkau namun dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan keluarganya. Untuk menambah pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemanfaatan jagung, maka dilakukan pendampingan pengolahan jagung menjadi beberapa makanan ringan. Rangkaian kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain: observasi, sosialisasi, praktik pengolahan snack jagung, dan praktik pengolahan velva, dan praktik pengolahan es krim jagung. Penganekaragaman pengolahan jagung manis ini dapat menambah ide bisnis untuk meningkatkan perekonomian mitra. Kata kunci: es krim jagung, jagung manis, pengolahan jagung, snack jagung, velva jagung ABSTRACT Community service activities are the practice of the tridharma of higher education. It is a kind of knowledge and technology transfer to the community, delivering additional value to the community. Community service can be carried out in a variety of ways, depending on the field of science developed by the institution, such as through outreach programs or assistance to people in need. The Food Technology Study Program focuses on community service activities such as food production and diversification in order to increase the value and diversity of foods. The processing of local food is supposed to provide value to the community in terms of both economics and health. Community service activities are carried out by groups of lecturers. A women farmer group (KWT) in Kanagarian Andaleh, Luak District, Limapuluhkota Regency was selected for this activity. According to field observations, the Andaleh community consumes sweet corn frequently, so they were interested in learning about corn preparations that are inexpensive but can also increase their income. Assistance has been provided in the processing of corn into several snacks to improve public knowledge about the utilization of corn. The activities included observation, socialization, corn snack production, velva, and corn ice cream production. The diversification of sweet corn products is expected to help partner improve their economies. Keywords: corn ice cream, sweet corn, corn processing, corn snack, corn velva
Optimation and Sensory Profile of Functional Drink from Cinnamon and Cardamom Mardiana Mardiana; Novriza Sativa; Hari Hariadi; Nanda Triandita; Nela Eska Putri
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Terapan Pertanian Vol 4 No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Payakumbuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32530/jaast.v4i2.138


Functional drinks can be made from local herbal ingredients that are often used for spices such as cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmanni) and cardamom (Amomum compactum). The purpose of this study is to determine the best formulation of cinnamon and cardamon as a herbal drink based on moisture content, ash content , and sensory evaluation. Raw materials were dried at 50 °C until reached a maximum moisture content 10% and were reduced in size. The formulations were made of comparison between cinnamon and cardamom which were A (100: 0)%; B (80:20)%; C (60:40)%; D (50:50)%; E (40:60)%; F (20:80)%; and G (0: 100)%. The moisture content of all formulas is between 7.12-7.33% (<10%) and the ash content of all formulas is between 4.83-5.06%. The results of sensory analysis showed that formula B had the best acceptance for color (3.03) and aroma (3.17). Thisproducthad moisture 7.23 % and ash content 4.83 %.
Pengaruh Campuran Tepung Jagung Dan Tepung Kedelai Hitam Terhadap Penerimaan Sensori Cookies Nela Eska Putri; Nanda Triandita
JAGROS : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology Science) Vol 3, No 1 (2018): JAGROS : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology and Science)
Publisher : Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52434/jagros.v3i1.447


Cookies merupakan salah satu bentuk sediaan pangan instan yang dibuat dari campuran terigu dan tepung-tepungan lainnya. Dalam rangka diversifikasi pangan, tepung terigu dapat digantikan dengan tepung lain yang terbuat dari biji-bijian maupun kacang-kacangan, diantaranya jagung dan kedelai hitam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai sensori produk cookies yang dibuat dari campuran tepung jagung dan tepung kedelai hitam, yang meliputi kecerahan, aroma, kerenyahan, kemanisan, dan tekstur. Prosentase perbandingan tepung terigu, tepung jagung, dan tepung kedelai hitam dalam adonan cookies adalah: 100 : 0 : 0 (Kontrol); 70 : 25 : 5 (cookies A); 60 : 35 : 5 (cookies B); dan 50 : 45 : 5 (cookies C). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cookies perlakuan B memiliki nilai kecerahan (agak cerah-cerah), kerenyahan (agak renyah-renyah), kemanisan (agak manis-manis), dan tekstur (netral-agak lembut) tertinggi dibandingkan produk lainnya. Kata kunci: cookies, jagung, kedelai hitam, nilai sensori
JAGROS : Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology Science) Vol 2, No 1 (2017): JAGROS: Jurnal Agroteknologi dan Sains (Journal of Agrotechnology and Sciences)
Publisher : Universitas Garut

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52434/jagros.v2i1.315


Proses pengolahan seperti pemekatan atau pemasakan pada suhu tinggi berpengaruh terhadap kualitas madu sawo, baik secara fisik maupun secara kimia, sehingga pengolahan madu buah dilakukan dengan metode evaporasi (pemasakan dengan suhu dan tekanan yang lebih rendah). Penelitian tentang analisis total padatan tak larut air madu sawo didasarkan pada persyaratan normal madu sesuai dengan SNI No. 01-3545-2004. Selanjutnya dianalisis sifat organoleptiknya meliputi warna, aroma, dan kekentalan pada rentang nilai 1-5 (tidak suka, kurang suka, agak suka, suka, dan sangat suka). Setelah itu dilakukan uji pembeda madu sawo dengan madu asli dan sampel madu kurma. Madu sawo dibuat dengan metode evaporasi menggunakan evaporator vakum dengan kombinasi perlakuan suhu (40oC (A1), 50oC (A2), dan 60oC (A3)) dan waktu (8 jam (B1), 10 jam (B2), dan 12 jam (B3)). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan suhu dan waktu dapat meningkatkan persentase total padatan tak larut air pada madu sawo. Madu sawo yang dievaporasi pada suhu 60oC selama 10 jam (A3B2) memiliki rata-rata nilai warna 3,75 (agak suka sampai suka), rata-rata nilai aroma 3,05 agak suka sampai suka), dan rata-rata nilai kekentalan sebesar 4,35 (suka sampai sangat suka). Hasil uji beda madu menunjukkan bahwa madu sawo tidak lebih disukai dibandingkan madu asli, tetapi lebih disukai dibandingkan madu kurma. Kata kunci: Evaporasi, madu sawo, sifat organoleptik madu sawo, SNI madu, total padatan tak larut air
Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Diabetes mellitus Type 2 (DMT2) is generally caused by a poor diet that causes high glucose in the blood (hyperglycemic) continuously and results in pancreatic dysfunction as a producer of the hormone insulin. The hormone insulin functions as a regulator of the presence of glucose in the blood. Hyperglycemic events can increase the formation of free radicals in the body. Free radicals can increase the damage to the pancreas and other organs in the body, thereby increasing the severity of diabetes. The high mortality rate due to (DMT2) requires serious attention from all parties for its handling. T2DM is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, but can be controlled to reduce the severity of the disease. Foods that are suitable for people with DMT2 are high in protein, vegetable fat, dietary fiber and antioxidants, and have low starch content. Foods sourced from black soybeans can meet the nutrients and antioxidant compounds needed by people with DMT2, because they contain daidzein, genistein, isoflavones, and anthocyanins. Crude palm oil (MSMn) contains carotenoids and vitamin E which can also act as antioxidants. Many studies mention the benefits of black soybeans for people with DMT2, because it can control blood glucose, reduce inflammation, improve blood lipids, increase the antioxidant capacity of blood plasma, and reduce SGOT/SGPT enzymes as markers of liver damage. Functional food for people with DMT2 sourced from black soybeans and MSMn can be black soybean juice enriched with MSMn microencapsulation.
Analisis Kimia dan Tingkat Kesukaan terhadap Abon Daun Singkong dengan Perlakuan Lama Perebusan Nela Eska Putri; Nanda Triandita; Maya Indra Rasyid; Reno Irwanto; Didit Hadisiswaya; Nyimas Rupiah; Supriyadi Supriyadi
Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jtpp.v2i2.2739


Cassava leaves have a high nutritional content, including carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals.Cassava leaves can be processed into chopped dry food like a floss. The treatment of long time boiling cassava leaves (P1=0, P2=10, P3=20, and P4=30 minutes) was studied to observe the characteristics of the formed cassava leaf floss, including water content (%), ash content (%), pH, antioxidant capacity (%), and sensory value. The result showed that treatment of long time boiling cassava leaves 10-20 minutes did not significantly affect the water content, but boiling for 30 minutes had a significant effect on the resulting water content (13.52%). Boiling time did not significantly affect ash content, pH, and antioxidant capacity of cassava leaf floss. Based on the analysis of the hedonic ranking test, it showed that the P1 was the most preferred by the panelists. P1 has a moisture content of 5.16 ± 0.32%, an ash content of 8.85 ± 2.95%, a pH of 5.76 ± 0.16, and an antioxidant capacity of 66.47%.
Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi Pengolahan Pertanian
Publisher : Universitas Teuku Umar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jtpp.v1i1.1478


ABSTRACTDegenerative disease is a chronic non-communicable disease that occurs due to a decline in the function of cells or organs of the body as we get older. Degenerative diseases can occur preceded by a decrease in environmental and social conditions, changes in the body's metabolism by decreasing hormone production at the age of 65 years and over, shifting diet and lifestyle to a modern diet with high fat but low in fiber and carbohydrates, impact on increasing body cholesterol and excess nutrients that support increased oxidative stress. Soybean is the main source of vegetable protein and vegetable oil in the world. The main use of soy is from seeds. Soybean seeds are rich in protein and fat as well as several other important nutrients, such as vitamins (phytic acid) and lecithin. Research on the benefits of soy and its processed products in controlling degenerative diseases such as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus, cancer and others has been carried out. This benefit is obtained from the composition of soybeans rich in nutritional components such as protein and essential amino acids, vegetable fats, vitamins and minerals, as well as non-nutritional components such as food fiber and bioactive components. Soybean acts as an ACE-inhibitor and lowers blood cholesterol and has the potential to inhibit hypertension and coronary heart disease. In controlling diabetes, soy can reduce blood glucose levels, insulin resistance and inflammation, and maintain blood lipid profile. Soybeans play a role in inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cells and reducing inflammation so as to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Soy isoflavones act as an estrogen hormone that can increase the absorption of calcium in preventing osteoporosis. The potential benefits of soy and its preparations in reducing the risk of degenerative diseases can be used as healthy food on a daily diet.Keyword: Coronary heart disease, Degenerative diseases, Diabetes, Hypertension, Soybean