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Indonesia peringkat keempat setelah India, China, dan Afrika Selatan dalam hal prevalensi Tubercolusis (TB) dengan angka 65,000 kematian per tahun (WHO 2012). Sejak 1995 Indonesia menerapkan Directly Observed Treatment Shortcourse (DOTS) sebagai metode pengobatan TB. Metode DOTS tidak hanya diimplementasikan melalui pendekatan klinik tetapi juga pendekatan berbasis masyarakat khususnya di wilayah masyarakat miskin yang prevalensi TB-nya tinggi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus program penanggulangan TB pada masyarakat miskin perkotaan dengan Community TB Care ‘Aisyiyah KPT Jakarta Barat di Kelurahan Kalianyar, Tambora, Jakarta Barat. Sebanyak 18 informan sebagai sumber data, diperoleh dengan teknik snowball. Penelitian menggunakan teori komunikasi partisipatori model multitrack (Tufte dan Mefalopulos 2009). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan komunikasi partisipatori yang terjadi mengkombinasikan moda monologis dan dialogis. Moda monologis terjadi dalam pelatihan dan penyampaian informasi mengenai penyakit dan pengobatan TB kepada pasien, kader dan PMO serta tokoh masyarakat. Sementara forum pertemuan komunikasi dialogis terbentuk untuk memecahkan masalah. Forum-forum monitoring dan pertemuan pasien menjadi arena tidak hanya pertukaran informasi pengobatan TB tetapi pemecahan masalah dan ajang konsultasi dan ‘curhat’ dalam mendampingi pasien. Moda komunikasi partisipatori dialogis dalam komunikasi kesehatan diperlukan tidak hanya sebagai transfer informasi dari pemilik program tapi juga sebagai pendekatan bertukar pendapat dalam rangka penyembuhan suatu penyakit. Kata kunci: Komunikasi Kesehatan, Komunikasi Partisipatori, Tubercolusis
The Role of Health Communication among the Poor Syarah, Maya May; Sarwoprasodjo, Sarwititi; Lumintang, Richard W. E.
Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia Vol. 18, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Indonesia is the fifth country in the world's related TB cases. This study used the theory of ACSM (McKee 1992), a multitrack model (Tufte and Mefalopulos 2009) to analyze structural and social issues, and Health Believe Model (Rosenstock et al. 1988) to explain the behavior of the patient-level health. The research used qualitative approach with case study method of advovacy, communication and social mobilization (ACSM) of TB control program in the poor region by community TB Care 'Aisyiyah KPT West Jakarta in Kelurahan Kalianyar, Tambora, West Jakarta. A total of 18 informants as the source of data, was obtained by the snowball technique. The result shows Community TB Care 'Aisyiyah successfully gained political and social leadership acceptance in the city, district or village level that became the basis of social mobilization that generates participation by donating the treatment of citizens or economically disadvantaged groups to the poor. Credibility of cadres and treatments supporter not only shaped by good knowledge about the disease and treatment of tuberculosis acquired through training, but also the sincerity of cadres and treatment supporter as family members. It is evident that much of its claimed success has depended on interpersonal communication and the participation of volunteers, community leaders and TB drugs observer (PMO).
Peran Semiotika Umberto Eco dalam Jurnalisme Investigasi: Studi Kasus Terbunuhnya Vina dan Eky di Cirebon Pranawukir, Iswahyu; Darmawan, Zakaria Satrio; Syarah, Maya May; Kusuma, Ema; Setianti, Yanti
Jurnal JTIK (Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) Vol 8 No 4 (2024): OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Otonom Lembaga Informasi dan Riset Indonesia (KITA INFO dan RISET)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35870/jtik.v8i4.3159


This study examines the application of Umberto Eco's semiotics in investigative journalism, focusing on the news coverage of the Vina and Eky murder case in Cirebon. The research analyzes the news article titled "Initial Evidence of Vina's Case Did Not Use Scientific Investigation, Convict's Legal Counsel: This is the Beginning of the Problem," published on June 22, 2024, by Kompas. The primary objective is to explore how Eco's semiotic theory shapes the narrative of this murder case and how symbols, signs, and narratives influence the public's perception of truth and professionalism in criminal investigations. The study employs a qualitative approach, using semiotic analysis on relevant news texts. Data were collected from articles and related reports on the Vina and Eky cases. The findings reveal that Eco's semiotic theory is highly relevant for understanding how meaning is constructed and presented in news narratives. The Vina and Eky case illustrates how factual reporting can intertwine with subjective interpretations, impacting public opinion and the judicial process. The study uncovers a tension between journalistic freedom and the need to maintain factual accuracy, along with the role of law enforcement professionalism in addressing biased or manipulative narratives. It concludes that Eco's semiotics offers valuable insights for analyzing crime-related news, helping journalists and law enforcement navigate the complexities of biased information while upholding investigative integrity. This research underscores the importance of balancing journalistic freedom, truth, and professionalism in investigative reporting