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Efektivitas Briket Janjang Sawit dan Sekam Padi Desa Kandolo sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Arief Muliawan; Ujiburrahman Ujiburrahman; Irianto Irianto
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan) Vol 6, No 1 (2020): JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jst.v6i1.822


A research has been conducted on the characteristics of the results of the burning of briquettes in a mixture of oil palm and rice husk. This study aims to determine the effect of the composition of the resulting briquette mixing. The research method was carried out by testing dry shrinkage, shrinkage of fuel, levels of evaporating substances and water absorbency in briquettes. The characteristics of briquettes based on the size of the briquettes are Depreciation in the lowest dry shrinkage at 70% husk size by 0.81% and the highest at 90% husk size by 2.87%. The lowest shrinkage of fuel shrinkage is at the husk size of 50% by 1.77% and the highest is at the size of the husk of 70% by 4.12%. The lowest evaporation rate of briquettes at 60% and 80% of husk size is 1.52% and the highest is at 70% husk size of 8.57%. The lowest water absorption rate at 80% husk size is 1.54% and the highest at 60% husk size is 8,20%. Keywords: briquettes, palm oil, rice husk, composition variation ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang karakteristik hasil pembakaran briket campuran janjang sawit dan sekam padi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi pencampuran hasil briket yang dihasilkan. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pengujian susut kering, susut bakar, kadar zat menguap dan kadar serap air pada briket. Karakteristik briket berdasarkan ukuran briket yakni Penyusutan pada susut kering terendah pada ukuran sekam 70% sebesar 0,81% dan tertinggi pada ukuran sekam 90%  sebesar 2,87%. Penyusutan susut bakar terendah pada ukuran sekam 50%  sebesar 1,77% dan tertinggi pada ukuran sekam 70%  sebesar 4,12%. Kadar zat menguap briket terendah pada ukuran sekam 60% dan 80% sebesar 1,52 % dan tertinggi pada ukuran  sekam 70% sebesar 8,57%. Kadar serap air terendah pada ukuran sekam 80% sebesar 1,54 % dan tertinggi pada ukuran sekam 60% sebesar 8,20%.Kata kunci :  briket, janjang sawit, sekam padi, variasi komposisi
Penyuluhan dan Pelatihan Pengolahan Limbah Plastik Menjadi Bahan Bakar Minyak Untuk Mengatasi Sampah Plastik Di Kota Bontang Ahmad Yani; Irhamni Nuhardin; Mimin Septiani; Fitria Fitria; Irianto Irianto; Ratnawati Ratnawati
Jurnal Pengabdian Ahmad Yani Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Industri (STTI) Bontang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2484.386 KB) | DOI: 10.53620/pay.v1i1.17


Plastic waste is a type of inorganic waste that is difficult to decompose in soil and water. Plastic waste is usually only piled up and disposed of, causing various kinds of negative impacts. One of the efforts to tackle plastic waste in Bontang City is to create a tool that can convert plastic waste into fuel oil. The purpose of this community service is to provide an understanding to the community (students) regarding the dangers of plastic waste to the environment and to provide knowledge to the public about how to process plastic waste into fuel oil using practical and inexpensive pyrolysis technology. The method of implementing this community service activity is in the form of counseling and training. The results of this community service received a very good response from students and teachers. This response can be seen from the enthusiasm of the participants when carrying out the practice of processing plastic waste into fuel oil. The conclusion of this community service has a very positive impact on the processing of plastic waste into fuel oil and changes the habits of the Bontang people, which initially only disposed of plastic waste, then utilized it so that it had economic value.
Jurnal Taguchi : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik dan Manajemen Industri Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Jurnal Taguchi : Jurnal Ilmiah Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (522.221 KB) | DOI: 10.46306/tgc.v2i2.40


A centrifugal pump is a device or machine for moving liquids from one place to another by using centrifugal force caused by impeller motion and at the same time converting the kinetic energy of the fluid into compressive force on the liquid being moved and takes place continuously while at the same time converting the kinetic energy of the fluid into compressive force. . This study aims to determine the effect of variations in the inlet pressure of the water flow on the performance of centrifugal water pumps. The method used in this study is the experimental method by conducting direct testing of research tools. Based on the results of testing the water pump installation, and based on the research objectives, it can be concluded that the highest pump shaft power value occurs at an inlet pressure of 0.01 kg/cm2 with a value of 0.3093 kWatt, then the highest hydraulic power value occurs at an outlet pressure of 0 .02 kg/cm2 with a value of 0.1380 kWatt, and the highest pump efficiency value occurs at an outlet pressure of 0.04 kg/cm2 with a value of 50.0109%.
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v2i1.592


Teacher performance plays an important role in improving the quality of the learning process in an effort to improve the quality of education, especially at the Yabis Bontang educational institution. To achieve optimal learning, teacher work motivation should be high to be able to bring up better teacher performance, so that it can produce quality students and can continue school to a higher level. The research was conducted to examine and find out how much influence teacher work motivation on teacher performance in schools in the Yabis Education Institute, from kindergarten, elementary, junior high and high school units. The method used in this research is ex post facto. To obtain the desired data in the field, this study used a questionnaire compiled using several indicators. The data needed in this study are data on teacher work motivation (X), and teacher performance (Y). Based on the results of data processing and analysis, the following conclusions were obtained; 1)There is a positive influence between work motivation on teacher performance at the Yabis Al-ikhlas Bontang Education Foundation during the Covid 19 pandemic. and 2) Work motivation contributes 44% to teacher performance at the Yabis Bontang Foundation.
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Daring Pada Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris Di Masa Covid 19 Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Mesin STTI Bontang Irianto; Eko Armiyanto
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v2i2.1608


During the current Covid-19 pandemic, schools are required to carry out distance learning. This learning is carried out using online learning media such as E-learning, Google Classroom, Zoom, and others. The objectives of this study are (1) to add insight into the patterns of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, (2) to find out the problems in distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, (3) to know the methods or alternative learning assessments, especially in courses English. This article was prepared using a quantitative method by collecting data through observation and interviews. The effect of doing distance learning raises many obstacles that hinder the process of teaching and learning activities. The results of the study show that not all students are ready to take part in distance learning. Starting from media that is less supportive, there is still minimal internet network and uneven quota assistance from the government. As a result of the ineffectiveness of distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic, students did not understand the learning material provided by educators.
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v3i2.1837


The role of Islamic religious education is very crucial for students, this is because Islamic religious learning teaches about morals and morals. Morals and morals are very important because they will be useful in everyday life. In addition, Islamic religious education also teaches emotional, spiritual, and social intelligence. In this study, it will be discussed how the implementation of Islamic religious education in improving emotional, spiritual, and social intelligence for Bontang Technology College students. The result of this research show that the implementation of Islamic lecturing in developing emotional, spritual and social intellegence for students of STTI Bontang is very good.
Efektivitas Perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Prestasi Dalam Belajar Mahasiswa, Refleksi Pada Mahasiswa Dengan Status Pekerja Di STTI Bontang Irianto; Pina Panduwinata; Yusrivan
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v3i2.1838


This study aims to describe the effectiveness of Islamic Religious Education learning in increasing student motivation and learning achievement, especially for students with working status at the Bontang Industrial Technology College. Being a working student is certainly not easy to be able to focus on their lecture activities, this makes them also have to focus on the work they have carried out. They are required to work when outside of their class hours and return to work when after their lecture hours, this makes it difficult for students to manage time between college and work. This research is descriptive qualitative research is a research method that seeks to describe and interpret objects in real terms as they are, without manipulating research data. The approach in this research is the educational science approach, in this case the educational science approach is an approach that is systematically organized by having certain methods that are scientific in nature. The results showed that Islamic Religious Education lectures can increase motivation and achievement in student learning, especially for students with working status at STTI Bontang. This is evidenced by very satisfying learning achievements (GPA), high intensity of attendance and involvement and students who show that students have high motivation and lecture strategies applied by doses can run well.
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v4i1.2534


The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of character education integration into Indonesian language lectures based on the independent curriculum and also to find out the obstacles and problems in the implementation of character education integration in Indonesian language lectures based on the independent curriculum. the research in this journal is descriptive qualitative research. Descriptive qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data from people and behavior observed in the form of written or spoken language. The research was conducted on STTI Bontang students majoring in mechanical engineering and chemical engineering semester 2, using data collection interviews via google from.1. Description of Research Results Based on the results of interview research on STTI Bontang semester 2 students and mataram university, the research results are: What are the obstacles in character-based Indonesian language learning that are not running properly. the obstacles are still from students who are active when learning Indonesian language courses to liven up the interactive classroom atmosphere and the Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum even though it has been running smoothly in the past few months, there are still several obstacles such as, among others, lack of experience with learning independence, limited references and uneven access to learning, time management. The concept of learning Indonesian language courses in supporting an independent curriculum in higher education has the concept of how students have a deeper character to participate in supporting an independent curriculum and during the lecture process students are taught, more active and effective in lectures. Thus students are expected to support an independent curriculum in higher education. The independent study program is implemented by giving freedom to educational institutions, including students, to identify topics, interests and desire to learn. They are also free to determine the learning methods that suit their needs. Merdeka Belajar - The Independent Campus Policy aims at the "Right to Study for Three Semesters Outside the Study Program" program to improve the ability of graduates, both soft skills and hard skills, to be better prepared and adaptive to the needs of the times, to train graduates to become outstanding national leaders in the future, the concept of independent learning is the latest policy in the field of education.
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v4i1.2535


The study aimed to investigate: (1) the influence of entrepreneurship knowledge, family support, soft skill and learning achievement on the students entrepreneurship readiness, (2) the influence of entrepreneurship knowledge on the students entrepreneurship readiness, (3) the influence of family support on the students entrepreneurship readiness, (4) the influence of soft skills on the students entrepreneurship readiness, (5) the influence of learning achievement on the students entrepreneurship readiness. The population of this research was all students of Mechanical Engineering, STTIB Bontang in the academic year of 2022/2023 who had taken the entrepreneurship course. Therefore, the subject of this research was 106 from the academic year of 2020 - 2021 The research finding follow: (1) there are influence of entrepreneurship knowledge, family support, soft skills and learning achievement on the students’ entrepreneurship readiness, (2) there are influence of entrepreneurship knowledge on the students’ entrepreneurship readiness shown by the partial correlations result, (3) there are influence of family support on the students’ entrepreneurship readiness, (4) there are influence of soft skills on the students’ entrepreneurship readiness, (5) there are influence of learning achievement on the students’ entrepreneurship readiness.
BEduManagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Bedumanagers: Borneo Educational Management and Research Journal
Publisher : Manajemen Pendidikan Program Doktor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/bedu.v4i1.2536


For the Indonesian people, the issue of corruption is the most important part of the issue of values. This means that corruption must be prevented and eradicated to restore Indonesia's national values. One of the problems associated with the order of social values is the incessant corruption. Therefore, the research in this research journal is a descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research procedure that produces descriptive data from people and observed behavior in the form of written or spoken language. research conducted with qualitative methods subject and object Research was conducted on STTI Bontang students majoring in mechanical engineering and chemical engineering semester 2 and UIN Makassar students, using interviews data collection via google from c. Internal In teaching and learning interactions, students are the main key to successful learning, which takes place during the learning process. Both lecturers and students expect good results during the learning process, but in reality not all processes go as smoothly as expected. Various obstacles are encountered in the learning process, especially for lecturers of Islamic religion courses when implementing anti-corruption teaching materials that contain Islamic religion material. The way lecturers conduct anti-corruption education to students is inseparable from the various obstacles faced in the implementation of anti-corruption education. Anti-corruption education is the latest content of the independent curriculum and is one of the Islamic religion courses. As well as the factor of the Indonesian state itself whose corruption rate increases every year and the absence of a deterrent effect from the perpetrators of corruption is sad. d. External Barriers External External obstacles are the ability of students to understand learning material, namely how the lecturer chooses learning material that is not boring so that students can understand what is being conveyed. But in reality, even though the lecturer provides learning material as well as possible, it returns to the individual student. Suggestions Judging from the conclusion about the integration of anti-corruption education into Islamic religious lectures based on the independent curriculum, the suggestions that can be given are: Anti-corruption education is a very important subject, so anti-corruption education needs to be included in the education curriculum and taught to all students or specialists in higher education. However, this type of corruption can also be prevented by strengthening mutual trust because anti-corruption education alone is not enough, but there must also be legal efforts where everyone who commits and is proven to have committed a corruption crime must be punished in accordance with the applicable law. What needs to be done in learning anti-corruption education, or what has already been done but needs to be further implemented, is systematically shown in the educator program.