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Kebangkitan Kesultanan Ternate pada Era Reformasi 1998-2002 Rustam Hasim; Oktosiyanti MT Abdullah; Siti Rahia H. Umar
Rihlah : Jurnal Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Vol 7 No 2 (2019): HISTORY AND CULTURE
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/rihlah.v7i2.11484


 The elite revival of the Ternate Sultanate after the New Order illustrated how the palace group played a new role in staying in its position as a clan of power in the local sphere. In this case, the emergence of the elite of the Ternate Sultanate can be understood and interpreted in three respects. First, the rise of feudalistic power in the region to strengthen political position stemmed from cultural construction based on history and genealogical similarities. Second, the individual revival of the Sultan of Ternate MudafarSyah in the name of the Sultanate institution as his political vehicle. Third, there is the elite desire of the Ternate Sultanate to be more institutionally accommodated into the formal government political stage. This reality shows the political participation of the Ternate Sultanate in the post-independence domain of local politics until now, is an important field of historical research. As a historical phenomenon, the process of dynamics of local politics like this is interesting to study, because the Sultan of Ternate has long been a part of the history of politics in North Maluku. Also, there is an implicit message about how partial Indonesian political studies are if they only focus on the dynamics of national politics. In the case, there are several national political issues which can initially be pursued from the region and vice versa Kebangkitan elite Kesultanan Ternate pasca-Orde Baru mengambarkan bagaimana kelompok istana memainkan peran baru agar tetap berada pada posisinya sebagai pengenggam kekuasaan di ranah lokal. Dalam hal ini, apat dipahami bahwa ada tiga faktor yang menyebabkan kemunculan elit Kesultanan Ternate Pertama, bangkitnya kekuasaan feodalistik di daerah untuk memperkuat posisi politik bersumber dari konstruksi budaya yang berbasiskan pada sejarah masa lalu maupun kesamaan genealogis. Kedua, kebangkitan secara individual Sultan Ternate Mudafar Syah dengan mengatasnamakan institusi kesultanan sebagai kendaraan politiknya. Ketiga, adanya keinginan elite Kesultanan Ternate untuk lebih diakomodasikan secara institusional ke dalam panggung politik pemerintahan formal. Realitas  tersebut menunjukkan  partisipasi politik  Kesultanan Ternate dalam ranah politik lokal pasca-kemerdekaan hingga kini, merupakan sebuah bidang penelitian sejarah yang penting. Sebagai sebuah fenomena historis, proses dinamika politik lokal seperti ini menarik untuk diteliti, karena telah sejak lama para Sultan Ternate menjadi bagian dalam sejarah perpolitikan di Maluku Utara. Selain itu,  ada sebuah pesan implisit tentang betapa parsialnya kajian politik Indonesia bila hanya memfokuskan pada dinamika politik nasional saja. Pada hal ada beberapa persoalan politik nasional yang awalnya dapat diruntut  dari daerah dan begitu pula sebaliknya.
ETNOHISTORI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kebudayaan dan Kesejarahan Vol 5, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (362.895 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/jeh.v5i2.1122


Proklamasi kemerdekaan RI 1945, secara politik bagi Kesultanan Ternate merupakan awal keruntuhan pranata feodalisme dengan lahirnya negara baru (negara kesatuan RI) tentu menjadi ancaman supermasi politik dan ekonomi mereka. Peran dan kedudukan  kaum elite yang otonom di Kesultanan Ternate  yang telah berabad-abad dinikmati, mendapat tantangan dengan dibangunnya ideologi  negara kesatuan yang mengedepankan basis loyalitas pada negara dengan dilakukannya pemisahan antara jabatan-jabatan publik dalam format politik modern dengan kekuasaan tradisional. Dengan demikian seorang sultan tidak secara otomatis menjadi gubernur maupun bupati, melainkan dipilih melalui kontestasi melalui partai politik atau jabatan-jabatan dalam birokrasi bukan lagi suatu yang melekat secara geneologis melainkan harus didasarkan atas kompotensi tertentu. Dalam menghadapi perubahan tersebut, solusi yang ditempuh oleh Kesultanan Ternate adalah berdiri atau bergabung dalam logika kekuasaan Soekarno dengan melibatkan diri dalam berbagai percaturan politik nasional, ataukah mengambil sikap berbeda dengan mengikuti konsep negara yang digagas oleh van Mook pada awal kemerdekaan RI. Perbedaan persepsi mengenai bentuk dan sistem pemerintahan Indonesia  pasca kemerdekaan yang akan menggantikan bentuk dan sistem pemerintahan kolonial Hindia Belanda  merepresentasikan kedua kubu yang berbeda.  Pandangan kaum nasionalis meyakini  bahwa  keutuhan Negara Indonesia tergantung pada kuatnya kontrol pusat, sedangkan pandangan Iskandar Djabir Syah (Sultan Ternate), justru berangapan bahwa Indonesia akan tampil sebagai negara demokratis yang egaliter, dengan  memberikan otonomi yang cukup luas kepada provinsi-provinsi yang ada (khususnya kawasan Timur Indonesia).Kata Kunci : Sejarah Politik, Kesultanan Ternate dan   Pemerintahan Soekarno
PEDAGOGIK Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : PEDAGOGIK

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This study aims to improve students’ learning outcomes in the subject of social studies subject of historical heritage in class IV SD Negeri 48 Ternate, the type of research used is Classroom Action Research (CAR). The stages are (1) planning, (2) implementation and observation, and (3) reflection. The subjects of this study were 30 students. The object of this research is the inquiry learning model.The data collection technique in this study are observation sheets, tests, and documentation of the instruments used to determine student learning outcomes in the form of a multiple choice test (PG) with 10 numbers. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative that is seen from several percent of the success rate of student learning outcomes.The results showed that in the first cycle and the first cycle, the application of the inquiry learning model could improve students’ learning outcomes in social studies subjects, especially the historical heritage material in class IV SD Negeri 48 Ternate. This shows the students' completeness in the first cycle as many as 10 students or 17.70% of the 30 students who took part in the learning process in the classroom with an average number of 59.00% in the first cycle. The second cycle of learning students’ learning outcomes an increase. Of the 30 students who took part in the learning process in the classroom, 28 students who completed it or 23.40% with an average score of 78.00%, or in the good category descriptive scale.
EDUKASI Vol 16, No 2 (2018): Edisi Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (385.617 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/


Principal as a supervisor has important roles in learning and teaching process, and has educational standards and qualities. In performing his or her roles, principal always pays attention to human relations among teachers, employers and students. Supervision is an effort to help and service teachers to improve their teaching ability. Supervisor is not directly linked to students, since teachers manage students. Supervisor is not a directive task but more likely to be a consultative one (such as supporting, suggesting, and guiding). Method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method which illustrates and describes the roles of principal in improving the learning quality. The roles of principal as administrator and supervisor are the main object. Based on teacher competency, the ability of teachers shows a slight improvement. The improvement of teachers' ability is resulted from supervision ways and approaches at school in managing, supporting and guiding the elements of schools. Based on quality standard, the implementation of supervision is improved. This means that the assistance and the management of the supervisor of the principal, and supervision approaches implemented by the principal in his or her effort to increase and to develop teachers' competency in the process of learning and teaching show better qualities and progression.Keywords: Supervision, Principal, and Teachers' Competency
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): Jurnal Ilmu Budaya
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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Noble people from circle of Sultanate of Ternate construct and maintain their power base by creating the magical aspect of religious and Culture. This hegemonic strategy allowed this group to pose a certain powerful position and to have a certain place in the heart of the people of Ternate. There are, at least, four important heritage elements in the Sultanate of Ternate used as a strategy to form and strengthen their position. The first is the doctrine Jou se Ngofangare (king and servant) which meansSultan as the representation of God's power (macro cosmos). Second is the mythical Seven Princess, which justifies the Sultan position by using magical-religious as a means to gain people consent. Third, this group tends to use their noble title and heirloom as signs of charisma and sacred magical power. Those heirlooms such as sword and title function to legitimize the Sultan as ruler. Fourth, Kadaton (palace) which produces cultural meaning as the highest indigenous identity and the sourceof magical belief.Key words: Sultan Ternate, Bobato dunia, Bobato Akhirat, Ternate society
JURNAL ILMU BUDAYA Vol. 6 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Hasanuddin

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This paper describes types of phrases expressed in Ternate oral literature. As various types of Indonesian literature, it is also found that oral literature of Ternate consists of many different forms and type, this variety can be classified into different classification such as based on the period of before and after the establishment of Islamic teaching in this area. Ternate oral literature has a close relationship with the tradition of its society such as its ethics, social and economic life both internally and externally. Oral tradition in the sultanate of Ternate is a set of habits and behaviors of daily life inherited from generation to generation. Before the introduction of Islam which is known as the period ofmomoleperiod, this country already has a number of oral traditions that includes cultural values, customs, community systems and belief systems.In line with the development of Ternate language into lingua-france in North Maluku, Ternate literature then became the property of the community as North Maluku. Even it expands spreading alongside the development of the power of the Sultanate of Ternate from XV to XVII century. It is no wonder that if the oral literature is influenced by local languages as well as Malay, Arabic and Javanese languages. 
Humano: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Periode November
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (294.572 KB) | DOI: 10.33387/humano.v8i2.585


ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik untuk mengambarkan manajemen tenaga pendidik sumberdaya manusia pada dinas Kota Ternate secara alami, lengkap mendalam dan utuh. Pendekatan kualitatif naturalistik digunakan untuk memperoleh informasi dan penafiran mendalam mengenai makna manajemen sumberdaya manusia sesuai dengan realitas yang ada dilapangan.  Teknik Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa teknik, yaitu pengamatan, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengumpulan data secara wawancara digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah disediakan. Informan terdiri dari kepala dinas pendidikan, kepala sekolah, guru dan komite sekolah. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perencanaan dan rekrutmen Tenaga Pendidik Dinas Pendidikan Kota Ternate belum optimal dalam melihat aspek pemerataan penempatan guru, administrasi, pengelolaan, pengembangan, pengawasan, dan pelayanan teknis untuk menunjang proses pendidikan pada satuan pendidikan. Di samping itu masih terdapat kesenjangan guru mata pelajaran di setiap sekolah di samping itu masih banyak tenaga pendidik belum maksimal dalam melaksanakan kewajiban sebagai guru yang profesional. Kata Kunci: Perencanaan; Rekrutmen; Tenaga Pendidik, Satuan pendidikan. ABSTRACT. This research uses a naturalistic qualitative approach to describe the management of human resource educators in Ternate City service, naturally, complete in depth and intact. A naturalistic qualitative approach is used to obtain information and deep interpretation of the meaning of human resource management in accordance with the reality of the field. Techniques Data collection in this study was conducted through several techniques, namely observation, interview and documentation. Data collection techniques are used to interview interview questions that have been provided. Informants consisted of heads of education offices, principals, teachers and school committees. The conclusion of this study indicates that the planning and recruitment of education personnel of Education Office of Ternate City has not been optimal in viewing the aspect of equal distribution of teacher placement, administration, management, development, supervision and technical service to support education process in education unit. In addition there is still a gap of subject teachers in each school in addition there are still many educators have not maximized in carrying out the obligations as a professional teacher. Keywords: Planning; recruitment; Educators, Education units.
Jurnal Geocivic Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Edisi Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/geocivic.v4i2.4120


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tari cakalele pada generasi muda desa Togawa, untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai yang terkandung didalam tari cakalele didesa Togawa dan untuk mengetahui upaya masyarakat Togawa dalam pewarisan budaya tari cakalele pada generasi muda Togawa. Penelitian ini berlokasi di Desa Togawa Kecamatan Galela selatan Kbaupaten Halmahera Utara. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Berdasakan hasil di Desa Togawa Kecamatan Galela Selatan Kabupaten Halmahera Utara, bahwa tari cakalele pada generasi muda di Desa Togawa, Kecamatan Galela Selatan, Kabupaten Halmahera Utara Generasi muda tidak mempunyai persepsi terhadap kesenian tari tradisional tari cakalele, karena mereka tidak pernah diajari seni tari cakalele oleh orang tua dan orang-orang sekitar mereka, sehingga generasi muda cenderung menganggap kesenian tradisional daerahnya merupakan susuatu yang kuno dan ketinggalan zaman, sehingga lambat laun timbul sifat generasi muda yang kurang bahkan tidak mencintai kesenian daerahnya.    Kata kunci : Pelaksanaan Tari Cakalele, Generasi Muda, di Desa Togawa.
Sultan Tidore Zainal Abidin Alting: Dari Konperensi Denpasar Hingga Menjadi Gubernur Pertama Papua 1946-1956 Rustam Hasim; Rasty Amalia Faroek
Jurnal Geocivic Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Edisi April
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/geocivic.v4i1.3204


Hubungan antara  Maluku (Ternate, Bacan dan lebih khususnya lagi Tidore) dengan Papua sudah terjalin jauh sebelum kedatangan bangsa Eropa. Hubungan ekonomi, sosial, politik dan kebudayaan bukan hanya dibuktikan dengan sumber-sumber tertulis. Bahkan cerita-cerita rakyat yang berasal dari Maluku  (Kronik Tidore dan Bacan) dan Papua (Kronik Biak) mengkisahkan ikatan persaudaraan itu. Maka tidaklah mengherangkan jika ikatan persaudaraan yang akrab antara kedua daerah yang telah berabad-abad menjadi ingatan kolektif tersebut sengaja di hilangkan oleh Kolonial Belanda dengan memisahkan Tidore dengan Papua dalam konferensi Denpasar pada tanggal 7-24 Desember 1946, menimbulkan protes dari Sultan Tidore ke 34 Zainal Abidin Alting.Konferensi Denpasar yang diprakarsai oleh H.J. van Mook merupakan upaya Belanda mendirikan negara–negara bagian dalam rangka mewujudkan Negara Indonesia Serikat (RIS) berdasarkan Persetujuan Lingarjati. Dalam konferensi ini dibentuklah Negara Indonesia Timur (NIT) meliputi;  wilayah Sulawesi, Sunda Kecil (Bali dan Nusa Tenggara) dan Kepulauan Maluku. Perjuangan Zainal Abidin Alting  dalam memperjuangkan pembebasan Papua (saat itu Irian Barat)  bukan hanya semata-mata motivasi politik dan historis melaingkan sebagai tangungjawab seorang pemimpin untuk berjuang membebaskan rakyatnya (Papua) yang dibelenggu oleh penjajah Belanda. Maka pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1956, Presiden Soekarno membentuk  Provinsi Irian Barat dengan ibukota Soasiu Tidore, dan melantik  Zainal Abidin Alting pada 23 September 1956 sebagai  gubernur pertama Papua. Salah satu pasal keputusan Presiden tanggal 16 Agustus 1956  mengatakan pemerintah provinsi bertugas membantu pemerintah pusat dalam perjuangan mengembalikan daerah tersebut dalam kekuasaan de fakto Republik Indonesia.  Akhirnya melalui perjuangan TRIKORA dan  atas kesedian rakyat Papua untuk memilih bergabung dengan Republik Indonesia melalui Penentuan Pendapar Rakyat (PEPERA) tahun 1969 ke pangkuan Ibu Pertiwi dalam kerangka Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Kata Kunci: Zainal Abidin Alting, Sejarah Politik, dan Papua 
Mengkonstruksi Nilai-Nilai Budaya Lokal Masyarakat Ternate melalui Pembelajaran Muatan Lokal Rustam Hasim; Rasti Amalia Faruk
Jurnal Geocivic Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Issue April
Publisher : Universitas Khairun

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33387/geocivic.v3i1.1877


This paper discusses the cultural values of the people of Ternate as a place for learning local content. Ternate Island consists of various ethnic groups, and has a variety of cultures and unique exotic traditions in enriching the values of Indonesian life. Ternate which consists of various tribes and languages has bequeathed various forms of culture such as; fun, dancing, music, songs to folk games. The membership must be preserved and developed while maintaining values through educational media. This research is a field research (research field) that researchers go directly to the field to obtain data and related information and are presented in a descriptive narrative form with the aim of assessing the cultural values of Ternate's indigenous people as a means of creating homeland love through island-based education. Data were analyzed using three components namely, (1) data reduction; (2) data display; and (3) drawing verification. The results of the study describe the local cultural values of the indigenous people of Ternate, which consist of material and non-material cultures, and are still well documented. Culture in the form of material and is still found today includes; traditional housing, fishing boat shape, household appliances, etc. While non-material culture that is still preserved until now are activities in the marriage tradition such as; malam rorio, siloloa, joko kaha, makan saro, and rorasa. Neither in aspects of art and culture that is still sustainable as; dola bololo, dalil tifa, bobaso, moro-moro (jangan), togal and lalayon dancing. While the social aspects that are still sustainable include; gogoro, oro gia, morom (jojobo) and maku rorio, and the religious aspect which is still sustainable is dina kematian (arwahang), debus atau badabus, kololi kie, fere kie, and salai jin.