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Analisis Kekeringan Menggunakan Metode Theory of Run di DAS Krueng Aceh Syahrial, Asri; -, Azmeri; Meilianda, Ella
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 24, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1162.221 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2017.24.2.8


AbstrakKekeringan adalah kurangnya jumlah curah hujan bulanan dibandingkan dengan rata-rata bulanannya. Analisis kekeringan masih belum banyak dilakukan, khususnya untuk di luar Pulau Jawa. Analisis kekeringan berupa tingkat keparahan kekeringan yang ditunjukkan dengan intensitas kekeringan (mm/bulan) dan durasi kekeringan (bulan) beserta periode ulang kekeringannya perlu dilakukan untuk menunjang kesiap-siagaan dalam menghadapi bencana kekeringan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan durasi dan intensitas kekeringan di DAS Krueng Aceh. Tahapan penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data jumlah hujan bulanan dari pos curah hujan di DAS Krueng Aceh; pengisian data curah hujan yang hilang menggunakan Metode Kombinasi (gabungan Metode Normal Ratio dan Metode Inverse Square Distance/Metode Reciprocal); perhitungan intensitas dan durasi kekeringan menggunakan metode Theory of Run. Luas DAS Krueng Aceh adalah 1.681,05 km2 meliputi 23 kecamatan. Intensitas kekeringan terparah untuk kebutuhan air palawija terjadi pada Pos Curah Hujan Seulimum 111,58 mm/bulan; sedangkan untuk kebutuhan air Padi terparah dialami oleh Pos Curah Hujan Indrapuri sebesar 138,84 mm/bulan. Durasi kekeringan terparah untuk kebutuhan air palawija terjadi pada Pos Curah Hujan Padang Tidji dengan sepanjang 14 bulan; sedangkan untuk kebutuhan air Padi terparah dialami oleh Pos Curah Hujan Blang Bintang sebesar 34 bulan. Durasi kekeringan maksimum dialami oleh Pos Lhoong selama 25 bulan pada periode 2012-2014 dan intensitas kekeringan maksimum dialami oleh Pos Lhoong sebesar 247,5 mm/bulan pada Desember 2008.AbstractDrought is the lack of monthly precipitation compared to its monthly average. Drought analysis has not been done lately, especially outside Java Region. Drought analysis of drought severity indicated by drought intensity (mm/month) and duration of drought (month) along with repeated period of drought need to be done to support preparedness in facing drought disaster. The purpose of this study is to determine the duration and intensity of drought in the Krueng Aceh basin. The research stages are collecting monthly rainfall data from rainfall station in Krueng Aceh basin; filling the missing rainfall data by using the combination method (combination of Normal Ratio Method and Inversing Square Distance Method/Reciprocal Method); calculating drought intensity and duration using Theory of Run method. Krueng Aceh basin area is 1681.05 km2 covering 23 districts. The worst intensity of drought for the water needs of crops occurred in Seulimum rainfall station, which is 111.58 mm/month; while the worst water needs of rice is showed by the rainfall station in Indrapuri, which is 138.84 mm/month. The worst duration of drought for the water needs of crops occurred in Padang Tiji Rainfall Station with over 14 months; while the worst water needs of rice is showed by Blang Bintang Rainfall Station for 34 months. The maximum duration of the drought occurred in Lhoong Rainfall Station for 25 months in 2012-2014 and the maximum intensity of the drought is showed by Lhoong rainfall station is 247.5 mm/month in December 2008.
TINGKAT AKURASI SMS DAN EFEKTIVITAS SOP PERINGATAN DINI HUJAN EKSTRIM DI MEDAN (Studi Kasus BBMKG Wilayah I dan Stasiun Meteorologi Klas I Kualanamu) Feriomex Hutagalung, Alfiansyah Yulia, Ella Meilianda
Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah Vol 2, No 4: November 2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ilmu Kebencanaan : Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (881.639 KB)


Abstract :Natural disasters often occur in Indonesia, especially Medan. Disasters arising from extreme weather, especially extreme rains often cause harm to society. Communities that are vulnerable to disasters caused by extreme rainfall, requiring an early warning system that is fast, precise and accurate. BMKG as the agency responsible for the provision of early warning, has made SOP regulating the flow of manufacture, delivery process, to the shipping way. This study was conducted to determine the level of accuracy and effectiveness of early warning SMS SOP early warning of extreme weather, especially extreme rainfall. The data used to determine the level of accuracy of early warning of extreme rainfall is SMS data early warning of extreme rainfall and rainfall data every hour for one year (2014). Processing data using excel program and contingency table as a method of data verification. Assessing the effectiveness of the data used comes from questionnaires distributed to the respondents, forecasters / analysts who carry out the provision of early warning information of extreme rainfall. Processing data using excel program and then the processing described using spider charts. The results showed that the accuracy of early warning information the highest extreme rainfall occurred in september 69.56%, the lowest occurred in July amounted to 18.75%. The average level of accuracy SMS early warning of extreme rainfall in 2014 was 47.69% in the medium category. Of the average accuracy rate for a year is still below 50%. In general the effectiveness of the implemented SOP is good enough, the forecasters / analysts in making the early warning has conducted in accordance with the SOP. While the SOP for effectiveness in making the analysis of extreme weather, especially extreme rain, forecasters / analysts have observed supporting elements both local scale, scale synoptik (regional), and a planetary scale (Global). While the delivery process involves the delivery time and shipping way elements, still need to be in the review and evaluation by the BMKG.Keywords: Accuracy, Effectiveness, early warning, SOP, Extreme RainBencana alam sering terjadi di Indonesia khususnya Medan. Bencana yang timbul akibat cuaca ekstrim khususnya hujan ekstrim sering menimbulkan kerugian bagi masyarakat. Masyarakat yang rentan terhadap bencana akibat hujan ekstrim, membutuhkan sistem peringatan dini yang cepat, tepat dan akurat. BMKG sebagai penanggung jawab terhadap pemberian peringatan dini tersebut, telah membuat SOP yang mengatur mengenai alur pembuatan, proses pengiriman, hingga cara pengiriman. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi SMS peringatan dini dan efektivitas SOP peringatan dini cuaca ekstrim khususnya hujan ekstrim. Data yang digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat akurasi peringatan dini hujan ekstrim adalah data SMS peringatan dini hujan ekstrim dan data curah hujan tiap jam selama satu tahun (2014). Pengolahan data menggunakan program excel dan tabel kontigensi sebagai metode verifikasi data. Penilaian efektivitas data yang digunakan berasal dari kuisioner yang disebarkan kepada para responden yaitu forecaster/analis yang melaksanakan pemberian informasi peringatan dini hujan ekstrim. Pengolahan data menggunakan program excel yang kemudian hasil pengolahan digambarkan menggunakan spider chart. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat akurasi informasi peringatan dini hujan ekstrim tertinggi terjadi pada bulan september 69,56 %, yang terendah terjadi pada bulan Juli sebesar 18.75%. Rata-rata tingkat akurasi SMS peringatan dini hujan ekstrim tahun 2014 adalah 47.69% dengan kategori sedang. Dari rata-rata tingkat akurasi selama setahun masih dibawah 50 %. Secara umum efektivitas SOP sudah cukup baik dilaksanakan, para forecaster/analis dalam membuat peringatan dini telah melaksanakan sesuai dengan SOP. Sedangakan untuk efektivitas SOP dalam membuat analisa cuaca ekstrim khususnya hujan ekstrim, forecaster/analis telah  melakukan pengamatan unsur-unsur pendukung baik skala lokal, skala synoptik (regional), dan skala planetary (Global).  Sedangkan proses pengiriman menyangkut waktu pengiriman dan elemen cara pengiriman, masih perlu di kaji ulang serta dievaluasi oleh BMKG.Kata kunci: Akurasi, Efektivitas, Peringatan dini, SOP, Hujan Ekstrim
Analisis Kekeringan Menggunakan Metode Theory of Run di DAS Krueng Aceh Asri Syahrial; Azmeri Azmeri; Ella Meilianda
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 24 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2017.24.2.8


AbstrakKekeringan adalah kurangnya jumlah curah hujan bulanan dibandingkan dengan rata-rata bulanannya. Analisis kekeringan masih belum banyak dilakukan, khususnya untuk di luar Pulau Jawa. Analisis kekeringan berupa tingkat keparahan kekeringan yang ditunjukkan dengan intensitas kekeringan (mm/bulan) dan durasi kekeringan (bulan) beserta periode ulang kekeringannya perlu dilakukan untuk menunjang kesiap-siagaan dalam menghadapi bencana kekeringan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan durasi dan intensitas kekeringan di DAS Krueng Aceh. Tahapan penelitian ini adalah mengumpulkan data jumlah hujan bulanan dari pos curah hujan di DAS Krueng Aceh; pengisian data curah hujan yang hilang menggunakan Metode Kombinasi (gabungan Metode Normal Ratio dan Metode Inverse Square Distance/Metode Reciprocal); perhitungan intensitas dan durasi kekeringan menggunakan metode Theory of Run. Luas DAS Krueng Aceh adalah 1.681,05 km2 meliputi 23 kecamatan. Intensitas kekeringan terparah untuk kebutuhan air palawija terjadi pada Pos Curah Hujan Seulimum 111,58 mm/bulan; sedangkan untuk kebutuhan air Padi terparah dialami oleh Pos Curah Hujan Indrapuri sebesar 138,84 mm/bulan. Durasi kekeringan terparah untuk kebutuhan air palawija terjadi pada Pos Curah Hujan Padang Tidji dengan sepanjang 14 bulan; sedangkan untuk kebutuhan air Padi terparah dialami oleh Pos Curah Hujan Blang Bintang sebesar 34 bulan. Durasi kekeringan maksimum dialami oleh Pos Lhoong selama 25 bulan pada periode 2012-2014 dan intensitas kekeringan maksimum dialami oleh Pos Lhoong sebesar 247,5 mm/bulan pada Desember 2008.AbstractDrought is the lack of monthly precipitation compared to its monthly average. Drought analysis has not been done lately, especially outside Java Region. Drought analysis of drought severity indicated by drought intensity (mm/month) and duration of drought (month) along with repeated period of drought need to be done to support preparedness in facing drought disaster. The purpose of this study is to determine the duration and intensity of drought in the Krueng Aceh basin. The research stages are collecting monthly rainfall data from rainfall station in Krueng Aceh basin; filling the missing rainfall data by using the combination method (combination of Normal Ratio Method and Inversing Square Distance Method/Reciprocal Method); calculating drought intensity and duration using Theory of Run method. Krueng Aceh basin area is 1681.05 km2 covering 23 districts. The worst intensity of drought for the water needs of crops occurred in Seulimum rainfall station, which is 111.58 mm/month; while the worst water needs of rice is showed by the rainfall station in Indrapuri, which is 138.84 mm/month. The worst duration of drought for the water needs of crops occurred in Padang Tiji Rainfall Station with over 14 months; while the worst water needs of rice is showed by Blang Bintang Rainfall Station for 34 months. The maximum duration of the drought occurred in Lhoong Rainfall Station for 25 months in 2012-2014 and the maximum intensity of the drought is showed by Lhoong rainfall station is 247.5 mm/month in December 2008.
Tinjauan Teknis Permasalahan dan Penanggulangan Banjir di Sungai Krueng Teunom Hilir Provinsi Aceh, Menuju Mitigasi Bencana Banjir Terintegrasi Ella Meilianda; Dedy Alfian; Nazriatun Nisa; Fitri Zaitun Nurnalisa; Taslia Khaira; Veri Yanti; Saumi Syahreza
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 28 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2021.28.1.6


Abstrak  Peristiwa banjir yang dialami oleh masyarakat di hilir sungai Krueng Teunom di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya dapat mewakili kasus-kasus bencana banjir yang sering terjadi di kawasan pesisir barat Provinsi Aceh. Dalam kurun waktu 2012 – 2019 terdapat 28 kali kejadian banjir, akibat luapan sungai Krueng Teunom yang melintasi Kecamatan Keude Teunom. Tinjauan teknis terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab banjir di Kawasan Teunom sejauh ini belum dilakukan secara komprehensif dan terintegrasi, sehingga upaya yang dilakukan untuk memitigasi bencana banjir menjadi kurang efektif. Untuk itu, penelitian ini mempunyai dua tujuan, yaitu: 1) meninjau secara teknis faktor-faktor yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya banjir; 2) memberikan rekomendasi terhadap sasaran pengendalian debit sungai Krueng Teunom sebagai upaya untuk mitigasi bencana banjir. Selain melakukan analisis permasalahan banjir secara empiris melalui FGD dengan pemangku kebijakan dan kepentingan, juga dilakukan tinjauan teknis menggunakan analisis spasial berbasis GIS. Penyebab utama banjir di hilir DAS Krueng Teunom adalah penurunan kapasitas sungai (pendangkalan) baik di badan sungai ataupun di muara sungai akibat sedimentasi yang cukup tinggi. Penyebab banjir lainnya adalah besarnya laju angkutan sedimen dari arah laut yang menutup muara sungai. Upaya mitigasi yang disarankan adalah merehabilitasi tanggul-tanggul kritis, mengendalikan dan mengurangi sedimen dari laut untuk mengurangi pendangkalan muara sungai. Kata-kata Kunci: Mitigasi banjir, curah hujan, GIS, FGD, tutupan lahan Abstract Flood events experienced by the community downstream of the Krueng Teunom river in Aceh Jaya District represent cases of flood disasters that often occur in the western coast of Aceh Province. During the period of 2012 - 2019 there were 28 flood events, due to the overflowing of the Krueng Teunom river that crossed Keude Teunom Sub District. So far, the technical review of the factors causing floods in the Teunom area has not been carried out in a comprehensive and integrated manner, so that the efforts made to mitigate flood disasters have become less effective. For this reason, the objectives of the study are twofolds: 1) technical review the factors causing floods; 2) provide recommendations on the Krueng Teunom river discharge control target as a mitigation effort. In addition to analyze the flood problems empirically through FGDs with policy makers and stakeholders, a technical review was conducted using GIS-based spatial analysis. The main cause of flooding in the downstream of the Krueng Teunom is a decrease in river capacity (silting) due to high sedimentation. Another cause of flooding is the large rate of sediment transport from the sea that closes the river mouth. The recommended mitigation measures are rehabilitating critical dykes, controlling and reducing sediment from the sea to reduce silting of river mouths. Keywords: Floods mitigation, rainfall, GIS, FGD, land cover
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jarsp.v3i1.16451


The Cubo Trienggadeng Irrigation scheme has a potential area of 1,545 Ha while the functional area is 1,090 Ha. Based on the Irrigation Network scheme, Cubo Trienggadeng Irrigation Area consists of 3 (three) zones: Zone I, Zone II and Zone III. In Zone III of the Cubo Trienggadeng Irrigation Area which is the latest area receiving water from the Cubo Trienggadeng Weir often occurs in water shortages especially during the Gadu planting season (second planting season). Paya Sepat irrigation is the reservoir found in Zone III D.I. Cubo Trienggadeng that is not being fully optimized in use. This study aims to optimize the utilization of Paya Sepat Reservoir so that it can meet irrigation water demand in Zone III D.I Cubo Trienggadeng by using the Water Balance method. This reservoir does not have a channel that supplies inflow discharge, so rainwater harvesting becomes a parameter in analyzing the supply of water to the reservoir. The optimization technique used uses a non-linear program using the Solver facility in Microsoft Excel software. Based on the results of the calculation of irrigation water requirements for an area of 204.50 Ha in the Gadu planting season, the maximum volume of irrigation water demand is 40,461.55 m3 at the first period in June, from the results of the optimization using the Maximize Release method, the results show that the water reservoir in Paya Sepat Reservoir can meet the water requirements in the Gadu planting season with an average reliability of 100%. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the release of irrigation water that is well regulated and coordinated between the reservoir management and water users/farmers.
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jarsp.v4i1.16723


North Aceh Regency almost every year experiences flooding due to heavy rains, both due to rain in the area and flooding of shipments due to heavy rains in neighboring districts namely Bener Meriah. Judging from the time of the incident, heavy rains always occur in the final months of each year. The duration of rainfall is two, namely: (a) short duration and (b) long duration. The second limit is the duration of rain 24 hours (1 day), so that the duration of rainfall is long if the time of occurrence is longer than 24 hours. For tropical climates such as the Aceh region known to experience two seasons, namely: a) the rainy season and b) the dry season in terms of climatology, the rainy season is identical to the occurrence of flooding. The dry season or rainy season are related to the time of year, for example the flood season occurs in the final months of each year, the dry season occurs in the middle of the year, especially for the North Aceh region. The objectives of this study are (a) to obtain information on the relatively heavy rainfall distribution pattern for long duration rainfall events, namely 1-day, 3-day, 5-day and 7-daily. (b) Knowing the timing of flood events is calculated based on the movement of the sun. The data used is daily rainfall data obtained from the Lhokseumawe Meteorological Station from 1986 to 2016. The results of the analysis are to find out the maximum rainfall for 1-day, 3-day, 5-day, and 7 daily. Because what was investigated was the pattern of rain, the partial series method was used, namely the possibility of some data being taken in one year. The results of processing data show that the highest incidence of 1-day maximum rainfall occurs in the IV quadrant or week 52 which is equal to 45.9%, in this case the highest number of flood events will occur when the sun moves towards the south. To identify heavy rain events that can cause flooding based on station rainfall data correlated with debits recorded on AWLR (Automatic Water Level Recorder). From the results of the identification that there was an increase in river discharge in November and December.
Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan
Publisher : Prodi Magister Teknik Sipil Unsyiah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jarsp.v3i2.16565


Irrigation Network Krueng Tuan North Aceh Regency was built in 1994 with 11,150-meter primary channel that is planned can irrigate paddy fields potential 2,226 ha. The Krueng Tuan irrigation area has enormous potential as a food granary, but the irrigation discharge to irrigate rice fields was reduced due to a decline in the functioning of facilities in the Krueng Tuan irrigation network considering the age of buildings that were already age-consuming. This condition can result in an increase in water losses that affect the efficiency of irrigation in the channel. The method used to analyze the efficiency of irrigation channels using the inflow-outflow method. The data were recorded about cross-section dimensions of the channel and measuring flow velocity using the current meter. The results of the efficiency analysis show that there are four primary channel sections was under the theoretical efficiency values, namely the measurement section BT-02 - BT-03 at 88.729%, where water losses are caused by the influence of the physical conditions of the channel on the wall and the bottom and wild leads from the channel using the pump house. Other sections are BT-06 - BT-07 at 80.378%, BT-07 - BT-08 at 73.975%, and BT-08 - BT-09 at 67.094%. Water losses on all channels are caused by the physical condition of the channel that has been damaged in the channel wall and leakage due to the rat hole so that water seeped out of the channels.
Linking Global Context of Sustainable Recovery with a Local Context Post-tsunami Recovery at Banda Aceh city, Indonesia Ella Meilianda; Safrida Safrida; Yulia Yulia Direzkia
International Journal of Disaster Management Vol 1, No 1 (2017): June
Publisher : TDMRC, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (510.367 KB)


The present study examines the recovery progress that has been achieved so far a decade after the tsunami disaster occurred in Banda Aceh city of Indonesia. Assessment of the recovery progress for several activities at the local context associated with the long-term disaster recovery phase include the hazard source control and area protection, land-use practices, mental health recovery, and economic development were conducted to identify windows of opportunities in different sectors to build back better. The findings subsequently situated within the framework of global context, by setting up a global framework linking the common targets between the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (SFDRR) and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG). Among investigated sectors, the hazard source control, area protection and land-use practices seemed to miss the opportunity of changing the coastal areas to become more resilient to tsunami disaster, due to unsynchronized city masterplan with housing development towards the coastline. While this practice rather discouraging for promoting the idea of ‘build back better’, the other sectors such as community economic revitalization and mental health programs were rather successful in seizing the opportunities at different levels. It requires high commitment from different actors during the recovery to identify and grab the opportunities at the earliest phase of the recovery and to be able to coordinate and formulate the appropriate recovery programs that linked to the targets for sustainable development in the global context.
Level of Coastal Protection Damage and Priority of Handling (Case Study of Alue Naga – Neuheun, Aceh Besar, Indonesia) Syahrul Mauluddin; Ella Meilianda; Syamsidik Syamsidik
International Journal of Disaster Management Vol 2, No 1 (2019): June
Publisher : TDMRC, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3749.629 KB) | DOI: 10.24815/ijdm.v2i1.14138


The massive tsunami of December 26, 2004 has had a huge impact on the life of the coastal region. The effects of the tsunami caused damage to occupation settlements, loss of waterside land and destruction of marine biota ecosystems. The coastal region of Aceh Province in Indonesia is the area that has the worst impact followed by the State of Malaysia, Thailand and as a coastal area of India. As a result of a large amount of coastal land experiencing a loss of land mass, erosion is very significant. As a step towards handling coastal areas from greater erosion prevention, the Government of Indonesia in 2005 adopted a policy of handling rehabilitation and reconstruction through the ANTERP (Aceh Nias Tsunami and Earthquake Response Program) program under the BRR (Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency) in collaboration with Ministry of Public Work. One of the steps to handling erosion is to protect the coast using the hard structure method such as the construction of a revetment and jetty made from rock armor. This study aims to assess the level of damage and priority of handling of coastal protective structures that have been built in 2009, 2016 and how changes in shoreline occur on the beach location of Alue Naga - Neuheun, which is a coastal area that was greatly affected by the tsunami. Assessments were carried out in three different coastal structures, namely CS-1 locations in the Alue Naga area, CS-2, Lambada Lhok coastal area and CS-3 Neuheun beach area. Guidelines for assessing structure damage and changes in shoreline in the study using the Ministry of Public Work Regulation No. 08/SE/M/2010. The rate of change in shoreline is obtained through computational calculations of the DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis System) program using the EPR (End Point Rate) method and NSM for change distance (Net Shoreline Movement).
Mapping of Flood Inundation and Eco-hydraulic Analyses to Minimize Food Discharge in Tributaries Ziana Ziana; Azmeri Azmeri; Alfiansyah Yulianur; Ella Meilianda; Mubarak Mubarak
Aceh International Journal of Science and Technology Vol 12, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Graduate Program of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/aijst.12.1.31120


Eco-hydraulic analyses begin with the arrangement of tributaries. This research aimed to minimize the discharge of flood run-off downstream and map the flood inundation by spatial analysis uses DEMNAS data and mapping of flood inundation areas using ArcGIS. Analysis of return period flood points using HEC-RAS version 5.0.7. The data needed is the cross section of the river, the distance between the sections, the Manning's roughness number, the return period flood discharge and the slope of the river. The integration between topographic maps, watersheds and flood water levels can display areas that are potentially affected by inundation floods, so that the flood inundation limits and flood inundation areas can be calculated. This research examined proper eco-hydraulics design so that it could reduce discharge, identify locations prone to flooding, and describe the magnitude of the flood impact quantitatively. The results eco-hydraulic method obtained the design border width of 100 m, the condition before the existing river border arrangement was carried out, the inundation height was 0.30 – 1.13 m and after the river border arrangement the discharge could be reduced to 113.09 – 209 m3/s and the inundation height is 0 – 0.31 m. Based on the research results, it is known that border arrangement can provide benefits for flood control measures.