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INDEPENDENSI MEDIA CETAK DALAM PEMILIHAN GUBERNUR JAWA TIMUR 2018 (Analisis Framing Harian Jawa Pos Edisi Februari – Maret 2018) Faradiba, Dalilah Naja; Setiawan, Andi; Tawakkal, George Towar Ikbal
Jurnal Mahasiswa Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 3, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik

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Pemilihan umum merupakan isu yang sering diberitakan dalam sebuah media cetak. Hal tersebut dikarenakan isu pemilihan umum merupakan isu strategis dalam masyarakat. Namun, beberapa media cetak dalam pemberitaannya memiliki keberpihakan pada salah satu calon tertentu yang dapat menggiring opini publik untuk memilih calon yang dikehendaki media tersebut. Pada penelitian ini, tujuan penulis adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana independensi Harian Jawa Pos dalam memberitakan pasangan calon Gubernur Jawa Timur 2018. Beberapa berita yang dijadikan subjek penelitian adalah sejak bulan Februari hingga Maret 2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Dengan menggunakan Teori Agenda Setting Maxwell McCombs dan Donald L. Shaw yang berisi lima indikator agenda media yaitu (1) Visibility (visibilitas), (2) Audience Salience, (3) Valency (valensi), (4) Persistensi, dan (5) Persuasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menggunakan konsep framing model Zhongdang Pan dan Gerald M. Kosicki dengan empat struktur analisis yaitu (1) Struktur Sintaksis, (2) Struktur Skrip, (3) Struktur Tematik, dan (4) Struktur Retoris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Harian Jawa Pos masih berupaya untuk berada pada independensi media dalam memberitakan kedua pasangan calon. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan pemberitaan yang dimuat dalam Harian Jawa Pos lebih banyak yang menayangkan kedua pasangan calon sekaligus. Harian Jawa Pos juga membuat citra calon dengan pandangan yang positif serta tidak berusaha menimbulkan provokasi dalam pemberitaannya.
Gapit: Jaringan Mobilisasi Suara di Pilkades Tawakkal, George Towar Ikbal
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 2, No 1 (2017): UU Desa: Mewujudkan Kemandirian Aras Lokal atau Jebakan Ketergantungan Dana Pusa
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (905.853 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpi.v2i1.8485


Villagers have practiced democracy since colonial era. They have lurah election. Government still keep it, although national politics got some regim change. Now, it is called as Village head election (Pilkades). Pilkades has a distinctive character than other election form in Indonesia. No political party in Pilkades. That asked candidates to build political machine for mobilizing voters. This article talk about how the political machine was built, what shape of the political machine is, and how it work. I conducted observation and some interviews to peoples who involved in 2016 Mranggen Village Head Election. The result, Mranggen villagers call the political machine as gapit. Gapit was constructed by prestige, social relationship, and material. Their consolidation can be distinguished in two process, transformating and creating. Gapit is a network, which has structure with three level; coordinator gapit, RW gapit, and RT gapit. They have tasks: mapping voter, developing issue, organizing meeting, distributing goods, and monitoring presence of voters in polling station. This article will contribute to discussing about extending meaning of vote broker, not only as intermediary between candidate and voters in distributing money.
Similarity Amidst Diversity: Lessons about Women Representation from Pati and Demak Tawakkal, George Towar Ikbal; Utaminingsih, Alifiulahtin; Garner, Andrew D.; Wike, Wike; Seitz, Thomas R.; Putra, Fadillah
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 6, No 1 (2021): In progress (April 2021)
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v6i1.22745


While the focus of most research in women's politics has been on the number of legislative seats and explaining the under-representation of women and other marginalized groups, we argue that there also needs to be a greater focus on voters themselves and their attitudes about gender representation in Indonesia. We focus on three broad series of questions. First, gender differences in attitudes about women candidates precisely. Second, gender differences in policy priorities. Third, gender differences in attitudes about one specific aspect of Indonesian elections – money politics or what is sometimes referred to as "vote-buying." The data are drawn from a stratified probability sample of citizens in the Demak and Pati regencies in Central Java, Indonesia. A total of 800 respondents were in the sample, including 55 percent of the sample consisted of women. The finding has some interesting implications in how to understand gender differences in Indonesian politics. Men and women both respond with the correct "rhetoric" view about the importance of women candidates and descriptive representation. Still, both genders shift from the "rhetoric" view to the "logic" view about policies that have a more direct impact on their own lives.
Similarity Amidst Diversity: Lessons about Women Representation from Pati and Demak Tawakkal, George Towar Ikbal; Utaminingsih, Alifiulahtin; Garner, Andrew D.; Wike, Wike; Seitz, Thomas R.; Putra, Fadillah
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Local Politics
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v6i1.22745


While the focus of most research in women's politics has been on the number of legislative seats and explaining the under-representation of women and other marginalized groups, we argue that there also needs to be a greater focus on voters themselves and their attitudes about gender representation in Indonesia. We focus on three broad series of questions. First, gender differences in attitudes about women candidates precisely. Second, gender differences in policy priorities. Third, gender differences in attitudes about one specific aspect of Indonesian elections – money politics or what is sometimes referred to as "vote-buying." The data are drawn from a stratified probability sample of citizens in the Demak and Pati regencies in Central Java, Indonesia. A total of 800 respondents were in the sample, including 55 percent of the sample consisted of women. The finding has some interesting implications in how to understand gender differences in Indonesian politics. Men and women both respond with the correct "rhetoric" view about the importance of women candidates and descriptive representation. Still, both genders shift from the "rhetoric" view to the "logic" view about policies that have a more direct impact on their own lives.
Gapit: Jaringan Mobilisasi Suara di Pilkades Tawakkal, George Towar Ikbal
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 2, No 1 (2017): UU Desa: Mewujudkan Kemandirian Aras Lokal atau Jebakan Ketergantungan Dana Pusa
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpi.v2i1.8485


Villagers have practiced democracy since colonial era. They have lurah election. Government still keep it, although national politics got some regim change. Now, it is called as Village head election (Pilkades). Pilkades has a distinctive character than other election form in Indonesia. No political party in Pilkades. That asked candidates to build political machine for mobilizing voters. This article talk about how the political machine was built, what shape of the political machine is, and how it work. I conducted observation and some interviews to peoples who involved in 2016 Mranggen Village Head Election. The result, Mranggen villagers call the political machine as gapit. Gapit was constructed by prestige, social relationship, and material. Their consolidation can be distinguished in two process, transformating and creating. Gapit is a network, which has structure with three level; coordinator gapit, RW gapit, and RT gapit. They have tasks: mapping voter, developing issue, organizing meeting, distributing goods, and monitoring presence of voters in polling station. This article will contribute to discussing about extending meaning of vote broker, not only as intermediary between candidate and voters in distributing money.
Makna Pemilu: Ketidakrunutan Arti Penting Pemilu Bagi Pemilih George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal; Irma Fitriana Ulfah; Andi Setiawan; La Ode Machdani Afala; Andrew Douglas Garner; Thomas R Seitz
CosmoGov: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 7, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Department of Governmental Science FISIP UNPAD

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/cosmogov.v7i1.29269


Para ilmuwan telah menawarkan konsep pemilu yang ideal bagi pemilih, yang di antaranya adalah kesempatan pemilih untuk mendelegasikan orang untuk menempati jabatan tertentu, dan kesempatan untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan melalui pilihan-pilihan program atau kebijakan. Kedua hal ini lah yang idealnya menjadi arti penting pemilu bagi pemilih, dan sekaligus menjadi kajian beberapa ilmuwan. Terdapat dua ruang diskusi dalam literatur. Pertama, pendefinisian arti penting dalam penelitian. Kedua, sebab dan akibat dari arti penting pemilu bagi pemilih. Artikel ini mencoba masuk dalam ruang pertama dan memperluas ruang kedua. Pendefinisian arti penting dinyatakan dengan melibatkan beberapa variabel, bukan sekedar “apakah pemilu penting?”, yakni pemaknaan pemilu, kemanfaatan, harapan, dan kepercayaan terhadap pemilu. Artikel ini didasarkan data survei yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Pati dan Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah, tahun 2019, dengan mempertimbangkan wawancara mendalam yang telah kami laksanakan pada tahun 2018. Sejumlah 800 responden diambil secara bertingkat dengan mempertimbangkan alasan demografis dan geografis. Dengan mendiskusikan antara data dan konsep, diperoleh pengetahuan bahwa terjadi ketidaktepatan dan ketidakrunutan dalam mempersepsikan pemilu. Hal ini membuat “arti penting” pemilu bagi pemilih semakin rumit untuk dijelaskan.
Religion, Political Contestation and Democracy: Kiai's Role as Vote Broker in Madurese Local Political Battle Asmawati Asmawati; Towar Ikbal Tawakkal; Sholih Muadi
Buletin Al-Turas Vol 27, No 1 (2021): Buletin Al-Turas
Publisher : Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/bat.v27i1.15650


This study aimed to know how the kiai as religious figures who had the highest social status in Pamekasan Regency carried out their work as vote brokers. This study was a qualitative research with a case study method. The research depended on verbal data and information of vote raising done by public figures in a Madurese local election. Intensive interview with some kiai as the key informants was done to get the intended information. They were chosen as primary data sources because they were public religious figures whom the people adhere to. The result showed that kiai with their social capital as vote brokers mobilizing the masses properly attracted political bosses who competed in the local election. Kiai with their religiosity played as an intermediary in delivering material for intended voters. However, it was unethical when the kiai as a religious figure provided material for voters. As a local figure who has a good image in a community, kiai became a major element in the progress of the democratic process. It can be concluded that the kiai as a highly respected religious figure contributed to the democracy to be well organized in the future.
Kyai-Santri Relationship in Electoral Politics : A Critical Point of View Masruri Mahali; Wawan Sobari; George Towar Ikbal Tawwakal
JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan) : Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah Vol 4 No 2 (2019): JIP (Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan) : Kajian Ilmu Pemerintahan dan Politik Daerah
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/jip.4.2.2019.75-89


This qualitative case study aims to explore the electoral political relations of the kiai and santri in the local leaders election of East Java.The kiai's authority is absolute, the submission of the santri to the kiai is the main rule of the pesantren culture, the relationship of the kiai and santri is patron-client, there is an unequal interaction with the position of the santri being a client and the kiai becoming a patron.The strength factor of the charisma and influence of the kiai is often used for various interests in the politics of regional elections. Different from theory, the patron-client relationship in the electoral political relations of the kiai and santri in the local leaders election of East Java is not relevant. This study finds, First, the electoral political relations of the kiai and santri are determined by the attitude of equal egalitarian relations and complementary relations. Kiai and santri both play a role in shaping voting behavior, and the kiai is no longer the dominant figure in determining santri's political choices, because there is a practice of political deliberation. Secondly, there are three typologies of electoral political relations between kiai and santri, namely, (1) Political relations are equal (associative), (2) Positive opposition political relations (dissociative-positive), and (3) Political relations mabadi ’khaira ummah ((prioritizing the interests of the ummah). Lastly, this case study of the electoral political relations of the kiai and santri adds new knowledge that the santri's political choices in regional elections are no longer based on patron-client relations.
Hidup dalam Stigma: Kekerasan dan Religiuitas Bejingan Asma Wati; Sholih Muadi; George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal
Al-Mada: Jurnal Agama, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 3 No 2 (2020): Agama Sosial dan Budaya
Publisher : LPPM Institut Pesantren KH. Abdul Chalim

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (507.449 KB) | DOI: 10.31538/almada.v3i2.694


The purpose of this study is to find out that violence and religiosity can actually run side by side where both are able to make the figure of Bejingan have a different social strata from other communities. Violence is a characteristic of Bejingan in resolving conflicts in society while religiosity as a culture that has become ingrained in the community. To provide an understanding of the life of Bejingan in the community, this article explores how Bejingan lives in a standard of violence that has become a distinctive feature and cultural religiosity adopted in the community of Pamekasan Madura Regency. the method used in this study is qualitative with a case study approach where the researcher reveals in depth related to the life of Bejingan in Pamekasan Regency. The results obtained from this research are that Bejingan has long lived in stikma where its existence is always associated with violence and crime, whereas furthermore the role of Bejingan in the sphere of society has many benefits and benefits where security, conflict between citizens and the welfare of the community are influenced by the figure of Bejingan. Furthermore, the Bejong lives in a balanced balance of religiosity and violence where life is influenced by good relations between gods by practicing worship while still maintaining self-esteem in the distinctive characteristics of the heroism possessed. The scientific contribution of this article discusses the extension of the lives of local figures who have conflicting but side-by-side characteristics. Considering that the phenomenon that describes Bejingan is a conflict between culture and religion, then how can the conflict be balanced and go hand in hand. Then further research needs to be done.
JEJARING SOSIAL DALAM PEMBENTUKAN TIM SUKSES MANDIRI DI PEMILU DPRD KABUPATEN 2019 George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal; Ratnaningsih Damayanti; Tia Subekti; Andrew D Garner; Thomas R Seitz
JWP (Jurnal Wacana Politik) Vol 5, No 1 (2020): JWP (Jurnal Wacana Politik) Maret
Publisher : Universitas Padjadjaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (438.288 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/jwp.v4i2.25654


Perubahan dalam sistem pemilihan dan masalah partai politik dalam memobilisasi pemilih telah mendorong para kandidat untuk membangun tim sukses yang independen. Mereka adalah faktor penting dalam upaya memenangkan pemilu. Studi terbaru menunjukkan tentang keberadaan, kinerja, dan efisiensi merekadalam memberikan suara dalam pemilihan umum Indonesia dan banyak negara. Namun, sangat sedikit dari kajian-kajian itu yang membahas tentang bagaimana tim sukses independen dibangun. Artikel ini menganalisis bagaimana para kandidat pemilihan legislatif di daerah mengembangkan tim sukses independen mereka. Berdasarkan wawancara dan pengamatan dari berbagai kandidat dalam pemilihan legislatif 2019 di Kabupaten Pati dan Kabupaten Demak, artikel ini membahas bagaimana para kandidat membangun tim sukses independen, yang mencakup bentuk dan sumber. Hasil studi ini menyatakan bahwa mereka memiliki aktor penting yang berhubungan dengan kandidat. Mereka terhubung secara sosial sebelum pemilihan, sehingga tim dibangun oleh transformasi fungsi sosial. Ini menunjukkan bahwa tim sukses independen mencerminkan jejaring sosial kandidat.