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Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/politico.v22i2.8176


Many countries have democratized by utilizing information and communication technology as e-government. Conceptually, e-government should increase participation which is equally called e-participation. Several studies confirm and reject this assumption. Some claim that there is no causal relationship between e-government development and e-participation progress. Continuing the debate, this article addresses how often the development of e-government is in line with the progress of e-participation. What pattern appears in the relationship between the two variables? Based on data provided by UNDP in EDGI and EPI scores, this article looks at Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries that directly border Indonesia; Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, and Timor Leste. A series of categories are defined to facilitate analysis, such as low, moderate, and high fluctuations for EDGI and EPI respectively, then low, moderate, and high consistency and inconsistency for the confluence of EDGI and EPI. Taking into account the national income per capita of these countries, it is known that the potential for causality is more likely to occur in developed countries that have high national income per capita.
Amil Zakat as the Citizen Political Participant with Religious Philantrophy Face Rayhan Aulia Prakoso; Muhammad Lukman Hakim; George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal
Journal of Local Government Issues (LOGOS) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/logos.v5i2.21307


Indonesia’s not-totally-state-centered zakat management policy makes amil zakat in Indonesia have double-identity. It’s not only as an Islamic law formalization in state level, but also as a medium for non-parties citizens' political participation in civil level. By using literatures study, this research aims to analyze head-to-head between Amil Zakat Institute (Lembaga Amil Zakat/LAZ) YASA Malang and everyday-maker. This research also aims to enrich everyday-maker perspective, because in fact there are so many Muslim social institutions which have some similarity with everyday-maker, but with some differences in their motives and characteristic of program. Everyday-maker is a new typology of citizen political participation found by Bang and Sorensen at 1999, where citizens are fixing their daily problems theirselves, instead waiting for government to fix it. However, everyday-maker starts from Danish’s upset with their government works, meanwhile LAZ YASA Malang starts from the concept of Islamic philantrophy and spirit of building lowest-level Muslim’s socio-economics independency. This research, because of the difference of motive between LAZ and everyday-maker, successfully finds some novelty rather than the previous everyday-maker researches, like one-eighth amil’s portions as the source of amil zakat salaries and government involvement in the legality. Something else that differentiates LAZ and everyday-maker is a theological value that becomes the basic, where everyday-maker works done by LAZ is based on belief about Allah’s help and grace in the movement.
Integrating Social Values: Evidence from The Intermediary Institution in Indonesian Elections George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal
Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik Vol 13, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Program Magister Ilmu Politik, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/politika.13.2.2022.337-348


Many scholars called the intermediary institutions in elections as vote brokers. As a consequence of that, then they built an argument based on a transactional framework, especially about the motivation of the institution. On the other side, they agreed that vote brokerage was built based on a social network, especially when they tried to define the vote brokerage. It means, the intermediary institution occurred in social interactions. That is weird for explaining social interactions without considering other social values. It looks like social interaction is only about material value. Other scholars tried to be fairness by calling the intermediary as middlemen, but still very few literature built the argument based on a non-transactional framework. This study will certainly provide new insights into the intermediary institution studies, particularly related to the understanding of non-transactional amid transactional arguments that have been shown in many kinds of literature, as well as expanding the study of intermediary institutions which likely to focused on providing voters, to be focused on the establishment of intermediary institutions. We conducted a series of in-depth interviews with 45 people consisting of persons in the intermediary institutions, political party leaders, leaders of campaign teams, election organizers, and more than a hundred voters during 2017 – 2019 in Indonesian elections, consists of four Villages head elections, 2018 Governor election, and 2019 legislative elections. We found the transactional logic or material value was not the only one, even mostly was not the dominant value that generated the intermediary institutions.
Penanaman Nilai Demokrasi Pancasila sebagai Upaya Membangun Kesepemahaman dalam Melawan Aksi Teror Abdullah Abdullah; George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal
Dimas: Jurnal Pemikiran Agama untuk Pemberdayaan Vol 22, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : LP2M of Institute for Research and Community Services - UIN Walisongo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (481.404 KB) | DOI: 10.21580/dms.2022.221.11938


Pada perpolitikan internasional, salah satu ancaman keamanan yang menjadi agenda penuntasan bagi banyak pihak adalah kejahatan terorisme. Begitupun di Indonesia, terorisme juga menjadi ancaman. Tidak hanya pada aksi teror yang terjadi, namun juga pada jaringan terorisme yang menyebar di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Keterlibatan pemuda pada jaringan terorisme merupakan satu kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan jika tidak segera ditangani. Hal tersebut yang selanjutnya mengharuskan tenaga pendidik untuk dapat mengatasi dan juga menghindarkan lingkungan pendidikan dari paham-paham terorisme. Menindaklanjuti situasi tersebut, pengabdian ini dilakukan untuk menguatkan nilai-nilai pancasila di kalangan siswa sekolah. Metode yang diterapkan adalah pre-test, presentasi, dan post-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perubahan pemahaman siswa jika dilihat berdasar pretest dan post-test. Siswa yang menjadi peserta presentasi tentang nilai-nilai demokrasi pancasila berdasar pada hasil post-test menunjukkan kemampuan dalam mengidentifikasi radikalisme dan terorisme.In international politics, one of the security threats that are on the agenda for solving many parties is the crime of terrorism. Likewise in Indonesia, terrorism is also a threat. Not only on acts of terror that occur, but also on the network of terrorism that spreads amid society. The involvement of youth in terrorist networks is a worrying condition if it is not immediately addressed. This in turn requires educators to be able to overcome and also avoid the education environment from the notions of terrorism. Following up on the situation, this service is carried out to strengthen Pancasila values among school students. The method applied is a pre-test, presentation, and post-test. The results of the activity showed that there was a change in students' understanding when viewed based on the pre-test and post-test. Students who participated in the presentation on Pancasila democratic values based on the post-test results showed their ability to identify radicalism and terrorism.
Kelembagaan Sosiologis Terkait Ketiadaan Politikus Perempuan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera di DPRD Kabupaten Trenggalek Clariesa Brillian; George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal; Ahmad Zaki Fadlur Rohman
Sospol : Jurnal Sosial Politik Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Juli-Desember
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jurnalsospol.v8i2.23304


This study aims to explain the implementation of e-parliament through the website of Indonesia Parliament. In order to enhance the role of parliament and democratic values, modern legislatures around the world are making use of technology to bridge the enormous gap between parliamentarians and the public. Electronic parliamentary services or e-parliament are proclaimed as a concept of digital transformation and are expected to have a significant impact on three main things, namely administrative efficiency, improved access, and dissemination of information and interaction with the public. By using a mixed research method of content analysis and case studies in looking at two aspects of e-parliament which include information disclosure and participation, this study resulted in the finding that the implementation of e-parliament on the parliament's website is mostly still at the stage of providing information. Given that the parliament's website does not yet provide a simple tool for interactive communication between parliament and citizens in an effective way.
Is It Still in the Works? Understanding e-Government as A Stage in the Democratic Process Tawakkal, George Towar Ikbal
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Politics and Business
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v7i2.37770


Democracy operates through the mechanisms of society. Today, technology has become an integral part of societal development, has permeated many aspects of life, and is expected to play an important role in democracy. The government, activists, and academics have all advocated for the use of technology in government, known as e-government. While there is academic debate about its impact on democracy, this article believes it is critical to place impact after development. This viewpoint is useful for engaging in academic debate. Assuming that each stage has its own timetable, this article asks, "What stage is e-government at right now?" Looking at the indicators measured by various agencies and positioning them as shared awareness of e-government, it is possible to conclude that today is the stage of e-government development. The answer may serve as a reminder to academics researching the impact of e-government.
Bejingan Penggerak Governing Elite : Perspektif Baru Makelar Suara Asmawati Suwarno; George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal; Sholih Muadi
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik) Vol. 10 No. 2 (2020): December
Publisher : Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Filsafat UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.856 KB) | DOI: 10.15642/jrp.2020.10.2.190-200


Studi seluruh dunia telah banyak membahas terkait makelar suara membantu kandidat dalam proses mobilisasi massa. Namun hal mengejutkan terjadi ketika makelar suara menjadi penggerak pemerintahan membantu kandidat dalam kepemimpinan formal. Tidak hanya terbatas pada makelar suara yang membantu kepemimpinan formal, tak jarang Bejingan juga memiliki andil sebagai klebun (kepala desa) sebagai hasil dari makelar suara mengantarkan bos politik mereka menuju kursi pemerintahan. Untuk memberikan pemahaman terkait Bejingan sebagai tokoh lokal sekaligus makelar suara menjadi pemimpin formal di desa artikel ini mengeksplorasi bagaimana Bejingan menempati posisi formal di pemerintahan sera Bejingan sebagai badan eksekutif yang membantu kepala desa menyenyejahterakan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus dimana dapat memberikan nilai tambah pada pengetahuan secara unik terkait makelar suara. Berdasarkan wawancara mendalam dan observasi lapangan di Kabupaten Pamekasan, peneliti menemukan bahwa Bejingan sebagai kepala desa menimbulkan banyak hal positif dimana kiprah dan status sosial Bejingan mampu menjadikan desa jauh dari konflik masyarakat dan hal kriminalitas misalnya pencurian dan perampokan. Bejingan sebagai makelar suara yang bertindak sebagai eksekutif memiliki keuntungan nama baik di mata masyarakat yang dapat menjadi prospek kedepanya ketika Bejingan mencari suara di masa pemilu yang akan datang. Kontribusi keilmuan artikel ini adalah mendiskusikan perluasan makelar suara yang berhasil menduduki posisi formal pemerintahan tidak terbatas pada mencari suara untuk kandidat.
Weakening Participation in A Chain Reaction: Facts on Two Interrelated Decentralization-based Programs George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal
Journal of Governance Volume 8 Issue 1: (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31506/jog.v8i1.17766


Abstract: The debate over whether the concept of decentralization is related to the concepts of democracy, participation, and empowerment has become a topic of interest in the scientific literature. Some scientists argue that there is a link between decentralization and democracy, while others do not. The government expects decentralization to strengthen democracy at the local level. Decentralization has enabled many countries, particularly Indonesia, to  improves democracy. Is it true that decentralization and democracy always go hand in hand? By looking at the consequences of decentralization-based programs, this article examines two programs, one of which is a continuation of the other. The two programs are management of the fish auction sites and management of fisherman’s welfare funds, revealing the continuity of community participation, which is now managed by local government. In 2020, a series of in-depth interviews were conducted with administrators of fish auction sites, administrators of fishermen's welfare funds, and fishermen in Pati Regency. The data shows that the design of decentralization has contributed to the weakening of democracy in a chain reaction.         
Analisis Kepemimpinan Politik BUMDes Kerto Raharjo dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Ekowisata Boonpring Fatyah Qonita Umar; George Towar Ikbal Tawakkal; Wawan Sobari
Satwika : Kajian Ilmu Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/satwika.v7i2.28072


Desa Sanankerto merupakan salah satu desa di Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang yang memiliki destinasi wisata Boon pring. Strategi yang dilakukan pemerintah desa Sanankerto untuk mengembangkan destinasi wisata Boon pring  adalah memberikan mandat kepada Badan BUMDes Kertoraharjo sebagai pengelola. Penelitian ini membahas kepemimpinan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes) Kerto Raharjo dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar ekowisata Boom Pring di Desa Sananketo. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perilaku politik kepemimpinan BUMDes, mengidentifikasi kualitas personal kepemimpinan politik, dan mengamati implementasi nilai-nilai politik dalam mencapai kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari - November tahun 2022 di Desa Sanankerto, Kecamatan Turen, Kabupaten Malang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat induktif, dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk menentukan 12 informan terdiri dari informan pemandu, informan kunci, dan informan pendukung. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan model interaktif reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Langkah-langkah analisis meliputi pengkodean terbuka, pengkodean aksial, dan pengkodean selektif untuk membentuk konsep. Pengujian keabsahan data dilakukan melalui uji kredibilitas, transferabilitas, depenabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan politik BUMDes Kerto Raharjo memiliki perilaku yang positif, termasuk kemampuan pengambilan keputusan, motivasi bawahan, dan komunikasi yang baik. Pemimpin BUMDes juga menunjukkan tanggung jawab, kontrol emosi, dan kharisma dengan kepercayaan diri serta pelayanan masyarakat. Nilai politik terimplementasi melalui penyediaan berbagai usaha bagi masyarakat, peran dalam pengembangan ekowisata Boom Pring, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat di Desa Sananketo.   Sanankerto Village is one of the villages located in the Turen District, Malang Regency, known for its tourism destination, Boon Pring. In efforts to develop Boon Pring as an eco-tourism destination, the village government has delegated the responsibility to the Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) Kerto Raharjo to manage its development. This study aims to analyze the political leadership behavior of BUMDes, identify the personal qualities of political leadership, and observe the implementation of political values in achieving community welfare. The research was conducted from January to November 2022 in Sanankerto Village, Turen District, Malang Regency. A qualitative, inductive approach was utilized for this research, employing purposive sampling to select 12 informants, including guides, key informants, and supporting informants. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and documentary studies. The interactive model of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing was employed for data analysis, including open coding, axial coding, and selective coding to form concepts. Data validity was tested through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability assessments.The results revealed that the political leadership of BUMDes Kerto Raharjo demonstrated positive behaviors, including effective decision-making, motivating subordinates, and excellent communication skills. BUMDes leaders also exhibited responsibility, emotional control, charisma, self-confidence, and a strong commitment to public service. Political values were effectively implemented through the provision of various community-oriented initiatives, active involvement in the development of Boon Pring eco-tourism, and community empowerment efforts in Sanankerto Village.