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Litter Decomposition Rate of Karst Ecosystem at Gunung Cibodas, Ciampea Bogor Indonesia Sari, Sethyo Vieni; Qayim, Ibnul; Hilwan, Iwan
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol 6, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.06.02.08


The study aims to know the productivity of litter and litter decomposition rate in karst ecosystem. This study was conducted on three altitude of 200 meter above sea level (masl), 250 masl and 300 masl in karst ecosystem at Gunung Cibodas, Ciampea, Bogor. Litter productivity measurement performed using litter-trap method and litter-bag method was used to know the rate of decomposition. Litter productivity measurement results showed that the highest total of litter productivity measurement results was on altitude of 200 masl (90.452 tons/ha/year) and the lowest was on altitude of 300 masl (25.440 tons/ha/year). The litter productivity of leaves (81.425 ton/ha/year) showed the highest result than twigs (16.839 ton/ha/year), as well as flowers and fruits (27.839 ton/ha/year). The rate of decomposition was influenced by rainfall. The decomposition rate and the decrease of litter dry weight on altitude of 250 masl was faster than on the altitude of 200 masl and 300 masl. The dry weight was positively correlated to the rate of decomposition. The lower of dry weight would affect the rate of decomposition become slower. The average of litter C/N ratio were ranged from 28.024%--28.716% and categorized as moderate (>25). The finding indicate that the rate of decomposition in karst ecosystem at Gunung Cibodas was slow and based on C/N ratio of litter showed the mineralization process was also slow.
Litter Decomposition Rate of Karst Ecosystem at Gunung Cibodas, Ciampea Bogor Indonesia Sethyo Vieni Sari; Ibnul Qayim; Iwan Hilwan
Journal of Tropical Life Science Vol. 6 No. 2 (2016)
Publisher : Journal of Tropical Life Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11594/jtls.06.02.08


The study aims to know the productivity of litter and litter decomposition rate in karst ecosystem. This study was conducted on three altitude of 200 meter above sea level (masl), 250 masl and 300 masl in karst ecosystem at Gunung Cibodas, Ciampea, Bogor. Litter productivity measurement performed using litter-trap method and litter-bag method was used to know the rate of decomposition. Litter productivity measurement results showed that the highest total of litter productivity measurement results was on altitude of 200 masl (90.452 tons/ha/year) and the lowest was on altitude of 300 masl (25.440 tons/ha/year). The litter productivity of leaves (81.425 ton/ha/year) showed the highest result than twigs (16.839 ton/ha/year), as well as flowers and fruits (27.839 ton/ha/year). The rate of decomposition was influenced by rainfall. The decomposition rate and the decrease of litter dry weight on altitude of 250 masl was faster than on the altitude of 200 masl and 300 masl. The dry weight was positively correlated to the rate of decomposition. The lower of dry weight would affect the rate of decomposition become slower. The average of litter C/N ratio were ranged from 28.024%--28.716% and categorized as moderate (>25). The finding indicate that the rate of decomposition in karst ecosystem at Gunung Cibodas was slow and based on C/N ratio of litter showed the mineralization process was also slow.
Pengolahan Makanan Beku Berbahan Dasar Jamur Sawit di Kelurahan Tanjung Kapuas Kabupaten Sanggau Ahmad Mustangin; Marselus Hendro; Yuni Selvianti Sari; Yulius Beni; Sethyo Vieni Sari; Iwan Rusiardy; Ledy Purwandani; Muhammad Julyan Fachri; Zita Nurhana
Kapuas Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Kapuas : Jurnal Publikasi Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31573/jk.v3i2.578


Kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) berupa pelatihan dan penerapan teknologi Pengolahan Makanan Beku Berbahan Dasar Jamur Sawit Di Kelurahan Tanjung Kapuas, Kecamatan Kapuas, Kabupaten Sanggau ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam teknologi pengolahan makanan beku berbahan dasar jamur sawit yaitu Sosis dan Bakso kepada ibu-ibu PKK. Pelatihan dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, praktik dan demonstrasi yang disertai tanya jawab. Metode ceramah digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep teknologi pengolahannya. Metode demonstrasi dipakai untuk menunjukkan suatu proses kerja yaitu tahap-tahap teknologi pengolahannya serta praktik langsung yang dilakukan peserta dalam pembuatan produk bakso dan Sosis. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan PPM yang dilaksanakan dapat dikatakan berhasil. Keberhasilan ini dapat dilihat dari setelah mengikuti kegiatan PPM, 100% peserta menyatakan 1). produk yang dihasilkan menarik, 2). bernilai jual, 3). tertarik untuk membuat sendiri, 4). tertarik serta bersedia membuat usaha kecil dengan produk yang dihasilkan selain itu juga, kepuasan peserta setelah mengikuti kegiatan. Kata Kunci : Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan, Jamur Sawit
Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is one that can encourage regional economic development. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing the spread of SMEs, knowing the techniques of processing food crops carried out by SMEs, and the amount of production of SMEs based on processed food crops in Singkawang City. The data were taken by interviewing and filling out questionnaires by the resource persons/respondents. There are 41 SMEs processed food crops which are located in Central Singkawang, West Singkawang, South Singkawang, and North Singkawang Districts, Singkawang City. The East District of Singkawang City did not get data on SMEs based on processed food crops. This is because many SMEs in East District are non-food based. Food crop processing techniques carried out by SMEs in Singkawang City generally process chips using a dry heat processing technique (Dry Heat Of Cooking) by deep frying, which requires a lot of oil so that the food ingredients are submerged. The production of SMEs in Singkawang City ranges from 60 to 24,000 pcs/month, with various processed food crops such as chips, sticks, jam, tofu water, crackers, noodles, and others. The concept of preparing SME products based on processed food plants does not use good preservation, labeling, and marketing techniques. The impact is that product sales are still not optimal.