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Journal : Peronema Forestry Science Journal

Financial Analysis and Marketing of Sugar Palm (Arenga pinnata) Fruit at Simantin Village, SubDistrict of Pematang Sidamanik, District of Simalungun Astri Winda Siregar; Agus Purwoko; Tri Martial
Peronema Forestry Science Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2013): Peronema Forestry Science Journal
Publisher : Program studi Kehutanan USU

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Sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) is a plant that almost all its parts can be utilized. One of the products is sugar palm fruit that are processed into kolang-kaling. Today, information of kolang-kaling economic value is limitted, so that people were uninterested in process it. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the financial analysis and marketing of sugar palm fruit. The research had done in Desa Simantin, Kecamatan Pematang Sidamanik, Kabupaten Simalungun. Respondents of this research were the business actors of processing sugar palm fruit into kolang-kaling and the business actors of selling kolang-kaling. The method of data analysis were financial analysis and marketing analysis. The results showed that the processing of kolang-kaling business worth the effort because the value of R/C ratio was more than 1 that is 2,75 with number of BEP volume production was 272,33 kg, number of BEP price was IDR 909,54 and the duration payback period was after 2 times production. Flow of kolang-kaling marketing started from processors, collectors, retailers, and up to consumers. The marketing margin was IDR 3500,00 with share of profit (Ski) of collector area equal to 28.57% and share of profit (Ski) of retailers equal to 71.43%. Keywords: sugar palm fruit, financial analysis, marketing margin, kolang-kaling
Analisis Finansial dan Pemasaran Keranjang Bambu di Desa Sigodang, Kecamatan Panei, Kabupaten Simalungun Fenny Jepri Yanti Turnip; Agus Purwoko; Tri Martial
Peronema Forestry Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Peronema Forestry Science Journal
Publisher : Program studi Kehutanan USU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.298 KB)


Bamboo was potencial matter as the substitution of wood, especialy in bamboo basket making.  Bamboo basket processing was slowly developed by small industries. This cased aims to determine the financial feasibility and marketing of bamboo basket. To determine the financial feasibility analysis through Cost-Revenue Ratio (R / C), Capital Return Time (Payback Period) and Break Even Point (BEP) analysis. To determine marketing margins distribution used snowball sampling method. The results showed that the financial analysis processing bamboo basket was feasible by R / C was more great than 1 (1.62 and 1.63). There are 3 channels of marketing of bamboo baskets, and the most efficient marketing was channel I. Keywords: bamboo, basket bamboo, financial analysis, marketing channels, marketing margins
Analisis Pengelolaan Agroforestry dan Kontribusinya terhadap Perekonomian Masyarakat Syaiful Bahri Zega; Agus Purwoko; Tri Martial
Peronema Forestry Science Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Peronema Forestry Science Journal
Publisher : Program studi Kehutanan USU

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Agroforestry is a form of community forestry. Agroforestry management related to the optimization of land use for their daily livesof farmers and in order to conserve natural resources. This study aimed to determine the contribution of agroforestry  for house hold incomes in Sitaratoit and Lobulayan Village, Tapanuli Selatan District. The results showed that total community income was Rp. 875.900.000,- per year with details incomes from agroforestry was Rp. 597.000.000,- and income from the outside the utilization of agroforestry products contributed Rp.300.900.000,-. Contribution of agroforestry products for people's income is 63% of total income. Income community outside ofagroforestry such as farmer, trader, public civil servant, pensioner and entrepreneur contribute 37% of total income. This means that agroforestry contributed greatly to the house hold income. Key words: Agroforestry, Community Income, Contribution of Agroforestry
Peronema Forestry Science Journal Vol 4, No 4 (2015): Peronema Forestry Science Journal
Publisher : Program studi Kehutanan USU

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Agroforestry is closely related to the optimization of the use of land to provide for the life of farmers in order to conserve natural resources.One important part in the management of agroforestry that is the type of plant and the pattern applied on agricultural land. The experiment was conducted in the village of Sosor Dolok, District Harian, Samosir regency of June-July 2014. The collection of data obtained from the field observations through interviews and questionnaires were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. types of agroforestry products in the village there Dolok bill 20 species with most types of coffee plants, namely the number of beneficiaries by 25 respondents. Agroforestry pattern applied in the village  Sosor Dolok there are 2 types of pattern, agrisilvikultur with 15 farmers who implementing and patterns agrosilvopastura by 5 farmers.Keywords: Agroforestry, Forest Product, Land Management Patterns
Kontribusi Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu dari Hutan Produksi Terbatas bagi Pendapatan Rumah Tangga Masyarakat Rudi Meirawan Pohan; Agus Purwoko; Tri Martial
Peronema Forestry Science Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2014): Peronema Forestry Science Journal
Publisher : Program studi Kehutanan USU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (860.711 KB)


Forest area is still gives contribution from non timber forest products (HHBK) economic value to household income of the community around the forest higly. This research was conducted on June-July 2013 in Simasom Village, Subdistrict of Padangsidimpuan Angkola Julu, Padangsidimpuan City by using purposive sampling method which means that the choised respondents were who employing at non timber forest products (HHBK) directly from limited production forest. The aims of this research were to identify the kinds of HHBK, tho determine the economic value of HHBK along with the contributions to household income, and to determine the income distribution of this HHBK employing and to make a poverty analysis about the people concerned on this HHBK income to reduction of the people’s poverty rate. The results of this research showed that the kinds of HHBK which is employed by the people from limited production forest are: rattan, nira water, palm fiber, sugar from palm sugar, fruits of sugar palm, bamboo, cinnamons, deer, bracken, pig, durian, candlenut, petai, lanseh fruit, top soil, and firewood. While, the total contribution of HHBK from limited production forest to household income in Simasom Village was Rp. 723.519.000,-/year (39,22%). Then, the imbalance of people’s income distribution from HHBK employment from limited production forest can be measured according to Gini Coefficient value that is 0,42 which means that the high enough imbalance between the rich employer and the poor one has happened. While, the income from HHBK has been contributed to reduce the persistent poverty people about 15 persons or about 30% of household.Key Words: Non timber forest products, economic value, contribution of income, income distribution, poverty.
Peronema Forestry Science Journal Vol 5, No 2 (2016): Peronema Forestry Science Journal
Publisher : Program studi Kehutanan USU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1301.02 KB)


Forest land use to agriculture recognized cause problems such as decreased soil fertility, erosion, extinction of flora and fauna, floods, droughts and even global environmental change. One land management system to tackle this problem is the model of agroforestry. Silvopastura management in the village of Aman Damai is still underdeveloped, and the lack of research related to land management system with silvopastura. Based on this, the study aims to identify the components of silvopastura, to know silvopastura practice contributes to the household income, and analyze factors that affect the income of silvopastura farmers in the Aman Damai of village. This research was done in May 2015. Sampling was done by purposive and methods used in the form of multiple linear regression analysis. The research showed that Component of silvopastura In Aman Damai village include component (wood plants) in the form of multipurpose tree species (MPTs) with the components of the farm (pasture). Multipurpose tree species that was developed is avocado, star fruit, durian, guava, citrus, cocoa, rubber, kuini, olive, mango, jackfruit, petai, Rambe, rambutan, and sapodilla. While the type of pasture being developed are chickens, goats, buffaloes, and cows. Silvopastura practices contribute to the household income of Rp. 397. 368. 000 (52.56%), greater than the contribution of farming to household income is Rp. 358.800.000 (47, 44%). The independent variables that significantly affect the dependent variable is a variable number of pasture and land ownership. Keywords : Farmers income, Silvopastoral, Multipurpose trees species (MPTS), Aman Damai Village.