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Teacher Consultation Efforts of Islamic Religius Education in Improving teacher Professionalism Komarudin Komarudin; Fikri Rizkia Muhammad; Etep Rohana
Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 6 No 2 (2022): Edumaspul: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (609.822 KB) | DOI: 10.33487/edumaspul.v6i2.4201


The importance of the role of MGMP as a forum for teacher competency development in increasing knowledge, abilities and skills. This study aims to describe in depth the efforts of the PAI MGMP in West Bandung Regency in increasing the professionalism of PAI teachers at West Bandung Junior High School and provide an explanation of the effectiveness of the PAI Cluster 4 MGMP in West Bandung Regency in increasing the professionalism of PAI teachers in SMP and to find out the problems of the PAI Cluster 4 MGMP in Bandung Regency. West in increasing the professionalism of PAI teachers in West Bandung Regency Junior High School. This research is qualitative research by taking the background of MGMP PAI Cluster 4, West Bandung Regency. Data was collected by conducting observations, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out by giving meaning to the data that had been collected and from that meaning drawn conclusions. Checking the validity of the data is done by using triangulation, by means of Check recheck and Cross checking. The results showed: (1) MGMP PAI efforts in West Bandung Regency in improving the professionalism of teachers, are through supervision, coaching, and training which are manifested in routine programs and development programs, through which teacher competence is expected to increase (2) MGMP has not been running effectively because Management is not optimal and MGMP standards are not met (3) Barriers faced by MGMP PAI Cluster 4 West Bandung Regency, namely the large area and complexity of teacher problems, MGMP cannot reflect the real needs of each school or teacher, MGMP management has not run properly good, and inadequate funding for MGMP operations. (4) the solution to the problem carried out by MGMP PAI Cluster 4 is to create a stronger network between members, utilize telecommunications and internet media, optimize deliberation and consensus in every meeting.
Analisis Perkembangan Peserta Didik dan Perkembangan Agama Peserta Didik Perspektif Al-Quran Deden Hilmansah; Komarudin
al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies Vol. 6 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Wiralodra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31943/afkarjournal.v6i1.441


Setiap peserta didik memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan karakteristik dari perkembangan peserta didik itu sendiri, dengan adanya perbedaan tersebut akan sangat berpengaruh dalam menentukan cara dan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pembentukan sikap, tidak terkecuali pembentukan sikap keberagamaan. Oleh karenanya sangat penting bagi pendidik untuk memahami hakikat, karakteristik, komponen dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi serta cara mengembangkan sikap keberagamaan peserta didik sesuai dengan tahapan perkembangannya, karena sikap keberagamaan bukan merupakan sikap bawaan melainkan bentukan setelah individu dilahirkan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang hakikat peserta didik perspektif Al-quran, perkembangan peserta didik perspektif Al-quran dan perkembangan agama peserta didik perspektif Al-quran. Melalui metode deskriptif dengan memanfaatkan studi literatur dapat disimpulkan bahwa a) hakikat peserta didik adalah semua orang yang sedang menuntut ilmu, mengamalkannya dan mengajarkannya kepada orang lain yang hukumnya wajib dalam rangka meraih kebahagian di dunia dan di akhirat; b) perkembangan peserta didik terbagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu: fase perkembangan berdasarkan ciri-ciri psikis yaitu la’ib (permainan atau periode periode bayi dan anak usia dini atau anak prasekolah), lahw (senda gurau atau periode anak sekolah dasar), zinah (perhiasan atau periode remaja), tafakhur (saling bermegah-megahan atau berbangga atau periode dewasa), takasur fi al-Amwal wa al-Aulad (saling menyombongkan tentang banyaknya harta dan anak atau periode tua) dan fase perkembangan berdasarkan ciri-ciri biologi yaitu kondisi fisik secara umum, dimulai dari dha’if (lemah atau bayi atau anak-anak) menjadi quwwah (kuat atau remaja, dewasa) kemudian kembali menjadi dha’if (lemah atau tua) dan kondisi fisik secara terperinci, dimulai dari lahir sebagai (tifl) anak kemudian menginjak usia remaja (baligh) dan (ashuddakum) yang artinya kamu semua menjadi dewasa selanjutnya memasuki tahapan terakhir yaitu (shuyukh) tua dan meninggal; c) perkembangan agama peserta didik pada hakikatnya telah memiliki kecenderungan dan kesadaran beragama sejak ditiupkan ruh dalam kandungan sebagaimana dapat dilihat dalam perjanjian primordial manusia dengan Allah yang dijelaskan dalam surat Al-A’raf ayat 172 akan tetapi pada proses perkembanganya manusia lahir dipengaruhi oleh lingkungannya.
Jurnal Al Maesarah Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Kemasyarakatan
Publisher : LPPM STAI Darul Falah

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This Community Research (PkM) aims to describe and explain the importance of parental participation in childcare efforts and to facilitate parental involvement in early childhood education at PAUD Arselia, Kampung Pasir Bungur, Rancasenggang Village, Sindangkerta District, West Bandung Regency. The method used in processing the data using interviews, observation, and documentation with descriptive research data analysis. Analysis techniques data and using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that (1) the factors that influence the involvement of Arshelia PAUD parents in the participation of children's education include social status factors, family form factors, family development stage factors, and role model factors and (2) the efforts that have been made to facilitate the involvement of people parents in early childhood education at PAUD Arshelia, namely: parenting education, information about children's education, development, and health, learning at home, children's performances, recreation, collaboration with the community, home visits by teachers, and participation in The activity was carried out at PAUD Arshelia Pasir Bungur, Rancasenggang Village.
Jurnal Al Maesarah Vol 1 No 2 (2022): Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Kemasyarakatan
Publisher : LPPM STAI Darul Falah

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Covid-19 pandemic is a problem in the health sector that has a domino effect in the education sector. Not only changes in primary, secondary, and higher education, even in higher education, education personnel are very much felt. Starting from the education and research system, especially in community service. STAI Darul Falah through the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) formulated the Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for the Covid-19 Pandemic Emergency in the field of community service for students and lecturers. miniature of the existing society. One of the students from group 21 chose to carry out community service at the Darul Falah Islamic boarding school with the target of counseling on the COVID-19 prokes and learning assistance. The interview, documentation and observation methods were chosen because they are considered to be very effective and efficient in this study which includes the population and the sample is KKN students and Darul Falah Islamic Boarding School Santri. The results of the research on the role of real work lectures at the Darul Falah Islamic boarding school were very beneficial for the boarding school residents, both asatidz and murobbi who were helped in socializing and counseling the importance of implementing health programs for pesantren residents and of course for students the benefit was that they could still carry out the tridarma of higher education services. the community well in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic.
Jurnal Al Maesarah Vol 2 No 2 (2023): Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Bidang Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Kemasyarakatan
Publisher : LPPM STAI Darul Falah

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Currently, drug abuse in Indonesia is quite dangerous, especially among Madrasah students. Based on the findings of the 2018 BNN research in collaboration with LIPI, it was found that 3.21% of students or 2,297,492 students had abused drugs. The top two reasons students gave for using drugs, rated at 64% each, were curiosity and trial and error. Other factors included having fun (16.8%), being talked to by friends (6.6%), being framed (2.3%), and dealing with personal stressors (5.6%). The problem of drug use in adolescents is difficult to solve. Seminars on the dangers of drugs were held at MTS al Ikhwan Bongas as a method to reduce drug addiction among that students are aware of the dangers associated with drug use and HIV/AIDS and ultimately choose not to get involved in them. The purpose of Community Service (PkM), which is one of the tridharma components of higher education, is to provide education to the public, especially students of MTS al Ikhwan, about the dangers of drugs and HIV/AIDS. The specific objective of this program is to help MTS Al Ikhwan students have a thorough understanding of the dangers associated with drugs, both in terms of normative theory and practice, as well as to develop a young generation that is safe and drug-free. This PkM activity includes seminars, counseling, and socialization regarding the dangers of drugs and efforts to prevent them from entering the Madrasah environment so that all Madrasah residents are aware of the spread of drugs. PowerPoint slides with easy-to-read content for students make up the majority of seminar media. The results of this program are expected to contribute to the realization of Madrasas that are free from drug trafficking and drug-free students.
INTIHA: Islamic Education Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Islamic Education
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Agama Islam STAI Darul Falah

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This research is motivated by the large number of students who are not yet fluent in reading or memorizing the Al-Qur'an, especially in knowing how to read the Al-Qur'an properly and correctly. This research aims to increase students' competence in reading and memorizing the Al-Qur'an. The lesson that supports the achievement of this program is by applying the tahsin method, because applying the tahsin method can help and make it easier for students to learn the knowledge of the Koran. The tahsin method used is learning how to read the Al-Qur'an well and in accordance with what the Prophet Muhammad taught. This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods, it can be said that research prioritizes descriptive analysis of an event or process as it occurs in the environment or nature to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of the process. Using this method can make it easier for researchers to find something. findings include the tahsin method, the results of applying the tahsin method as well as supporting and inhibiting factors regarding the local content of tahsin. It can be concluded that 1) The application of the tahsin method is quite efficient in implementing learning. It is implemented using three stages, including the iqra stage, the ummi stage and the talaqqi stage, 2) The results of the application of the tahsin method can improve students' competency results in reading and memorizing the Al-Qur'an, 3) Supporting and inhibiting factors in implementing the tahsin method include factors from the teacher, factors from students and factors from parents.