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Legal Standing : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol 3, No 2 (2019): September
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.796 KB) | DOI: 10.24269/ls.v3i2.2079


Relations which appear from legal actions do not always end well. It is not seldom that it may end with conflicts or disputes which end in court. To demand for the rights which appear from those legal relations, there needs to be some procedures and regulations so that the demand of rights may be carried out according to the law. The law which regulates those things are usually called the civil law procedures. The resolution of civil disputes in court (litigation) and the resolution of civil disputes through a non-court manner (non-litigation) in the context of the divorce dispute resolution in the Religious Court, is a combination between the litigation and the nonlitigation mmethods. This is rather interesting to be studied. The interesting part is its effectivity as a preventive or a repressive effort in handling the divorce cases in the Religious Court.
Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Vol. 3 No. 6 (2015)
Publisher :

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Bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Konsumen dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Transaksi Elektronik Internasional menurut UU No. 11 Tahun 2008
Steep Road Towards Regulating for Success of Implementation of Reclamation and Post Mining of Mineral and Coal Barkatullah, Abdul Halim; Syaifudin, Syaifudin; Mahyuni, Mahyuni; Ifrani, Ifrani
Lambung Mangkurat Law Journal Vol 2, No 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Program Magister Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lambung Mangkurat bekerjasama den

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32801/lamlaj.v2i2.50


Coal and Mineral mining activities have a high risk of ecosystem changesthat affect the environment, let alone the mining is carried out openly. In order torestore the condition of the land in such a way that it can function and to be effectivein line with its allocation, the ex-mining area must be restored. Reclamation andpost-mining activities shall be conducted by every holder of Mining Business Permit(IUP) Exploration and IUP Production. Holders of IUP Exploration must firstlyprepare reclamation and post-mining plans in the permit process. The implementationof reclamation and post-mining activities by holders of IUP Production Operationand Special Mining Business Permit (IUPK) Production Operation must complywith the principles of : (1)protection and management of mining environment; (2)working safety and health; and (3) mineral and coal conservation. To determinethe success of the land that has been reclaimed and the post-mining activities havebeen complied, if an evaluation has been made by the competent officials and it isstated that the reclamation and post-mining activitie shave been performed well inaccordance with prevailing regulations.
The Issue of Copyright Infringement in 4.0 Industrial Revolution: Indonesian Case Yati Nurhayati; Ifrani Ifrani; Abdul Halim Barkatullah; M Yasir Said
Jurnal Media Hukum Vol 26, No 2, December 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jmh.20190128


Industrial revolution has substantially changed the economy and society. The fusion of technologies and information marked the fourth industrial revolution which brings about new challenges relating to protection of intellectual property, including copyrights. With regard to this, there has been several changes in the law relating to copyrights in Indonesia. The nature of copyright infringement has been changed from ordinary offense to complaint-based offense. This fundamental change undoubtedly affects the enforcement of the copyright law in Indonesia. Thus this paper aims to answer and review the legal reasoning behind the shift in offense in Copyright Law in Indonesia. This normative legal research employed a descriptive-analytic method. The result shows that the complaint-based offense is suitable in copyright protection considering that only the copyright owner knows the details of the object of the creation.
Al-Adl : Jurnal Hukum Vol 8, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.071 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/al-adl.v8i3.673


The word of  mining is like two sides of a coin that can not be separated and it always be side by side. In a traditional activity diamond mine in the Cempakaof South Kalimantan is mostly done by individuals, its not only have a positive impact to the surrounding society, especially the impact of economic and welfare society but it has a negative impact too on an environment, especially after mine. The method of the research is used empirical legal research methods. The use of the research method is not merely analyze the law as a series of norms or rules of act associated with the act of vigilantism and the legal process, but need analyze how the law has a positive influence ofthe people's life. Such the legal research, it canbe called as juridical sociological research methods. A traditional mining activity carried out by a group of people or individual needs serious attention, especially in terms of the protection of the environment. Policies regarding mining arenot only the authority of the central government.In this case the autonomous regions have the authority to regulate, so the damage can be prevented as early as possible.Keywords: Traditional Mine, Damage, Environment.
Kebijakan dan Peraturan Pemerintah, Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Kinerja Pegawai dalam Meningkatkan Produktivitas Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Indonesia Akmal Umar; Andi Adawiah; Abdul Halim Barkatullah; Ifrani Ifrani; Mahyuni Mahyuni; M Ali Amrin; Nur Ali Farisi
Society Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Society
Publisher : Laboratorium Rekayasa Sosial FISIP Universitas Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/society.v10i1.471


The performance and productivity of any enterprise is a contentious topic of discussion in development. This research looks at the performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and how they are regulated to increase company productivity. Specifically, the paper sought to establish how policies and regulations contribute to leadership tasks, loyalty, employee motivation and job performance, affecting a firm’s production capacity. Policies and Regulations are examined in this paper because to enhance the performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, the government of Indonesia issued regulation No. 20/2008, Article 3 about Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises intending to support the growth and development of the economy since 99% of the country’s economy is support by SMEs which also employees 97% of the working population of the country, yet there is still limited research on policies in relation performance and Productivity of SMEs. Though policies are a fundamental component in business growth, it has been established that employee performance affects company productivity, affecting local employment rates. The sample population was taken from Indonesia’s Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) employees. The sample size was 250, and PLS software was applied to analyze the data. The study’s findings showed the leadership role’s significance concerning existing Policies and Regulations regarding SMEs. It was also revealed that motivational policies enable employees to go beyond expectations and show higher levels of job performance in their respective tasks, increasing productivity.
Kewajiban Direksi untuk melakukan Permintaan Persetujuan Kepada Pemegang Saham dalam Pengalihan Aset Kekayaan Perseroan Muhammad Assyad Sukendar Abdullah; Abdul Halim Barkatullah; Djumadi Djumadi
Notary Law Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): April
Publisher : Program Studi Kenotariatan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.785 KB) | DOI: 10.32801/nolaj.v2i2.25


Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa kewenangan Direksi dalam hal persetujuan pemegang saham dalam hal pengalihan aset perseroan dan untuk menganalisa penerapan sanksi terhadap Direksi apabila pengalihan aset tidak disertai dengan persetujuan pemegang saham. Maka dalam penelitian ini direksi memiliki kewenangan yang dibatasi bertindak secara intern, baik yang bersumber pada doktrin hukum maupun  yang bersumber pada peraturan yang berlaku, termasuk anggaran dasar perseroan. Terkait dengan batasan direksi yang meminta persetujuan RUPS untuk mengalihkan aset perseroan baik menjadikan jaminan utang kekayaan perseroan yang jumlahnya lebih dari 50 % (lima puluh persen) dalam satu transaksi atau lebih itu merupakan kewajiban direksi. Maka persoalan mengalihkan aset perseroan ini akan sangat berdampak pada kelangsungan hidup perseroan yang harus diketahui dan diputuskan langsung oleh RUPS. Selain itu, penerapan sanksi terhadap direksi apabila pengalihan aset tidak disertai dengan persetujuan pemegang saham jika dilakukan dengan sengaja, maka direksi dapat dikatakan melakukan perbuatan yang melampaui kewenangan yang diberikan. Artinya Direksi telah melakukan tindakan ultra vires, sedangkan akibat dari tindakan ultra vires yang berakibat dapat merugikan Perseroan tersebut, maka tanggung jawab terbatas Direksi karena kesalahan Direksi adalah tanggung jawab pribadi, selain itu perbuatan direksi yang ultra vires dapat dikaitkan juga dengan perbuatan melawan hukum sebagaimana dirumuskan dalam Pasal 1365 KUH Perdata.
NUSANTARA : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Vol 10, No 4 (2023): NUSANTARA : JURNAL ILMU PENGETAHUAN SOSIAL
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31604/jips.v10i4.2023.1794-1810


This research is legal research normative using a statutory approach (statute approach) and a conceptual approach (conceptual approach) to analyze the problem, pThis research aims to examine and analyze the auction treatise deed made by a notary by cyber notary, where the conceptcyber notary turns out to have a norm conflict with Article 16 paragraph (9) regarding the word element before which is a formal requirement for the validity of an authentic deed as stated in Article 16 paragraph (9) regarding the position of Notary. Apart from that, there is also legal obscurity in Article 15 paragraph (2) letter g of the UUJN, for this reason, a revision of the UUJN is needed, especially in Article 15 paragraph (2) letter g by adding a clause that a notary who can make auction minutes is a notary who has been appointed first by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.
Tanggung Jawab Hukum Bagi Selebgram Yang Mempromosikan Produk Ilegal (Endorse)” Anastasia Britzyana Elmasia Pertiwi*; Abdul Halim Barkatullah; Saprudin Saprudin
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 3 (2023): Juni, socio-economics, community law, cultural history and social issues
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i3.25230


Tujuan Penelitian ini ada lah Untuk mengetahui dapat atau tidak dimintai pertanggung jawaban secara hukum ketika seorang selebgram yang mempromosikan produk kosmetik ilegal. Serta mengetahui bentuk dari tanggung jawab seorang selebgram terhadap produk ilegal yang dipromosikannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode Penelitian Hukum Normatif dengan Pendekatan Peraturan Perundang, Undangan, Pendekatan Kasus , pendekatan historis (historical approach), pendekatan komparatif (comparative approach), dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil dari Penelitian ini adalah Berdasarkan pembahasan yang telah diuraikan di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa salah satu jenis pelanggaran yang paling sering dilakukan oleh selebgram ialah menyebarkan informasi yang salah dan memberikan ulasan yang menyesatkan. Jika tidak ada aturan yang jelas, maka UUPK yang relevan dapat dikontruksikan terhadap tanggung jawab hukum. Namun berdasarkan pasal 1367 KUHPerdata, selebgram tidak dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban atas barang yang berada di bawah pengawasannya, yaitu produk kosmetik tersebut, kecuali pelaku usaha