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INVOTEC Vol 9, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v9i2.4863


Penelitian ini membahas tentang pemenuhan standar tingkat kebisi ngan di sekolah, di mana sekolah yang diteliti adalah SMPN 23 Bandung yang berlokasi di kawasan pasar tradisonal Ciroyom. Penelitian ini dil akukan dengan cara mengukur tingkat kebisingan menggunakan Sound Level Meter dengan mengambil empat kelas sampel yang diteliti dal am keadaan kosong yang dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui kondisi kebisingan pada jam efektif belajar mengajar (hening). Dari penyebab-penyebab kebisingan tersebut kemudian dicari sol usi atau saran desai n untuk mengurangi tingkat kebisingan. Hasil penelitian di kelas sampel A adalah sebesar 61 dB, kelas sampel B adalah sebesar 58,3 dB, kelas sampel C adalah sebesar 53,5 dB, kelas sampel D adalah sebesar 56 dB, disimpulkan bahwa terdapat Tiga kelas sampel yang tidak memenuhi standar tingkat kebisingan kementrian lingkungan hidup sebesar 55 dB. Sumber kebisingan berasal dari kebisingan l al u l i ntas, kebisingan dari pemuki man padat penduduk, dan resonansi suara dilapangan yang diakibatkan oleh masa bangunan. Solusi yang digunakan untuk mereduksi kebisingan yang terjadi antara lain (1) menanam pohon di pagar depan sekolah, (2) menggunakan tamanan rambat disekitar pagar yang mengelilingi lapangan, (3) perubahan fungsi kelas dan organisasi ruang, (4) pengurangan presentase jendela dengan menggunakan gl assbl ock yang menghadap ke batas pemuki man penduduk, (5) dan perubahan masa bangunan.
Dampak Pelatihan Konstruksi Bangunan Tahan Gempa Terhadap Perbaikan Kinerja Buruh Bangunan Herman, Nanang Dalil; Yustiarini, Dewi; Maknun, Johar; Busono, Tjahyani
INVOTEC Vol 6, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v6i1.6135


This research aim to re-build labours capacity on concept and knowledge about housing throughconstruction workshop in endure building from earthquake. The result from this research found thatknowledge of participant had been increase to 41% (fourty one percents) through the workshop.
Evaluasi Pemenuhan Standar Minimal Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan Dasar di Kota Bandung Busono, Tjahyani
INVOTEC Vol 7, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education-Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/invotec.v7i1.6079


This research was aimed to describe the condition of infrastructure facilitiesof basic education based on the standard of school facilities and infrastructure/public madrasah (Permendiknas no. 24 2007). The results illustrate that the vast majority of school buildingsare in accordance with the standards established. Classrooms a splaces of teaching and learning in most primary schools have been very adequate. Only still found some schools that do not have the staff room, principal room, UKS space, prayer room, and werehouse representative in order to support teaching and learning activities. But still there are schools that less attention and support facilities not regularly carry out maintenance of the building. For schools that are in the main street, still unable to overcome the noise caused by traffic so that it can interfere with teaching and learning activities. The existence of the school adjacent to the crowd as the market also require attention to reduce the disruption of teaching and learning activities.
Our City is Our Responsibility: Improving the Quality of Bandung’s City Open Space through Community Participation Yosita, Lucy -; Busono, Rr. Tjahyani; Surasetja, R. Irawan; Hartati, Rd. Diah Sri
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Journal of Architectural Research and Education April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (554.01 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v1i1.15633


This research analysis the usage of various open spaces in Bandung City, and identifies influence of community participation on toward design of open spaces in local area in Bandung. Bandung get 2 times of Adipura Charter Again in 2015, 2016, 2017. The result of analysis indicates City Park as one of central open space in Bandung has been changing in design to be more green, comfortable, and complete with various landscape furniture, and encourage various activities than before. The design of City Park is also impressing to design of several local open spaces as product of PIPPK program, as one of the Mayor of Bandung program to developing Bandung City since 2015-now. Open spaces on local area for example in a village or district, is vary from : court yard, sport field, children playground, and garden as product of community participation. City parks in Bandung is one of the elements that pretty much changed in the last 3 years, in addition to other changes such as : bureaucratic reform, venture capital for the marginalized, and contribution of community by participatory planning, etc. From quantitative analysis the activity value is 93,39%, so it could be conclude that community ’s participation level is good and also the corruption level has been declined. But it is should be needed about increasing allocation for training sector which still on 5,08 % from tottaly fund.
THE EXISTENCE OF PEDESTRIAN IN JAKARTA Mardiana, Riskha; Surasetja, R. Irawan; Busono, Rr. Tjahyani; Ardiansyah, Adi
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Journal of Architectural Research and Education April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (495.506 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v1i1.15728


Pedestrian is part of urban elements that have a significant role in forming a city. In the pedestrian, social interactions will be created which further strengthen relations between elements in the city. Cities in Europe are the best examples of city pedestrian planning. There walking is more comfortable and enjoyable, with the city being created by the streetscape and the humanist city order. Whereas in cities in developing countries like Jakarta, the city planning has not accommodated pedestrians at all.               The design of the city of Jakarta which is not humanist seems to urge pedestrians and force everyone to ride a car. The pedestrian paths provided are always side by side with the road and the volume is insufficient for those who pass it.               It can be concluded that the existing pedestrian conditions are unsafe and very uncomfortable. Examples of such cases can be seen along Jalan Sudirman and M.H. Thamrin which has always been the icon of the Jakarta office area. Where along these linear and continuous paths, pedestrians are forced to walk unprotected and face the pollution produced by vehicles. The lack of good pedestrian planning in this area has resulted in pedestrians preferring to use vehicles. Finally, each person is increasingly individualistic because there is no social interaction and the realization of a city that is not humanist too.
Penyediaan Air Bersih Sistem Kolektif: Analisis Kebutuhan Air Bersih Domestik pada Perumahan Klaster Putra, Wahyu Buana; Dewi, Nitih Indra Komala; Busono, Tjahyani
Jurnal Arsitektur TERRACOTTA Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Nasional, Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/terracotta.v1i2.4018


ABSTRAKAir bersih merupakan kebutuhan dasar di lingkungan hunian. Penyediaan air bersih kota dikelola oleh Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM). Akan tetapi tidak semua wilayah terjangkau dan terlewati jalur distribusi air minum kota. Pada perumahan sistem klaster yang berada di luar jalur distribusi air minum kota, suplai air bersih dan sistem distribusi yang efisien dan efektif menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Klaster perumahan The Sariwangi Village terletak di wilayah yang tidak terjangkau oleh pelayanan dari jaringan induk PDAM, oleh karena itu penyediaan air bersih disediakan oleh pengembang perumahan ini dan dikelola secara independen oleh warga. lingkungan ini mengandalkan sumber air tanah dalam dan mata air. Perumahan ini memiliki 100 kavling dengan 94 unit hunian sudah terbangun. Terdapat dua sistem penyediaan air yang diterapkan pada perumahan ini, 31 unit memiliki sumber air tanah secara mandiri melalui sumur bor yang dilengkapi dengan pompa hisap. Sedangkan sistem penyediaan air bersih pada 63 unit hunian menerapkan sistem kolektif dengan sistem tangki tekan. Distribusi air bersih dari tangki induk menuju setiap unit hunian dengan memanfaatkan gravitasi. Jaringan air bersih yang dibangun oleh pengembang, seringkali mengalami permasalahan terutama pada kecukupan debit air yang terdistribusi ke setiap hunian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan air bersih dalam skala perumahan pada saat beban puncak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan perkiraan jumlah penghuni 252 jiwa, perhitungan pemakaian kebutuhan air per hari 30.240 liter/ hari dengan pemakaian air pada jam puncak 4,86 m3/jam. Kecukupan kebutuhan air bersih per hari, diperlukan kapasitas efektif tangki atas sebesar 4,8 m3 dengan laju aliran pompa 81 liter per menit. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperlukan penambahan titik sumber air tanah dalam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan debit air bersih sistem kolektif.Kata kunci: Sistem Tangki Tekan, Beban Puncak, Kapasitas Efektif Tangki, Kapasitas Pompa Pengisi.ABSTRACTDomestic water supply and distribution is a basic need in a residential environment. Water supply in the city is managed by the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM). However, some areas are not covered by the city's water supply distribution channels. In cluster system housings outside urban water distribution channels, the efficiency of water supply and effective distribution systems is a challenge. The Sariwangi village housing cluster is located in an area unreachable by the PDAM pipeline installation, therefore the water supply is provided by this housing developer and managed independently by residents. There are two water supply systems implemented in this housing complex, 31 units have independent groundwater sources through boreholes equipped with suction pumps. Whereas the clean water supply system in 63 residential units applies a collective system of water supply with a pressure tank system. Distribution of clean water from the main tank to each residential unit by using gravity. The clean water network built by developers often experiences problems, especially in the adequacy of water discharges distributed to each dwelling. This study aims to analyze the need for clean water on a housing scale at peak times. The results of the analysis, the projected number of inhabitants is 252 occupants, the calculation of the use of water needs per day is 40,320 liters/day with an average usage of 4.03 m3/hour. Adequate need for clean water per day, an effective tank capacity of 5.4 m3 is required with a pump flow rate of 2.7 m3 per minute. Based on the results of the analysis improvements are needed to the addition of groundwater sources for a collective system clean water.Keywords: Press Tank System, Peak Load, Effective Tank Capacity, Filling Pump Capacity.
Understanding Level of Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) Students of Architectural Engineering Education Study Program Busono, Rr. Tjahyani; Mardiana, Riskha; Dwidayati, Kunthi Herma
Journal of Architectural Research and Education Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Vol 3, No 1 (2021): Journal of Architectural Research and Education
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (181.89 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/jare.v3i1.30656


 The Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers states that a teacher must have four competencies, namely pedagogical competence, personality, social and professional competences. A teacher is expected to pay attention to the material, strategy, technology or surrounding culture in helping to realize active, creative, fun and meaningful learning. One of the uses of ICT in education is needed as an effort to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process. However, there are many obstacles faced in its application, including a lack of teacher understanding of technology. Technological Pedagogical And Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework that describes the knowledge needed by teachers to integrate technology in designing, implementing and evaluating learning. This study aims to determine the level of understanding of the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of students of the Architectural Engineering Education Study Program who are also prospective teachers. The research method used is descriptive evaluative with a quantitative approach. Retrieval of data using a survey method of 35 respondents from students of the Architectural Engineering Education Study Program who have been and are currently participating in the Field Experience Program at Vocational High Schools in various regions in West Java. The instrument used was a closed questionnaire where each statement was based on each TPACK component. The results showed that the average level of understanding of Architectural Engineering students towards TPACK was in the good category. The highest value is in the aspect of Technology Knowledge (TK), which is knowledge about technology with a very high category.
Penyediaan Air Bersih Sistem Kolektif: Analisis Kebutuhan Air Bersih Domestik pada Perumahan Klaster Wahyu Buana Putra; Nitih Indra Komala Dewi; Tjahyani Busono
Jurnal Arsitektur TERRACOTTA Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Itenas, Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26760/terracotta.v1i2.4018


ABSTRAKAir bersih merupakan kebutuhan dasar di lingkungan hunian. Penyediaan air bersih kota dikelola oleh Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM). Akan tetapi tidak semua wilayah terjangkau dan terlewati jalur distribusi air minum kota. Pada perumahan sistem klaster yang berada di luar jalur distribusi air minum kota, suplai air bersih dan sistem distribusi yang efisien dan efektif menjadi tantangan tersendiri. Klaster perumahan The Sariwangi Village terletak di wilayah yang tidak terjangkau oleh pelayanan dari jaringan induk PDAM, oleh karena itu penyediaan air bersih disediakan oleh pengembang perumahan ini dan dikelola secara independen oleh warga. lingkungan ini mengandalkan sumber air tanah dalam dan mata air. Perumahan ini memiliki 100 kavling dengan 94 unit hunian sudah terbangun. Terdapat dua sistem penyediaan air yang diterapkan pada perumahan ini, 31 unit memiliki sumber air tanah secara mandiri melalui sumur bor yang dilengkapi dengan pompa hisap. Sedangkan sistem penyediaan air bersih pada 63 unit hunian menerapkan sistem kolektif dengan sistem tangki tekan. Distribusi air bersih dari tangki induk menuju setiap unit hunian dengan memanfaatkan gravitasi. Jaringan air bersih yang dibangun oleh pengembang, seringkali mengalami permasalahan terutama pada kecukupan debit air yang terdistribusi ke setiap hunian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebutuhan air bersih dalam skala perumahan pada saat beban puncak. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan perkiraan jumlah penghuni 252 jiwa, perhitungan pemakaian kebutuhan air per hari 30.240 liter/ hari dengan pemakaian air pada jam puncak 4,86 m3/jam. Kecukupan kebutuhan air bersih per hari, diperlukan kapasitas efektif tangki atas sebesar 4,8 m3 dengan laju aliran pompa 81 liter per menit. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, diperlukan penambahan titik sumber air tanah dalam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan debit air bersih sistem kolektif.Kata kunci: Sistem Tangki Tekan, Beban Puncak, Kapasitas Efektif Tangki, Kapasitas Pompa Pengisi.ABSTRACTDomestic water supply and distribution is a basic need in a residential environment. Water supply in the city is managed by the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM). However, some areas are not covered by the city's water supply distribution channels. In cluster system housings outside urban water distribution channels, the efficiency of water supply and effective distribution systems is a challenge. The Sariwangi village housing cluster is located in an area unreachable by the PDAM pipeline installation, therefore the water supply is provided by this housing developer and managed independently by residents. There are two water supply systems implemented in this housing complex, 31 units have independent groundwater sources through boreholes equipped with suction pumps. Whereas the clean water supply system in 63 residential units applies a collective system of water supply with a pressure tank system. Distribution of clean water from the main tank to each residential unit by using gravity. The clean water network built by developers often experiences problems, especially in the adequacy of water discharges distributed to each dwelling. This study aims to analyze the need for clean water on a housing scale at peak times. The results of the analysis, the projected number of inhabitants is 252 occupants, the calculation of the use of water needs per day is 40,320 liters/day with an average usage of 4.03 m3/hour. Adequate need for clean water per day, an effective tank capacity of 5.4 m3 is required with a pump flow rate of 2.7 m3 per minute. Based on the results of the analysis improvements are needed to the addition of groundwater sources for a collective system clean water.Keywords: Press Tank System, Peak Load, Effective Tank Capacity, Filling Pump Capacity.
Lentera Karya Edukasi Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Jurnal LENTERA KARYA EDUKASI: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan dan Kajian Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan (P2K Sarprasdik)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1100.814 KB)


Abstrak:Inti pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah menggali dan memberdayakan seluruh potensi yang dimiliki masyarakat di Desa Rajamandala Kecamatan Rajapolah Kabupaten Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat. Program dilaksanakan melalui penguatan POSDAYA Mandala Mulya bekerjasama dengan kelompok KKN Tematik mahasiswa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Program ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya pemahaman masyarakat di Desa Rajamandala tentang pentingnya POSDAYA, sehingga yang awalnya sudah terbentuk menjadi terbengkalai, karena program kerja tidak berjalan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupaya untuk membangkitkan kembali dengan cara memberikan penguatan kepada pengurus dan masyarakatnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) dan CBD dengan penekanan pada keterlibatan masyarakat dalam keseluruhan kegiatan POSDAYA. Pengabdian masyarakat ini menunjukkan hasil berupa antusiasme pengurus POSDAYA yang sangat tinggi dan partisipasi masyarakatnya aktif mengikuti program kegiatan. Meskipun demikian, perlu terus menerus pendampingan agar tidak kembali berhenti (vacuum), baik dari alumni KKN, pihak LPPM UPI, pemerintah desa, dan kecamatan setempat sehingga POSDAYA tetap hidup.