-, Suparno -
Faculty Of Economics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia

Published : 12 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Development of E-Book Multimedia Model to Increase Critical Thinking of Senior High School Students Suparno, Suparno
Dinamika Pendidikan Vol 12, No 2 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/dp.v12i2.13567


This study aims to develop the interactive e-book multimedia model to improve the students' critical thinking ability (KBK). Critical thinking is very important to develop because it provides a high level of reasoning thinking that provides permanent experience to students through conscious and controlled decision making in a rational, reflective, responsible manner with the optimization of potential. Flash-based e-book media is capable of interactively loading videos, pictures, practice questions and learning with directed directions from the teacher. The research method developed is research and development. The output products are learning plan, KBK evaluation question, flash-based interactive e-book multimedia, and quasi experiment to see media effectiveness to KBK. The results showed that e-book multimedia is able to significantly increase the KBK of high school students in economic learning.
Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis Vol 3, No 1 (2017): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Ekonomi, Bisnis dan Keuangan
Publisher : Prosiding Seminar Pendidikan Ekonomi dan Bisnis

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ABSTRAK Hasil belajar ekonomi SMA secara Nasional turun dalam 3 tahun terakhir. Pada waktu yang sama indeks mata pelajaran ekonomi terendah dibandingkan yang lainnya dan nilai Uji Kompetensi Guru (UKG) masih jauh dari yang ditargetkan. Kondisi tersebut membutuhkan strategi yang tepat sebagai optimalisasi pembelajaran. Kurikulum 2013 didesain untuk mengembangkan kompetensi seimbang dalam sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan melalui kreatifitas yang berpusat pada siswa melalui pendekatan mengamati, menanya, mencoba, menalar, dan mengkomunikasikan. Proses pembelajaran berbasis scientific tersebut harus tampak dalam perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi.Strategi pembelajaran sebagai rangkaian kegiatan termasuk didalamnya metode dan pemanfaatan berbagai sumber daya/kekuatan dalam pembelajaran dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah pembelajaran, pemanfaatan fasilitas dan sumber belajar dalam upaya pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran secara efektif.Dalam pembelajaran kurikulum 2013 guru dapat mengembangkan kompetensi dasar, dan tujuan pembelajaran sesuai karakteristik sekolah sehingga mampu mengoptimalkan hasil belajar. Pembelajaran berbasis saintific melaksanakan langkah langkah 5M yang dapat dipadukan dengan metode dan media guru dalam pembelajaran. Pembelajaran dilaksanakan dengan problem based learning, project based learning, serta discovery. Guru harus inovatif mengembangkan pembelajaran dengan melaksanakan setting kelas yang kondusif, melaksanakan 8 keterampilan dasar mengajar, sehingga lingkungan pembelajaran mendukung. Guru harus mampu menguasai strategi pembelajaran yang baik. Dari perencanaan hingga penilaian autentik dapat dilaksanakan sebagai bentuk evaluasi. Setelah penetapan KKM dan memberikan remedial kompetensi, apabila kelas masih setengah lebih dibawah nilai ketuntasan maka guru harus mengulang pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: Strategi Pembelajaran Ekonomi, Scientific, Kurikulum 2013 ABSTRACT The results of the economic study by the National High School down in the last 3 years. At the same time the lowest index of economic subjects than others, and the value of Teacher Competency Test (UKG) is still far from the target. The condition requires the right strategy as the optimization of learning. 2013 curriculum is designed to develop competencies balanced in attitudes, knowledge, and creativity skills through a student-centered approach to observe, ask, try, reason, and communicate. The scientific-based learning process should be visible in the planning, implementation and evaluation.Learning strategy as a series of activities including the methods and the utilization of various resources / strengths in learning is done through the steps of learning, use of facilities and learning resources to support the achievement of learning objectives effectively.In 2013 the learning curriculum teachers can develop basic competencies and learning objectives according to the characteristics of the school so as to optimize the learning outcomes. Saintific based learning 5M implement steps that can be combined with the methods and media teachers in learning. Learning implemented with problem based learning, project based learning, and discovery. Teachers must develop innovative learning by implementing a conducive classroom setting, carry out eight basic skills teaching, so that the learning environment support. Teachers should be able to master a good learning strategy. From the planning to the authentic assessment can be carried out as a form of evaluation. After the establishment of KKM and provide remedial competence, if the class is still half more undervalued then the teacher must repeat mastery learning. Keywords: Learning Strategy of Economic, Scientific, Curriculum 2013
Does Teachers’ Creativity Promote Economic Learning Outcomes? The Role of Student Creativity Quotient Ari Saptono; Fanny Nurhayati; Suparno Suparno
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) Vol 7, No 2: SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

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This study aims to determine the effect of teacher teaching creativity and student creativity quotient on economic learning outcomes in class X state senior high schools in East Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach. The population of this study was 11163 students of class X high school in East Jakarta, the sample selection technique used multistage random sampling, and a sample of 208 students was selected. The data collection for the teacher's teaching creativity and the creativity quotient used a questionnaire, while the learning outcomes used secondary data. This study used Path analysis. Results showed that teachers' teaching creativity significant influence on student learning outcomes, the creativity quotient insignificant influence on student learning outcomes, teacher teaching creativity significant influence on creativity quotient, and teachers' teaching creativity, mediated by creativity quotient, insignificant effect on student learning outcomes. The finding of this study implies that the teacher's teaching creativity can increase the creativity quotient of students and students' learning outcomes of economics.
Effect of Work Culture and Leadership on Trust in PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. Pandapotan Sitompul; Suparno Eko Widodo; R. Madhakomala
IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management) Vol 2 No 2 (2018): IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management)
Publisher : Program Studi S3 Ilmu Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (393.862 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJHCM.02.02.06


The purpose of this study was to study the effect of work culture, leadership on trust. The research process was carried out at PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. uses a case study method. The study sample was 105 employees of PT. Astra Agro Lestari Tbk. selected in simple random sampling. The findings are: (1) there is a positive direct influence of work culture on trust, (2) there is a positive direct influence of leadership on trust, (3) there is a positive direct influence of work culture and leadership together on trust. Referring to these findings, researchers can conclude that trust is positively influenced by work culture and leadership. Therefore, to maintain trust, organizations must implement a work culture and leadership. Finally, it was concluded that work culture and leadership must be considered in generating better trust.
The Effect of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style, and Trust to Organizational Commitments of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta Lectures Dingot Hamonangan Ismail; Moch. Asmawi; Suparno Eko Widodo
IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): IJHCM (International Journal of Human Capital Management)
Publisher : Program Studi S3 Ilmu Manajemen

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (440.505 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/IJHCM.04.01.02


The purpose of this study is to obtain valid and reliable empirical data, facts and information about the influence of organizational culture, leadership style, and trust to the organizational commitment of the LP3I Polytechnic Lecturers in Jakarta. This study makes the use of associative quantitative approach and path analysis technique. The population in this study were all permanent lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta with 215 people in total. The sampling method was using simple random sampling upon all permanent lecturers at the LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta who were actively working in 2017. The sample was taken using the Slovin formula and the sample size therefore was 145 lecturers. The research data was filtered through questionnaires. The results of the study concluded that there was a positive direct effect of Organizational Culture to the Organizational Commitment, there was a positive direct effect of Leadership Style to Organizational Commitment, there was a positive direct influence Trust to Organizational Commitment, there was a positive direct influence Organizational Culture to Trust, there was a positive direct influence Leadership Style to Trust , there was a positive influence of Organizational Culture, Leadership Style and trust simultaneously to Organizational Commitment and there was a positive influence of Organizational Culture and Leadership Style simultaneously to the trustworthiness of the LP3I Polytechnic Lecturers in Jakarta. This finding implied that, should you want to increase the Commitment of LP3I Polytechnic Jakarta Lecturers to the organization, it can be done through the increase of Organizational Culture, Leadership and Trust Style in a systematic and planned manner.
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 2 No 2 (2014): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (125.848 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.002.2.3


Education as human’s process to gain knowledge is very important to create thinking skill for the human being. Related to that thing, implemented the learning with Problem Based Learning method which is the learning that is oriented to enhance the students’ critical thinking skill. In the constructivism learning theory, the students should be able to construct the knowledge through problem solving so they got the truth which is useful for the existence. This research is using the quasi experiment method with non-equivalent group design. The conclusion of this research shows that there is enhancement to the students’ critical thinking skill significantly and suggested to use this method on another topic, schools gives the hypermedia facilities, and researching another learning competences. Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Hypermedia, Critical Thinking Skill
Factors Explaining the Performance of Entrepreneurs in the Industry 4.0: A Theoretical Approach Tuty Sariwulan; Suparno Suparno
Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Dan Bisnis (JPEB) Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi & Bisnis (DOAJ & SINTA 2 Indexed)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPEB.008.2.7


This research aims to develop prepositions about entrepreneur performance in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Industry 4.0 through a theoretical study approach. This paper elaborates several findings from previous studies as references and explores the grounded theory of human resource development. A qualitative research method with literature studies was conducted to obtain research reference models in explaining the factors influencing the performance of entrepreneurs in the SMEs industry. This study also provides support for the development of factors in measuring performance and the variables that affect employers’ performance. This study suggests that work skills, digital literacy, and economic literacy are the crucial reference in the development of small and medium enterprises in the fourth industrial era. Small and medium enterprises training is a national program to improve welfare because it is an indicator of economic growth. However, there are very few performance evaluations and ongoing development programs.
Building Organizational Competitiveness By Building Convergence Of Business Strategy And Hr Strategy Zukra Budi Utama; Thamrin Abdullah; Suparno Eko Widodo
Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Journal of Business and Behavioural Entrepreneurship
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (627.322 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/JOBBE.004.1.02


How organizations survive following global phenomena in the form of increasingly random and unpredictable changes, which have now entered the industrial era 4.0. by increasing the acceleration of internet-based multi-media computer technology, in communication and control systems that are integrated with automation systems? Organizations must make a big leap by realizing the convergence of business strategies with HR strategies. Business and HR strategies are not only unidirectional but united in harmony. Where HR can respond to changes in the external and internal environment that affect business strategies, right at the moment the changes occur, so that convergence is always realized and sustained sustainably, then the focus of innovation drives the achievement of target organizations. Two things must be done to unite is to align the direction of departmental policies - as standard guidelines for individual work processes - with the direction of organizational strategy, then develop HR to be able to build integrated systematic work processes to eliminate routine work, so that the full focus of innovation responds to each convergence of disruptive changes. Our research in measuring the distance of policies from work functions to business strategies in private organizations, found an average achievement of 50%, to make improvements that reach 100%. For research conducted in public organizations, it was found that the achievement was very small, namely below 20%. The smaller the level of achievement the further away the organization is from the position of convergence. For this reason, HRD must build a Strategic KPI that encourages all management functions in line with organizational strategy, while developing Strategic HR to be ready to follow global developments.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Pembentuk Karakter Smart Siswa Di Sekolah Islam Terpadu Suparno Suparno
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter Vol. 9, No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.311 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/jpk.v8i1.21675


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor utama pembentuk karakter siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Sekolah menerapkan pendidikan karakter sebagai pengembangan kurikulum dengan berpedoman pada kurikulum pendidikan Nasional. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei dengan pendekatan korelasional dengan desain penelitian expost facto. Pembentukan karakter sebagai perilaku dikembangkan dari teori konstruktivisme pembelajaran, dan social learning theory dari Bandura. Lingkungan belajar, pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial, dan konsep diri, dianalisis dengan uji korelasional terhadap karakter siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsep diri berpengaruh sebesar 13%, lingkungan sosial 72%, lingkungan belajar 22%, pola asuh orang tua 18% terhadap pembentukan karakter siswa dan secara simultan seluruh variabel berpengaruh sebesar 57% terhadap pembentukan karakter Salih, Muslih, Cerdas, Mandiri, dan Terampil (SMART) siswa. Dimensi teman sebaya pada variabel lingkungan sosial mempunyai pengaruh terbesar membentuk karakter siswa di SMP Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Depok. Kata kunci: lingkungan belajar, pola asuh orang tua, lingkungan sosial, karakter siswa, sekolah Islam terpadu  Abstract: This study aims to determine the main factors characteristic of students of Junior High School. Schools apply character education as curriculum development based on national education curriculum. The method used in this research is survey with correlational approach with expost facto research design. The formation of character as a behavior developed from constructivism theory of learning, and social learning teory Bandura. Learning environment, parenting parenting, social environment, self concept, analyzed by correlation test to student character. The results showed that self-concept of 13%, social environment 72%, learning environment 22%, Parenting Parenting Pattern 18% to the formation of student characters and simultaneously all the variables have an effect of 57% on the formation of Sholeh, Muslih, Cerdas, Mandiri, and Skilled (SMART) students. Peer dimensions on social environment variables have the greatest influence shaping the character of students in SMP Islam Terpadu Nurul Fikri Depok. Keywords: learning environment, parenting parenting, social environment, self concept, student character, integrated Islamic school
Does Teachers’ Creativity Promote Economic Learning Outcomes? The Role of Student Creativity Quotient Ari Saptono; Fanny Nurhayati; Suparno Suparno
JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen) Vol 7, No 2: SEPTEMBER 2021
Publisher : JPBM (Jurnal Pendidikan Bisnis dan Manajemen)

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This study aims to determine the effect of teacher teaching creativity and student creativity quotient on economic learning outcomes in class X state senior high schools in East Jakarta. This study uses a quantitative method with a correlational approach. The population of this study was 11163 students of class X high school in East Jakarta, the sample selection technique used multistage random sampling, and a sample of 208 students was selected. The data collection for the teacher's teaching creativity and the creativity quotient used a questionnaire, while the learning outcomes used secondary data. This study used Path analysis. Results showed that teachers' teaching creativity significant influence on student learning outcomes, the creativity quotient insignificant influence on student learning outcomes, teacher teaching creativity significant influence on creativity quotient, and teachers' teaching creativity, mediated by creativity quotient, insignificant effect on student learning outcomes. The finding of this study implies that the teacher's teaching creativity can increase the creativity quotient of students and students' learning outcomes of economics.