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Public-Private Partnerships: In the Development of the Mandalika Circuit, Indonesia Zitri, Ilham; Kurniawan, Cahyadi; Octastefani, Theresia
Journal of Governance and Public Policy Vol 11, No 2 (2024): June 2024
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jgpp.v11i2.17714


When the government is constrained regarding human and financial resources, a public-private partnership (PPP) is often considered the most effective method of providing infrastructure. As a result, the government can work with the private sector to promote the successful implementation of infrastructure projects. This study examined how the public and private sectors worked together to build the Mandalika Circuit. In addition, this investigation utilized a descriptive method combined with a qualitative approach, as well as literature, online news, and interviews as data. NVivo 12 Plus was employed to analyze the data. The results unveiled the implementation of development programs through regulations, such as Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 38 of 2015, Minister of Finance Regulation (Permenkeu) No. 260/PMK.08/2016, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) No. 96 of 2016, and Governor Decree of West Nusa Tenggara No. 050.13-326 of 2022. Second, the readiness of the PPPs to construct the Mandalika Circuit was considered successful in terms of institutional coordination, which ran well between the regional government, central government, and the private sector. Players could boost productivity and adaptability. Moreover, the presence of non-governmental parties was based on a need for more human and financial resources to manage public services in the government sector strategically.
Penguatan Kapasitas Masyarakat Melalui Program Desa Tangguh Bencana Di Desa Sama guna Kecamatan Tanjung Kabupaten Lombok Utara Lestanata, Yudhi; Indra Ningsih, Nurul Hidayati; Daaris, Yuli Yanti; Kurniawan, Cahyadi; Silmi, Hayatus; Auzandika, Irgi; Smith, Muhammad Rizki

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/transformasi.v4i2.25191


Bencana merupakan rangkaian peristiwa yang mengancam, mengganggu dan merugikan kehidupan masyarakat yang pada umumnya disebabkan oleh faktor alam, non alam maupun faktor manusia sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya korban jiwa, kerusakan lingkungan, kerugian harta benda, dampak  psikologis serta terganggunya kebutuhan masyarakat lainnya. Desa Sama Guna memiliki indeks kerawanan bencana berkategori tinggi. Banyaknya korban bencana di tingkat masyarakat mendorong Pemerintah untuk mengembangkan program berbasis komunitas. Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui Program Desa Tangguh Bencana di Desa Sama Guna Kecamatan Gunung Tanjung Kabupaten Lombok Utara menjadi kajian penting yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan, pengetahuan dan kemandirian masyarakat dalam menghadapi dan menanggulangi masalah kebencanaan. Berdasarkan hasil kegiatan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat di Desa Sama Guna Kecamatan Gunung Tanjung Kabupaten Lombok Utara ini maka dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal berikut: 1) Pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat tentang kebencanaan di tingkat desa semakin meningkat, sehingga kewaspadaan dapat terus dioptimalkan; 2) Penguatan kapasitas lokal masyarakat semakin tinggi dengan legalitas anggota FPRB oleh Kepala Desa, Desa Sama Guna Kecamatan Tanjung Kabupaten Lombok Utara
Factors Affecting Community's Intention to Use Lestari Applications Through the Umega Model Yohanes, Yulius; Elyta, Elyta; Zulkarnaen, Zulkarnaen; Kurniawan, Cahyadi
REFORMASI Vol 13, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/rfr.v13i2.4935


This study's goal is to utilize the UMEGA model to examine the factors influencing people's tendency to use the NTB Lestari Application. The framework model for this study. this study examines how much the UMEGA variable affects users of the NTB Sustainable Application's level of quantitative behavioural intention. A quantitative approach was used for this study's methodology. The framework model for this study was the Unification Model of Information Technology Act Deployment or UMEGA. A quantitative approach was used for this study's methodology. The primary data came from a survey consisting of a questionnaire completed by 92 individuals in total. Using the SmartPLS 3.0 program, the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach was used for data analysis. According to the findings of the research, 1) Performance Expectations influence Attitudes, 2) Business Expectations influence Attitudes, 3) Social Influences influence Attitudes, 4) Facility Conditions influence Business Expectations, 5) Attitudes influence Behavioral Intentions (e-government), 6) Facility Conditions have no effect on Behavioral Intentions, and 7) Perceived Risk has no effect on Attitudes. It is necessary to increase public awareness about the safety of the NTB Sustainable Application and network infrastructure, and this must be done in a way that is convincing to the general public and visitors.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelidiki unsur-unsur yang mempengaruhi kecenderungan masyarakat untuk menggunakan Aplikasi Lestari NTB dengan menggunakan model UMEGA. Secara khusus, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki sejauh mana variabel UMEGA berdampak pada tingkat niat perilaku kuantitatif yang ditunjukkan oleh pengguna Aplikasi Berkelanjutan NTB. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk metodologi penelitian ini. The Unified Model of Electronic Government Adoption atau sering dikenal dengan UMEGA merupakan model kerangka kerja yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan untuk metodologi penelitian ini. Data primer berasal dari survei yang terdiri dari kuesioner yang diisi oleh 92 orang secara total. Analisis data dilakukan dengan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan menggunakan aplikasi SmartPLS 3.0. Menurut temuan penelitian, 1) Ekspektasi Kinerja mempengaruhi Sikap, 2) Ekspektasi Bisnis mempengaruhi Sikap, 3) Pengaruh Sosial mempengaruhi Sikap, 4) Kondisi Fasilitas mempengaruhi Ekspektasi Bisnis, 5) Sikap mempengaruhi Niat Perilaku (e-government), 6 ) Kondisi Fasilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap Niat Perilaku, dan 7) Persepsi Risiko tidak berpengaruh terhadap Sikap. Perlu adanya peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat tentang keamanan Aplikasi Berkelanjutan NTB dan infrastruktur jaringan, dan hal ini harus dilakukan dengan cara yang meyakinkan bagi masyarakat umum dan pengunjung.
Navigating digital tourism governance: a case study of branding strategies in the Mandalika special economic zones Zitri, Ilham; Rifaid, Rifaid; Lestanata, Yudhi; Kurniawan, Cahyadi
Otoritas : Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 14, No 1 (2024): (April 2024)
Publisher : Department of Government Studies Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26618/ojip.v14i1.12423


The purpose of this research is to analyze how digital Tourism on Branding the Mandalika Special Region in West Nusa Tenggara; this investigation uses a descriptive methodology combined with a qualitative approach, as well as previously published literature and online news sources as well as secondary data obtained from related agencies. Most importantly, take advantage of the Nvivo 12 plus program to analyze the data results. The findings of this study indicate that the use of information and communication technology to promote Special Economic Zones through digital tourism, utilizing platforms such as websites, YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and the West Nusa Tenggara Tourism Office website, is a viable strategy for increasing tourism. Indonesian tourism industry. ITDC and National Council of Special Economic Zones websites. Government Regulation Number 52 of 2014 identifies two main focus topics, namely tourism areas and special economic areas, and prioritizes several initiatives. Development management in accordance with statutory regulations. PP Number 40 of 2021 discusses three important things: human resources and infrastructure, two facilities, and SEZ convenience for three commercial organizations. The finding of human resources and infrastructure is considered to be the main driver for branding the Mandalika Special Economic Zone in this policy.
Meta-Analysis: Trends of Digital Democracy Research Publications Ali, Muhammad; Jailani, Muhammad Aprian; Setiawan, Rendi Eko Budi; Kurniawan, Cahyadi
Journal of Government and Civil Society Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Journal of Government and Civil Society (April)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/jgcs.v7i1.5723


Digital democracy has become a contemporary study in social and political science, but theoretically the term digital democracy does not yet have a definite pattern, this makes digital democracy fail to be understood both theoretically and practically. Therefore, this research has basic questions about; how the theoretical development of digital democracy through the trend of research publications based on the Scopus index. This article uses a qualitative description methodology, and data analysis techniques using research software; Vosviewer and NVivo 12 plus. The findings in this study see that scholars focus on the theme of e-government and digital political participation, in e-government the research theme focuses on government services through open government data and studies on the function of official government social media for public communication. While the research theme of digital political participation focuses on the study of e-voting and digital social movement. Digital democracy in a positive perspective can also encourage the character of a deliberative democratic system. Referring to the data of research publications that have been analyzed, the researcher concludes a new finding: that digital democracy can theoretically be categorized into two. First, the electoral aspect, which understands that digital democracy creates a digital transformation of government work, which is marked by open government data, digital services, and digital information. Second, the-non electoral aspect, which sees digital democracy as an opportunity for civil society to be involved in political participation in a country, such as electronic elections, online political participation, and digital activism. Demokrasi digital menjadi suatu kajian yang kontemporer dalam ilmu sosial dan politik, namun secara teoritis term demokrassi digital belum mempunyai pola yang pasti, hal ini menjadikan demokrasi digital gagal dipahami baik secara teoritis maupun praktis. Karena itu penelitian ini mempunyai pertanyaan dasar tentang; bagaimana perkembangan teoritis demokrasi digital melalui trend publikasi penelitian berbasis indeks scopus. Artikel ini menggunakan metodologi deskripsi kualitatif, dan teknik analisis data menggunakan software penelitian; Vosviewer dan NVivo 12 plus. Temuan dalam penelitian ini melihat para sarjana fokus pada tema e-government dan partisipasi politik secara digital, dalam e-government tema penelitian fokus kepada pelayanan pemerintah melalui open data government dan kajian fungsi media sosial resmi pemerintah untuk komunikasi publik. Sedangkan tema penelitian partisipasi politik digital fokus pada kajian e-voting dan digital sosial movement. Demokrasi digital dalam perspektif positif juga dapat mendorong karakter sistem demokrasi yang deliberatif. Merujuk data publikasi penelitian yang telah dianalisis, peneliti menyimpulkan temuan baru: bahwa demokrasi digital secara teoritis dapat dikategorikan menjadi dua. Pertama, aspek elektoral yang memahami bahwa demokrasi digital membuat transformasi kerja pemerintahan secara digital, yang ditandai dengan open data government, pelayanan digital, dan informasi digital. Kedua, aspek non elektoral, yang melihat demokrasi digital menjadi peluang untuk masyarakat sipil terlibat dalam partisipasi politik dalam suatu negara, seperti pemilu elektronik, partisipasi politik onlline, dan aktivisme digital. 
PENYULUHAN HUKUM TENTANG HAK PILIH PEKERJA MIGRAN INDONESIA DALAM PEMILU Hasanah, Siti; Wahab, Abdul; Ali, Ibrahim; Ali, Muhammad; Hayati, Mardiyah; Syafril, Syafril; Wahyuningsih, Titik; Kurniawan, Cahyadi
Journal of Community Empowerment Vol 2, No 2 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/joce.v2i2.19950


ABSTRAK                                                                                     Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat Internasional ini dilatar-belakangi oleh situasi dan kondisi mitra yang memiliki hambatan dalam mengatasi permasalahan rendahnya partisipasi politik pekerja migran Indonesia di Hongkong dalam pemilu. Kegiatan ini bertujuan membantu mitra untuk menemukan solusi terkait permasalahan yang dihadapi. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah penyuluhan hukum terkait  Hak Pilih Pekerja Migran Indonesia Dalam Pemilu. Mitra kegiatan adalah Pimpinan Cabang Istimewa  Aisyiyah Hongkong. Dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan peserta yang dilibatkan terdiri dari unsur Pekerja Migran Indonesia yang berada di Hongkong. Kegiatan telah terlaksana pada tanggal 27 Agustus Tahun 2023 bertempat di Lapangan Victoria Park Hongkong. Kegiatan ini berkontribusi memberikan beberapa output positif terhadap peserta seperti: 1) terbukanya wawasan pekerja migran Indonesia di Hongkong terkait urgensi partsipasi seluruh warga negara dalam pemilu, 2) mengetahui prosedur pendaftaran dan pelaksanaan pemilu bagi pekerja migran diluar negeri.  3) Peserta mengetahui dampak positif partisipasi warga negara dalam pelaksanaan pemilu. Kata kunci: Pemilu; Hak pilih; Pekerja Migran.  ABSTRACTThis international community service activity is motivated by the situation and conditions of partners who have obstacles in overcoming the problem of low political participation of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong in the elections. This activity aims to help partners find solutions to the issues they face. The method used in this activity is legal education regarding the right to vote for Indonesian migrant workers in elections. The activity partner is the Aisyiyah Hong Kong Special Branch Leader. In carrying out the activities, the participants involved consisted of elements of Indonesian Migrant Workers residing in Hong Kong. The training was conducted on August 27, 2023, at Victoria Park, Hong Kong. This activity contributed to several positive outputs for participants, such as 1) opening up the insight of Indonesian migrant workers in Hong Kong regarding the urgency of participation of all citizens in elections and 2) knowing the registration procedures and implementation of elections for migrant workers abroad. 3) Participants know the positive impact of citizen participation in elections. Keywords: Election; Suffrage; Migrant Workers.