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REINTERPRETATION OF HADITS ON WIFE PROSTRATING UPON THE HUSBAND: Hermeneutic Analysis of Jorge J. E. Gracia Dinia, Hima Roiku; Jannah, Mawaddatul; Anam, Khoirul
RIWAYAH Vol 10, No 1 (2024): Riwayah : Jurnal Studi Hadis
Publisher : ilmu hadis

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/riwayah.v10i1.25875


In a number of hadiths that highlight the primacy of women, some hadiths are understood literally and are controversial, such as the hadith about the wife’s prostration to her husband. This hadith is often criticized by contemporary Muslim intellectuals because it is often understood textually to identify differences in positions and roles between women and men. This research aims to reinterpret the hadith regarding the obedience of wives in prostrating to their husbands using Jorge G.E. Gracia’s hermeneutical approach, which not only considers textual aspects (history, meaning, and implications), but also non-textual aspects. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with literature study as a data source, involving books and journals that are relevant to the research topic. The results of the research show that in the analysis of historical functions, Arab society in the past tended to support the dominant role of men so that the hadith cannot be understood literally. Apart from that, the chain of hadith transmission comes from Abu Hurairah, which is factually problematic. In the analysis of the meaning function, this hadith uses analogical language, in which the Messenger of Allah conveys the message that prostration should only be addressed to Allah, as contained in Surah al-Nahl verse 49. The analysis of the implicative function shows that the wife’s obedience to her husband is an obligation, as long as the husband does not commit immorality. In an implied non-textual analysis, this hadith teaches its followers not to prostrate themselves to fellow humans and only prostrate themselves to Allah.[Dalam sejumlah hadis yang mengangkat keutamaan perempuan, terdapat pula hadis yang dipahami secara tekstual dan kontroversial, seperti hadis tentang sujud istri kepada suami. Hadis ini sering dikritik oleh intelektual Muslim kontemporer karena sering dipahami secara tekstual yang mengindentifikasi perbedaan posisi dan peran antara perempuan dan laki-laki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mereinterpretasi hadis tentang ketaatan istri bersujud kepada suami dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika Jorge G.E. Gracia, yang tidak hanya mempertimbangkan aspek tekstual (sejarah, makna, dan implikasinya), namun juga aspek non-tekstualnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan studi pustaka sebagai sumber data, melibatkan buku dan jurnal yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam analisis fungsi historis, masyarakat Arab pada masa lalu cenderung mendukung peran dominan laki-laki, sehingga hadis tersebut tidak dapat dipahami secara harfiah. Selain itu, rantai periwayatan hadits berasal dari Abu Hurairah, yang secara faktual problematis. Dalam analisis fungsi makna, hadis ini menggunakan bahasa analogis, di mana Rasulullah saw menyampaikan pesan bahwa sujud hanya boleh ditujukan kepada Allah, sebagaimana terdapat dalam Surat al-Nahl ayat 49. Analisis fungsi implikatif menunjukkan bahwa ketaatan istri kepada suami adalah kewajiban, asalkan suami tidak memerintahkan untuk melakukan maksiat. Pada analisis non-tekstual tersirat, hadis tersebut mengajarkan umatnya untuk tidak bersujud kepada sesama manusia dan hanya bersujud kepada Allah.]
Arabic Learning Strategies Through Tiktok Entertainment Content to Attract Interest in Learning Arabic Dinia, Hima Roiku; Jannah, Mawaddatul; Mustofa, Syaiful; Helalsah, Ibrahim
Jurnal Al-Maqoyis Vol 11 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : UIN ANTASARI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/jams.v11i1.12366


TikTok content is increasingly in demand by young people in Indonesia. Based on We Are Social data, Indonesia was recorded as the country with the second largest TikTok users in the world in January 2024, namely 109.90 million users with the majority being school-age children. Thus, this platform has the potential to be utilized as an innovative and modern medium for learning Arabic. This study aims to explore strategies for learning Arabic through TikTok in attracting interest in the language using descriptive qualitative observation techniques. The researcher conducted an in-depth analysis of the learning content and the audience's response through the comments column. The results of this research indicate that strategies for learning Arabic through TikTok that collaborate with the latest trends followed by young people can attract students' interest in learning. The recommendation is that learning Arabic through TikTok engages audiences and provides a dynamic and modern learning environment.
Technology-Based Learning Management of Maharah Istima' at Language Unit of Raudhah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyah Jannah, Mawaddatul; Shidqul Wafa, M. Azka; Mu'awanah, Elyatul; Mahmudah, Umi
Borneo Journal of Language and Education Vol 4 No 2 (2024): Borneo Journal of Language and Education, Vol.4 (No.2), Agustus 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeru Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/benjole.v4i2.8492


Raudhah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah is a language unit owned by Annuqayah Boarding School Sumenep Madura Boarding School. This language unit focuses on Arabic language learning which is non-formal. Istima's learning becomes one of the activities taught to students to help them understand Arabic utterances. Learning management is needed in Istima's learning activities to achieve effective learning goals. Effective learning objectives. The problem in this study is formulation: (1) how is the management of istima's learning which includes planning, implementation, and evaluation in The Raudhah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah language unit. (2) what forms of technology are used as media in learning maharah istima'. This type of research is qualitative research; the sources are the chairman and some Raudhah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah language unit members. Data collection using semi-structured interview techniques, and documentation. The final stages of data analysis are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion in checking the validity of the data using triangulation. Results The results showed that: Istima's learning planning was prepared in the form of learning tools, including curriculum, media, materials, methods, determination of class, learning time, and place. Implementation of the system's learning activities went well; the steps included opening (introduction), delivery of material, and learning activities. Evaluation is carried out by the language unit Raudhah Al-Lughah Al-Arabiyyah with formative (day) and summative (every semester).