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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Patikala Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): ABDIMAS PATIKALA
Publisher : Education and Talent Development Center of Indonesia (ETDC Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51574/patikala.v4i1.1509


Saat ini pemanfaatan teknologi Internet menjadi salah satu cara untuk mendorong berkembangnya pasar UMKM karna Di era yang serba digital ini sudah sepantasnya pelaku UMKM memasarkan produknya melalui digital marketing agar produk yang dihasilkan bisa dikenal oleh konsumen secara luas. Strategi pemasaran digital Menggunakan e-commerce shopee sebagai alat pemasaran online memiliki beberapa manfaat bagi penjual. Diantaranya fleksibilitas waktu, tidak ada biaya operasional, tidak perlu beriklan karena platform marketplace memiliki strategi periklanan tersendiri, tidak ada biaya sewa, dan pengguna hanya perlu mendaftarkan toko onlinenya. Metode pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan sosialisasi dan pelatihan melalui pemaparan materi, pelatihan pembuatan akun merchant shopee, pengambilan gambar dan deskripsi produk serta melakukan live streaming dan pengelolaan akun. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini mitra sebagai pelaku UMKM Majun jaya yang sebelumnya belum mengetahui tentang pemasaran digital dan manfaat penjualan melalui e-commerce shopee kini mulai memasarkan produknya menggunakan e-commerce.
E-Customer Behavior Mediates Promotion on E-Commerce Purchase Decision MSME Industry Fairuz Rifqi Abdurahman; Hurriyati, Ratih; Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi; Harisandi, Prasetyo
Jurnal Riset Multidisiplin dan Inovasi Teknologi Том 2 № 01 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jimat.v2i01.469


This research aims to explore the impact of promotions on e-commerce purchasing decisions among MSMEs in Indonesia. In addition, e-customer behavior is studied as a mediator of promotional activities and purchasing decisions. Data was collected from a total of 160 E-commerce users in Indonesia through structured questionnaires and hypothesis testing using the PLS model. These results validate that promotional activities have a significant influence on e-customer behavior and direct purchasing decisions. Purchasing decisions are directly influenced by e-customer behavior. In addition, e-customer behavior completely mediates the relationship between promotional activities and buyer decisions which has an indirect influence. In this study, the sample size was limited to 160 respondents, most of whom came from Jabodetabek, Indonesia. It is recommended that future research use larger sample sizes and include individuals from various industry sectors. Second, this research only focuses on promotions, purchasing decisions through e-customer behavior in MSME e-commerce. This research suggestion will help the e-commerce retail sector to build consumer trust, thereby increasing the e-commerce user base and increasing customer loyalty through various improvements so that it can meet your needs to understand
Future Directions in Strategic Brand Management Research Using Bibliometric Analysis: A Decade Review Indriarti, Resti; Hurriyati, Ratih; Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi; Harisandi, Prasetyo
Jurnal Riset Multidisiplin dan Inovasi Teknologi Том 2 № 01 (2024): January 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jimat.v2i01.510


This research aim is to examine future directions in strategic brand management research through a bibliometric computational mapping analysis using VOS viewer. Publish or Perish reference manager application is used to retrieve the Google Scholar database in order to fulfill research data. The title and abstract of the article are used to provide guidance on the search process based on the keywords "Strategic Brand Management". The results showed 997 relevant articles. The search for publication data used as study material was carried out in the last ten years (2013-2023). The results also showed that there are two larger circles comparing others, namely “brand loyalty” and “business strategy”. The term “brand loyalty” is associated with 15 links, 33 total link strength, and 30 occurrences, while the term “business strategy” is associated with 10 links, 33 total link strength, and 31 occurrences. The results of strategic brand management research in the last ten years show a declining trend, from 104 publications to 61 publications. There were only increase a little bit in 2015, from 104 publications to 115 publications, and increase in 20203, from 80 publications to 93 publications. Based on a downward trend, publications on strategic brand management in the last ten years were dominated by 2015 (115 publications). The results of this study are expected to inspire and develop the articles of related terms in the future.
The Influence of Islamic Bank Customer Experience and Perception on Brand Equity and Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction Harisandi, Prasetyo; Hurriyati, Ratih; Dirgantari, Puspo; Jalaludin, Engga
International Journal of Educational Narratives Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Daarut Thufulah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55849/ijen.v1i6.608


Background. This paper offers novelty in addressing the digitization trend and competitive challenges faced by banking service providers in achieving customer satisfaction in the digital economy ecosystem. It specifically focuses on customers of Bank Sya-riah Indonesia the leading Islamic banking company in Indonesia. The value of this paper lies in its insights for banking professionals, researchers, and policy makers in navigating the digital landscape and enhancing customer-centric digital banking services. Purpose. The population of this study consists of customers aged 18 years and over who use mobile banking services provided by Bank Syariah Indonesia, one of the largest Islamic banking companies in Indonesia in terms of market capitalization. Purposive sampling was used to obtain a sample of 160 respondents who met the research criteria. Method. This study uses quantitative methods with the type of experimental research that aims to examine the effect of using the Kinemaster application on the learning outcomes of Natural Science students in class VII UPT SMP Negeri 3 Pitu Riase. Results. The results of this study indicate that offline experience has no positive effect on brand image, other results online experience has a positive effect on brand im-age, and brand experience affects customer satisfaction, In addition, online experience is found to have a significant positive effect on offline experience. Conclusion. The findings of this study can provide valuable insights into the influence of offline and online experiences on brand equity and customer satisfaction with e-services in the Indonesian banking industry. This provides banks with a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and the important satisfaction factors that drive long-term decision-making in banking services.
Influence of Brand Equity on Electronic-Word of Mouth Mediated by Brand Love on Shopee E-commerce Harisandi, Prasetyo; Hurriyati, Ratih; Dirgantari, Puspo Dewi
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science Том 2 № 01 (2024): International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach Research and Science
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/ijmars.v2i01.357


This study aims to explore the impact of Brand Equation on E-Word of Mouth E-commerce in Indonesia. In addition, brand love was studied as a mediator of Brand Equity and E-Word of Mouth activities. Data was collected from a total of 160 Shopee E-commerce users in Indonesia through a structured questionnaire and hypotheses were examined using the PLS model. The results validate that Brand Equity activities have a significant influence on Brand Love directly. E-Word of Mouth is directly influenced by Brand Love. In addition, Brand Love completely mediates the relationship between Brand Equity activities and E-word of mouth has an indirect influence. First, the sample size was limited to 160 respondents, most of whom came from Jabodetabek, Indonesia. It is recommended that future research use larger sample sizes and include individuals from various industry scenarios. Second, this research only focuses on brand equity, e-word of mouth through the mediation of brand love in the e-commerce retail industry. These research suggestions will help the e-commerce retail sector build consumer trust, which will grow Shopee's user base and enable it to better understand its customers' needs through several improvements that will increase customer engagement. Apart from that, it also increases the level of customer involvement itself by creating games, or vision and mission which can later be exchanged for various kinds of promotions tailored to user needs.
Pendampingan Pembuatan Tiktok Affiliate Pada Pengusaha UMKM Pemula Di Lingkup Mahasiswa Universitas Pelita Bangsa Muhsoni, Ridwan; Harisandi, Prasetyo; Monica, Winda; Ramdani, Cecep
Jabdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Jabdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Magister Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56457/jabdimas.v2i1.115


Penggunaan media sosial, terutama platform TikTok, telah menjadi fenomena yang tak terelakkan dalam pemasaran digital saat ini. Di tengah persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat, para pengusaha UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) pemula membutuhkan strategi pemasaran yang inovatif dan terjangkau untuk mempromosikan produk atau layanan mereka. Namun, banyak di antara mereka yang masih belum memanfaatkan potensi penuh dari TikTok, terutama dalam konteks pemasaran afiliasi. Penelitian ini bertujan untuk menyelidiki efektivitas pendampingan dalam pembuatan konten TikTok afiliasi bagi pengusaha UMKM pemula di lingkungan mahasiswa Universitas Pelita Bangsa. Metode pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bimbingan dan dukungan kepada pengusaha UMKM dalam merencanakan, membuat, dan mempromosikan konten TikTok yang relevan dengan target pasar mereka. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif, data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan pengusaha UMKM yang telah menerima pendampingan dalam pembuatan konten TikTok afiliasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendampingan ini memberikan manfaat signifikan bagi pengusaha UMKM, termasuk peningkatan pemahaman tentang potensi TikTok sebagai alat pemasaran, peningkatan keterampilan dalam membuat konten yang menarik, dan peningkatan keterlibatan konsumen. Kesimpulannya, pendampingan dalam pembuatan konten TikTok afiliasi menawarkan potensi besar untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pemasaran bagi pengusaha UMKM pemula. Implikasi praktis dari penelitian ini termasuk pentingnya pelatihan dan dukungan terstruktur bagi pengusaha UMKM dalam memanfaatkan media sosial sebagai strategi pemasaran yang efektif.
Pengabdian Masyarakat pada UMKM Toko Suku Cadang Motor Derek Custom di Jl. Lingkar Banjar dalam Mengimplementasikan Teknologi Market Place Shopee Alvaro, Steven Jordan; Syah, Dika Argiyan; Agusti, Muhammad Randika; Harisandi, Prasetyo
Dinamika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2024): Dinamika: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Pasundan, Bandung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56457/dinamika.v2i1.544


Saat ini para pelaku UMKM harus bisa memanfaatkan media digital sebagai salah satu kegiatan pemasaran produknya agar konsumen semakin mengenal produk yang dihasilkan oleh UMKM tersebut. UKM yang memiliki koneksi internet, berinteraksi dengan media digital, dan mengembangkan bisnis e-commerce mereka sendiri biasanya merasakan manfaat bisnis yang signifikan dalam hal pendapatan, peluang kerja, inovasi, dan daya saing. Menggunakan metode ceramah tentang pentingnya e-commerce dalam pengembangan UMKM. Petunjuk cara membuat akun bisnis di Instagram nantinya akan dibagikan kepada akun bisnis yang sudah ada agar lebih menarik. Memberikan pelatihan penggunaan media digital dalam memasarkan produk komersial. Memberikan tutorial cara membuat toko di shopee yang dapat memperluas jangkauan pemasaran online dan target pasar. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan pengabdian ini, pelaku UMKM yang sebelumnya belum mengetahui atau memahami pemanfaatan digital marketing dan belanja online kini mulai memasarkan produknya secara online. Ketika konsumen memahami pentingnya mengambil foto produk untuk meningkatkan daya tariknya, konsumen akan merasakan dorongan untuk membeli produk mereka secara online.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pemanfaatan Limbah Kain dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Masyarakat: (Pemanfaatan pada Limbah Industri di Kelurahan Naga Cipta Kecamatan Serang Baru) Kosim, Muhammad; Harisandi, Prasetyo; Hariroh, Fikih Maria Rabiatul; Putih, Muhadar Muhadar
Jurnal Peradaban Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Peradaban Masyarakat (JPM)
Publisher : LPPM STIE Hidayatullah Depok

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55182/jpm.v4i1.389


Limbah kain merupakan salah satu jenis limbah non-biodegradable yang berasal dari industri tekstil dan fashion. Tingginya produksi limbah kain menjadi tantangan serius dalam konteks keberlanjutan lingkungan. Namun, potensi kreatif dan inovatif dalam memanfaatkan limbah kain telah menjadi fokus penelitian dan proyek berbagai pihak dalam usaha mengurangi dampak negatifnya terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai metode pemanfaatan limbah kain dan menganalisis dampaknya terhadap lingkungan serta kemanfaatan dalam konteks ekonomi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data meliputi survei lapangan, wawancara dengan pemilik usaha, dan analisis data dari kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa cara dalam memanfaatkan limbah kain seperti daur ulang menjadi serat tekstil baru. Pemanfaatan limbah kain ini memiliki dampak positif pada lingkungan, yaitu mengurangi volume limbah dan mengurangi kebutuhan akan bahan baku alami. Selain manfaat lingkungan, pengolahan limbah kain juga membuka peluang ekonomi bagi masyarakat setempat, baik melalui lapangan kerja baru maupun produk yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan dan inspirasi bagi para pelaku industri, pemerintah, dan masyarakat untuk mengembangkan inisiatif- inisiatif kreatif dalam mengurangi dampak limbah kain terhadap lingkungan.
Building Independence through an Entrepreneur Education, Marketing Channel Strategy and E-Commerce Mediated by Student’s Entrepreneur Motivation in Increasing MSMEs in Bekasi District Harisandi, Prasetyo; Yahya, Adibah; Istiqomah, Anisah
MUKADIMAH: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sejarah, dan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Sejarah Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Islam Sumatera

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30743/mkd.v8i2.9310


This study investigates the variables that affect the independence of Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bekasi District. It focuses on the importance of marketing strategy, e-commerce adoption, entrepreneur education, and entrepreneur motivation. Structured questionnaires were utilized to gather data from 156 MSME owners and students using a quantitative research approach. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique to test the proposed correlations. The results show that e-commerce usage, marketing strategy, and entrepreneur education all significantly increase MSME independence. Moreover, it was discovered that the correlations between these variables and MSME independence were mediated by entrepreneur motivation. The model fit indices highlight the validity and dependability of the study findings by showing that the structural model fits the data well. Policymakers, educators, and MSME owners aiming to encourage entrepreneurship and economic sustainability in Bekasi District and comparable places can benefit greatly from these findings.