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Tax Avoidance in Relationship on Capital Intensity, Growth Opportunities, Financial Distress and Accounting Conservatism Yahya, Adibah; Asiah, Neng; Nurjanah, Rina
Journal of Business Management and Economic Development Том 1 № 02 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jbmed.v1i02.56


Tax avoidance is an act of legal tax avoidance, but in this case the state suffers losses from this action. There are several factors that affect tax avoidance including capital intensity, growth opportunities, financial distress, and accounting conservatism. This type of research uses quantitative research with company objects that are members of the Jakarta Islamic Index 70. Data sources use secondary data listed in the company's financial reports for the 2018-2021 period. A total of 105 research data were tested using the SPSS version 25 application. The test results showed that only capital intensity had a negative and significant effect on tax avoidance, while other variables had no effect on tax avoidance. The test results show that tax avoidance tends to be influenced by factors that affect cost reduction.
Pendampingan Pembuatan Proposal Bisnis “Mak Enjoeh” Yahya, Adibah; Hidayat, Taufik; Saputera, Denny; Muhsoni, Ridwan; Ramdani, Cecep
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/j.pdl.v6i2.37934


UMKM dipercaya memiliki kontribusi untuk menambah upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan melalui penciptaan lapangan kerja. UMKM bahkan dianggap menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian di saat perusahaan besar tumbang. Kondisi ini merupakan sesuatu yang positif karena UMKM dapat menjadi tolak ukur perkembangan keuangan daerah. Namun beberapa pelaku UMKM kurang memahami bagaimana mengembangkan prosuknya. Salah satu strategi dalam pengembangan usaha diantaranya dibuatnya profil bisnis usaha atau biasa disebut sebagai proposal bisnis. Proposal bisnis adalah langkah awal yang penting dalam merencanakan pendirian atau pengembangan usaha. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan panduan praktis dan pendampingan dalam proses pembuatan proposal bisnis pada anggota Forum UMKM Cikarang pusat yaitu pemilik usaha  "Mak Enjoeh". Kegiatan melibatkan pengembangan panduan langkah-demi-langkah untuk membantu pemilik  makan dalam menyusun proposal bisnis yang komprehensif. Panduan ini mencakup aspek-aspek penting seperti analisis pasar, strategi pemasaran, perencanaan keuangan, serta aspek hukum dan perizinan yang relevan untuk bisnis  makan. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa pemilik usaha dapat menyusun proposal bisnis dengan baik dan menambah pengetahuan mereka proses perencanaan bisnis kedepannya.
Upaya Peningkatan Kompetensi Kaum Ibu Melalui Pelatihan Perencanaan Keuangan Rumah Tangga Hidayat, Taufik; Yahya, Adibah; Junedi, Junedi; Molinasari, Lisa; Monikawati, Winda Aprila
Jurnal Pengabdian Dharma Laksana Vol. 6 No. 2 (2024)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pamulang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32493/j.pdl.v6i2.37939


Pelatihan perencanaan keuangan rumah tangga bagi Majelis Ta'lim Kaum Ibu Al Barokah bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan dalam mengelola keuangan rumah tangga. Majelis Ta'lim Kaum Ibu Al Barokah adalah sebuah komunitas yang terdiri dari ibu-ibu yang aktif dalam kegiatan sosial dan keagamaan. Program pelatihan ini dirancang untuk membantu para ibu anggota majelis Ta'lim memahami pentingnya perencanaan keuangan, pengelolaan anggaran, investasi, serta bagaimana membangun keuangan yang sehat. Pelatihan ini mencakup berbagai topik penting, seperti pemahaman dasar tentang pengelolaan uang, menyusun anggaran rumah tangga, mengelola utang, investasi yang cerdas, dan perencanaan untuk masa depan. Selain itu, peserta juga akan belajar bagaimana membangun tujuan keuangan yang realistis, memprioritaskan pengeluaran, dan mengelola risiko keuangan. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan mencakup ceramah, diskusi kelompok, studi kasus, dan sesi tanya jawab. Hasil pelaksanaan menunjukkan bahwa kaum ibu yang tergabung dalam Mejelis Taklim Al Barokah sangat antusias dalam mengikuti seluruh kegiata. Hasil dari latihan mandiri yang diberikan menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman peserta sebesar 80% dari keseluruhan latihan yang diberikan.
Analysis Of Factors Influencing Non-Performing Loans Yahya, Adibah; Hidayat, Taufik; Pratiwi, Niken Cahyaning Mega
Proceeding International Pelita Bangsa Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The bank is an intermediary between parties needing funds and those with excess funds. The bank's main activity is channelling funds in the form of credit to parties who need funds. Credit distribution has a credit risk that arises when creditors cannot fulfil obligations according to the agreed time. Credit risk can be calculated using the Non-Performing Loan (NPL) ratio. This study aims to determine the effect of CAR, BOPO, LDR, ROA and LAR on NPL at PT. Bank Mandiri in 2001-2019. This research is a quantitative descriptive study, using multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The research object of PT. Bank Mandiri with saturated sampling technique. The results showed that CAR. BOPO, LDR, and LAR have no effect on NPL. Meanwhile, ROA has a negative effect on NPL.
The Effect of Store Atmosphere on Consumer Purchase Decisions at Kentucky Fried Chicken Serpong Branch Tangerang Selatan Yahya, Adibah; Haryadi, Rofiq Noorman
Kompartemen: Kumpulan Orientasi Pasar Konsumen Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Kompartemen: Kumpulan Orientasi Pasar Konsumen
Publisher : Management Science Doctoral Program, Pasundan University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56457/kompartemen.v1i1.372


This study aims to determine the effect of store atmosphere on purchasing decisions at Kentucky Fried Chicken Serpong Branch, South Tangerang. The method used is explanatory research with a sample of 96 respondents. The analysis technique uses statistical analysis with regression testing, correlation, determination and hypothesis testing. The results of this research store atmosphere variable obtained an average score of 3.41 with good criteria. Purchasing decision variable obtained an average score of 3.84 with good criteria. Store atmosphere has a significant effect on purchasing decisions with the regression equation Y = 9.196 + 0.856X, and a correlation value of 0.777 or strong with a determination of 60.4%. The hypothesis test obtained a significance of 0.000 <0.05.
Peningkatan Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Dasar Melalui Workshop Asesmen Kompetensi Di Kabupaten Bekasi Yahya, Adibah; Maryadi, Adi; Yuningsih, Nining; Carwinda, Carwinda; Saepulloh, Asep
Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Vol 2 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang Jl. Rangga Sentap, Dalong Sukaharja, Ketapang 78813. Telp. (0534) 3030686 Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58466/literasi.v2i1.1201


The Elementary School Level (SD) Competency Assessment Workshop is one of the programs of the Bekasi Regency Education Office in 2021. The Bekasi Regency Elementary Level AK Workshop in 2021 is a Continuous Professional Development activity in improving teacher competence, especially for fifth grade elementary school teachers. both in private schools and public schools related to national assessment policies, literacy and numeracy learning in elementary schools, the role of teachers and facilitation of effective learning environments for literacy and numeracy learning in elementary schools, diagnostic assessments, literacy and numeracy questions, and the introduction of digital national assessment platforms. The condition of the Covid-19 pandemic did not dampen the enthusiasm of teachers in participating in workshop activities, this activity was attended by elementary school teachers in the Bekasi Regency area, which was held using the zoom platform. The results of the activity showed that participants understood the material better than before, this was evidenced by the results of the pretest and posttest
Bimbingan Teknis Pembuatan Proposal Kredit Dan Laporan Keuangan Umkm Beken Kabupaten Bekasi Yahya, Adibah; Wulandari, Siska; Nurjanah, Rina; Teguh Nugroho, Arief
Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang Jl. Rangga Sentap, Dalong Sukaharja, Ketapang 78813. Telp. (0534) 3030686 Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58466/literasi.v2i2.1202


Technical guidance activities for credit proposals and financial reports are carried out to increase the entrepreneurial skills of business actors, especially MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises). This activity refers to follow-up activities for the establishment of well-known MSMEs (Bekasi Keren/Bekasi Regency). Bimtek activities are one way to increase the ability of MSMEs to increase their potential and become superior MSMEs, not only from the products produced but from the literacy/knowledge they possess. This activity was carried out in collaboration with the MSMEs, and Cooperative Service as well as LPPM Pelita Bangsa University. The implementation time will be 11-14 October 2021 at the Java Palace Hotel Jababeka. The participants of the activity amounted to 200 (two hundred) MSMEs participants. The material presented is in the form of a credit application proposal and the preparation of financial reports. The output of technical guidance is in the form of an assessment on the post-test which is carried out after the training is held. For credit application proposal materials and financial reports, 106 respondents filled out the post-test link with a score of 60-100 as many as 91% or 91 participants, while 9% got a score of 0-50 or as many as 9 people. It can be concluded that the level of understanding of the material is very well received by the participants of the technical guidance.
Implementasi Laporan Keuangan Digital melalui Akuntansi UKM di Resto Olin’s Café Bekasi Dyah Permatasari, Maulina; Yahya, Adibah; Bukhori Muslim, Ahmad; Yulianik, Yulianik; Aulia Masduki, Farah
Literasi Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Inovasi Vol 3 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Pengelola Jurnal Politeknik Negeri Ketapang Jl. Rangga Sentap, Dalong Sukaharja, Ketapang 78813. Telp. (0534) 3030686 Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58466/literasi.v3i1.1204


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia have become the biggest contributor to economic growth. The success of small and medium businesses is inseparable from digital developments. In increasing financial managerial capacity in terms of financial reporting, one of the methods used is to prepare financial reports with the help of the SME Accounting application. Community service implementation partners are SMEs engaged in buying and selling groceries. In order to improve financial literacy of partners, the methods used are in the form of lectures, discussions, mentoring and practice. In implementing the SME Accounting application, partners are assisted in creating accounts and inputting transactions. The purpose of this activity is to facilitate partners in preparing financial reports through the implementation of the SME Accounting application. The results of the activity show that partners are assisted by this activity, and hope that this activity can continue
Pelestarian dan Pemanfaatan Mangrove Dasman, Sunita; Yahya, Adibah; Nugroho, Andrianto Prasetya; Baldah, Nasrun
Jurnal Pelita Pengabdian Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Januari
Publisher : DPPM Universitas Pelita Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37366/jpp.v2i1.3139


AbstrakHutan mangrove atau mangal adalah sejumlah komunitas tumbuhan pantai tropis dan sub-tropis yang didominasi oleh pohon dan semak tumbuhan bunga (Angiospermae) terestrial yang dapat menginvasi dan tumbuh di lingkungan air laut. Faktor ekonomi sering kali mendorong pemanfaatan maksimal hutan mangrove, yang pada gilirannya dapat menyebabkan eksploitasi berlebihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk pelestarian dan pemanfaatan tumbuhan mangrove sebagai pencegah abrasi pantai dan menambah nilai ekonomi warga Kampung Beting, Desa Pantai Bahagia Kecamatan Muaragembong, Kabupaten Bekasi. Produk olahan mangrove yang paling layak untuk dikembangkan adalah dodol original, stik balado, dan sirup.Tanaman mangrove juga memiliki potensi sebagai bahan obat-obatan, aromatik, kayu bakar, kerajinan dan pewarna alam. Akibat abrasi air laut, hutan mangrove lambat laun berkurang sehingga perlu dilakukan penanaman kembali untuk mengurangi kerusakan pantai Muaragembong yang lebih parah. Adanya alih fungsi hutan mangrove turut mengancam kepunahan Lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus), kemiskinan dan masalah sanitasi bagi warga masyarakat sekitar.
Pelatihan Sumber Daya Manusia “Character Building” Posyandu Remaja Mekarmukti Kecamatan Cikarang Utara Kabupaten Bekasi Mardiani, Inna Nisawati; Wicaksana, Primaraga Sumantri Indra; Yahya, Adibah; Windi
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Riset Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakata dan Riset Pendidikan Volume 2 Nomor 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jerkin.v2i1.145


Character education is efforts that are systematically designed and implemented in order to instill human behavioral values related to God Almighty, oneself, fellow human beings, the environment and nationality. The formation of the adolescent personality is related to many factors that influence it such as through education and self-control, emotional intelligence, the environment where blessings/work, conditions and self-discipline, the ability to manage oneself/emotions, the ability to face the situation at hand, and much more that can support the person. Character building is an effort to build and shape a person's morals and ethics to be good. This community service aims to develop the abilities of adolescents in an effort to build positive character. The method in this service is to provide training on Character Building to the cadres of the Mekarmukti Youth Posyandu, North Cikarang District, Bekasi Regency, which totals 51 people. The participants before and after the training were given evaluations related to understanding Character Building. After providing training on Character Building, there is an increase in knowledge about Character Building, so that participants can understand the importance of building positive character in themselves.