Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan
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CYBER RELIGION: Implementasi Keberagamaan dan Respons Generasi Milenial Kuswana, Dadang; Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan; Aripudin, Acep
Al-Adyan: Journal of Religious Studies Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15548/al-adyan.v4i2.6192


This article discusses the practice of religion in cyberspace and the response of the millennial generation to the social media account @Bimbingan_Islam, as a form of practice of Cyber Religion. The account discusses various study themes, including the theme of patience, life advice, istiqomah in worship, the glory of dhikr, the glory of praying, and others. The purpose of this study is First, to find out how the world of Cyber Religion is on the YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook platforms @Bimbingan_Islam. Second, to find out how the millennial generation responds in the comments column to posts on religious studies on the Instagram platform account @Bimbingan_Islam. This article uses qualitative research methods using data collection techniques (Literature Review) with a non-participatory virtual ethnographic approach and analysis techniques using Lasswell's communication theory. The limitations of the millennial generation referred to in this article are in the age range of 18 to 34 years. What's interesting in this article is that it displays technological developments, illustrations of information dissemination, the level of popularity of social media, and the spread of religious studies in cyberspace, making it a powerful attraction for the millennial generation to continue to deepen, upgrade, and hone their insights about religion, namely on account @ Bimbingan_Islam, then this article finds a case on the social media account, namely there is a sentence that is inappropriate to be presented to the public by using strong language in broadcasting religious studies through social media. Artikel ini membahas tentang praktik agama di dunia maya dan respon generasi milenial pada akun media sosial @Bimbingan_Islam, yaitu Cyber Religion. Akun tersebut membahas berbagai macam tema kajian, seperti kesabaran, nasehat hidup, istiqomah dalam beribadah, kemuliaan zikir, salawat, dan lain-lain. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengungkap bagaimana dunia Cyber Religion dalam platform YouTube, Instagram, dan Facebook pada akun @Bimbingan_Islam. Selanjutnya mengetahui bagaimana respon generasi milenial dalam kolom komentar terhadap postingan kajian agama pada plaform Instagram akun @Bimbingan_Islam. Metode penelitian kualitatif digunakan melalui pengumpulan data studi pustaka (Literature Review) dengan pendekatan etnografi virtual yang bersifat non-partisipasi. Kemudian dianalisis menggunakan teori komunikasi Laswell. Artikel ini memperlihatkan perkembangan teknologi, ilustrasi penyebaran informasi, tingkat popularitas media sosial, dan penyebaran kajian agama. Ini membuat daya tarik yang dahsyat bagi generasi milenial untuk senantiasa terus memperdalam, mengupgrade, dan mengasah wawasan tentang agama. Namun dalam akun @Bimbingan_Islam, ditemukan suatu kasus, yaitu terdapat suatu kalimat yang tidak pantas untuk disajikan kepada khalayak publik dengan menggunakan bahasa yang kasar dalam menyiarkan kajian agama melalui media sosial.
Potret Kerukunan dan Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama di Perumahan Royal Residence Surabaya Kuswana, Dadang; Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol. 18, No. 4 : Al Qalam (Juli 2024)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an (STIQ) Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35931/aq.v18i4.3528


Artikel ini membahas potret kerukunan dan toleransi antar umat beragama di perumahan Royal Residence Surabaya, sehingga mampu hidup berdampingan secara harmonis, rukun, dan bertoleransi. Artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Teknik pengumpulan data yang disajikan pada artikel ini yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer, meliputi observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Sedangkan data sekunder, meliputi buku-buku, artikel ilmiah, dan artikel populer yang masih relevan dalam penelitian ini. Tehknik observasi langsung di Komplek Perumahan Royal Residence Surabaya terhadap 6 tempat peribadatan pada 21-23 September 2023. Wawacara di lapangan bersama narasumber Indra Prasetyo (Ketua FKRI: Forum Komunikasi Rumah Ibadah), Philip Soetojo (Humas FKRI: Forum Komunikasi Rumah Ibadah), Pdt. Sandi Nugroho (Penyuluh agama Kristen di Perumahan Royal Residence) dan Ust. Ali (Penyuluh agama Islam di Perumahan Royal Residence), informan meliputi beberapa warga lokal Perumahan Royal Residence dan petugas kebersihan dengan tekhnik wawancara semi-struktural. Hasil temuan dalam artikel ini adalah Pertama, kemunculan enam tempat ibadah berangkat dari keresahan warga Muslim terhadap tidak tersedia akses masjid, warga melakukan musyawarah dengan pihak developer, pihak developer bersedia membangun enam rumah ibadah dalam satu lokasi. Kedua, masyarakat Perumahan Elit Royal Residence Surabaya mampu hidup rukun dan bertoleransi secara berdampingan dalam satu kawasan melalui cara kerjasama dan saling pengertian, media grup WA (WhatsApp), berbagi kebaikan, menjaga hubungan relasi pertemanan, tidak mendiskreditkan nilai-nilai agama, saling menjaga kebersihan di lingkungan rumah ibadah, tidak bersikap fanatisme dan radikalisme, asas kebersamaan dan gotong royong, dan saling menjaga rasa (akhlak yang baik).
Comparative Study of Al-Ghazali and Ibn Arabi's Theodicy Thoughts About Divine Love Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan; Kuswana, Dadang; Qomaruzzaman, Bambang
Al Qalam: Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan Vol. 18, No. 3 : Al Qalam (Mei 2024)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an (STIQ) Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35931/aq.v18i3.3350


This research discusses the Covid-19 virus as an example of a case of suffering from the problematics of Theodicy, because Covid-19 has claimed lives, suffered economically, socially and academically, so that it appears that God is not all-just, not all-loving and not all-merciful. This research is qualitative research using descriptive analysis methods and comparative methods. This type of research is a literature review (Library Research) which uses a philosophical approach, and uses theodicy theory in the Covid-19 case. Primary data sources in this research include the works of Ibn Arabi, namely "al-Futuhat al-Makkiyah". Meanwhile, in Al-Ghazali's work, namely "Ihya Ulumuddin" part "Al-Mahabbah wa asy-Syauq wa al-Uns wa ar-Ridha". The results of this research are that Ibn Arabi and Al-Ghazali both answered that the Covid-19 suffering incident that was revealed by God to humans was not a form of wrath or punishment from God so that He is claimed to be God who is not Most Just, Not Most Merciful, and not all-loving, but as a manifestation of God, all-good, all-just, full of love and affection for His servants. However, the two have differences, namely in their path (the focal point of thought), Ibn Arabi's thinking which has a Sufistic pattern, namely on the basis of "Divine Love" with the focal point of adhering to the unity of existence (Wahdat al-Wujud). Meanwhile, in Al-Ghazali's thought, the style of his discussion is more Sufi in nature, namely on the basis of "Divine Love" with a focus on knowledge of God.
Religious Secularism: Muslim Perception and the Effects of France and Belgium's Niqab and Burqa Prohibition Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan; Shamsu, Lilly Suzana binti Haji; Kuswana, Dadang
Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jis.v4i1.31669


This article examines how the Muslim community perceives religious secularism in France and Belgium. Second, to explore the negative and positive impacts of the niqab and burqa ban policy on the perception of the Muslim community in France and Belgium. This article uses a descriptive qualitative research method (Field Research) with a participatory approach. Namely, the researcher conducted direct observations in France (Cannes, Marseille, and Dunkerque) and Belgium (Saint-Nicolas and Bouge) on 19-26 February 2022. The data collection techniques in this article are primary data and secondary data. Preliminary data includes field observations, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, secondary data includes books, scientific articles, and popular articles still relevant to this research. Then, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with informants or sources, namely Muslim women in Belgium and France. Furthermore, the documentation technique uses a theoretical reference source referring to Stephen P. Robbins' version of perception theory. The findings in this article are the perceptions of the Muslim community, which has been known above. The views of the Muslim community in France and Belgium towards religious secularism in terms of the prohibition of wearing the Niqab and Burqa vary greatly. These very varied views or perceptions are influenced by the principles, experiences, knowledge, attitudes, social conditions, surrounding environment, and personalities of those (Muslim communities) who live in France and Belgium. The negative impacts are more dominant, and this may worsen the social and economic conditions of Muslim communities.
Konsep Samsara dalam Agama Buddha dan Hindu Wahid, Annisa; Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan
Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas Vol 3, No 3 (2023): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jis.v3i3.25345


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal konsepsi samsara pada perspektif agama Buddha dan Hindu yang berfokus pada tiga hal, yaitu: pertama, eksistensi samsara dalam agama Buddha dan Hindu. Kedua, pengaruh samsara bagi agama Buddha dan Hindu. Ketiga, perbandingan samsara dalam agama Buddha dan Hindu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan yang dibantu dengan teknis analisis deskriptif berupa kualitatif dan menggunakan teori perbandingan Leon Festinger. Hasil riset dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa samsara dalam agama Hindu dan Buddha memiliki persamaan, tapi di akhir kejadian samsara itu mempunyai versi perbedaan pada perspektif Hindu dan Buddha. Konsepsi persamaan samsara pada perspektif Buddha dan Hindu adalah terletak pada samsara yang diibaratkan sebagai suatu ganjaran dari proses hidup yang dialamai seseorang pada masa lalu yang diproses dan diciptakan lagi ke dunia secara berkelanjutan hingga kesalahan seseorang bisa dihapuskan. Dalam perspektif Buddha samsara kembali dipahami bagaikan suatu ganjaran, akan tetapi ganjaran yang diartikan dalam masalah ini diibaratkan tidak seperti ganjaran yang dimaksud dalam perspektif Hindu, kondisi ini dianggap menjadi suatu keadaan kesengsaraan atau yang biasa disebut dengan Dukha serta suatu kemalangan yang dialami selama hidup dalam dunia. Adapun yang membedakan samsara dalam agama Buddha dan Hindu adalah samsara dalam perspektif Hindu diyakini sebagai bagian dari Pancha Srada yang biasa diistilahkan dengan kepercayaan yang lima dan juga biasa disebut dengan istilah Punarbhawa. Pada perspektif Buddha samsara digolongkan dalam enam alam keberadaan dan kemunculan seseorang yang berbeda-beda karakter dan rupanya. Enam alam ini dibagi lagi menjadi tiga alam jahat (neraka, hantu, hewan) dan tiga alam lebih tinggi (beruntung dan baik) dan samsara dikategorikan dalam tiga alam jahat.
Integration of Islam and Education Syah, Yoshy Hendra Hardiyan; Badrudin, Badrudin; Ulfiah, Ulfiah
Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas Vol 4, No 2 (2024): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jis.v4i2.34485


This article examines the integration of Islam and education. The objective of this article is to understand the importance of education in life and explore the relationship between religion and education. The research method employed is qualitative descriptive with the data collection technique of literature review, using an interdisciplinary approach to understand the educational context from the perspective of Islam in order to describe the integration of Islam and education descriptively. What makes this article interesting is its emphasis on the significance of education in life and the revelation of the relationship between religion and education. The research findings highlight that through the provision of education, individuals gain an understanding of the meaning and purpose of life, enabling them to experience the sweetness of life with everything it encompasses. Conversely, individuals without a foundation of education may lack awareness of the meaning and purpose of life, leading to a lack of satisfaction and happiness. Furthermore, the relationship between religion and education is depicted as mutually reinforcing, where religion serves as the most crucial foundation for education. Education grounded in religion, according to the article, gives rise to a distinctive meaning. Islam views education as a right for everyone, regardless of gender, and it is considered a lifelong process. Within the realm of education, Islam is seen as a source of inspiration with a complex and clear formulation in terms of goals, curriculum, methods, teachers, facilities, and more.