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Phinisi Integration Review Volume 7 Nomor 2 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pir.v7i2.62176


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dampak kesetaraan gender terhadap kemandirian dan kekuatan perempuan Bugis saat ini. Peran perempuan dalam masyarakat Bugis telah lama menjadi bagian penting dari budaya mereka, di mana mereka memiliki kontribusi signifikan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Penelitian ini mengkaji bagaimana nilai-nilai budaya Bugis memfasilitasi kesetaraan gender dan pengaruhnya terhadap perempuan Bugis di zaman sekarang. Melalui studi kasus tentang lima perempuan Bugis di Makassar, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tantangan serta peluang yang dihadapi perempuan dalam pengembangan diri dan partisipasi dalam masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem kekerabatan bilateral dalam budaya Bugis, yang memberi penekanan pada kedua garis keturunan ibu dan ayah, turut berperan dalam kemandirian ekonomi dan sosial perempuan Bugis. Keterlibatan aktif perempuan Bugis dalam bidang sosial, politik, dan ekonomi mencerminkan implementasi praktik kesetaraan gender. Penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman baru tentang dinamika kesetaraan gender dalam budaya Bugis serta dampaknya terhadap pemberdayaan perempuan Bugis pada masa sekarang. Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya menjaga nilai-nilai budaya yang mendukung kesetaraan gender sebagai dasar bagi pembangunan sosial dan ekonomi yang inklusif.This research aims to explore the impact of gender equality on the independence and power of Bugis women today. The role of women in Bugis society has long been an important part of their culture, where they have made significant contributions in various aspects of life. This research examines how Bugis cultural values facilitate gender equality and its impact on Bugis women today. Through case studies of five Bugis women in Makassar, it identifies the challenges and opportunities women face in their self-development and participation in society. The results show that the bilateral kinship system in Bugis culture, which emphasizes both maternal and paternal lineages, contributes to Bugis women's economic and social independence. Bugis women's active involvement in social, political and economic spheres reflects the implementation of gender equality practices. This research provides new insights into the dynamics of gender equality in Bugis culture and its impact on the empowerment of Bugis women today. Finally, it highlights the importance of maintaining cultural values that support gender equality as the basis for inclusive social and economic development.
The Role of Cultural Factors in Consumer Behavior on Purchasing Decisions for Herborist Products Irensi Seppa, Yusi; Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha
Pinisi Business Administration Review Volume 6 Nomor 2 September, 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/pbar.v6i2.65424


Cultural factors greatly influence consumer behavior. Cultural factors influence consumer behavior, which can be seen from lifestyles, habits, and traditions in the demand for different goods and services. The purpose of this study is to find out more about how cultural factors influence consumer behavior when they choose to buy Herborist products. Descriptive qualitative research is the type of research used because it can help researchers by explaining the facts that exist in the field. Data collection techniques included observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is the first stage of the data reduction process, which focuses on selecting, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming rough data from field notes. The second stage is data presentation, where information is organized into statements that allow conclusions to be drawn, and the third stage is conclusion drawing based on data reduction and presentation. The results showed that cultural factors have the greatest and most significant impact on how consumers make purchasing decisions. Culture, subculture, and social class are some of the ways the role of cultural factors is demonstrated.
Pemanfaatan Ice Breaking untuk Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa Melalui Pelatihan Kelompok Kerja Guru dan Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran di Kabupaten Banggai Sulawesi Tengah Torro, Supriadi; Manda, Darman; Ridha, Muh. Rasyid; Patahuddin, Patahuddin; Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha
Humanis Vol. 22, No. 2 Desember 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/humanis.v22i2.54559


Permasalahan dasar yang dialami dalam pembelajaran oleh guru terhadap peserta didik adalah kurang menyenangkannya proses pembelajaran. Guru yang hanya mengejar untuk menyelesaikan materi pelajaran tanpa menyisipkan permainan dalam proses pembelajaran membuat proses pembelajaran menjadi kurang menyenangkan bagi peserta didik. Salah satu cara yang dianggap mampu dilakukan oleh guru adalah membuat permainan. Namun permainan yang dimiliki oleh seorang guru sangat  terbatas, sehingga  diperlukan adanya tehnik atau cara membuat permainan atau ice breaker. melalui kegiatan pelatihan ini maka diharapkan guru dapat memiliki tingkat pemahaman yang tinggi tentang peran dan fungsi ice breaker agar peserta didik tidak merasa bosan dalam mengikuti pelajaran.  Hasil evaluasi tahap pertama menunjukkan rendahnya pemahaman peran dan fungsi ice breaker atau permaian dalam pembelajaran. Rendahnya pemahaman tersebut disebabkan karena kurangnya pengetahuan tentang peran dan fungsi permainan dan jenis-jenis permaianan yang dilakukan dalam pembelajaran.Setelah guru mendapatkan materi pelatihan dan dilakukan evaluasi nampak bahwa para guru  sudah bisa memahami peran dan fungsi ice breaker atau permainan dalam pembelajaran. Abstract. The basic problem experienced in learning by teachers towards students is the lack of fun in the learning process. Teachers who only pursue to complete the subject matter without inserting games in the learning process make the learning process less fun for students. One of the ways that teachers are considered capable of doing is making games. However, the games owned by a teacher are very limited, so there is a need for techniques or ways to make games or ice breakers. Therefore, through this training activity, it is hoped that teachers can have a high level of understanding of the role and function of ice breakers so that students do not feel bored in attending lessons. The results of the first stage evaluation showed a low understanding of the role and function of ice breakers or games in learning. The low understanding is due to the lack of knowledge about the role and function of games and the types of games used in learning. After the teachers received training materials and evaluations, it appeared that the teachers were able to understand the role and function of ice breakers or games in learning
Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Melalui Pelatihan Penulisan Publikasi bagi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Antropologi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Makassar Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha; Arifin, Iqbal; Syarif, Kurnia Ali; Seppa, Yusi Irensi; Asmunandar, Asmunandar
Humanis Vol. 23, No. 1 Juni 2024
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26858/humanis.v23i1.61350


 The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge and understanding of Anthropology Education Study Program students of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Law about scientific article writing training. It is hoped that this PKM will help students of the Anthropology Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law in writing scientific articles. The service activity consists of three stages. The first is preparation, which includes preparing training materials and materials, field observations, and determining the training location. The second stage is the preparation of proposals and research implementation. The third stage is writing scientific articles. Participants must be able to compile scientific articles properly and precisely, which shows that this activity is successful.
FoMO: Kecemasan Digital di Kalangan Pengguna TikTok Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha; Arifin, Iqbal; Inayah, Muh
Emik Vol 6 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Muslim Maros

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46918/emik.v6i2.2041


TikTok is one of the most popular social media today and has even become one of the social media that triggered the emergence of fear of missing out (FoMO) phenomenon. FoMO is a feeling of anxiety, discomfort, and restlessness felt by a person when he/she feels missing out on opportunities, experiences, or even interesting events presented by other TikTok users. While the existing literatures mostly focuse on the psychological aspects of FoMO and the reasons behind its occurrence, a novel contribution of this article is the different levels of FoMO experienced by those who experience it. Using a qualitative approach, this study was conducted between May 2023 and August 2023. There were ten participants involved in this study who had experienced or were currently experiencing FoMO. They varied in terms of gender (four males and six females) and age (between 18 and 24 years old), status (six university students, two employees and the other two high school students. Data were collected using in-depth interview and observation. The research shows that FoMO is the fear of something happening and going viral on TikTok, but when someone misses it or experience it, then he/she will feel left behind, which is popularly termed as "not updated". TikTok is very significant in causing FoMO because it contains unlimited content, is presented in a short duration, is easily accessed, so it can stimulate its users to always scroll (up, down, left, right), and poison its users. When they can't control themselves, they become addicted. There are four main levels of FoMO on TikTok: first, mild FoMO which is just a curiosity to participate in viral content; second, moderate FoMO, where users feel anxious about not being able to follow viral content and create a greater desire to engage; third, severe FoMO which can make users feeling stress and trying to always be connected to TikTok, even to the point of interfering with their daily activities; and finally, extreme FoMO which is the most dangerous level of FoMO because they feel trap by excessive FoMO, even to the point of wanting to end their lives. It is argued in this article that what level a person is at depends on how a person controls him/herself over the use of TikTok. Therefore, TikTok users must be careful from the beginning to control themselves, so that this super strong social media does not dominate its users
Perilaku Konsumtif Gay di Kota Makassar Putra, Ansar Dias; Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Riset Pembangunan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL EKONOMI DAN RISET PEMBANGUNAN (JERP)
Publisher : Research Agency for Humanity and Urban

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine: the factors that cause gays in Makassar City and consumptive behavior as a lifestyle for gays in Makassar city. In this research, qualitative research was used with a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation involving 5 (five) individual informants selected through a purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, data display, conclusion and data verification. The results of the study show that: (1) The causes of gays in Makassar City are that they want to look different, they are proud of their appearance, join in and attract the attention of others. (2) gay consumptive behavior as a lifestyle in Makassar City, there are two things: (a) it is more based on desires than needs, (b) gay consumptive behavior in Makassar city is not always related to the world of fashion, but they can also express themselves with gather with the community as an indicator of social status.
Teachers Perception of the Use of Social Media in the Learning Process Darmayanti, Dyan Paramitha
Celebes Journal of Elementary Education Vol 1 No 2 (2023): Celebes Journal of Elementary Education : Desember (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Barat

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Teachers perspectives on incorporating media into the learning process were explored in a study conducted in two schools in Makassar. The study involved 10 participants consisting of subject teachers, principals, technology officers, educators with expertise in social media, and those with knowledge in this area. Data was collected through interviews and group discussions. It was then analysed using the thematic analysis method. The research findings show that social media has the potential to increase student engagement and motivation by enabling interaction and wider access to learning materials. However, there are challenges such as varying levels of technology adoption, concerns over data privacy and student disruption that need to be addressed. To overcome these barriers, the study suggests training for educators to improve their confidence and skills, implementation of privacy protocols to protect student information, creation of relevant and engaging educational content, and establishment of effective monitoring mechanisms to ensure appropriate use of social media in educational settings. By addressing these issues head-on, the benefits of using media in education can be fully utilised.