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Government Policies and Foreign Direct Investment: Driving Sustainable Economic Growth and Development Sitepu, Karolina; Tampubolon, Anggiat Martua
Inspirasi & Strategi (INSPIRAT): Jurnal Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis Vol. 15 No. 1 (2024): July: Kebijakan Publik & Bisnis
Publisher : IHSA Institute

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This research examines the impact of government policies on foreign investment, focusing on their effectiveness in fostering sustainable economic growth and development. Through a comprehensive review of existing literature and empirical analysis, the study explores key policy instruments such as fiscal incentives, regulatory reforms, and sector-specific strategies. The findings highlight that well-designed policies can significantly enhance a country's attractiveness to foreign investors by reducing investment risks, improving infrastructure, and promoting technological innovation. However, persistent challenges such as political instability, corruption, inadequate infrastructure, and regulatory complexities continue to pose barriers to effective policy implementation. Case studies and comparative analyses illustrate successful policy interventions in countries like Singapore and South Korea, where strategic investments in education, infrastructure, and innovation have driven economic transformation. These examples underscore the importance of policy coherence, institutional capacity building, and international cooperation in optimizing the benefits of foreign direct investment (FDI). The research concludes with implications for policymakers to prioritize governance reforms, enhance transparency, and foster inclusive growth strategies that harness the potential of FDI for sustainable development.
Kenali Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Untuk Hidup Lebih Sehat Dasopang, Eva Sartika; ningrum, siti rahmi; Febriani, yessi; hidayat, supran; sitepu, karolina; Hajatina, Hajatina
ABDIMASKU : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat UTND Vol 3 No 1 (2024): Edisi Januari 2024 - Juni 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36490/jpmtnd.v3i1.1006


Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus, yang disebabkan oleh kegagalan sekresi dan kerja insulin, terus menjadi perhatian global, terutama di negara-negara berkembang. Fokus utama pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi dan meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat, khususnya siswa-siswi, tentang Diabetes Mellitus guna mencapai gaya hidup yang lebih sehat. Tujuan dilaksanakannnya pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman yang komprehensif mengenai penyakit ini, termasuk penyebab, dampak, dan cara pencegahan. Dengan memfokuskan edukasi pada generasi muda, diharapkan pesan tentang pentingnya hidup sehat dapat diinternalisasi sejak dini. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan mencakup penyampaian informasi melalui ceramah yang informatif dan interaktif. Hasil kegiatan ini mencerminkan peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat, terlihat dari partisipasi aktif siswa-siswi dalam sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi. Melalui pendekatan edukatif ini, diharapkan masyarakat dapat mengambil langkah-langkah preventif dan memperbaiki gaya hidup mereka, sehingga meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara keseluruhan. Pengabdian ini memberikan kontribusi pada upaya global untuk mengatasi masalah kesehatan publik yang terus berkembang, dengan memfokuskan pada edukasi sebagai langkah awal yang penting.
Pencegahan Penyakit Kardiovaskuler Bagi Masyarakat Hasanah, Fenny; Anggreini, Dea; Sudewi, Sudewi; Sari, Nurmala; Sitepu, Karolina
ABDIMASKU : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat UTND Vol 3 No 2 (2024): Edisi Juli 2024 - Desember 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Tjut Nyak Dhien

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36490/jpmtnd.v3i2.1308


Sistem kardiovaskular umumnya merupakan sistem yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengangkat oksigen, mengedarkan darah dan nutrisi keseluruh tubuh, dan membawa semua produk limbah. Sistem ini mencakup darah, jantung dan pembuluh darah. Pembuluh darah dan Jantung tidak dapat berfungsi dapat disebabkan biasanya oleh penyakit kardiovaskular, Cara pola makan dengan makanan tinggi lemak, kebiasaan merokok, konsumsi alkohol, kurangnya aktivitas olahraga menjadi pemicu munculnya penyakit kardiovaskular. Kegiatan ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman dan wawasan masyarakat terkait Penyakit kardiovaskuler dan bagaimman cara pencegahannya. Sosialisasi ini dilakukan secara langsung dengan metode penyampaian materi dan diskusi serta pemberian brosur kepada masyarakat. Tanggapan masnyarakat cukup baik pada kegiatan ini. Hasil dari kegiatan ini terjadinya peningkatan pemahaman masyarakat. Hasil survei di analisis menggunakan uji statistik deskriptif, dimana data ditampilkan dalam bentuk persentase (%) dan frekuensi (n), terdapat 54 responden (90%) mengetahui apa yang dimaksud dengan penyakit kardiovaskuler.
The Influence of Digital Literacy on the Use of Whatsapp Group Applications for Students and Teachers: Pengaruh Literasi Digital Terhadap Penggunaan Aplikasi Grup Whatsapp Bagi Siswa dan Guru Di SMKS Muhammadiyah 9 Medan Siregar, Dahris; Harahap, Faisal Sadat; Sitepu, Karolina; Adlina, Min; Sabila, Puji Chairu; Prasetyo, Andi; Rivai, Muhammad; Nababan, Samuel; Br. Silalahi, Dita Regina
CONSEN: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): Consen: Indonesian Journal of Community Services and Engagement
Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57152/consen.v4i1.1041


The process of data prevention and filtering is necessary because the development and advancement of the internet has led to excessive use of technology by students. Through counseling or socialization from community observers about current conditions and situations that can have a bad impact and bring many losses to adolescents, which will definitely interfere with their mental health and productivity as adolescents. As a result, counselling and mentorship are the goals of carrying out this service projec. teaching the people, especially vocational students about the impact of digital literacy on the smart and wise use of the WhatsApp group application by students and teachers. Lecture, discussion, and simulation methods are used to carry out this activity as counseling. 32 students from SMKS Muhamamdiyah 9 Medan became participants. The results of counseling activities show that students are very proficient in digital literacy. Not only has moral awareness in communicating, but also has beneficial skills to receive, create, and disseminate information. Pupils can recognise when to utilise WhatsApp as a learning tool to communicate between teachers and students. This was shown by partners how important short information collected through the WhatsApp application is to make people use social media intelligently without misusing it, starting with themselves. The WhatsApp application is very important to provide knowledge to participants and help teachers and students provide and get learning information. It can also be shared with friends, companions, family and other close people
Al-Adl : Jurnal Hukum Vol 16, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/al-adl.v16i2.13325


The rapid development of information technology has raised concerns about cybercrime and mayantara crime, which has an impact on various aspects of life. Therefore, people who communicate on social networks must have good ethics and interact well with others because their mistakes can result in criminal sanctions. This research aims to understand criminal offenses, sanctions, and legal considerations in the dissemination of defamatory electronic documents and information. Normative juridical is used by the author in this research which means using court decisions as the basis for solving problems. Secondary data is obtained from primary data used in this research. Data for this research was collected through literature research. Qualitative data was used for analysis. Dissemination of electronic information containing defamation or Article 27 paragraph (3) of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law regulates defamation. Defamation of private electronic information is a violation of the law. In Decision No. 978/Pid.Sus/2018/PT. MDN of the Medan High Court, the judge decided that the perpetrator of the criminal offence of disseminating electronic documents and information containing insults and defamation fulfilled the requirements of Articles 45 and 27 of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law, both including paragraph (3). This research concludes that the judge has applied the provisions of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law. Future research should conduct field research related to this field.
The Wearable Band with Electromagnetic Band Gap Antenna for Heart Rate Detection System Sitepu, Karolina; Hafizha, Syahna; Riansyah, Aldi; Salim, Akhmad Raihan; Prabowo, Vinsensius Sigit Widhi; Nur, Levy Olivia; Ryanu, Harfan Hian
JMECS (Journal of Measurements, Electronics, Communications, and Systems) In Press Papers
Publisher : Universitas Telkom

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25124/jmecs.v11i1.7662


Wearable antennas are antennas that can be applied to the human body and are made of flexible materials, making them ideal for healthcare technology. The quality of the signal received by the antenna directly affects the accuracy of heart rate detection If the antenna measurements indicate strong, clear signal reception, the heart rate monitor can accurately detect and interpret heartbeats. In this study, a planar monopole antenna was designed and developed using a circular patch with Ultra Wide Band (UWB) characteristics. The FR-4 and copper were utilized for the substrate and the ground plane and patch, respectively. Simulations and measurements were conducted at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The antenna with the added EBG structure showed improved performance compared to the conventional antenna, exhibiting better S11 and VSWR values. Additionally, all radiation patterns were unidirectional.  Applying this antenna to transmit heart rate measurements results in an accuracy of  94.34% compared to conventional onsite heart rate measurement. This study demonstrates that the wearable band provides real-time heart rate monitoring, while the EBG antenna enhances sensitivity and accuracy in detecting heart rate. This research can be enhanced by optimizing the EBG design and conducting additional trials to ensure the device performs well for a variety of users.