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SOCIAL : Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPS Vol. 3 No. 4 (2023)
Publisher : Pusat Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penelitian Indonesia (P4I)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51878/social.v3i4.3071


Business competition in Indonesia is getting tighter along with the increasing number of entrepreneurs and new companies. One of the important sectors is the construction industry, especially the roofs of buildings that function as protection from weather elements and falling objects. The importance of raw material inventory for smooth production is crucial, because it affects the production process and operational costs. This study aims to analyze the inventory management of raw materials in meeting the demand for light steel assembly in CV. Nira Jaya Abadi in Way Jepara District, East Lampung. The data collection methods used are documentation and interviews. The results of the study show that the management of raw material inventory in CV. Nira Jaya Abadi is not yet optimal in 2023. Using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) method, it was found that the number of economical purchases of raw materials was 3,623 units, while the average purchase made by the company was only 1,617 units. This results in a higher frequency of purchases, which is 12 times a year, compared to the optimal frequency of 5 times. As a result, the cost of ordering and inventory of raw materials increased, with inventory costs reaching IDR 19,440,670, while the optimal cost according to the EOQ calculation was IDR 17,065,510.5. This inefficiency causes the company to bear additional costs as well as the risk of damage to raw materials. ABSTRAKPersaingan bisnis di Indonesia semakin ketat seiring dengan semakin banyaknya wirausahawan dan perusahaan baru. Salah satu sektor yang penting adalah industri konstruksi khususnya atap bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung dari unsur cuaca dan benda jatuh. Pentingnya persediaan bahan baku untuk kelancaran produksi sangatlah penting, karena mempengaruhi proses produksi dan biaya operasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis manajemen persediaan bahan baku dalam memenuhi permintaan perakitan baja ringan di CV. Nira Jaya Abadi di Kabupaten Way Jepara, Lampung Timur. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan persediaan bahan baku di CV. Nira Jaya Abadi belum optimal pada tahun 2023. Dengan menggunakan metode Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), diketahui jumlah pembelian bahan baku yang ekonomis sebanyak 3.623 unit, sedangkan rata-rata pembelian yang dilakukan perseroan hanya 1.617 unit. Hal ini mengakibatkan frekuensi pembelian lebih tinggi yaitu 12 kali dalam setahun dibandingkan frekuensi optimal yaitu 5 kali. Akibatnya biaya pemesanan dan persediaan bahan baku meningkat, dengan biaya persediaan mencapai Rp19.440.670, sedangkan biaya optimal menurut perhitungan EOQ adalah Rp17.065.510,5. Inefisiensi ini menyebabkan perusahaan menanggung biaya tambahan serta risiko kerusakan bahan baku.
Variations in Satisfaction from Prepaid and Postpaid Electricity Use Based on Community Perception in Bandar Sribhawono Sandora, Putri; Sugiono, Sugiono; Saputra, Ardian
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities Vol 4, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jrssh.v4i2.150


During World War II, electricity companies in Indonesia were controlled by Japan and subsequently seized by Indonesian youths after independence in September 1945, then handed over to the Republic of Indonesia government. President Sukarno established the Electricity and Gas Office on October 27, 1945. PLN (State Electricity Company) has adopted various innovations, including Prepaid Electricity Service (LPB), as part of efforts to enhance service quality to the public.This study focuses on comparing satisfaction between Prepaid and Postpaid electricity users based on community perceptions in Bandar Sribhawono. Data analysis methods using Chi-Square test and Coefficient of Contingency indicate that the presence of Prepaid PLN significantly contributes to improving community satisfaction, with a contingency coefficient value of 0.7985, exceeding the critical value set.These findings suggest that promotional strategies and services implemented by PT PLN (State Electricity Company) Distribution in Bandar Sribhawono have the potential to influence public preferences in choosing between Prepaid and Postpaid electricity. The implications of these findings can serve as a basis for enhancing marketing strategies and services to achieve broader adoption of Prepaid Electricity in the future. 
Economic and Social Transformation through Bank Sampah Berkah in Sumbersari, Sekampung District, East Lampung Buchori, Buchori; Aliyah, Hikmatul; Sandora, Putri; Prasetiyo, Prasetiyo
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities Vol 4, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jrssh.v4i2.171


Waste is a solid material that is a byproduct of human activities, which is no longer desired or needed. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), waste is defined as items from human activities that are no longer needed, used, or wanted, and thus discarded. Waste management includes all activities involved in handling waste from generation to final disposal, including waste minimization, collection, transfer and transportation, processing, and final disposal. In response to this issue, Bank Sampah Berkah in Sumbersari Village, Sekampung District, East Lampung Regency, has taken the initiative to address local waste problems. It is hoped that this waste bank can provide a solution to the existing waste issues. To date, Bank Sampah Berkah manages over 2 tons of waste per month.The research question addressed in this study is: “What is the impact of Bank Sampah Berkah (BSB) on the welfare of the community in Sumbersari Village, Sekampung District, East Lampung Regency?” This study is limited to one variable, which is community welfare, with the object of research being Bank Sampah Berkah. The study location is Sumbersari Village, Sekampung District, East Lampung Regency.The results of the study show that the calculated Chi-Square value is 320.07. Based on the 5% and 1% significance levels, the Chi-Square table values are 43.773 and 50.892, respectively. Thus, the calculated Chi-Square value is greater than the Chi-Square table values at both the 5% and 1% significance levels (43.773 320.07 50.892). This indicates that the presence of Bank Sampah Berkah in Sumbersari Village, Sekampung District, East Lampung Regency has a positive impact on improving community welfare.
Income Perspectives In The Coconut Sugar Industry A Comparative Study Of Landowner Farmers And Tenant Farmers In Labuhan Ratu Bakhri, Syaiful; Aliyah, Hikmatul; Sandora, Putri; Muslimah, Nurul
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities Vol 4, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jrssh.v4i2.151


The plantation sub-sector is an important part of national development. One of the plantation commodities widely managed by small industries is coconut sugar, with raw materials derived from coconut trees. In Labuhan Ratu District, many small household industries are engaged in the production and processing of coconut sugar. This processing is done using coconut plants that have not been intensively cultivated. It is known that the average cost incurred by tenant farmers and landowner farmers is IDR 96,000 per week, with a production output of 1 quintal of brown sugar and a rental cost of IDR 70,000 per tree per year. This study aims to determine the income differences between landowner farmers and tenant farmers in the coconut sugar business in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung. The data collection techniques used include observation, documentation, and interviews. The study population consists of 100 coconut sugar entrepreneurs in Labuhan Ratu District, with the same sample size using the saturated sampling technique. Data analysis results show that at a 5% error level with 98 degrees of freedom, the t-table value is 1.66055, while the calculated t-value is 2.770. Because the calculated t-value (2.770) t-table value (1.66055), the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted, meaning there is a difference in income between landowner farmers and tenant farmers in the coconut sugar business in Labuhan Ratu District, East Lampung. Landowner farmers have higher incomes than tenant farmers because the income of tenant farmers must be shared among group members or partnerships, whereas the income of landowner farmers is entirely owned by one individual.
The Correlation Between Marketing Elements and Consumer Purchase Interest at Suzuki Persada Car Dealer Buchori, Buchori; Dede, Dede; Sandora, Putri; Wati, Nani Lina
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities Vol 4, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jrssh.v5i1.169


This study aims to evaluate the impact of each element of the marketing mix on consumer purchase interest, providing valuable insights for Suzuki Persada Car Dealer in developing more effective marketing strategies. The data collection techniques for this research include questionnaires and documentation. The sample in this study consists of 100 consumers interested in purchasing a car at the Suzuki Persada car dealer in Lampung.The results of this study are: (1) the questionnaire instrument used is valid, as the calculated R value is greater than 0.300, (2) the reliability test results, which determine the accuracy of the measuring instruments used, show values of 0.717 for product quality, 0.762 for price, 0.892 for place, 0.745 for promotion, and 0.751 for purchase interest, all of which are greater than the minimum value of 0.6, (3) product quality significantly influences purchase interest by 59.1%, (4) price significantly influences purchase interest by 61.7%, (5) place significantly influences purchase interest by 43.9%, (6) promotion significantly influences purchase interest by 51.5%, (7) product quality, price, place, and promotion significantly influence purchase interest by 80.2%, with the remaining influence coming from other factors
Assessment of Agricultural Mechanization's Influence on WIP Costs at PT. Great Giant Pineapple PG4 Lampung Timur BAKHRI, SYAIFUL; Sulastri, Susi; Sandora, Putri; Gunawan, Gunawan
Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities Vol 4, No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Utan Kayu Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47679/jrssh.v4i2.149


The advancement of the times, marked by progress in science and technology, has had a profound impact on human life. As thinking beings, humans continuously strive to develop various aspects of life to improve their quality of living. This process of change is ongoing, especially in the agricultural sector, which plays a crucial role in human life, and in industries such as PT. Great Giant Pineapple, one of the largest fruit plantation companies in Indonesia that has exported its pineapple products to nearly every corner of the world. The objective of this study is to determine and analyze the differences in Work In Progress (WIP) costs before and after the implementation of mechanization in the Banana Department at PT. Great Giant Pineapple PG4. The data used in this study are quantitative, and the methods for data collection include documentation and interviews. For data analysis, a two-sample independent t-test was employed. The results of the data analysis show that the Sig. (2-tailed) value from the Independent Samples Test table is 0.014, which is less than 0.05. Based on the decision criteria for the t-test, it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, indicating that there is a significant difference in WIP costs before and after the implementation of mechanization at PT. Great Giant Pineapple PG4 Banana Department. Prior to mechanization, there was an overcost of IDR 1,674,000,000, which was reduced to IDR 749,998,500 after mechanization, resulting in a total saving of IDR 924,001,500. This reduction is attributed to the shift from using 12 manual laborers to just 1 laborer operating a machine, which cut down the workforce by 11 people and simultaneously increased productivity and quality, processing land from 1 hectare to 7 hectares.